Item 6B 11/2015 Ci.southlake.bc.us Mail-RN:Karen Sorge Shady Lane MainStreet Transitional Facility CITY Gf Sc*J n t jel&KE Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Karen Sorge_Shady Lane_ Mainstreet Transitional Facility 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:57 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<KBaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Karen Sorge Sent: Tuesday, November , . To: mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us Cc: karen sorge Subject: Karen Sorge_Shady Lane_Mainstreet Transitional Facility Good Afternoon Laura Hill, I am writing to you today regarding the Mainstreet Transitional Facility planned to be on site near our Shady Lane Neighborhood. I moved to Southlake in 1996 for quality of life and purchased land in this area to build my dream home on. Sleepy little Shady Lane, which we love and what we thought was developed already, is located in the bosom of prestigious Southlake, and yet not amid the hustle and bustle. I built my house here, for that reason, and have enjoyed living here in our neighborhood ever since. Our little community has had a time of it lately with several issues major increased traffic zipping through here already (we don't need more) as individuals try to avoid the light on Kimball Ave and which has grown substantial from newly built residential areas, the 18 acre disaster that threatened our SF-1A acreage minimum with the Shady Lane Development and now this most recent and most detrimental yet, the Mainstreet Rehab Facility. This 70,000 sq ft. facility poses way too many issues. I think everyone knows what they are and what it will do to our area including the fact that this is just too large for the property being built on, too close to residences, additional traffic and unfair httpsJimail.google.com/mail/u/0nui=28i k=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbox&th=150cf23ac075d3e3&sim1=150cf23ac075d3e3 1/3 • s 11/3/2015 Ci.southlake.bc.us Mail-FW:Karen Sorge Shady Lane Mainstreet Transitional Facility variance requests which will have significant implications and effect our Shady Lane Neighborhood for a very t !, long time. It is my understanding that the variances that Mainstreet is asking for and which should not be accepted, are the following: Tree preservation of only 30% rather than the 50% required Variance to the 4-1 slope setback and the current ordinance calls for 4 feet horizontal space for every vertical foot of building next to residences. Variance to the stacking depth of cars at the entrance, this may be mitigated by the offer to use Next Century Dental's entrance if it conforms to the ordinance. This proposed building is way to large at 70,000 sq.ft. and is like putting town hall in our backyards. Facility has 100 beds(I)and is such and extremely large nursing facility. We are also concerned of what may become a recurring problem for us all should this facilities business plan fail and we end up with with a huge empty building, additional attempts of disaster could present itself time and time again. Thoughts of possible replacements horrify and include multi-family housing, hotel/motels or other type of less desirable facilities which pose a threat to our neighborhood over and over. I do not see this as a stable or best use of this property. Please, along with our neighborhood and other nearby communities seriously consider the ramifications and decline this application now. Unite with AND for us, to reject this. We want to maintain our quality of life around here and this will interfere greatly. Thank you very much, Karen Sorge 2600 Raintree Drive httpsJ/mail.google.corn/mail/u/Onui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbox&ttp150cf23ac075d3e3&sim1=150cf23ac075d3e3 2/3 i � 11/3/2015 Ci.southlake.tx.us Mail-FW:Karen Sorge Shady Lane Mainstreet Transitional Facility Southlake, Texas 76092 817-343-6009 Cell Phone 817-424-5262 Fax httpsJ/mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbax&th=150cf23ac075d3e3&sim1=150cf23ac075d3e3 3/3 11/3/2015 Ci.souttiake.tx.us Mail-FW:SF1-A zoning i . C.tTv OF ��'Q.A Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: SF1-A zoning 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 1:05 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<KBaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Robin Novakovic Sent: Tuesday, November To: mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us; placel@ci.southlake.tx.us; place2@ci.southlake.tx.us; place3@ci.southlake.tx.us; place4@ci.southlake.tx.us Cc: place5@ci.southlake.tx.us; place6@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: SF1-A zoning Dear Mayor Hill and Councilmembers, My family and I are opposed to the building of Mainstreet Rehab Facility ZA15-072 because the 70,000 sqft building cannot be built without several significant variances to established ordinances. This ordinances were drawn up to protect the citizens, to protect the city, to keep