2015-08-20 CIAC MinutesSOUTHLAKE TEXAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 20, 2015 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Work Session - Executive Conference Room, Suite 268 of Town Hall or City Council Chambers of Town Hall Regular Session - City Council Chambers of Town Hall COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Parrish, Daniel Kubiak, Michael Forman, Chris Greer and Michael Springer STAFF PRESENT: Senior Director, Ken Baker; Director of Finance, Sharon Jackson; Director Bob Price; and Commission Secretary, Holly Blake MEETING Item No.1 — Call to Order: Chairman Parrish called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m. Ken Baker gave a brief overview of the committee and its function. Item No. 3 — Overview of Impact Fees: Sharon Jackson came forward and covered the status report for impact fees. Item No. 4 — Report to the respect of the developing and implementing the impact fee (10 - year) capital improvements plan: Jeff Whiticar with Kimley-Horn and Associates gave a presentation covering Item No. 4 thru Item No. 9 together. Commissioner Springer asked about the reduction. Mr. Whiticar explained the development community lobbied that when you start building you start paying taxes, so legislative stated that it can be cut in half. Commissioner Forman asked why the maximums higher than the actuals are and is that consistent across the board. Mr. Whiticar stated that the actuals are what City Council adopted last time which was at reduced rate which is fairly common. Commissioner Kubiak stated that this is built on our existing land use plan. Is it taken into consideration when there is an economic slowdown? Mr. Whiticar stated that the company looks at best projections based on past results. Commissioner Springer asked if the fees can be changed. Mr. Whiticar stated that the maximum ceiling cannot be changed unless the study is updated. However, the rates can be changed and would follow normal ordinance procedures. Item No. 5 — Land Use Assumption report: Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — August 20, 2015 Page 1 of 2 Item No. 6 — Review of Capital Improvements Plan: Item No. 7 — Roadway Impact Fees: Item No. 8 — Water and Waste Water Impact Fees: Item No. 9 — Impact Fee Comparisons: Item No. 10 — Public Comments: Chairman Parrish opened and closed the public hearing. Item No. 11 — Develop committee written comments and report to City Council_ on land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fee: Motion to approve the letter as presented for the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee of the City of Southlake dated August 20, 2015, specifically authorizing the Chairman to sign these recommendations and forward to the City Council. Motion: Forman Second: Greer Ayes: Kubiak, Forman, Springer, Greer and Parrish Nays: None Abstain: None Approved: 5-0-0 Item No. 12 — Meeting Adjournment. Meeting adjournment at 6:13 p.m. Todd Parrish ATTEST: hairman Holly Blake Commission Secretary Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — August 20, 2015 Page 2 of 2