2015-10-12 ICITY OF j SOUTH LAIN PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: OCTOBER 12, 2015 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tina Wasserman, Vice Chair Chad Patton and Secretary France Scharli; and Board Members Mitch Hill, Lori Palmer, Miguel Salinas and Paul Venesky PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble; Deputy Director of Community Services Kate Meacham; Recreation Superintendent Steve Moore; Recreation Supervisor Ryan McGrail; and Recreation Coordinators Amy Bennett, Junior Camacho and Jared Darnell GUESTS: Lori Higgins, Executive Director of the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve; Mia Gordon-Poorman, General Manager of Southlake Tennis Center 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wasserman called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Board and are enacted with one motion. 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING. There were no corrections to the September 14, 2015 Park Board meeting minutes. 2C. ABSENCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS The board considered the absence of Chad Patton from the regular meeting held September 14, 2015. APPROVED City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation • Accountability• Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 12, 2015 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 5 A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda as presented including approval of the minutes of the September 14, 2015 regular meeting, and the absence. Motion: Salinas Second: Venesky Ayes: Hill, Palmer, Salinas, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: Patton (absent 9/14/15 meeting) Vote: 6-0-1 Motion Carried. 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chairman Wasserman opened public forum. There being no one to speak, Chairman Wasserman closed public forum. 4. REPORTS Community Services Department Recreation Coordinator Jared Darnell was introduced and commended for his work on all the athletic programs dashboard reports. 4A. BOB JONES NATURE CENTER AND PRESERVE Deputy Director Meacham presented the Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve (BJNCP) dashboard report and explained the unique features of the report. It was noted dashboard reports for athletic programs are based on calendar year data, and the nature center and tennis center dashboard reports are based on fiscal year data. Deputy Director Meacham responded to questions concerning the dashboard reports, including questions about the new scorecard and the NPS survey recently instituted. Board members requested a copy of the NPS survey question. Lori Higgins, Executive Director of the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve, 355 E. Bob Jones Road, Southlake, shared a visual presentation about the nature center programs and activities for FY 2015. Director Higgins answered questions about membership, the new Bluebird Trail signs, and programming capacity. 4B. SOUTHLAKE TENNIS CENTER Deputy Director Meacham presented the Southlake Tennis Center (STC) dashboard report and was available to answer questions from the board. Mia Gordon-Poorman (Roxy Tennis, LLC), General Manager, Southlake Tennis Center, 450 Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, presented a tennis center report for FY 2015, including information about the tennis center's operation philosophy, staffing, the City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation • Accountability• Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 12, 2015 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 5 center's area competitors, achievements and awards, and answered questions from the Board including questions about tournaments, participation fluctuations, retention of tennis pros, growth issues and goals, the impact of construction on programming, and other tennis center activities. 4C. TEXAS AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION AWARD Recreation Coordinator Junior Camacho accepted the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) award on behalf of the City. The City received the award at the September 24, 2015 Texas Amateur Athletic Federation annual conference held in Rockwall, Texas. The City of Southlake was recognized by TAAF as a Gold Member City for its active involvement on regional and state levels and participation numbers in youth athletic programs. 4D. RECREATION PROGRAMS Deputy Director Meacham presented dashboard reports for overall programs, youth programs, and athletic/aquatics programs offered by the Department during FY 2015 and responded to questions from the board regarding program cancellations and benchmark rates. Recreation Coordinator Junior Camacho responded to questions regarding intramural high school level athletic programs. Recreation Coordinator Amy Bennett presented an overview of the recreation events, athletic programs, and camps offered by the department during FY 2015, and was available to answer questions from the board. City staff was commended on the dashboard reports. The Board also inquired if the font size in the reports may be increased. 4E. RENTALS Deputy Director Kate Meacham presented the dashboard reports on facility rentals for FY 2015 and she and Director Chris Tribble responded to questions. The Board and staff discussed options that may help increase rentals for the pavilion at Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Park. Suggested options included lowering the pavilion rental fee for the Park until additional parking is available; amending the City's Park Master Plan to speed up the parking lot expansion program project currently planned years out for Sheltonwood Park; and a trial program allowing park patrons to park on grass for pavilion rentals. The Board agreed to staff's recommendation to a six-month pilot program that will allow parking on the grass for pavilion rentals. The program to be re-evaluated by the Board in May 2016. As part of the re-evaluation, the Board is interested to know what the overall demand city-wide is for pavilion space rentals; a comparison of pavilion rental amenities/fees with comparable cities; the appropriate number of parking spaces needed for Sheltonwood Park; and the possible site location for the additional parking lot. City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 12, 2015 Parks Board Meeting Page 4 of 5 5. CONSIDER 5A. RECOMMENDATION ON STANDARDS OF CARE Deputy Director Kate Meacham presented the Standards of Care Policy and explained the approval process. Deputy Director Meacham responded to questions from the Board. The proposed annual Standards of Care for the City's elementary-age recreation programs, including Camp Mania, offered by the Community Services Department, includes staffing ratios, staff qualifications, facility, health and safety standards and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing care standards. Programs operated by the City are recreation in nature and are not day care programs, which require additional guidelines. City Council will consider the Standards of Care as an ordinance and public hearing in November. A motion was made to recommend City Council approve the Standards of Care as presented. Motion: Patton Second: Salinas Ayes: Hill, Palmer, Patton, Salinas, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried. 5B. RECOMMENDATION ON APPOINTMENT OF A PARK BOARD MEMBER TO THE SOUTHLAKE 2035 PLANNING CORRIDOR COMMITTEE Director Chris Tribble presented the item to appoint a Park Board member to the Southlake 2025 Planning Corridor Committee and responded to questions. The purpose of the 2035 Corridor Committee is to meet with potential developers or owners of certain properties and develop land use recommendations for the development of the property that is consistent with the framework of the Southlake 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The goal of this effort is to provide a potential developer or owner a clearer direction on a development pattern that is compatible with the Southlake 2030 Plan in terms of adjacent land uses, traffic patterns, and environmental protection. The Committee will consist of: Mayor (Laura Hill- Ex-Officio); 2 City Council Members (Brandon Bledsoe, Gary Fawks); 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Members (TBD); 1 Park Board Member (TBD). A motion was made to recommend Park Board member Frances Scharli to serve on the Southlake 2035 Planning Corridor Committee. City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 12, 2015 Parks Board Meeting Page 5 of 5 Motion: Patton Second: Venesky Ayes: Hill, Palmer, Patton, Salinas, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried. 6. DISCUSSION 6A. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT REPORT Director Chris Tribble presented the monthly Construction Management Report, including updates on the Bob Jones Park road being reconstructed, Bicentennial Park and The Marq Southlake, and responded to questions from the Board. 6B. PARKS & RECREATION UPDATE Deputy Director Kate Meacham reviewed the Community Events Schedule included in the meeting packet and responded to questions from the Board. Invitations to the grand opening for The Marq Southlake have been mailed. The bi-annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey has been released and is being marketed to receive citizen feedback. 7. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Motion: Patton Second: Salinas Ayes: Hill, Palmer, Patton, Salinas, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: _ None Abstain: " None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried. a Wasserman, Chairman Chris Tribble, Director Parks & Recreation Board Community Services Dept. An audio recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation • Accountability• Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork