0830AORDINANCE NO. 830-A OFFICIAL RECORD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, REVISING THE BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 2002-03 budget which was approved by City Council with Ordinance No. 830 on September 17, 2002, and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, a copy of said amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "A, B, and C" and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget Amendment and has determined that the Budget Amendment attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 2002-03 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessa~ transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget Amendment attached hereto as Exhibit "A, B, and C" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2002, and ending September 30, 2003; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager has determined that there are revenues available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002-03 approved budgets. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 20tiq day of ~ 2003. q Andy Wambsganss, Mayor ATTES~i-: Lori Fa~ell ~ " .... .* City Secreta~ %,, ~ ,' ~ ~,,'" PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this ,~f(J day of ~ma, 2003. ATTEST: Lori Farwell City Secretary APPROVF~S TO FOP, FM: City Attorney Date: I t-~]~ b~ Adopted: 1~-,3- 03 Effective: Io-b-~% Mayor GENERAL FUND Statemenl of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended April 30, 2003 with comparative actual amounts for the period ended April 30, 2002 (fiscal month 7-58.33%) EXHIBIT A REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Fines Charges for Serwces Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES City Secretm~ Human Resources City Manager Support Services General Government Total Finance Municipal Court Municipal Court Peen Corn t Finance Total Fire Pobce Public SaSety Support Building Public Sal'ety Total Streets/Drainage Public Works Administration Public Works Tolal Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Development Total Commun0y Services Pinks and Recreation Library Services Community Ser~ ices Total Total Expenditures Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND {USES) Proceeds from lease/CO (net) TmnsSer In-Other Funds Transfer To-Other Funds Total Othm Sources/(Uses) Excess (deficiency) of Revenues/other sources over Exp. FUND BALANCE OCT 1 Change in reserved ~.md balance ENDING FUND BALANCE fimd balance percentage AMENDED Percenl Year to Dale 2002/03 Collected, 4/30/03 Budget Expended $I0,398,885 $10,184,954 102.1% 2,548,235 4,729,847 53.9% 452,524 1,746,123 25.9% 630,232 958,000 65.8% 282,179 523,165 53.9% 545,293 698,160 78.1% 221,440 290,942 76.1% 100,947 120,000 84.1% $15,179,735 $[9,251,191 78.9% $186,384 $293,831 63.4% 148,354 261,771 56.7% 245,111 418,301 58.6% _1,335,166 2,522,574 52.9% 1,915,015 3,496,477 54.8% 285,090 595,536 47.9% 183,162 361,530 50.7% 20,368 _54,812 37.2% 488~620 l~011~878 48.3% 1,495,174 2,918,666 51.2% 2,348,492 4,402,845 53.3% 706,388 1,196,500 59.0% 485,157 _912,833 53.1% 5,035,211 9~430~844 53.4% 552,105 1,152,994 47.9% 393,803 683,504 57.6% 945,908 1~836,498 51.5% 288~472 527,562 5&7% 288~472 527~562 54.7% 143,077 284,866 502% 143~077 284,866 50.2% 136,847 439,562 31.1% 887,702 1,992~616 44.5% 183,783 385,41~9 47.7% 1~208~332 l~817~597 42.9°A $10~024~635 $19~405~722 51.7~A $5,155,100 ($154,531) $0 $0 0 0 0 (795,[63) $0 ($795,163) ($949,694) $6,499,077 $0 $5,549,383 28.6% Yearto Date 4/30/02 $8,501,233 2,897,939 1,162,998 472,084 369,141 741,971 219,419 85,897 $14,450,682 $174~817 155,467 234,275 1,144,604 1,709,163 263,418 179,060 37,209 479,687 1~346,136 2,084,453 623,510 559,692 4~613~791 510,403 377~498 887~901 286,776 28C776 149,282 149~282 271,939 831,056 236,147 $9,465,742 $4,984,940 $0 0 (820,163~ ($820,163) $4,164,777 Actual Total 9/30/02 $8,940,228 5,396,849 2,490,918 839,822 732,124 1,218,205 394,780 309,321 $20,322,247 $291,359 275,015 418,543 2,099,516 3,084,433 562,925 329,080 57,914 949,919 2,618,965 4,014,004 1,188,995 962,998 8~784~962 922,724 739,214 1~661~938 524,870 524~870 266,960 26C960 459,497 1,697,212 