Monday, January 13, 2014 at 5:45pm
In Attendance: Crystal Maddalena (Teen Court Coordinator), Natasha Singar(Teen Court Assistant) Sandy
Sobocinski (Southlake Board Appointee), Crystal Shafer (Keller Board Appointee), Darlene Freed (Grapevine
City Council liaison), Catherine Burton (Colleyville Board Appointee), Chris Henz (Keller Board Appointee),
Traci Hutton (Grapevine Board Appointee), Marjorie Lewis (Grapevine Board Appointee), Debbie Bryan (Keller
City Council Liason)
Absent: Carrie Stewart (Colleyville Board Appointee), Mike Taylor (Colleyville City Council Liaison), Laura Hill
(Southlake City Council Liaison),
1. Call to order at 5:47 p.m. by Sandy Sobocinski (President)
2. Administrative Comments (Staff)
CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes from November 4, 2013
3. Motion by Marjorie Lewis, Second by Chris Henz
4. Discussion: Community Work Site Approval Procedures
Staff informed members that work site would be completely updated with all agencies filing new applications.
Final list would be submitted to judges for approval and then to board for review. Any board questions would
be returned to judges for final approval. No questions from board.
5. Discussion: Scholarship Interviews
Members discussed scholarship interviews that will take place during the next meeting. Members asked that
staff have chart of applicants and questions for members available. Staff will send all information to board prior
to meeting/interviews.
6. Update: Volunteer Appreciation Reception and Dates to Remember
Staff updated members on important dates to remember including upcoming training and volunteer reception.
7. Public Forum
Judge Mike Newman requested that number of total juveniles compared to those who opt to take teen court be
presented at next meeting.
9. Meeting Adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
Motion by Debbie Bryan, second by Marjorie Lewis
Next meeting was scheduled for 5:45pm on Monday, March 17, 2014 .
Respectfully Submitted by: Apprc ed By:
efroport Ben Court Coordinator MT Advisory Board Member
Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting Minutes—November 4,2013