0836City of Southlake Ordinance No. 836 Industrial Wastewater Ordinance March 2003 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I GENERAl. PROVISIONS .................................................................................................................. 1 I. I Pnqmse and Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Administration ............................................................................................................................................... 2 I .3 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................. 2 I .4 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 2 - GENERAl. SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 8 2. I Prohibited Discharge Slandards .................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 National Categorical Pretreatmen! Slandards ............................................................................................ 10 2.3 Reserved ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Local Limits ................................................................................................................................................ l 1 2.5 ICily'si Right of Revision ........................................................................................................................... 1 l 2.6 Dilution ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.7 Phmt Loading ............................................................................................................................................. 12 SECTION 3 - PRETREATMENT OF WASTEWATER .......................................................................................... 12 3.1 Pretreatment Facilities ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Additional Pretrcalment Measures .............................................................................................................. 12 33 Accidental Discharge/Slug Conlxx)l Plans .................................................................................................. 13 3.4 tlauled Wastcwa~er ..................................................................................................................................... 13 SECTION 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION .............................................................. 14 Wastewater Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 14 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirement ............................................................................................... 14 Wastewaler Discharge Permitling:Existing Connections ........................................................................... 14 Wastewater Discharge Permitting:New Connections ................................................................................. 14 Wasicwater Discharge Permit Application Conlems ................................................................................. 15 Application Signatories and Certification ................................................................................................... 15 Wastewalcr Discharge Permit Decisious .................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 5 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUANCE PROCESS ................................................... 16 5.1 Wastcwater Discharge Permit Duralion ..................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Wastewatcr Discharge Permit Contents ..................................................................................................... 16 5.3 Reserved ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 5,4 Wastewatcr Discharge Permit Modification ............................................................................................... 17 5.5 Wastewmcr Discharge Permit Transler ...................................................................................................... 17 5.6 Wastewale~ Discharge Pm-mil Revocation ................................................................................................. 18 5.7 Wastewalcr Discharge Permit Reissnance .................................................................................................. 19 SECTION 6 - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 19 6.l Baseline Monitoring Reports ..................................................................................................................... 19 6.2 Compliance Schedule Progress Reports ..................................................................................................... 20 6.3 Reports on Compliance with Categorical Pretreatmcnt Standard Deadline .............................................. 21 6.4 Periodic Compliance Reports .................................................................................................................... 21 6 5 Reports of Changed Conditions ................................................................................................................. 21 6.6 Reports ol Potential Prohlems ................................................................................................................... 22 vii t/7 Reports from UI~pennitted Users ................................................................................................................ 22 6 8 Notice of Violalion/Repeat Sampling and Reporting ................................................................................. 22 6 9 Nolification ,.)f the Discharge of Hazardous Waste ................................................................................... 23 ~ 10 Analytical Reqnil'ements ........................................................................................................................... 23 0 11 Sample (?ollcction ..................................................................................................................................... 24 6 12 Timing ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 6.13 Record Keeping .......................................................................................................................................... 24 SECTION 7 - COMPLIANCE MONITORING ........................................................................................................ 25 7.1 Right of Entry: Inspection and Sampling .................................................................................................. 25 7.2 Search Warrants ......................................................................................................................................... 25 SECTION 8 - CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 26 SECTION 9 PUBLICATION OF USERS IN SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE ........................................... 26 SECTION 10 ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES ..................................................................... 27 I0.1 Notification o f Violation ............................................................................................................................ 27 10.2 Reserved ......................................................................................................................................... 27 10.3 Show Cause llearing ................................................................................................................................... 28 10.4 Compliance Orders .................................................................................................................................... 28 10,5 Cease and Desist OMers ............................................................................................................................. 28 10.6 Reserved ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 10.7 Emmgency Snspensions ............................................................................................................................. 29 10.8 Tem~ination of Discharge ........................................................................................................................... 29 SECTION I l ~ JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES ..................................................................................... 30 I I.l h~junctivc Relief ......................................................................................................................................... 30 11.2 Civil Penalties ............................................................................................................................................ 30 113 Crmfinal Prosecution ............................................................................................................................... 30 Il 4 Remedies Nonexclnsive .............................................................................................................................. 31 115 Applicability of More Stringem Regulations .............................................................................................. 31 SECTION I2 RESERVED ...................................................................................................................................... 33 SECTION 13 - AFEIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS .................................................... 33 13. I Upset .................................................................................................................................................. 33 13.2 ActofGod .................................................................................................................... 33 t3.3 Bypass ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 SECTION 14 WASTEWATER TREATMENT RATES ........................................................................................ 34 SECTION 15 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS .................................................................................................. 34 15.1 Pxetreatmem Charges and I%es 15.2 Severabili~v .................................................................................................................34 SECTION 16 - EFFECTIVE DATE .......................................................................................................................... 35 viii ORDINANCE NO. 836 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE REQUIRING USERS OF THE PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS 'FO COMPLY WITII ALI. APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS CONCERNING THE INTRODUCTION OF POLLUTANTS INTO THE PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS AND REQUIRING SUCIt USERS TO COMPLY WITII GENERAl, PRETREATMENT REGULATIONS; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMITS; PROVII)ING FOR MONITORING, COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES; ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW I'ROCEDURES; REQUIRING USER REPORTING; PROVIDING FOR THE SETTING OF FEES FOR THE EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF COSTS RESULTING FROM THE PROGRAM E'STABLISHED THEREIN; PROVII)ING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUM[ILATIVE t)F AI,L ORI)INANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR A I~ENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PIYBL1CATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORI)AINEI) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Tbe City Cottncil of thc City of Southlake hereby adopts this Ordinance wbicb shall be known and reii~rred to as the City et South]ake Industrial Wastewater Ordinance SECTION I - (,ENERAL 1 RevISIONS 1.1 Purpose and Policy q'bis or(linance sets fi~rth tmiIk}m~ requirements l~)r users o1: tbe Publicly Owned Treatment Works tor the City et Southlake 0he "City") and enables 0~e City tn comply with all applicable State and Federal laws, including tl~e Clean Water Act (33 United States Code {/ 1251 et seq.) and the General Pretrealment Regulations (40 Cude of Federal Regulations Part 403). The ob ectives of tl~is ordinance prevent the introduction nf pollutants inlo the Publicly Owned Treatment Works that will inlerl~re with its operation; to prevent the intrnduclion nf pollutants into the Publicly Owned Treatment Works that will pass throngh the Publicly Owned Treatment Works, inadequately treated, into receiving waters, nr ndierwisc be incolnpatible with the Publicly Owned Treatment Works; to protect botb Publicly Owned Treatment Works personnel wbn may be affected by wastewater and slndge in tbc course of their employment and the general public; D. E. to pi'on/otc reuse and recycling of industrial wastewaler and shulge from the Publicly Owned Treatment Works: provide l~)l' [~2es lor (he equitalrle distribution of the cost of operation, maimenance, and unprovement of the Pablicly Owned Tream~ent Works; and to enable the Control Authority to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System perlnit couditions, sludge use and disposal requirements, and any other Federal or State laws to which lhe Publicly Owned Treatment Works is subject. Fhis ordinance shall apply tn all nsers of tile Publicly Owned Treatment Works. The ordinance authorizes the issuance of wastewater discharge permils; provides tbr monitoring, compliance, and entbrcement activilies; establishes administrative review procedures; requires user reporting; and provides tbr tile setting of lkes lbr the equitable distribution of costs resnhing from the program cslablished herein. 