Southlake a beautiful city and for safety. Please consider carefully the long term effects and other possible uses of a 70,000 sqft building where 100 unrelated people can live 24/7 on the future of Southlake, and especially on the future of the quiet Shady Ln. neighborhood which has worked so hard to maintain its SF1-A zoning and peaceful character. https•J/mail.google.com/mail/WO?ui=28ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searctFintoc&tt=150cebdbb8820432&sim1=150cebdbb8820432 1/2 11/3/2015 Ci.sout11ake.bc.us Mail-FW:SF1-A zoning Respectfully, Robin Novakovic MD 2480 Raintree Dr. Southlake, TX UT Southwestern Medical Center The future of medicine, today. httpsJ/mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbaoc&t F 150cebdbb882043284imI=150cebdbb8820432 2/2 11/3/2015 Ci.southlake.tx.us Mail-Fwd:Main Street Development at Shady Lane and 114 U GiTY OF �F IL. Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> Fwd: Main Street Development at Shady Lane and 114 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 12:15 PM To: mayor-intc©ci.southlake.tx.us Cc: Ken Baker<KBaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us Lori Payne Begin forwarded message: From: MARLENE SPADY Date: November 3, 2015 at in...1 To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: Main Street Development at Shady Lane and 114 I respectfully request the City Council uphold the established requirements for building in Southlake. Specific to this situation 1. the 50% tree requirement 2. maintenance of a 4 to 1 slope 3. entrance design to avoid stacking of traffic I would like to encourage development of this property by a business that fits with the existing businesses along the Shady Lane residential properties. (i.e. Single story offices operating during regular business hours.) Thank you, Marlene Spady 2860 Rainforest Ct Southlake, TX https://mail.google.can/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=irbwc&th=150ce8feeabd0b4e&simI=150ce8feeabd0b4e 1/1 11/3/2015 Ci.southlalce.bc.us Mail-Fwd:planning and zoning CFFY OF SOUTHLAKE Holly Blake <hblakea@ci.southlake.tx.us> :Fwd: planning and zoning 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne©ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:12 PM To: mayor-int©ci.southlake.tx.us Cc: Ken Baker<KBaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us Lori Payne Begin forwarded message: From: "'alan cowen'via Mayor and City Council" <mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us> Date: November 2, 2015 at 9:50:48 PM CST To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: planning and zoning Reply To: alan cowen Dear council and Mayor, I am a long time resident of Southlake (22 years)and a resident of the Shady Lane area for last 13 years. I am a physician at Baylor Grapevine and Harris Southlake. My wife and I strongly urge you to vote against the proposed Mainstreet Rehab center as the consequences of traffic flow, noise due to destruction of trees and the aesthetics of the neighborhood would all be adversely affected. Smaller one story office buildings would be more acceptable. The attractiveness of Southlake is it is a great place to live and raise kids. The schools are exceptional and neighborhood living is top quality. This rehab center does not add to our quality of life and indeed would adversely impact my immediate neighborhood. Thanks for your consideration. Alan and Lynda Cowen 2848 Brookwood Lane Southlake htlpsJ/mail.google.com/mail/u/Ochi=28&k=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbox&tt=150cb8b94577cc7b&simI=150cb8b94577cc7b 1/1 From:Carol Dowd<11.111111.11111.11> 4 Date:October 29,2015 at 7:46:11 PM CDT To:"mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us"<mavor@ci.southlake.tx.us> Subject:The Mainstreet Rehabilitation Facility Dear Madame Mayor, I am very concerned about the Rehabilitation Facility proposed by the Mainstreet Company for the following reasons: It violates the ordinance for a slope requirement of 4 to 1. It violates the tree preservation ordinance. It violates the stacking ordinance if the main entrance remains as proposed. Southlake is a beautiful,safe and orderly city because those ordinances were carefully thought out and planned for the protection of the citizens that live there. What is the benefit to the city if we grant variances for this proposal that are opposed by the citizens that will live near it? What do we do if Mainstreet's business plan fails due to changes in Medicare rules? Southlake will have a 70,000 square foot building where multiple unrelated people can live 24/7. Can we make laws to prevent this building turning into a drug rehabilitation center,an alcohol rehabilitation center,a mental health rehabilitation center? All of those functions are harmful to the families and children living in the Shady Lane neighborhood. A rehabilitation facility that large is a cross between a hospital and a multifamily building. Please think carefully about the future of Southlake and the future of the families living near this building. Please vote against ZA 15-072. Respectfully, Carol Dowd 2900 Hillcastle Ln Southlake,TX 76092 817.932.0552 cell Sent from Mail for Windows 10 • 11/2/2015 Ci.southlake.tx.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 the Mainstreet Facility i cfry Of SC JTHL.AK. Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.bc.us> FW: ZA15-072 the Mainstreet Facility 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:24 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Carol Dowd Sent: Monday, November , To: mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: 7415-072 the Mainstreet Facility Dear Mayor Hill, This proposed building will be bigger than Central Market at 65,000sqft. and almost as big as Town Hall at 78,000sqft. To fit this big building on the lot, Mainstreet has asked for three variances. _remove 70% of the existing trees when saving 50% of the existing trees is the rule -the slope setback rule of 4tol can't be met by even part of the building's first floor. -the stacking of cars at the entrance is a safety problem because the building is so large there is not enough depth in the driveway. What is the hardship that justifies these variances? The 2030 Plan classifies this property as Office Commercial, which is the exclusive use of office and https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searchpinbox&th=150c9a855bb778a9&sim1=150c9a855bb778a9 1/2 11/2/2015 Ci.southlake.bc.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 the Mainstreet Facility limited office-related activities. Does the in -house care of 100 unrelated people 24/7 with the associated supply trucks, waste management trucks and shift staffing requirements fit limited office related activities? Why is this property zoned C3? In conclusion, the proposed development should be denied as it needs essential variances from the carefully planned ordinances to be built on the property. Respectfully, Carol Dowd 2900 Hillcastle Ln. Southlake, TX Sent from Mail for Windows 10 https://maiI.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbox8dr 150c9a855bb778a9&sim1=150c9a855bb778a9 2/2 • 11/2/2015 Ci.soulhlaketx.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 Mainstreet site plan Nov 3,2015 City Council Agenda item 5Crry Or SOLJ11ll_AKE Holly Blake <hblake a@ci.southlake.br.us> FW: ZA15-072 Mainstreet site plan Nov 3, 2015 City Council Agenda item 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 3:44 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int©ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: DAVID DOWD Sent: Monday, November 02, To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us; Subject: ZA15-072 Mainstreet site plan Nov 3, 2015 City Council Agenda item Each time this application has been presented,to SPIN and twice to Planning&Zoning board,it has been revised The plan at Spin had no variances. The plan at Planning and Zoning had 3 but maybe 2. It is hard for the citizens to know what will be presented to the City Council. The way it presents itself now is that the construction requires 3 variances to existing ordnances. A tree variance,requested 30%vs.50% required preservation. A stacking issue requested 24 feet vs.74 feet required. A setback issue,not being able to meet the required 4 to 1 slope from a residential property line. These are significant discrepancies. You will be told that the Tree requirement cannot be met by anyone building on that lot(Not true). You will be told that the stacking requirement is not important and not and issue. (Not true) As for the setback issue you will be told,as P&Z was told,"it is as it is". (Not true) You can decide on the tree and stacking issues as to their are importance. If the applicant goes to one entrance at the dentist office,at worker shift change,there will be 50 cars exiting in a short period of time. Stacking will be an issue. Next year the applicant may be requesting the additional entrance to allow workers and residents a way to get out The setback 4 to 1 slope is out of compliance by 24 feet vertical and 85+feet horizontal. The building as depicted would need to be an additional 85 feet from the residential property line to be in compliance. The front of the building would be out on the HY114 access road. To make this 69,000 sq ft building level,fill dirt will be added to a point 10 feet above the residential property line to the hdpsJ/mail.google.com/mail/u/Onui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt8searctFinbox&tt=150ca287t71155ef8sim1=150ca287f71f55ef 1/2 11/2/2015 Ci.southlake.tx.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 Mainstreet site plan Nov 3,2015 City Council Agenda item North. This adds to the setback issue.Adjacent residential property is for sale now,Do you think the future buyer will be t �, told about the out of compliance building to the South?Each of the residential property owners will be obligated to look at(if approved)a building that is twice as high allowed in the ordnances. Multiple one story office buildings could be built,like the ones on the East side of the same property and not require variances. This building is way too big for this lot. There are many lots in Southlake where this size building could be built and not have need for the variances. Thank you for your service to the city and its residents. David Dowd 2900 Hillcastle Ln Southlake,D(76092 tFp py { { { https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searclrinbox&ttr150ca287f71f55ef&sim1=150ca287f71t35ef 2/2 • 11/2/2015 Ci.soutHake.tx.us Mail-FW:Shady Lane Resident RE ZA15-072 iiiktratAKE Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Shady Lane Resident RE: ZA15-072 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:12 AM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: 'Amy Hogan' via Mayor and City Council [mailto:mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us] Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 10:08 AM To: Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us; mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us Cc: Subj . ane est - We are residents on Shady Lane and oppose the proposed variances by the developer of the proposed rehab facility, Mainstreet Transistional Facility. We are in support of the existing,established rules being adhered to. -50%of the trees saved proposed -the setback requirement- 4 to 1 slope We believe the building to too big. Thank you. Kris and Amy Hogan haps://maiLgoogle.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searctpinbox&th=150c8P8b20425eac&sim1=150c8P8b20425eac 1/1 11/3/2015 Ci.souWake.ix.us Mail-FW:Mainstreet Rehab facility. �CITY OF iLAKE Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Mainstreet Rehab facility. 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:55 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> —Original Message— From: Paula Satcher Sent: Monday, November To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: Mainstreet Rehab facility. Ms Mayor and City Council, Please deny the the Mainstreet Transitional Facility Site Plan on your 11/03/15 agenda. As a Shady Lane resident, I do not want a 100 bed skilled nursing facility in a huge building on a small lot at the entrance of my neighborhood. Thank you, Paula Satcher 2725 Raintree Drive Southlake, TX Sent from my iPhone { E € } F J/mail.google.ccm/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searcthinbox&th=150caa0226d5825f&sim1=150caa0226d5825f 1/1 • 11/3/2015 Ci.souttake.tx.us Mail-RN:Opposition 0§.rai:j+ THLAKE Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Opposition 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:37 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> —Original Message-- From: Scott Satcher Sent: Monday, November , lIPPIE To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southiake.tx.us Subject: Opposition Ms Mayor and members of the Council, I would like to advise that as a resident of the Shady Lane neighborhood, I am in opposition of the proposed rehab facility/hospital being considered for the open lot existing near the intersection of Shady Lane and the Hwy 114 Westbound Feeder. Thank you for your time Sincerely, Scott Satcher 2725 Raintree, 214-208-4689 (Sent via iPhone) MIPs://mal.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=28ik=cc737aG25d&view=pasearctt=itnbcx&ttt=150ca8fae925139a&siml=15oca8fae925139a 1/1 11/3/2015 Ci.southlake.tx.us Mail-FW:Very Concerned About Mainstreet Transitional Facility GrTY Qf ' tAKE Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Very Concerned About Mainstreet Transitional Facility 1 message Lori Payne<Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 9:55 AM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Tim Schuetz Sent: Tuesday, November , To: mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us; placel@ci.southlake.tx.us; place2@ci.southlake.tx.us; place3@ci.southlake.tx.us; place4@ci.southlake.tx.us; place5@ci.southlake.tx.us; place6@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: Very Concerned About Mainstreet Transitional Facility Mayor and Council Members: My name is Tim Schuetz, owner of 2845 Hillcastle Ln, Southlake, TX. I am out of the country, so am sending you a note about my concern on the current plans for the Mainstreet i. Transitional Facility. Specifically, This facility is very large compared to the other office/professional buildings next door. The facility will be operation 24/7, unlike the other professional buildings next door. They have requested a variances on tree preservation from the ordinance requiring saving 50% and they will only be saving 30% I am concerned about the height of the building and the appropriate set backs to meet the city requirements. The amount of traffic and stacking of cars coming and going from the facility. I would like to see the facility conform to the appropriate zoning requirements. Thanks Tim Tim Schuetz Top Gun Class Manager-Consultant Mobile: When in US 1-817-262-9419, When in Hong Kong 852-6181-7246 email: { 1 ` httpsJ/mail.google.corn/mail/u/0/?ui=28ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searctrinbox8tl�150826ddd&sim1=150ce0f7b6826ddd 1/1 • 11/2/2015 CisouBiake.tx.us Mail-FW:Mainstreet Rehab EirCITY OF 5OU1 E Holly Blake <hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: Mainstreet Rehab 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne©ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:08 PM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Margaret Weddel Sent: Monday, November 02, 2 illimm To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: Mainstreet Rehab Dear Mayor and Council Members, My husband and I (James and Margaret Weddel) are deeply opposed to the Mainstreet Transitional Facility Site Plan to be built near Shady Lane and 114. They seem to want to change the variances that have already been established. They do not want to keep the 50% of trees required vs. their proposed of 30%. It would be situated very close to the residence in the back. Their proposed building would be almost as large as Southlake Town Hall and larger than Central Market. Not a pretty site to see leaving Grapevine onto Hwy 114 to Southlake. If the business would fail in the future, what would become of an empty building this large. We are not against growth but a building this large very close to a neighborhood does not seem right. A business strip with small offices, etc. would be fine. Please keep these considerations during the council meeting tonight. We love Southlake as we have lived off Shady Lane for 48 years and our children and some of the grandkids attend Southlake schools. httpsJ/mai l.google.com/mail/u/OMhi=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searct=inbox&ttp 15Oc9997e6e4O6bb&simI=15Oc9997e6e4O6bb 1/2 11/2/2015 Ci.southlake.bc.us Mail-FW:Mainstreet Rehab e ? Thank you for your consideration, Margaret and James Weddel 2489 Raintree Lane { y4t 1 1a 1 https://m ail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&searct�inbox&ttF150c9997e6e406bb8simI=150c9997e6e406bb 2/2 • 11/3/2015 Ci.sout lake.tx.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 Mainstreet Transitional Facility Care Concerns 0§1.byt U]� i , Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> FW: ZA15-072 Mainstreet Transitional Facility Care Concerns 1 message Lori Payne <Ipayne@ci.southlake.tx.us> Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 11:10 AM To: Laura Hill <mayor-int@ci.southlake.tx.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us>, Holly Blake<hblake@ci.southlake.tx.us> From: Marianne McAllister Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 201 . To: mayorandcitycouncil@ci.southlake.tx.us; mayor@ci.southlake.tx.us; placel@ci.southlake.tx.us; place2@ci.southlake.tx.us; place3@ci.southlake.tx.us; place4@ci.southlake.tx.us; place5@ci.southlake.tx.us; place6@ci.southlake.tx.us Subject: ZA15-072 Mainstreet Transitional Facility Care Concerns I apologize if this is a repeat email to you as I sent an email on Sunday via the city's website expressing these same concerns. Since I did not receive an acknowledgement, nor did I receive my cc to myself, I am concerned the email was not successful. Due to a prior commitment, I cannot attend tonight's city council meeting in person; however, definitely would like to make my concerns regarding the variances that are being requested known. 1. The size of the proposed building appears to be significantly larger than the property could comfortably support; 2. Tree preservation of only 30% rather than the required 50%; 3. The requested variance to the 4-1 slope setback next to residences; 4. The stacking depth of cars at the entrance, even though this may be mitigated by the offer to use Next Century Dental's entrance if it conforms; I totally recognize and realize this is a very valuable piece of commercial property. I am frankly surprised it has taken this long for it to be developed. I am NOT against commercial development there. My goal is to help ensure that the development is appropriate for the size of the property, and that it meets current zoning/building laws, ordinances and policies. I am confident that you, as the elected guardians of our fair city, will ensure that the development is what is best for our city AND our neighborhood. haps://mail.google.com/mail/u/Onui=2&ik=cc737a625d8,view=pt&searcirinbox&ttF150ce5427c18b59b&sim1=150ce5427c18ta59b 1/2 11/3/2015 Ci.southlake.bc.us Mail-FW:ZA15-072 Mainstreet Transitional Facility Care Concerns Thank you for your time. ` Marianne McAllister 1008 Shady Lane Southlake 76092 jC[ qY yS i 9 f ' , I i httpsJ/mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cc737a625d&view=pt&search=inbox&tth 150ce5427c18b59b&si m1=150ce5427c18b59b 2/2 fi l4.61 OCETY OF SOUrHLAKE Dennis Killough <dkiloough@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mainstreet - City Council Agenda - 11/3/15 1 message Chris Alexander Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 4:54 PM To: "dkillough@ci.southlake.tx.us" <dkillough@ci.southlake.tk.us> Cc: Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.us> Dennis, thanks for your time. As discussed on the phone, Mainstreet wishes to table City of Southlake Council agenda item ZA15-072, Site Plan for Mainstreet Transitional Care Facility for tonight, November 3, 2015. We wish to be placed on the November 17, 2015 City of Southlake City Council agenda. Please confirm you have received this and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Chris Alexander Sent from my iPad LAWREN ,� � � � �� GROUP !r/1 1 �y r` . =�J 14 _ limo 411\- �� 4 rOlk Carolinas New Yak STREET phta SI.Lows . gr �.\\\ r 011¢: 919NORM 4M 9TREEf / ) • ST.IAUIS,MO fi3102 ?•I i • 314.231.5]00 1 9/4.731OL16 \ ` P _ - , �,\ - \y ENGINEER 9900 DEMOCRACY OW e ;11,111111CM• L 5500GREDE OC FARROW ��.• - \_i (._ \ / 972.51476.75024 -Y�� / if \ 1 972514.LHIT ti ERIC WILHRE /''/' /- STRUCTURAL MCCOMAS ENGINEERING, 1. ENGINEER 1717 EAST 1161M STREET. DRIVE. I 7641 CARMEL IN 46032 x -/ _ '�/f , / / / RODMCCOMAS17.6800402 3 MECHANICA ENVERITY ENGINEERING I ♦,. :. -_f= - -----� _ __- PLUMBING.L 8228 DELEGATES ROWW. m - _ _ _ L _ � _ - - - - - - FIRELECTRICAL. 13ND APOUS,IN.46240 c �� :" . \ 17.8532614 _ i��, PROTECTION DAVID BARRIENTOS '-- , - - �■T'' 1m . i1!Ir Eff , c-'4 'I4: ptir.. , _UNEPE609'-6' ---� / -- Naw.I6.I: Nq. �.. i� YELEVATION.623.95 / PROPOSED III tE 4.1 c.( E- r(0.f._ BUSDING SIAB -'III •�IIn 100-0+/- 125-0'+/- - "_�_. , f—iE !` .,,�,=—,tea.=//0 as-IT 4+ -F- 1 WEST ELEVATION Set Back Variance-Residential House#1 ` ! - `�� �������� A2oo-e siva°=r-0^ T / Agtl . -. .- , i ' U1..�. • N .i ..TV i1,n= o H CO VJ ~ (n Y Y zcng o J` _. n -- ,_` OPE PROM ` \ Pm Q e' _ _ V RETAINING Z _- --- 1- - I W _ HOUSE 2 M •:.•7 !o. ■ ■■ ■ �,� _� b / PROS y BARN I # a Q O AND ignti;.�_4• •__•a _.. __�_�_lG-w--_--- -•-__--_�� --_�'- --• __.-- It LINE P _- _` V h rn Q PROPOSED / `, -EXISTING --``\` 0 . 11 W cn BUILDING SLAB 55'-11518' GRADE AT APPROX GRADE -APPROX ELEVATION:623.96 111 PROPERTY AT PROPERTY GRADE AT V I— Q NNE 613.96 UNE:612-0' PROPERTY 1 70-01/S 113'-0+/- 221-0+F 2 EAST ELEVATION Area D-Set Back Variance-Residential House#2 -, LME 6,"-0• ' W o 3IG-0+1- A200-B 3/84•=1'-0" _... d + v,T '/� V N Th.Prolesaion.Ncnnees w abed to w.MMM W OW end to to meudM and It.e Mown m RN Max All drawn,mWumat•or p,omrd .r � beet m e u .a a M o,g dMI nM aaee aW COOS* w=Med era0949,999.ammo exam,*dra119011 n and r maponatmny for such plana.drawing.or ddwmams not corn.,arts seal TN.Aawmg and deltas on 11 are are sole popeM dde armnec1 and may Pe used for tuts speaar au*.only. II LW ml a loaned.coped port or M aPurpaea aV.I.n o V.I..... am ane wren pone.M de sr.. NB. 506B01 Date pROpEq�l NOM _ - al gt HOUSE 13 s - \pROpER�UNf —''■■ ■. - -- AND FENCE WALL j■ MM ME NORTH `---� -r —I►-. � / PROPERTY UNE >>_ -Ms.,- *SAE se_: _ J .. EE ■■ ■■ ■■; rBkvar1ance • JEvations- 6 r __ UNE:=Mr _ EXISTING GRADE Residential p BUILDING SLAB AT PROPERTY N� 9w1Nas ELEVATION:623.95-.-- 70-101/6' LME:617.18 _ - --_31f7-0+1- _ 15061 _.__. fff .._ _..._ __-..__ __ -- _ -_ _—- T$ AZ ., 3 EAST ELEVATION Set Back Variance-Residential House#3 TBrx A200-e 3/64•=l-0" weer 11/02/2016 1 I f I Greenberifarrow _ i_.. • caucoAr E 4 ; [ ,I = - 5500 Democracy Dr.Suite 125 { / Plano,TX 75024 e,. _ - A.I. 1 972 514 7641 ti t�7 T,- ; t •'`r,...t4K PROJECT TEAM SITE =! ' T , ,m I' .N v-� T.. 1 • _ .„, , , 1' OWNER:OREGN COUNTRY ACRES ••" ZONMG.Se. OWNER:CAROL ANN LANCE NO USE'lOWOEHSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING•AG /� U LAND USE.LOWDENSITY RESIDENTW •�"tip BOUNDARY LINES FOR THE PROPOSE. —��� ��:wV.we..e..✓'P ^��o 8'CEDAR WOOD 8'CEDAR WOO. 20'DRAINAGE-SANITARY EASEMENT 8'CEDAR WO r _ ; •" SCREENING FENCE Tn.drawing SCREENING FENCE SCREENING FENCE COPYRIGHT NOTICE 267.29' ?N SITE LOCATION MAP eabove _ - — ,q's property not to Oa PAVESTONE MODULAR •J.• *I ® _ PAVESTONE MODULAR nle'cm/ P,Waecot n0 RETANINC WALL X88'06'17 E-78284•-- L. - - —_. N.T.S. loo my Purpose Omer ere Me wec rc _. _- RETANINC WALL Da reproduced ep one.rte named nano.a*Mout - �,_. �y -.- _ aero rre a�mmw,manner•Prole... cIR C _,. . r Y _— — J JAr401111P,11"—iffirleAll,7111115r r .r� •� � r71 r I . 4 ' 4 EXISTING SMTARP EASEMENT ISSUE/REVISION RECORD rte"" )F, _ ®i�.�fJil'g Ir ii�l1'' /�n n———— GRAPHIC M2ri- Schematic RED �// ,.* �• SCALEWI DISORFION EXISTING --- oS /��� I/%� E I. L— _ —— IS k • r i / / I L/ = 11 t_1ED 8-11-15 Ste PINT ReMim / / rm u ° w m m `�. 40 BUILDING SETBA K FROM RESIDENTIAL ,14, >9 8-DO-IS Dy Ca nente Redim 0 e SANITARY&DRAINAGE EASEMENT _ Q - _ 9-115 NM RED Ron • RONSON '0ro0� O i� �`�� III■ II■ �` ® �, ALAI -��_�. • // I ince FEET O) 10-21 15 WE PRAM REWSKM -. IT X 5C• ® OW E 1L 10-i8-15 sTE PUNT MOM s'e1" OFF ST LOADING F 10'%25' II •KCra / a, - OFF ST.LOADING Iill ( 11-01-16 97E PUN RESER •r 5. .I ® _r PRMPOS ' - BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED-/.1 .., 'LOANING WALL GENERAL SITE NOTES 5 ? •,...! DRAINAGE EASEMENT S32 ® I 532 • EE CONCEPTUAL GRADING • O __ O .�-� (' 1. AL DLO4gN5 SHOWN ARE TD 11E FACE OF CURB MUMS O11ENNE NOTED. - �. 18-'1 ,,yi •LAN FOR SPECIFIC HEIGHT) 2. ALL CURB RETURN RAM SMLL BE Y,AS SHOWN TYPICAL ON TMS PVN,UNLESS __ 5 ,4, 5.6775 ACRES - 4 s22 OTIERMSENOTED. aJ.; . ]] 101).01050.FT.I '• 4< S, a 3. UNLESS OOEM115E SIOIM,CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREOIh. LL LB` k i .. sj _ _ 4. ALL CURB NO CUTTER AORCENT TO CONCRETE MING SAIL BE NSIAUED PER DETAIL o _ m BUILDING AREA z Iv iM 47,780 SF(FIRST FLOOR) 1 Molro4vw SHEET?TT. p -E EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT BOUNDARY 21.790 SF 57281 EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT BOUNDARY (SECOND FLOOR) amain -- 5. PARIONG LOT ALL O wIM THE PAVING RJR OVER THE DERE o •• TO BE ABANDONED BY REPLAT TO BE ABANDONED BY REPLAT _>'- - TOTAL=69,571 SF / m ` O ER TRANSITIONAL CARE CENTER ppyESTONE MO - j . 0 SE ASSOCIATED PLANS FOR C HOPI,WLMYN,PLMP ISLAND DETAILS AND LAYOUT. PROFESSIONAL SEAL .•RNFR CLIP PER ©✓ BANGUI F.F.E=624.00 RETMING WALL ,�'v®e....1 7. ALL SLOPES MO MEAS DEURBED BY COIGTRICIION 944E BE GRADED SROM AND =,D.N0.IB3 TED PARTNERSHIP ( FOUR NOTES OF TOPSOL APPLIED. F NYMAN TOPSOL 8 NOT AVAILABLE ON SIFT 72.01' WDM 'c I NO DT033.JR6... �.� �y�ia y TIE COMPACTOR SHALL MONDE TOPSOL,APPROVED EY THE OBER,AS NEEDED. DE NED L ._113, K '/ ' A 2 -`� ,u rc T �:�I'i�: AREA SNAIL THEN BE 5®ED/SODDED,E Cf THE MALI.WATERED BE CI WED Err ro+tet � ® � s LMR 11NOY GRASS GROWTH B ESTANHED N ALL AREAS NL AREAS DSMRBED FOR CD IQ - AM REASON PRIM 70 AN.ACCEPTNOE a THE PROTECT SIWL BE CORECRO B/ ® Ij]� i31 § UN WROY TORCR S R MDIIS ES COST D IN A LAXER I rc - ® -- � r Sl U =-�� �� ® 1 W : ! 1w LS 47? um ir I In • ING NOR( ''''� rg `or�,+�,.= � l + ® PAVESTONE RETANINGMODULAR WALL -1O L•- '4 + 2 ELLE l0.IF THE CONRNOOR,N THE COURSE OF TIE WORE,FINE ANT DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PROFESSIONAL- r . 40, __—C. /, Y 1 m N FE SINN M THE FLANS IN UDE RAM MD THE PHYSICAL AEDUR AS G LOCALITY,OF DIE HETIE FLOWER.PI WNW,NOTHEOCHER OPEL IN CHARGE W �� __� ASb� � Ei�A' (�\ot v 2~y DUTY VERIFY THE SAMEO INECIATELY DOE AFTER SUCH DISCOVERY,UNTIL�LL PARMAN ROF6$IONALNENGIN ONAMMA01 ' I PROFIT MT WON( ur �� �_ � • _ 'L ,A O O AUTHORED.WILL BE AT 71E CONTRACTOR'S RSL PROJECT MANAGER �- �� ��/III�iIi.. 111 m i r �i iAt''7', 7r—�1I • ¢ It.NNrRACTaR SHALL a flESParsBlE FOR VERIFICATION a ALL YTaa6',EASEMENTS,•� �4� jI� T �;I •] AND DIMENSIONS SIO1N HEREON fff01E BEMIRING CONSTRUCTION. ERIE WllHffE �'�. .44W •. •./_TGIF G TA ,2.ALL CONSTRUCTION INTERNES Are WIWBOWOAP SIND BE N ACCOREVCE TO TIE DUALITY CONTROL AM, �_-.r�'.------ .41j,......1111,. I '. iCw STATE NO LOLL GOVERMENT man'LATEST CONSTRUCTION SItuMTON6 NO MAREY PNWPS .��"AIM, ' ACC DRAWN NTr •• •' - 1FEATURES SHALL BE CO6TRCTED TD MEET All FEDE R,STATE - - ., �. • e-.—•�T1FD0T'ROW _ B•PCG.CONCRETE Nm LDGNL CODE DALLAS OFFICE 3, ALL LocAL WE SITE JOEL RODRId1Q 469 804 6787 RIaPLe .�� 'a x.v • - MULTI-. �' _ ` 14./CRY DE Cm NSPECTOR TWERP-EON(24)HOURS BEFORE ffONUNG VGI PINSE "''�, ,L��, PROJECT NAME •. _ f Or CONSTRUCTION. • • P �• • .e 9®'1.16'W ', ...`... 15. CONTRACTOR SEAL CAREFULLY PRESERVE BENCHMV86.REFERENCE PORTS,AIC MAINSTREET 265.92' •' .�: - 21.85' TRANSITIONAL -'` ' A> a - ,8.ARCHITECIUVL PLANS ARE TO BE USED FOR BINDING STAKE OUT CENTER . , _�--'" •> •/° / 17.0/1 DIIENSOIS ARE ON RINE.FMN FACE OF BUILDING CURB,MD WNL UNLESS OTHERWISE SITE DATA SUMMARY TOTAL0 :'/, � 1D6:62' SOUTH LAKE 18.CONTRACTOR SHALL MIRNN 11E ME IN A MINER 50 TIMI WORKERS AND PUBLC EXISTING/PROPOSED ZONING C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL SINE 1E PROTECTED ROM Maurer,AND WING PROPERTY PROTECTED FROM IMAGE TEXAS LAND USE DESIGNATION C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL 19.COMMIE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR[ADAGE TO NAY DUCTING REM AND/OR INTEMN MSOE OR OU@OE CONTRACT UYIIS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. GROSS ACREAGE 5.68 20 AFA ALL STREET SCS.OMENS,CULVERTS.OAR NC GUTTERS,ROADSIDE DRAANGE STATE HIGHWAY 114 A RESULT NO DINS STRUCTURES SHA TrNI ARE DISIUI 0 DR DAMAGEDINN TRY AHHER IS &SHADY LANE NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOIS I PROPOSED LEGEND: SITE KEY NOTES O A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTER SILL EE NONAGE OR REPAIRED IN ACCORDANCE arm TIE SPECIFICATIONS PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE 47% —--— PROPERTY UNE S1A CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STANDARDS. 21.ALL ROW WON STALL BE PEENED N ACCORDANCE VTR THE STATE IND LOCAL AREA OF OPEN SPACE(ACRES) 3.18 - EASEMENT UNE SBA CONCRETE SIDEWALK(PER LOCAL CODES) GOVERNOR AGENCY SPECIFICATIONS. IIII � ® PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE 5676 PROPOSED RETAINING WALL S10 SIDEWALK RAMP 0 8.33%MAX.(TYPICAL-PER LULY2. L CODES) STNOWDMFAVI DUTY PROEM GC COICREE SECf016 SRC_Mum THE RECORMDOAROr6 OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REpgR PREPARED Cl"'0""OATS)7!77. - PROPOSED CURB&GUTTER 516 ADA ACCESSIBLE PALMING SPACE STRIPING&SYMBOL OF ACCESSIRII Y PARKING INFORMATION: SEE DIME DETAILS.(TYPICAL-PER ADA AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS) MAINSTREET TRANSITIONAL CENTER 23.ALL SIGNS SRN./BE PER MMTGD. moms Teat AREA OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE(ACRES) 2.50 PERCENTAGE OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 448 - CONSTRUCTION FENCE(SEE DETAIL SHEETS) S17 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN(TYPICAL PER ADA AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS) REQUIRED: 24.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRO`ADING AND MAINTAINING ADEQUATE DYLAN TARR TRAFFIC CONTROL IS ROUGIOUT DIE PROJECT,INCLUDING PROPER TRAFFIC PROPOSE BIALDNG MFA(SF) 69,571 ,g s. ®El PROPOSED DRAINAGE STRUCTURES(SEE SID 'STOP'sm OESCRIPT01 1 BEDS RATIO SPACES CONTROL DEVICES NTD/OR PERSONNEL AS REWIRED. MR INCLUDES BOTH 19390 Clay Terrace Blvd.,Sully 205 (PER LOCAL CODES) VEHCUEM AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE Carmel,IN 48032 MUNBER OF STONES 2 GRADING/DRAINAGE PLANS) S20 STOP BAR BEDS REGULAR ACCESSIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE TOTAL N ACCORDANCE WITH M.U.T.C.D.AND STATE DEPARTMENT OF Tel:(317)582-6925 S22 FIRE LANE STRIPING(PER LOCAL CODES) 1 SPACE/BEDs 47 1 1 4g TRANSPORTATION. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 ® PROPOSED PARKING SPACES S23 PARKING STALL STRIPING(PER LOCAL CODES) CHRONICSIT 102 /3 PROPOSED BEDS 102 S32 LANDSCAPE AREA(PER LANDSCAPE PLAN) / S 45EL1 SPLOYYEES MIlllill PROPOSED INGRESS/EGRESS POINR S33 LANDSCAPE ISLAND(PER LANDSCAPE PLAN) (50 SUFE) PROJECT MUMMER REQUIRED PARKING 49 PROVIDED PARKING 76 ;/ BUFFERYMDS PAVING KEY NOTES O STALL DNENSIONS: FRONDED: 20140730.00 9%16 RAT* SPACES STANDARD 73 [ I EXISTING EASEMENTS P3 CONCRETE SIDEWALK(PER LOCALSPACES REGULAR ACCESSIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE TOTAL' SHEET TITLE CODES) 76 73 1 2 76 I I HANDICAP 3 STANDARD DUTY CONCRETE PAVING SEE PAVING DETAIL) BUILDING SETBACKS INTERIOR IPNSCAPE AREAS P7 ( SITE AREG 5.68 ACRES SITE PLAN Pe HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING(SEE PAVING DETAIL) FRONT SO' PTI CONCRETE PAD(PER LOCAL CODES) CONCEPTUAL ONLY (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) CASE#ZA15-072 SIDE 30' UTILITY KEY NOTES Q SHEET NUMBER THIS DRAWING WAS COMPLETED USING AVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT, U17 FIRE HYDRANT(PER LOCAL CODES) ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS.ALL INFORMATION SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH A CERTIFIED 03 REAR 40' INCLUDING BUT NOT UNITED TO AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS,SCANNED AS-BUILT PLANS,AND UT8 EXISTING EWE HYDRANT TOPOGRAPHIC&BOUNDARY SURVEY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LAWRENGROUP g Au18n Carolinas New YOU Phi9Mlpho St.Loos ti 01102 319 NORTH 42 STREET ST.1OUS,MO 63102 p 314331.5750 f 314.231.0616 i i ARMhr CML GREENBERG FARROW ENGINEER 5500 DEMOCRACY DRIVE, PLANO,TX.75024 a 972.514.7641 ERIC WILHITE STRUCTURAL MCCOMAS ENGINEERING. ENGINEER 1717 EAST 116111 STREET, 2 CARMEL,IN 46032 317.560.0402 U8 ROD MACOMAS ENV O PLUMBING,MECHANICAL 9229 DELEGATES ROW. 1 ELECTRICAL. INDIANAPOLIS.IN.46240 i FIRE 317.653.2614 PROTECTION DAVID BARRIENTOS FOOD DIRECT SUPPLY SERVICE 6767 NORTH INDUSTRIAL Pa MILWAUKEE.Al 53223 600226.0087 [' JAN CIWN i Agadpaerk U TI S te 1E Arlwlli: Y 8 H co n PRgoE� LJN `-—-` w W X 8 !PROPERTY UNE — —— `/) LU Y g EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE —'——,— �J _ AT EDGE OF AT PROPERTY ra — — NORTH Z 1 ROAD:624.5+/- LINE:624.0+/- _- __ -_ — — ——— PROPERTY 4 ✓ UNE J D m �0,_ _ -- - ______ : —EXISTING �•r_—_w _.._ GRADE AT } • P _ PROPERTY 0 ..%;.....-21:-;::, ■ ■■�R ON N�: aii ■ ■■ UNE:813.96 z 0 '/) 0;4A-KCD I—° LL _ •'4 ]6'-o Ire^ — RI-5 VI- zr-0•+/- 95_4•__—. �. _. ___ —— --- --— —. -'- N < O LU 4- NOTE: PROPOSED SLAB MUST BE EXISTING ROAD RECESSED 25-0"IN ORDER U TO MEET 4:1 SLOPE FROM CO 2 < 1 EAST ELEVATION Area D-To Meet Set Back Clearace PROPERTY UNE. p I- CO w I- A200-C 1/16"=1'-0' LU Q ~ Lg o W v 2 V) N The Prd.saidaM load sew aTaM m Mos Moor al;a<ny 10 ds material and awns shown on Ira slosot 0.1 dram,. er documents not pi ng lhoe seal sh.ml Pe coneodered Prepares by Mos architect and des archotect morosely diadems ay and all reasons..lor such Mors,Drawings coo dorm,.nd 4n9 Nis ser This draMn9$85 dwees on 1 arc Na wm pmpsov d Na 4 may a us.nor tela speedo pmlst 0,y. M1 anaa not M loan,coped or...so.on venom w I or has any W.purpose Or praM 100104 Ne roontleon can..a p.asdivl N> D..*a6011 Data li Set Back Variance Elevation Acpct»rOss AtOO.0 15051 Yu OM 11A122015