2015-06-16UCITY OF SOUTHLAK.E TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: JUNE 16, 2015 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 76092 City Council Chambers CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Randy Williamson, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Brandon Bledsoe, and Councilmembers John Huffman, Shawn McCaskill, and Shahid Shafi. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Mayor Laura Hill and Councilmember Gary Fawks. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Assistant City Manager Alison Orlowski, Deputy Director of Communication Pilar Schank, Assistant to the City Manager Daniel Cortez, Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson, Director of Economic Development and Tourism Shannon Hamons, Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Community Services Kate Meacham, Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson, Police Chief James Brandon, Fire Chief Mike Starr, Director of Human Resources Stacey Black, Director of Information Technology Greg Hendricks, Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker, Principal Planner Richard Schell, Director of Public Works Bob Price, Civil Engineer Steve Anderson, Public Works Operations Manager Chuck Kendrick, City Attorney Tim Sralla, and City Secretary Lori Payne. WORK SESSION: 1. CALL TO ORDER The Work Session was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Williamson at 5:33 p.m. 2. INVOCATION Ricky Franklin gave the invocation. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags. 3. HONORS AND RECOGNITIONS a. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson recognized the 2015 Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) State Math and Science Competition Participants and congratulated them on their success. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 1 of 25 4. DISCUSS ALL ITEMS ON TONIGHT'S AGENDA. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AND EACH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED DURING THE REGULAR SESSION. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson reviewed the consent agenda items. REGULAR SESSION: 1. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Williamson at 5:51 p.m. 2A. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pro Tem Williamson announced that City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with city attorney, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property, Section 551.074, deliberation regarding personnel matters and 551.087, deliberation regarding economic development negotiations. City Council adjourned for Executive Session at 5:51 p.m. Executive Session began at 6:03 p.m. and concluded at 7:08 p.m. 2B. RECONVENE Mayor Pro Tem Williamson reconvened the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson asked if any action was necessary from Executive Session. A motion was made to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a settlement discussion with a particular vendor as discussed in executive session. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 3A. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Pro Tem Williamson briefly announced upcoming meetings and events. 3B. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Shana Yelverton recognized Public Works Deputy Director/Operations Manager Chuck Kendrick as he is planning to retire soon. She thanked him for a decade of service to the city and for all of his good work. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 2 of 25 Fire Chief Mike Starr gave a brief presentation on the predicted impact of Tropical Storm Bill on an already saturated region. He noted area conditions and road closings. REGULAR AGENDA: 4. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the City Council and are enacted with one motion. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson read the Consent Agenda items into the record. 4A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 2, 2015 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 4B. APPROVE AN ANNUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING ODOR CONTROL TREATMENT AT LIFT STATIONS WITH PREMIER MAGNESIA, LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $138,000. 4C. APPROVE ANNUAL CONTRACT RENEWAL FOR LEWIS CONCRETE RESTORATION FOR MANHOLE AND WET WELL REHAB SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000. 4D. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH NEEL- SHAFFER, INC. FOR DESIGN OF NEIGHBORHOOD SEWER LIFT STATION IN THE TORIAN PLACE ADDITION IN THE AMOUNT OF $58,155. 4E. RESOLUTION NO. 15-035, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A RIGHT OF WAY TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN SIDEWALKS AND ROADWAY APPURTENANCES ON LAND LOCATED IN THE THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 AT 950 NORTH WHITE CHAPEL BOULEVARD. Item 4E was removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. 4F. APPROVE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ART GALLERY RECEPTION ON SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 AND AN ART EXHIBIT SEPTEMBER 10 — OCTOBER 23, 2015 IN THE TOWN HALL LOBBY. 4G. APPROVE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ART GALLERY RECEPTION FEBRUARY 21, 2016 AND AN ART EXHIBIT FEBRUARY 19 — APRIL 22, 2016 IN THE TOWN HALL LOBBY. 4H. APPROVE PERMIT FOR CISD ART EXHIBIT APRIL 22-24, 2016 IN TOWN HALL IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ART IN THE SQUARE FESTIVAL. 41. APPROVE SOUTHLAKE TENNIS CENTER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ROXY TENNIS, LLC. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 3 of 25 4J. APPROVE BOB JONES NATURE CENTER & PRESERVE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT. 4K. APPROVE NAME FOR CITY PARK IN WINDING CREEK DEVELOPMENT. 