1.2 Administration Except as olherwise provided herein, tire Director of Public Works of tile City or his designated representative shall admiuister, implement, and entbrce tile provisions of this ordinance. 1.3 Ahbreviations The following abbreviations, when ased in Ihis ordinance, shall have the designated meanings: BOD CFR COD EPA gpd mg/l NPDES Binchemical Oxygen Demand Code of Federal Regulatious Chemical Oxygen Demand U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gallons per day milligrams per liter - National Pollntant Discharge Elimination System POTW - Publicly Owned Treatment Works RCRA Resnurce Conservation and Recovery Act SIC - Standard Induslrial Classification SIU Significant Industriul User 10 ICEQ Texas Co~nmisslon on Euvironmental Quafity TPDES Texas Pollulant Discharge Elinfination System TRA Triuity River Authority TSS - Total Snspended Solids TTO - Total 'loxic Organics U.S.C. United Stales Cude 1.4 Definitions Uoless a provision explicitly stales otherwise, tile lbllowing lerms and phrases, as used in this ordinance, shall have tile meanings bereinafier designated. A. B. Act o!' "the Acct.' 'File Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, ~3 U S.C. ~ 1251 et seq. Approval Anthority. Tile Regional Admiuistrator of EPA or the Director of a state agency delegated tn act uu EPA's behalf with all approved pretreatment program (e.g. Director of TCEQ). C. Anthorized Representative of t ~e User. ( I ) If tile user is a curporation: (a) Tile president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice-president of tile corporation in charge of ti principal bnsiness fimctiou, or ally other person who pertbm~s similar policy or decisiou making fi~nctions lbr the corpnration; or (b) Tbe manager of one or more manuihcluring, production, or operation facilities employing more than two hundred fifty (250) persons ur having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding twenty-five (25) million dollars (in second- qualler 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated Io tile manager in accordance with corporate prncedures. (2) If the user ~s ii parmership nr sole proprietorship: a general partner or proprietor, respectively. (3) Il' the user is a Federal, State, or local governmental fhcility: a director or highest official uppumted or designated to oversee the operation aud i)effonnance of the activities of the guvermneut facility, nr their designee. (41 The individuals described in paragraphs I through 3, above, may designate another authorized represeutative if the authorization is in writing, the authorization specifies the individual or position responsible ~br the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates or having overall responsibility /hr environmental matters lbr tile company, and the written aothorization is suhmitted to the City. il |). G. Il. B~och~mical Oxygen [)ema!~d ur BOD. 'File quautlty of oxygen utilized in the biochetnical oxidaliou o! orgauic matter uuder slandard laboratory procedures tk)r five (5) days at 20° ccmigrade, usually exprcssed as a couceutration (e.g., rog/I). Byj)ass. File unentiooal divers~ou nf waste Stl'eams from any portiere of a user's treatment lhcilitv. Categorical Pretrcatment Standard or Categorical Standard. Any regulation containing Imllutant discharge limits pmlnulgated by EPA in accordance with Sections 307(b) and (c) ol lhe Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317) which apply to a specific category of users and which appear in 40 CFR Chapter 1, Snhchapter N, Parts 405 471. The City of Southlake, Contracting Party of the Trinity River Authority's Central Regioual Wastewater Systexn. Cm_nj)osite Sample. A sample that is collected over time, lbnned either by continuous sampling or by mixing discrete samples. The sample may be composited either as a time Cl}llljg~sjt~ sample: cmnposcd uf discrete sample aliquots collected at constant time intervals providing a sample irrespeclive of sit'cam flow; or as a [Iow proportional composite sample: collected either as a cnustaut sample vohnne at time intervals proportional to flow, or ct/llected by increasiug lhe volume ol each abquot as the llow increases while maintaiuing a cous[ant tinle interval betweeu the aliquots. Control Aulhority. Triuily River Authority of Texas. Euvironmenta] Protection Agency tlr EPA. The U.S. Enviromnental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, the Regiona} Water Mauagement Division Director, or other duly anthorized ol[~cial of said ageucy. Existiug Sourc_e. Auy source of discharge, tile coustruction or operation of which cnmmcnced prior to the publicatinn by EPA of proposed categorical pretreatment standards, which will he applicable tu such source if the standard is thereafter pronrulgated in accordance with Section 307 of the Act. Grab Sample. A sample which is taken frlull a wastestreanr without regard to the flow in Ibc wastestreanr aud over a period of tilne unt to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Indirect D_i~scharg2or~Discharile. The introduction of pollotants into the POTW from any lnmdon~estic sore-ct~ regnlated under Sectioo 307(b), (c), or (d) of tile Act. htdustrial User. An induslry that discharges wastewater into tile wastewater systeln. lustantaneous Maximum Alluwable Discharge Limit. The maximnm concentratiou of a pnlhuant allowed to be discharged at any time, determined from the analysis of any discrete or composited sample cullecled, independeut of the industrial flow rate and the duration of tilt. sampliog eveul htlcrferencc. A discharge, which alone nr in conjunction with a discharge or discharges fitun other sources, inhibits ox' disrupts tile POTW, its treatment processes or operations or its sludge processes, nsc or disposal; and therelk)re, is a cause ol a violation of the Control Authority's NPDES permit or of the prevention ol sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with