392,473 2,549,182 $17~822~264 $2,499,983 0 (820,163~ ($820,163) $1,679,820 $4,819,257 $0 $6,499,077 34.9% Collected/ Expended 95.1% 53.7% 46.7% 56.2% 50.4% 60,9% 55.6% 27.8% 71.1% 60.0% 56.5% 56.0% 54.5% 55.4% 46,8% 54.4% 64.2% 50.5% 51.4% 51.9% 52,4% 58.1% 52.5% 55.3% 51.1% 53.4% 54.6% 54.6% 55.9% 55.9% 59.2% 49.0% 0.0% 52.5% 53.1% REVENUES Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Park Improvements Land Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond proceeds Transferto otherfunds To~l OtherSources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund BaJance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation 2002-03 Amended Budget $ Increase/ 2001-02 2002~3 2002-03 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease $172,850 $60,000 $60,000 $0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 13,063 6,600 6.600 i _0 0.0% $185,913 $66,600 $66,600 $0 0.0% $o $0 $0 o o.o% 0 0 56,000 55,000 0.0% _o_ _o _o _o o.ooA $o $0 $s$,0oo S55,oo0 o.oo/, $185.913 $66.600 ~ ~ $o $o $o $248,408 $434,321 $434,321 $434.321 $500.921 $445.92t REVENUES Sales Tax Interest and Miscellaneous Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers Out Proceeds from C.O. Sale Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 2002-03 Amended Budget 02:40 PM $ Increase/ 2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease $2,692,494 $2,216,240 $2,216,240 ($476,25~ -17.7o/, 243,749 40,000 40,000 (203,74~c -83.6% $2,936,243 $2,256,240 $2,256,240 ($476,254 -16.2% $339,666 $302,294 $151,147 ($188,51§ -55.5o/, $3,557 $0 $0 (3,557 -100.0o/~ $o .~ $o _o o.oo/, $343,223 $302,294 $t 51,147 ($192,076 -56.0% ~ $1.953.946 $2.t06.093 ~ (1,683,890 (1,708,910) (1,708,910) ~ fSt.706.g~q) f$1.708.910' $1,577,474 $2 486,604 $2,486,604 $2.486.60,~ 62.73~ .640 $2.882.786 INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 227605111 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 5/18/03 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 5/31/03 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 22760511 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: NOTICE OF PUBLI Publication Date: 5/18/03 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN"" '' ——0 1 53 53 LINE $7.15 $378.77 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sales Discount Notice is herby g+ven by the City Council of ($307.75) the City o1 Southlake, Texas, that a public hearing will be held on June 3, 2003, at 8:00 p.m. or immedi- ately following the Work Session,during the Regular City Net Amount: $71.02 Council.Meeting to be held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas.Purpose of the ---- - -- — 7-5 public hearing is to consider the second D :�� reading of the fol- lowing ordinance: CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 830-A AN ORDINANCE OF '� jv` THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEX- AS REVISING TE B GES FISCALI YEAR OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 2002-03 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002 + • AND TERMINATING THE STATE OF TEXAS SEPTEMBER 30 2003 AND MAKIN ` County of Tarrant APPROPRIATIONSG FOR EACH DE- PARTMENT PROJ- ECT AND ACCOUNT, Before me,a Notary Public in and REPEALING c i : e,this day personally appeared KAREN WILLIAMS, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star-Telegram, FLITTING ORDI- gr ,published b' 'NG A 3A�/INGS nIN� at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas;and who,after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the attached clipping of an ad CLAUSE A B ID IDTE d in the a ye named paper/Internet on the listed dates': BIDS at LEGALS DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM , GLARING AN EF- FECTIVE(817) 390-7182. Ct SutthlAake Lori Farwell ` City Secretary ---N & aik. ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS Tuesday,May 7 !2 3. Notary Public /i ii,.....d i1," CHRISTY L. HOLLAND i Thank You For Your Payment ( ' • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES a —— UL731,2004 Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 227605111 Invoice Amount: $71.02 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: $ 1