4L. VARIANCE TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE NO. 483, AS AMENDED, SECTION 4.011 EXPIRATION OF PLATS, EXTENDING THE VALIDITY OF THE CASE ZA14-049, FINAL PLAT FOR KIMBALL PARK ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 3A1A AND 3A2A, THOMAS MAHAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1049, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 400 AND 470 NORTH KIMBALL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: S -P-2 GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #4. 4M. ORDINANCE NO. 480-698 (ZA15-054), 1St READING, ZONING CHANGE AND CONCEPT PLAN FOR LOT 29, JOHN CHILDRESS NO. 254 ADDITION ON PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS TRACT 2C, J. CHILDRESS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 254 AND TRACT 10, R.D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1207, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS LOCATED AT 3020 BURNEY LANE (FORMERLY 3510 AND 3520 BURNEY LANE), SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "SF -1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "SF -1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #2. (IF APPROVED, THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 4, 2015.) 4N. ORDINANCE NO. 480-697 (ZA15-038), 1St READING, ZONING CHANGE AND CONCEPT PLAN FOR 800 EAST BOB JONES ROAD ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 10 AND 16, H. O. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1237A, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 800 AND 790 EAST BOB JONES ROAD. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "SF -1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #1. (IF APPROVED THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 4, 2015.) 40. CONSIDER APPLICATION FOR NEIGHBORHOOD 50/50 PROGRAM REGARDING SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AT OAK TREE ESTATES. 4P. APPROVE TELECOM EXPENSES FOR VERIZON SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $179,000. 4Q. APPROVE TELECOMIINTERNET EXPENSES FOR ONESOURCE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,890. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 4 of 25 4R. APPROVE TOSHIBA COPIER SERVICES EXPENSES IN THE AMOUNT OF $93,583. 4S. RESOLUTION NO. 15-033, APPOINTING CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO FULFILL VACANCIES ON VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council appointed the following City Council representatives to fulfill vacancies: Audit Committee: Laura Hill Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board: Shahid Shafi (term expires October 2015) Southlake Parks Development Corporation: John Huffman (term expires June 2016) Shawn McCaskill (term expires June 2017) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) No. 1: John Huffman (term expires June 2016); Laura Hill (term expires June 2017); Randy Williamson (term expires June 2017); Shawn McCaskill (term expires June 2017) In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO FULFILL VACANCIES ON VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 4T. APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STATE HIGHWAY 114 CORRIDOR TASK FORCE. Council appointed Mayor Hill, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Bledsoe and Councilmember Fawks to the task force. TABLED ITEMS: 4U. RESOLUTION NO. 15-031 (ZA15-037), SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER, ANTENNAS AND ANCILLARY BUILDINGS FOR ST. CHARLES TOWER ON PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS TRACT 1 G, H. GRANBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 581, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 640 SOUTH WHITE CHAPEL BOULEVARD, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. SPIN #10. (THIS ITEM HAS BEEN TABLED AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT TO THE AUGUST 18, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING.) REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 5 of 25 4V. ORDINANCE NO. 480-693 (ZA15-014), 1St READING, ZONING CHANGE AND CONCEPT PLAN FOR 1860 SUNSHINE LANE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS 3A1 F5, FRANCES THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1511, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 1860 SUNSHINE LANE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "SF -1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. PROPOSED ZONING: "SF -20A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #4. (AT THE MAY 19, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING, THIS ITEM WAS TABLED TO THE SEPTEMBER 1, 2015, CITY COUNCIL MEETING.) 4W. RESOLUTION NO. 15-028, (ZA15-034), SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER, ANTENNAS AND ANCILLARY BUILDINGS AT 1604 HART STREET ON PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS LOT 4, BLOCK A OF THE HART INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS LOCATED AT 1604 HART STREET, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: 1-1" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING (AT THE JUNE 4, 2015 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING, THE APPLICANT REQUESTED THE ITEM TO BE TABLED UNTIL THE AUGUST 20, 2015 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING.) 4X. ORDINANCE NO. 480-684, (ZA14-120), 2nd READING, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR WHITE LINE SELF STORAGE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 6138 AND 6D9, J.G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 18, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 750 DAVIS BOULEVARD AND 2360 MICHAEL DRIVE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #10. PUBLIC HEARING. (AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT, THIS