any uf the lbllowing statutory/regulatory provisions or permits issued thcrennder, ul auy lnore stringent State or local regulations: Sectiou 405 of the Act; the 12 Solid Waste Disposal Acl, mcloding Title I1 commonly referred to as the Resource (?onscrvadou ant[ Recovery Act (RCRA); 41) CFR 503 slndge regulations; any State ~egnlalions contained iii any State sludge umnagement plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D oi thc Solid Waste Disposal Act and 30 'FAC 312; the Clean Air Act; the Toxic Substances ( ont~ol Acl; and lhe Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. Medical Waste. Isolation wastes, infectinus agents, hulnan blood and blood products, palhotogical wastes, sharps, body paris, contaxninated bedding, surgical wastes, poteutially contaminated laboratury wastes, and dialysis wastes. NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Eliminatinn Systen~). Natiunal Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program of the Environmenta[ Protection Agency, and/or the [~ermit program of tile state agency delegated to act oil EPA's behalf with an approved pretreatnleut prngraxn fe.g. TPDES or Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System). (I) Any building, structure, I~acility, or installation from which there is (or may be) a discharge ol pollntants, the construction of which connnenced after the publication of pruposed pretreatmeot standards under Section 3071c) of the Act which will be applicable lo such sonrce if such staudards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with lhat section, provided that: (at tile buihling, structure, lacilitv tlr installation is constructed at a site at which no uther suurce is located; or (bt tile bnilding, structure, facility, or installation totally replaces the process or production Ctluipment that causes the discharge of pullutants at an existing (ct the prudncliou or wastewater generating processes of tile building, structure, lacilily, or installation ale sabslantially independeut of an existing source at the same site. tn determining whether these are substantially independent, Ihctors such as the cxteut m which the aew facility is integrated with the existing plant, and thc extent to which the uew l~tcilily is engaged in Ihe same general type of activity as the existing sonrce, should be considered. (2) (3} Couslroction on a site at which an existing source is located results in a modification rather than a uew source if the construction does not create a new building, structure, lacility, or installatinn lneetiug tile criteria ol Section (It(b) or (ct above but otherwise alters, replaces, or adds to existing process or production equipment. Cnuslruction ill' a new source as defined nnder this paragraph has commenced ii' the (ti) begun, (~r caascd to begin, tls ])art (if a continuoos onsite construction program (it any placement, assembly, ur installation oi'/~acilities or equipment; or (ii) significant site preparation work including clearing, excavation, or removal ot existing Iruildings, sm~ctures, or facilities which is necessary lbr the placemeut, assembly, or installalion of new soorce fircilities or eqnipment; or 13 AA. BB. DD. EE (b) Entered into a binding contractnal obligation tbr tile purchase of facilities or equipment which ure intended to bc nsed in its operanon within a reasonable [ime. ()[)[iOUS tn purchase or contracts which can he mnninated or lnodified wilhotn substantial loss, anti contracts tot feasibility, cngiueering, and design studies do not constinne a contractual nhligation under this paragraph. N(ulconl_agt Cooling=Walter. Water used tier cooling which does not come into direct contact wilh any raw material, inlcrmediale product, waste product, or finished product. Nmqnal Wastewatcr. Wastewater which tile average concentration of suspended solids and five-day BeD docs nol exceed 250 mg/l each. Pass ThrQt!g'fl. A discharge which exits the POTW into waters uf lhe United States in qnantities or concenn'ations which, alone or in conjnnctinn with a discharge or discharges fi'om other sources, is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the Control Authority's NPDES permit, including an increase in Iht magnitude or duration of a violation. Person. Ally individual, parmership, copartnership, firln, company, corporation, association..joint stock cumpany, trust, estate, govermnental enlity, or any other legal entity; or their legal representatives, ugents, or assigns. This definition includes all Federal, State, and local govemlnennd entities. pH. A measure o[ tile acidity or alkalinity of a solution, expressed itl standard units. Pollutant. Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator resklue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, numitions, nledical wastes, chemical wasles, biological lnaterials, radiouctive materiuls, heat, wrecked tlr discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, municipal, agricalumd and mdusn'ial xvasles, and cerlain characteristics of wastewater (e.g., pi I, lempcrature, ISS, tnrbidity, color, BeD, COD, tuxicity, or odor). lhctreatmenb Thc mdnctiou of tile amount of pollutants, the eliinination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to, or in lieu of, introducing snch pollutants into the POTW. This reduction or alteration can be obtained by physicul, chemical, or hiological processes; by process changes; tlr by other means, except by diluting tile concentration of tile pollntants unless allowed by an applicable pretreatment standard. Prctreatment Rqqnirements. Any snhslantive or procedural requirement related to prelrealnlen[ impnsed on a user, other than a pretrefltment standard. Pretreatmenl Standards tlr Staudards. Pretreatment standards shall inean prohibited discharge standards, categorical tn'etreatnqen! standards, and lucal limits. Pruhihited Disdmrge Standards or Prohibited Discharges. Absolnte prohibitions against the discharge of certain suhslances; these prohibitions appear in Section 2.1 of this ordinance. publicly Owued Treatment Works or POTW. A "treatment works," as defined by Section 212 uf tile Act (33 U.S.C. §1292) which is owned hy the City and/or tile Control Authority. This definilion includes any devices or systems used in the collection, storage, treatment, recycling, und reclamation of sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature and any conveyances which convey wastewater to a treatment plant. Sgptic fank Waste. Any sewage from hohling tanks such as vessels, cbemical toilets, campers, trailers, and septic tanks. 