2015-08-06 (2)CITY OF SOUTHLAIKE JOINT SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES: AUGUST 6, 2015 LOCATION: DPS North Training Facility, 100 East Dove, Southlake SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Randy Williamson, Vice -President Gary Fawks, Secretary Sherry Berman, and members John Huffman, Shawn McCaskill, Tamara McMillan, and Tina Wasserman BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tina Wasserman, Vice -Chair Chad Patton, and members Mitch Hill and Paul Venesky BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Medici, Lori Palmer, and Frances Scharli STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson, Deputy Director of Community Services Kate Meacham, Assistant to the Director of Community Services Cassie Tucker, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson, and Deputy City Secretary Traci Henderson 1. CALL TO ORDER President Williamson on behalf of himself and Chair Wasserman called the joint meeting of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board to order at 9:21 p.m. 2. CONSIDER: 2A. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED FY 2016 SPDC OPERATING BUDGET. PUBLIC HEARING (SPDC ACTION). APPROVED Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented item and was available to answer questions form the boards. Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson was also available to answer questions from the boards. President Williamson opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, President Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made by the Southlake Parks Development Corporation to approve the recommendation on proposed FY 2016 SPDC Operating Budget. Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board Joint Meeting Minutes — August 6, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Motion: Fawks Second: McMillan Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Huffman, McCaskill, McMillan, Wasserman, Williamson Approved: 7-0 2B. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED FY 2016-2020 SPDC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND FY 2016 SPDC CAPITAL BUDGET. PUBLIC HEARING (PARK BOARD AND SPDC ACTION) APPROVED Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented item and was available to answer questions form the boards. Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson was also available to answer questions from the boards. President Williamson opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, President Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made by the Parks and Recreation Board to approve the recommendation on proposed FY 2016-2020 SPDC Capital Improvement Program and FY 2016 SPDC Capital Budget as presented with an amendment to move $116,529 from the prior year's budget for Safety Town to Bicentennial Park Phase 3 with a recommendation from staff on how best to allocate those funds. Motion: Patton Second: Berman Ayes: Hill, Patton, Venesky, Wasserman Approved: 4-0 A motion was made by the Southlake Parks Development Corporation to approve the recommendation on proposed FY 2016-2020 SPDC Capital Improvement Program and FY 2016 SPDC Capital Budget as presented noting that we are reallocating $116,529 from the prior year's budget for Safety Town to Bicentennial Park Phase 3. Motion: Fawks Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Huffman, McCaskill, McMillan, Williamson Approved: 6-0 2C. RECOMMENDATION ON CONTRACT WITH MANNING CONCRETE FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH FIELD ROAD IN BOB JONES PARK IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $225,000. (SPDC ACTION) APPROVED The board did not require a presentation. President Williamson opened discussion on item. Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson was available to answer questions from the boards. Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board Joint Meeting Minutes — August 6, 2015 Page 2 of 3 A motion was made by the Southlake Parks Development Corporation to approve the recommendation on proposed FY 2016 SPDC Operating Budget. Motion: Fawks Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Fawks, Huffman, McCaskill, McMillan, Wasserman, Williamson Approved: 7-0 3. MEETING ADJOURNED (On behalf of both boards) President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Randy Williamson Southlake Parks Development Corporation President ATTEST: Traci Henderson Southlake Parks Development Corporation Liaison Deputy City Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Chair ATTEST: 1/1;U N G(;`4� r s Trib e Parks and Recreation Board Liaison Director of Community Services Southlake Parks Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board Joint Meeting Minutes —August 6, 2015 Page 3of3