ITEM HAS BEEN TABLED TO THE AUGUST 4, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING.) APPROVED A motion was made to approve the consent agenda as presented noting: • Item 4E will be voted on separately; • Item 4K, approving the name of "Prade Park"; • Item 4L, approving the validity of the final plat for six months; • Item 4M, subject to Zoning Change and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 9, 2015, granting the variance to allow the lot to front on a private access easement; • Item 4N, subject to Zoning Change and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated June 8, 2015; • Item 40, approving a contribution of 50% of the total cost of the project, not to exceed $4,378; • Item 4S, appointing the following Councilmembers to the Boards noted: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 6 of 25 o Mayor Laura Hill - Audit Committee (no term) o Shahid Shafi - Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board (October 2015) o John Huffman - SPDC (June 2016) o Shawn McCaskill - SPDC (June 2017) o John Huffman - TIRZ #1 Board (June 2016) 0 1) Laura Hill; 2) Randy Williamson; 3) Shawn McCaskill - TIRZ #1 Board (June 2017); • Item 4T, appointing the following Councilmembers to serve on the Corridor Task Force: 1) Mayor Hill, 2) Brandon Bledsoe, 3) Gary Fawks. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 4E. RESOLUTION NO. 15-035, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A RIGHT OF WAY TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN SIDEWALKS AND ROADWAY APPURTENANCES ON LAND LOCATED IN THE THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 AT 950 NORTH WHITE CHAPEL BOULEVARD. APPROVED Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Bledsoe stated specifically: "I move that the City of Southlake approve Resolution No. 15-035, to authorize the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire a tract of land designated as Parcel 16 of the North White Chapel Boulevard widening project, said Parcel 16 being a 0.0921 acre tract of land located in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, which tract is also known as 950 North White Chapel Boulevard, the area to be acquired being approximately the easternmost 28 feet of that tract, as more specifically shown on the Survey attached to the Resolution, for use as a public right-of-way to permit the widening of North White Chapel Boulevard, including the construction of public sidewalks, public utility facilities, and other roadway appurtenances associated with that public improvement project. Parcel 16 is being described as: BEING, 4,012 square feet of land, more or less, in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed by deed to Nina Louise Dunn, as recorded in Volume 7347, Page 575 and Volume 7347, Page 572 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T), said 4,012 square feet of land being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northeast comer of Lot I, Block 2 of the Carroll ISD No. 2 Addition, an addition to the City of REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 7 of 25 Southlake as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4516 of the Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE, along the northerly line of said Lot I, North 89 degrees 13 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 1.64 feet to a point for a comer on the new westerly right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard and being the POINT OF BEGINNING having NAD 83 (HARN 1993) Texas State Plane, North Central Zone (4202) surface coordinates of North 7033618.41, and East 2382578.01; 1) THENCE along the new westerly right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard, North 00 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 47.10 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with plastic cap stamped "Huitt-Zollars" at the beginning of a curve to the left having a delta angle of 01 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds, a radius of 4,952.00 feet, being subtended by a chord which bears North 00 degrees 41 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 98.32 feet; 2) THENCE along the new westerly right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard and said curve to the left an arc length of 98.32 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with plastic cap stamped "Huitt-Zollars" at the end of said curve and being on the northerly line of the aforementioned Dunn tract (Vol. 7347, Pg. 572); 3) THENCE departing the new westerly right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard, North 88 degrees 22 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 28.33 feet along the northerly line of said Dunn tract to a point for comer on the existing westerly right -of- way line of North White Chapel Boulevard; 4) THENCE along the existing westerly right-of-way line of North White Chapel Boulevard, South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 145.86 feet to a point for comer on the southerly line of said Dunn tract; 5) THENCE along the northerly line of said Dunn tract, South 89 degrees 13 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 27.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGININNG and containing 4,012 square feet of land, more or less. BASIS OF BEARING: Survey control for White Chapel Boulevard is based on City of Southlake control monuments #22, #26 & #30. Project coordinate values are State Plane NAD 1983 (HARN 1993), North Central Texas Zone 4202, adjusted to surface using a factor of 1.000155478. To convert project coordinates back to grid (true state plane) multiply by 0.999844546." REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 8 of 25 Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING A CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A RIGHT OF WAY FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USES PERMITTED BY LAW. 5. PUBLIC FORUM Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public forum. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public forum. 6. ORDINANCES, SECOND READINGS, PUBLIC HEARINGS, AND RELATED ITEMS: 6A. RESOLUTION NO. 15-030, (ZA15-051), SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITY FOR K. HOVNANIAN HOMES ON PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, CARILLON PHASE 2A-2, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 1601 RIVIERA LANE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "ECZ" EMPLOYMENT CENTER ZONING DISTRICT. SPIN #3. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Principal Planner Richard Shell presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant David Vanderslice with K. Hovnanian Homes presented this item and answered Council's questions. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 15-030, (ZA15-051), Specific Use Permit for a Temporary Construction Facility for K. Hovnanian Homes granting variance to distance requirement to nearest residence and subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015 and extending the permit for an additional 18 months as requested. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 9 of 25 Motion: Bledsoe Second: Huffman Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND/OR SALES FACILITY ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, CARILLON PHASE 2A-2, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; AND LOCATED AT 1601 RIVIERA LANE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6B. ORDINANCE NO. 480-696, (ZA15-046), 2nd READING, ZONING CHANGE AND CONCEPT PLAN FOR 1961 EAST HIGHLAND STREET ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 2D AND 2, THOMAS MAHAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1049, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 1961 AND 1971 EAST HIGHLAND STREET. CURRENT ZONING: "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "SF -2" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #4. PUBLIC HEARING ' APPROVED Principal Planner Richard Shell presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant Tim O'Hare presented this item and answered Council's questions. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. Steve Cook, 1981 East Highland, Southlake, Texas addressed some concerns regarding the proposed plan. Public Works Director Bob Price answered questions from Council. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-696, (ZA15-046), 2nd Reading, Zoning Change and Concept Plan for 1961 East Highland Street subject to Staff Report REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 10 of 25 dated June 9, 2015 and Revised Concept Plan Review Summary dated May 22, 2015 noting the removal of the existing home and accessory buildings; construction of an eight foot sidewalk multi -use trail along Highland with the construction of the new home; noting that the City will reimburse the applicant the difference in cost between the eight foot multi -use trail and a four foot sidewalk; and asking that Public Works Director Bob Price work with the applicant to see what can be done to relocate the existing above ground Tri -County electric connectivity in this neighborhood. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 2D AND 2, THOMAS MAHAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1049, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING APPROXIMATELY 2.809 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "SF - 2" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6C. ORDINANCE NO. 480-695, (ZA15-030), 2nd READING, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR TRUEZERO ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1R, BLOCK 5, CORNERSTONE BUSINESS PARK ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH NOLEN DRIVE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "S -P- 2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 11 of 25 Senior Director of Planning Development Services Ken Baker presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant Stephen Elwood with Corgan and Associates presented the item and answered Council's questions. Public Works Director Bob Price answered questions from Council. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-695, (ZA15-030), 2nd Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan for TrueZero subject to the following: • Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; • Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated May 11, 2015; • Granting the driveway spacing distance of approximately 185 feet so the proposed driveway aligns with the existing driveway across South Nolen Drive from the TrueZero property; • Building articulation approved as shown in Attachment 'C', Page 12 of the Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; • Noting the building materials will be as shown on the sample board presented this evening, specifically mentioning the wood louvers which are somewhat a grey color in elevations presented to Council that will be of a wood type material over metal; o And, noting that absent an agreement with the adjacent property owner to the north to obtain a clear line of sight, subject to the concurrence of Public Works, we recommend that we have a right turn only and that Public Works will work with the applicant to determine the safest ingress/egress according to that sight line distance. Motion: Bledsoe Second: Huffman Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1R, BLOCK 5, CORNERSTONE BUSINESS PARK REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 12 of 25 ADDITION, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "S -P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT TO "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT, AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6D. ZA15-035, CONCEPT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOTS 1, 2 & 3, BLOCK 16 AND LOT 9, BLOCK 12, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, RESERVE STREET AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 AND 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "DT" DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G and 6H together and was available to answer questions from Council. Public Works Director Bob Price answered Council's questions. Property owner Frank Bliss presented the item and answered Council's questions. Applicant David Cunningham, Director of Development for Granite Properties, 1701 Grass Court, Southlake, Texas presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, and 6H together and answered Council's questions. Fire Chief Mike Starr answered Council's questions. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F together and asked for anyone wishing to speak on any of those items to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 13 of 25 A motion was made to approve ZA15-035, Concept/Development Plan for Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 16 and Lot 9, Southlake Town Square noting that Council's approval is for Phase 1 only (Block 12 is intentionally being left out of this description); granting the variances to the sidewalks and noting the applicant is proposing to internalize those sidewalks rather than constructing them along the frontage road, to the stacking depths for Driveways 'B' and 'D' (Driveway 'C' has been corrected with removal of parking spots), building height for Phase 1 will be 94 feet, and number of loading spaces will be one as discussed with Council; subject to Division Street being completed to State Street which is otherwise shown as a Phase 2 improvement and to clarify will be fully improved with this Phase 1 Concept/Development Plan; subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; subject to Concept/Development Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated June 9, 2015; and also noting the realignment of Reserve Street. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 6E. ZA15-036, SITE PLAN FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 16, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, RESERVE STREET AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 AND 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "DT" DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker previously presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G and 6H together and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant David Cunningham, Director of Grass Court, Southlake, Texas previously together and answered Council's questions. Development for Granite Properties, 1701 presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, and 6H Mayor Pro Tem Williamson previously opened the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F together and asked for anyone wishing to speak on any of those items to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson previously closed the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 14 of 25 A motion was made to approve Ordinance ZA15-036, Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 16, Southlake Town Square on property described as Lot 1, Block 17, Southlake Town Square, Phase IV and Lot 2, Greenway -Carroll approving the variances as noted in item 6D (granting the variances to the sidewalks and noting the applicant is proposing to internalize those sidewalks rather than constructing them along the frontage road, to the stacking depth for Driveways 'B' and 'D' (Driveway `C' has been corrected with removal of parking spots), building height for Phase 1 will be 94 feet, and number of loading spaces will be one as discussed with Council); subject to Division Street being completed to State Street which is otherwise shown as a Phase 2 improvement and to clarify will be fully improved with this Phase 1 Concept/Development Plan; noting the removal of parking spots on the northwest corner restaurant site which does remove the Driveway'C' stacking variance as previously cited; subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; and subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 29, 2015. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 6F. RESOLUTION NO. 15-034 (ZA15-049), SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR STRUCTURED PARKING ON LOT 1, BLOCK 16, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, RESERVE STREET AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 AND 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "DT" DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker previously presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G and 6H together and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant David Cunningham, Director of Grass Court, Southlake, Texas previously together and answered Council's questions. Development for Granite Properties, 1701 presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, and 6H Mayor Pro Tem Williamson previously opened the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F together and asked for anyone wishing to speak on any of those items to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson previously closed the public hearings for items 6D, 6E, and 6F. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 15 of 25 A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 15-034 (ZA15-049), Specific Use Permit for Structured Parking on Lot 1, Block 16, Southlake Town Square granting the variances for the lack of street level retail or office which will remain as parking and noting the parking structure parapet wall color/material inconsistency; and subject to the Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; and subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 29, 2015. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A MULTI-LEVEL PARKING GARAGE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL ADDITION, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, SOUTHLAKE, TEXS AND LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 & 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE EXHIBIT ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6G. ZA15-048, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR LOT 9, BLOCK 12; LOTS 1 - 3, BLOCK 16; LOT 1R, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE PHASE IV ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, A PORTION OF RESERVE STREET AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 AND 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "DT" DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. APPROVED Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker previously presented items 6D, 6E, 617, 6G and 6H together and was available to answer questions from Council. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 16 of 25 Applicant David Cunningham, Director of Grass Court, Southlake, Texas previously together and answered Council's questions. Development for Granite Properties, 1701 presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, and 6H A motion was made to approve ZA15-048, Preliminary Plat for Lot 9, Block 12; Lots 1 - 3, Block 16; Lot 1 R, Block 17, Southlake Town Square Phase IV granting the variance to the street sidewalks which will be internal and not on the frontage road and which were part of previously aforementioned motions; subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; and subject to Revised Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 9, 2015. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 6H. ZA15-043, PLAT REVISION FOR LOT 9, BLOCK 12; LOTS 1 - 3, BLOCK 16; LOT IR, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE PHASE IV ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV AND LOT 2, GREENWAY-CARROLL, ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, A PORTION OF RESERVE STREET AND TRACT 3A AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3J, RICHARD EADES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 481, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOCATED AT 1420 DIVISION STREET, 1301 AND 1501 EAST STATE HIGHWAY. 114 AND 245 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "DT" DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. APPROVED Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker previously presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G and 6H together and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant David Cunningham, Director of Grass Court, Southlake, Texas previously together and answered Council's questions. Development for Granite Properties, 1701 presented items 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, and 6H A motion was made to approve ZA15-043, Plat Revision for Lot 9, Block 12; Lots 1 - 3, Block 16; Lot 1 R, Block 17, Southlake Town Square Phase IV granting the variance to the street sidewalks which will be internal and not on the frontage road and which were part of previously aforementioned motions; subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015; and subject to Revised Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 9, 2015. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 17 of 25 Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 Mayor Pro Tem Williamson called for a break at 9:34 p.m. and reconvened at 9:46 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson stated that item 7A would be heard next due to a number of audience members wishing to speak. 7A. ORDINANCE NO. 480-3288, (ZA15-011), 1gt READING, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR COUNTRYSIDE BIBLE CHURCH ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 2111, BLOCK A AND 2R2R, BLOCK B, RAVENAUX VILLAGE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 250 AND 301 COUNTRYSIDE COURT, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT AND "S -P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #5. (IF APPROVED, THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 4, 2015.) APPROVED Principal Planner Richard Schell presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant Bryan Chandler presented this item to Council and answered questions. City Attorney Tim Sralla addressed questions of access on the church's property. Although this item was not a public hearing, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson allowed those wishing to speak the opportunity to do so. Ann Dahlson, 1250 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake, Texas did not wish to speak but recorded opposition. Sheri Sutton, 703 Pryor Court South, Keller, Texas spoke in opposition. Doreen Bruton, 480 West Highland, Southlake, Texas spoke in opposition. Ann Bedford, 1331 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake, Texas spoke in opposition. Bobby Rawls, 165 East Dove Road, Southlake, Texas did not wish to speak but recorded support. John Larson, 335 Ravenaux Drive, Southlake, Texas spoke in support. Bob Seaback, 380 West Highland, Southlake, Texas spoke in opposition. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 18 of 25 Janice Hannah, 340 West Highland, Southlake, Texas spoke in opposition. Harvey Elms, 2202 Cedar Elm Terrace, Westlake, Texas spoke in opposition. Abby Sutton, 703 Prior Court South, Keller, Texas spoke in opposition. Casey Beyers, 2202 Cedar Elm Terrace, Westlake, Texas spoke in opposition. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-328b, (ZA15-011), 1St Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan for Countryside Bible Church noting the following: • granting the variances for driveway spacing — the 85 feet to the drive to the west and the 70 feet to the drive to the northeast; • the sidewalks which were previously a variance (requested as a zoning regulation) have been added to the revised site plan since P&Z; • approval is subject to the installation of the bufferyards and landscaping for Lot 2R2R will come at a later date (when parking lot is constructed); • masonry materials will be consistent with what was presented this evening (material sample board); • and, any lighting that is proposed on the project will comply with the City of Southlake Lighting Ordinance with no variance. Motion: Bledsoe Second: Huffman Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 Mayor Pro Tem Williamson stated that item 61 would be heard next. 61. ZA15-041, SITE PLAN FOR POLLO TROPICAL ON PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS LOT 1R3, BLOCK 1 OF THE GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE II ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS LOCATED AT 2640 EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "S -P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #8. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Principal Planner Richard Schell presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant Terry Wilkinson and Construction Manager Howard Johnson presented the item and answered Council's questions. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 19 of 25 A motion was made to approve ZA15-041, Site Plan for Polio Tropical subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 29, 2015 noting that window inserts on west elevation will be inside the building envelope and will not be an external architectural feature; noting the building colors will be materially consistent with the color palette as shown to Council this evening; noting the south elevation will also have colors on its one awning that is materially consistent with that shown on the east elevation; noting there will be no palm trees or graphics included on the south elevation louvers; and noting that previous approvals for this site will carry forth. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Not having done so prior to statement of the motion, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on this item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 6J. THIS ITEM WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6K. ORDINANCE NO. 480-RRRR, 2nd READING, AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, TO REMOVE "COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, INCLUDING TRADE SCHOOL" AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE 1-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SECTION 26) AND ADD AS A SPECIFIC USE IN THE SPECIFIC USE PERMITS SECTION (SECTION 45) OF THE ORDINANCE. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Senior Director of Planning Development Services Ken Baker presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-RRRR, 2nd Reading, An amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, to remove "Commercial school, including trade school" as a permitted use in the 1-1 Light Industrial District (Section 26) and add as a specific use in the Specific Use Permits section (Section 45) of the Ordinance pursuing with Options 1 and 2 as presented to Council this evening. Motion: Bledsoe REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 20 of 25 Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; BY REMOVING PROVISIONS FROM SECTION 26 — 1-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO SECTION 45 — SPECIFIC USE PERMITS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6L. ORDINANCE NO. 1043A, 2nd READING, APPROVE A SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18, SECTION 18-79 OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY CODE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF NORTH KIMBALL AVENUE. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Council did not require a presentation from staff. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 1043A, 2"d Reading, Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance Amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on a portion of North Kimball Avenue. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18, SECTION 18-79 OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY CODE TO ESTABLISH A NEW SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF NORTH KIMBALL AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 21 of 25 DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO POST APPROPRIATE SIGNS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6M. ORDINANCE NO. 1120, 2nd READING, ADOPT ORDINANCE TO ABANDON PERMANENT WATER, SEWER AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT D208215207 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, SITUATED IN THE THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 706, IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING PART OF A 72.734 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN COUNTY CLERK FILE NO. D206217962 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS SHADY OAKS PHASE 1A. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Council did not require a presentation from staff. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the item to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Williamson closed the public hearing. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 1120, 2"d Reading, Adopt ordinance to abandon permanent water, sewer and drainage easement as recorded in instrument D208215207 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey Abstract No. 706, in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being part of a 72.734 acre tract as described in County Clerk File No. D206217962 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as Shady Oaks Phase 1A. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 In accordance with Section 4.21 of the City Charter, the caption for this item is listed as follows: AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A PERMANENT WATER, SEWER AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PREVIOUSLY GRANTED TO THE CITY BY TERRA SHADY OAKS, L.P. AS RECORDED IN D208215207 OF DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY; DECLARING THAT SUCH EASEMENT IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 22 of 25 EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED RELEASING AND ASSIGNING THIS EASEMENT TO THE OWNERS OF THE FEE ESTATE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. ORDINANCES, FIRST READINGS, AND RELATED ITEMS: 7A. ORDINANCE NO. 480-328B, (ZA15-011), 1St READING, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR COUNTRYSIDE BIBLE CHURCH ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 2R1, BLOCK A AND 2R2R, BLOCK B, RAVENAUX VILLAGE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 250 AND 301 COUNTRYSIDE COURT, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT AND "S -P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "S -P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN #5. (IF APPROVED, THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 4, 2015.) Item 7A was considered earlier in the meeting. 7B. ZA15-042, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MOSS FARMS ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 3A1K, F. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1511, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND LOCATED AT 1967 EAST DOVE ROAD, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "SF -1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPIN #4. APPROVED Principal Planner Richard Schell presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Fire Chief Mike Staff addressed questions regarding gated communities. Applicant Curtis Young presented this item to Council and answered questions. A motion was made to approve ZA15-042, Preliminary Plat for Moss Farms noting approval of the following variances: variance to Section 5.02 requiring a 50 foot right of way for a local street to allow a 40 foot right of way; noting that with a gate this street will become a private street but noting that in the final plat the street will become a separate lot and maintenance of that private street will be that of the lot and/or homeowners within this proposed development; noting the variance to Section 5.03 for the maximum cul-de-sac length; noting there will be an emergency vehicle easement over the private street; noting that the signs included in the presentation are not part of this approval; and subject to Staff Report dated June 9, 2015 and Revised Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated June 6, 2015. Motion: Bledsoe REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 23 of 25 Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 7C. ORDINANCE NO. 1121, 1St READING, APPROVE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR A RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION. (IF APPROVED, THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 4, 2015.) APPROVED City Manager Shana Yelverton made initial comments on this agenda item and answered questions from Council. Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson answered questions from Council. A motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 1121, 1St Reading, Approve an ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, providing for a residential homestead property tax exemption asking staff to provide options for incremental steps in increase in the exemption for Council to evaluate at second reading. Motion: Bledsoe Second: McCaskill Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Shafi, Williamson Approved: 5-0 8. RESOLUTIONS: (THERE ARE NO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA.) 9. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: 9A. SV15-004, SIGN VARIANCE TO THE MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR PARK VILLAGE AS IT PERTAINS TO MODMARKET LOCATED AT 1161 EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD, SUITE #260. APPROVED Senior Director of Planning Development Services Ken Baker presented item and was available to answer questions from Council. Applicant Joshua Miller presented this item to Council and answered questions. A motion was made to approve SV15-004, Sign Variance to the Master Sign Plan for Park Village as it pertains to ModMarket approving all variances as presented with the exception of the maximum logo height (noting the maximum logo height of 48 inches instead of the proposed 60 inches). REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 24 of 25 Motion: Bledsoe Second: Huffman Ayes: Bledsoe, Huffman, McCaskill, Williamson Nays: Shafi Approved: 4-1 10. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (THERE ARE NO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA.) 11. MEETING ADJOURNED. Mayor Pro Tem Williamson adjourned the meeting at 12:14 a.m. *An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently re aimed in the City Secretary's r Office. Randy Williamson Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Lori Payne, TF City Secretary REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2015 Page 25 of 25