14 FF. GG II. Scv~rc~m'91)crtydm~!a~gc. Subs[aatial physical damage to pr~4oerW, Qamage to file treatment lhcilities w~ch _canses them to becom__e inoperable, or ~ubstantial and permanent loss of U4[ural resources which can r~astn!abl¥ be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe properly damage does not mean economic lnss caused by. delays in production. Sewage. Human excrement and gray water (household showers, dishwashing operations, c~c.). Sball is mandatory: May is l~ermissive. Siguiticant ladu~tr a User. ( I ) A user subject tu categorical pretreatment standards; or (2l A user that: discharges an average of twenty live thousand (25,000) gpd or more of process wastewaler to Ihe POTW (excluding sanitary, noncontact cooling, and boiler blowdown wastewater); (b) cuntribmes a process wastestream which lnakes up five (5) percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW treatment plaut; m' is designated us such by the City on the basis that it has a reasonable potential lbr adversely aft¢cting the POTW's operation or lbr violating any pretreatment slandard nr requirement. JJ KK. MM NN (3) Upon a findiug that a user meeting the criteria in Subsection (2) has no reasonable putential tin adversely aflkcting the POTW's operation or /bt violating any pl'elreatnlenl standard (}r requirelnent, tile City may at uny time, on its own initiative m' in respousc to a petition received from a user, ami in accordance with procedures in 40 CFR 403.8(f)(6), determiae thai such user shonld uot be considered a significant Jnduslria] user. Shlg }_oad_ or S tg. Any discharge at a lh)w rate or concentrabtm wbicb could cause a violation cd' the pn)hibited discharge standards n Section 2 I of this ordinance. Standard ludustrial Classification_~S[C~_Code. A classification pursoant to tile Standard lndustriul Classification Mmntal issued by the Ihfiled States Office of Management and Bndgel. Storm B er. Any tlow occurring during nr lbllnwing any lbnn of natural precipitation, and resuhing from such precipitation, indnding snowmelt. Su)pefinten~de~t= Thc person designated by lhe City who is charged with certain duties and resp(msibilities by lhis ordinauce, or a dnly authorized representative. Total Toxic Qr~apic~s. The snm of the masses or concentration of the toxic organic compounds listed iu 40 CFR 122 Appendix D, Table I1, excluding pesticides, found in industrial users' discharge at a coucentration greater than 0.01 mg/L. Only those parameters reasonably suspected to be present, at tbe discretion of the Direclor of Public Works, if any, shall be analyzed Ira- with non-categorical industries. With Categorical industries, TTOs 15 00. PP RR will he sampled l~)r as stipuhued in the particular category or those parameters reasonably suspected m he p~esent, hr, where not stipulated, at the discretion or' the Director of Public Works. Upset: An exceptional incident itl which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with categorical pretreatment standards because of factors beyond the reasonable cnnm)l of the user. An upset does uot include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment lhcililies, lack of prevcutive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. User or ludeatrial _User. A source of indirect discharge. Wast~watcr. Liquid and water-carried industrial wastes and sewage from residential dwellings, commercial bnildings, industrial and manufacturing thcilities, and institutions, whelber treated or untreated, which are contributed to the POTW. Wastewater Treatlnent Plant or Treatment Plant. That portion of the POTW which is designed m provide treatment of municipal sewage and industrial waste, SECTION 2 - GENERAL SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 ProhibitedD'~scharge Standards' General Prohibitious. A person connnits an offense if the person introduces or causes to be introdnced into the POTW any pollntant or wastewater which causes pass through or interference. These gcueral prohibitions apply to all nsers of the POTW whether or not they are sub. jeer to categorical pretreatment standards or any other National, State, or local pretreatment standards or reqnirements. Specific Prohibitions. A person commits an oft~nse il' the person iutroduces or causes to be introduced iuto the POTW tile following pollntants, suhstances, or wastewater: (1} Pollnlants which creale a fire or explosive hazard in the POTW, including, bot not limited to, wastesn'eains with a closed-cup flasbpoint of less Iban 140°F (60°C) using the test nlclbods specified in 40 CFR 261.21; Wastcwater having corrosive properties capable of causing damage or injury to slrnctures, cqnipment and/or personnel of the POTW, as per the specific prohibition itl the applicable local fimits in Section 2.4 of this Ordiuance. In no case shall wastcwatcr containing a pH less than 5.0 be discharged unless the works is specifically designated to accommodate such discharges; (3) Solid or viscous substances in amounts which xvill cause obstruction of tbe flow in the POTW resnhing iu intert~rence, blockage, or damage to Ibc POTW. (4) Pollutants, including oxygen demanding polhmmts (BOD, etc.), released in a discharge at a flow rale and/or pollutant concentration which, either singly or by interaction with other polhnants, will cause interl~rence with the POTW; 16 (5l Waslewatm having a temperature greater than 150°F (65°C), or which will inhibit biological activity m tile treatment plant resulting m interl.erence, Ira/ in no case wastewa[er w]lich causes file lomperflltu-o at the ilrtrodnction into tire tream]ent plant m exceed 11)4°F (40°Ci: Petmleun~ oil, nonbiodegradable culling oil, or prodncts of urineral oil origin, in amounts that will cause interI~rence or pass through; Pollutants which resuh in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POTW in a qnantily Ihat uray cause acute worker heahh and salkty problems; (8) Tracked or hanled pollutants, excepl at discharge points designated by the Director of Pnblic Wolgs aud thc Cono'ol Authority in accordance with Section 3.4 of this ordinance; (9) Noxious or malodorons [iqnids, gases, solids, or other wastewater which, either singly or by imeractinn with other wastes, are sufficient to create a public nuisance or a hazard to life, or to prevent emry into tile sexvers fi3r maintenance or repair; (10) Wastcwater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such ils, bnt uot limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, which conseqnently imparts color to file treatmenl plant's effluent, thereby violating the applicable NPDES pernrit; (1 l) Wastewaler coutaining any radioactive wastes or isotopes except ill compliance with applicable State or Federal regnlatious; (12) ~lOl'lll ,,vate~, surfilct* water, gronnd wrier, arlesian well water, roof 121noff, snbsm face drainage, aud unpulluted wastewater, unless specifically authorized by the Direclor of Public Works and tile Control Anfliority; (13) Sludges, screenings, or other residnes from the pretreatment et indnstrial wastes; (141 Medical wasles, except as specifically authorized by the Director of Public Works and/or tile Control Anthority in it wastewater discharge permit; (15) Wastewater cansing, alone or in cm~jnnction with other sonrccs, the treatment plant's et'lluent to fail a toxicity test; Detergents, surfaceqiclive agents, or other snbstances which nray cause excessive filaming in Ihe POTW; 17 (17) Fals, oils, or greases oI animal or vegetable nrigin in concentrations greater than Ihat specified in lhe applicable h)cal limits in Section 2.4; (~8) (~9) (20) A discharge cfi' Waler, normal domcslic wastewater, or industrial xvaste that which ii1 quantity nf Iloxv exceeds, tbr a duration nf longer than lifleeo mimnes, more than /bur times the average twenty fonr hnur flow dnring normal operations of the industry; lusecticides and herhicides in concentrations that are not amenable to treatment; Polychlurinalcd bipheuyls; (21) (22) Garimge that is not shredded lo such an extent that all particles will be carried freely under tile flnw cunditions i~ormally prevailing in wastewater mains, with no particle having greater tban onc41alf (I/2") inch cross sectional dimension; Waslewater ur industrial waste generated or produced outside the City, the Director ol Pnhlic Works aud Ihe Cnntrol Anthority have given written approval to the person disch rg ~g tile waste' or, (23) Withont thc appruval nf tile Director of Public Works anti tile Control Authority, a substauce or pnllnlant olher lhan industrial waste, normal domestic wastewater, septic tank waste nr chemical toilet waste thai is of a toxic nr hazardous nature, regardless of whether or nut il is ainenable to lreatnlent, including bnt not limited to bnlk or packaged chemical prodncls. Storage. Pollutants, substances, or wastewater prohibited by dfis section shall not be processed or stored in snch a manner that they conld be discharged to Ihe POTW. 2.2 National Categorical Prelreatment Sta ~dards The categorical pretrcatment standards tbund at 40 CFR Chapter l, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471 hereby adopted. A. Where a categorical pretreatment slandard is expressed only in terlns of either the mass or the concentration ()t a po]lntant in wastewater, the Director of Pnblic Works may impose equivalent concemration nr mass limits in accordance with 40 CFR 4/)3.6(c). B. When wastewaler sub. ject to a categorical pretreatment standard is mixed with wastewater nol regnlated by the same staudard, the Director of Poblic Works shall impose an alternate limit using the combined wastestream lk)rmnla in 40 CFR 403.6(e). Anser nlay ohtaio a variance t¥om a categorical pretreat~nent standard if the user can prove, pnrsuant lo the procedural and substantive provisions in 40 CFR 403.13, that factors relating to its discharge are ikmdamentally different from the factors considered by EPA when develnping the categorical pretreatment standard. 18 l). Anscr may ohlain ii net gross adjustmeiiI m a categorical standard in accordance with 40 CFR 403.15 2.3 Reserved 2.4 Local Limits Tile tbllowing pollutant limits are established to protect against pass throngh and interference. A person commits an nftbnse if the person shall discharge or cause or permit to be discharged, wastewater containing in excess ot Ihe tbllnwing maximum allowable discharge limits into lhe tbllowing system(s): Toxic Pollutant Arsenic TRA Central Instantaneous Max Limits (mg/I) TRA Denton Creek Instantaneous Max Limits 0.2 (mg/l~__ Barium 1.0 Cadmium 0,1 0.1 Chromium 2.9 1.0 Copper 2.3 15- Cyanide 0.5 2.0 Lead 0.9 Manganese 1.0 1.5 0.0004 0.0050 Mercury Molybdenum 0,2 Nickel 4.6 1.0 Selenium 0.1 0.05 Silver 0.8 0.1 Zinc 8,0 2.0 Oil & Grease 200.0 100.0 Hydrogen sulfide 0.1 r Total Toxic Organics 2.13 1.0 5.5to 11.0 pH Standard Units 6.0 to 10.0 Standard Units The abnvc limits apply at the point where tile wastewater is discharged to the POTW. All concentrations fill' metallic substances are tbr "total" metal nnless indicated olherwise. The Director of Public Works nlay impose mass limitations ill addidon to, or in place of, the concentration-based limitations above. 2.5 City's Right of Revision 'File City reserves the right to establish, by ordinance or in wastewater discharge permits, more sl~ingcnt standards or requirements on discharges ta the POTW than thnse provided herein. 19 2.6 Dilution A pCFSOU coUnUlIS an o~'J~llSe jf the person shall increase the nsc of process water, OF ii1 any way altempt Io dilule a discharge, as a partial tar complete substitute fin- adequate treatment to achieve coxnptiance wilh a discharge limitation unless expressly authnrized by an applicable prelfefltment standard or requirement. The Dircctnr of Public Works may impose mass [imilatious on users who are using dilution to nlect applicatde prc[reatmen[ standards or requirements, or ils other cases when the imposition of mass ]imi~ations is appropriate. 2.7 Plant Loading Nil industry shall discharge wastewater coutainmg a BOD or TSS loading that causes the City's prorata share ot the tolal BOD or TSS loading to the POTW System to exceed the City's prorata share of the tola[ fluw lo thc POTW System. (Example: If thc City contributes 25 % ol the total wastewater flow to the System, the City's cmnulative BOD or TSS loading to the System, as measm'ed at the City's points oi carry to the System, shall nol exceed 25 % of the total BOD or TSS loading tn tile System.) Ally industD, wilh a waslcwatcr strength that will cause lhe City's cumtdative wastewater loading, a~ Ihe City's poiuts of enlry, to exceed the City's prorata share of the total wastewater loading based upon th)w, shall be reqaired lo inslall pret~eatn/ent facilities to reduce its wastewater strength to an acceptable level. SECTION 3 - PRETREATMENT OF WASTEWATER 3.1 l'retreatment Facilities A User shall provide wastewater trealment as necessary to comply with this ordinance and shall achieve compliance with all categorical pretreatment standards, local limits, and the prohibitions set out in Section 2.1 of this ordinance within the tilrle limitations specified by EPA, tile State, Ibc Cuutrol Aathority, or the Directnr of Pablic Works, whichever is more stringent. Any I~cilities uecessary lbr compliance shall he provided, operated, and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans describing such fimilities and operating procedures shall be sulmfittcd to the Directur of Pablic Works lbr review, and shall be acceptable to the Dilector ot Public Works betbre snch lhcilifies are constructed. The review of such plans and operating procedures shall in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modil~,ing such lacilities as necessary tn produce a discharge acceptable to the City tinder dh: provisions of this ordinance. 20 21 3.2 Additional Pretreatment Measures Whellever deemed necessary, the Director Of Public Works may reqllire users to restrict their discharge during peak Ilow periods, desiguate that certain wastewater be discharged ouly into specific sewers, relocale and/or consolidate points of discharge, separate sewage wastestreams fanll industrial wastestl'eams, and require such other conditions as may be necessary Io protect Iht POTW and determine the user's cumpliauce with the requirements of this oalinance. l'he Director et Puhlic Works inay require auy person discharging into the POTW to install atui maiutam, ou their property and at their expense, a suitable storage and flow control fitcility to eusure cqualizatiou of llnw. A wastewater discharge pem~it may be issued solely for I]OW cqualizatiou. Grease, (.)il, an(,1 amd iuterccptors shall he provided wheu, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, they are necessa3< fbr die proper handling of wastewater containing excessive amouuts ol greasc aud oil, or sand; except that such iuterceptors shall not be required l~')r residcutial users. All interception uuits shall be of type aud capacity approved hv the Director ol ?nblic Works and shall be so located to be easily accessible lbr cleaning aud mspectiou. Such interceptors shall be inspected, cleaned, aud repaired regularly, as uecdc(,l, by tile user at their expense. Users with the potential to discharge flammable substances may he re(,luired to install and n~ain[ain al/ approved combustible gas detection meter, or other control device as deemed necessary hy tile Direcl(,n' of Pnblic Works. 3.3 Accidental Discharge/Slug Coutrol Plans At least once every two (2) years, the Director of Public Works shall evaluate whether each permitted significam industrial nser needs ail accidental discharge/slug control plan. The Director of Public Works may require any user to develop, submit lbr appnrval, and implement such a plan. An accidental discharge/slug contrul phm shall include, at a miuiumm, the l~llowing: A. B. C. Dcscriptiou of discharge practices, indudiug nonroutine batch discharges; Descriptiou of stored chemicals; Procedures Ibr immediately motit~ing the Director of Public Works and Control Authority of auy acci(,leutal or slug discharge, as reqnired by Section 6.6 nf this ordinance; and Procedures to prevent adverse impact from any acci(,leutal or slug discharge. Such pn)cedures include, but arc not limited m, inspection and maintenance of storage areas, haudling an(,l translkr of materials, loading and unloading operations, control of plant site rumfff, wurker training, building of coulaimnent structures or equipment, measures fi)r containing tuxic organic p(,)lhnauts, inclu(,ling solvents, aml/(,/r measures and equipment for Cll/e rgeucy respousc. 22 .;.4 Hatfled Wastewater Septic waste nmy be introduced tutu the POTW only at locations designated by the Director ut Public Works and Control Authority, and at such times as are established by the Director td Public Works and (:ontrol Authority. Such waste shall not violate Section 2 of this ordinance or any other requirements established by the City. The Director of Public Works and/or Control Anthority may require septic tank wasle haulers to obtain wastewaler discharge pcmfits. Septic wasle haulers must provide a waste tracking form for every load. This /brm shall include, at a minimmn: ( l ) the name and address of the waste hauler; (2) II~e permit number; (3) mink idexndication: names and addresses o[' sources of waste; (5) volume and characteristics of waste; (6) the type of generator; (7) kuown or suspected waste constituents; and (8) whether any wastes are RCRA hazardous wastes. SECTION 4 - WASTEWATER ISCllARGE PERMIT APPLICATION D ' 4.1 Wastewa~:er Analysis When requested by Ihe Director ut Public Works, a user must snbmit inlbrmation on the nature alld characteristics of ils wastewaler by the deadline stipulated. The Director of Public Works is authorized 1o prepare a tbrm lbr this lmrpose and may periodically require users to update this iutormat~on. 4.2 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirement No significant iudustrial user shall discharge wastewater into the POTW without first obtaining a waste'a,aler discharge permit from the Director of Public Works, except that a significant industrial user that bas tiled a tilnely application pursuant to Section 4.3 of tbis ordinance ilia3, co~ltinue t(t discharge for the time period specified therein. The Director of Public Works may require other users to obtain wastewater discharge I*ernfits as necessary to carry out the purposes of this ordinance. Any violation of the terms and condilJons of a wastewater discharge permit shall be deemed a violation of ibis ordilmnce and subjects the wastewater discharge permittee to the sanctions 23 scl out m Secdous 09 flnough 12 of this ordinance. Obtaining a wastewater discharge permit does not relieve a pennittee of its obligation to cmnply wdh all Federal and State prelreatmem standards or requiremenls with any other reqnirenlems of Federal, State, and 4.3 Wastewater Discharge Permitting: Existing Connections Any user required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit who was discharging wastewater into Ihe POTW prior to the cl'lbctivc date of this ordinance and who wishes to continue such discharges in the luture, shall, al)ply to thc Director of Public Works for a wastewater discharge permit m accordance with Section 4.5 of dfis ordium~ce, and shall not cause or allow discharges to the POTW to continue after ornery (90) days of the eft;uctivc (late ill' this ordmaoce except in accordance with a wastewater discharge permit issued by the Director of Public Works. If, in tile Director of Public Work's .judgment, the adoption of thc Ordinance docs uot significantly afliect Ihe Industrial User's current pemfit, then tile existing pemlit will continne through m the expiration date. 4.4 Waslewater Discharge Permitting: New Connections Ally user required lo obtain a wastewater discharge permit who proposes to begin or recommence discharging into the POTW nmst obtain such permit prior to the beginning or recommencing of such discharge, ltl accordance with Sectiou 4.5 of ihis ordinance, all application/hr this must be filed prior to Iht~ (late upnn which any discharge will begin or recommence. 4.5 Waste'wa/er Discharge Permit Application Contents All users required Ii/ obtain a wastewater discharge permit nmst submit a permit application. The Director of Public Win'ks may require all users to sabmit as part of all application the lbllowing A All inlbnnalion required by Section 6.1(B) of this ordinance; A description of activities, facilities, and plant processes on the premises, including a list of all ruw materials and Chelnicals used or stored at the facility which are, or could accidenlally m' imenlionally be, discharged to the POTW; The number and type (ti employees, hours of operation, and proposed or actual hours of operadon; D. Each product produced by type, amou I, process or processes, and rate of production; E. Thc lypc and amount of raw materials processed (average anti maxinnun per day); Site phms, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers, floor drains, and appurtenances by size, location, and elevation, and all poiots of discharge; 24 G. The time and dnralion o~ discbarges: and Any ntbcr mI~mnatiou as may be deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works to cwfiuate thc wastcwater discharge pemfit application. Incomplelc nr inaccttrate applicalious will not be processed aud will be returned Io tile user fbr revision. 4.6 Applicatinn Signatories and Certification All waslewater discharge permit applicafions and riser repons must be sigued by an authorized representative el Ibc use~ and contaiu the fi)llowing certification statement: 'I certify under penahy of law Ibat this documeut and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance witb a syslem designed to assure that qualified personuel pruperly gather and evaluate tbe iu/brmation submitted. Based on my inquiry of Ibc persou or perseus who manage /lie system, or those persons direclly responsible tbr ~2atherfug the infimnafion, the inlbrnlation snbmitled is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurale, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infimnation, includblg tile possibility nf flue and Jmprisonlnent lbr knowing violations." 4.7 Wastewater Discharge Pernfit I)ecisious The Director of Public Works will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional infi*mmfum. Witbiu sixty (60) days of receipt of a coxnplete wastewater discharge permit application, the Director of Public Works will delemrine whether or not to issue gt wastewater discharge pcrmil. The Directnr of Public Wnrks may deny any application for a wastewater discharge permit which does nnt meet the requirements of ibis Ordinance, or which the Director determines, will not meet die requirements of I~dcral, state and local law. An applicant may appeal a denial to file City Manager. By filing an appeal in writing, stating the reasons fi)r the appeal. Tile appeal must be filed within 10 days allot the dcuial of Ibc pemnt, and the decision of tile City Manager sball be final. SECTION 5 - WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUANCE PROCESS 5.1 Wastewater Discharge I'ermit Duration A wastewaler discharge permit shall be issued lbr a specified time period, not to exceed five (5) years from the effeclive date nf file pemlit. A wastewater discharge permit may be issued lbr a period less Iban five (51 years, al the discretion of the Director of Public Works. Eacb wastewater discharge p~:mlit shall indicate a specific date upon which it will expire. 25 5.2 Wastewater l)ischarge l'ermit Contents A wastcwatcr discharge permit shall iaclude such couditions as are deemed reasonably necessary by tile Director of Puhlic Works tu prevent pass through or interference, protecl tile quality of tbe water body receiving the Ireatmem plant's effluent, prntecl worker healtb and safety, facilitate sludge management and disposal, and prolect against damage to Ibc POTW. A. A wastewaler discharge permits shall contain: (I} A stlttemenl that indicates wastewater discharge permit duration, which in no event shall exceed five (5) years; (2l A statemenl that tile wastewater discharge permit is nontransferable without prior notification to tile City in accordance witb Section 5.5 nf fids ordinance, and provisioos lbr t'umishmg the new owner or operator with a copy of the existing wastewater discharge permit; (3) Efllnent limits based on applicable pmtreatment standards; (4) Sell' monilm'mg, sampling, repnning, notification, and record keeping requirements. These reqairements shall include an identification of pollutants to be monitored, sampling location, sampling freqnency, and sample type hased on Federal, State, and lncal law; and A statement of applicable civil and cmninal penalties lbr violation of pretreatment standards and requirements, and any applicahle compliance schedule. Such schedule may nnt exlend lhe time lbr compliance beyond that required by applicable Federal, Stale, or local law. It. Wastewater discbarge permits may contain, but are not limited to, tile following conditions: IAmits nn Ihe average and/or lnaximum rate of discharge, time of discharge, and/or requirements lbr flow regulation and eqnalization; (2) Requimmeuts tbr lhe installation of pretreatment technology, pollution control, or construction of appropriate containmel~t devices, designed lo reduce, eliminate, or prevent file introduction of pollntants into tile treatlnent works; (3~ Reqnirenlents tbr the developnlent and impleinemation of si)ill coutrol plans or other special conditions including management practices necessary to adequately prevent accklental, naanticipated, or nonroubne discharges; 14) Devclopnrem and implementation of waste minilnization plans to reduce Ihe amount of pollntanls discharged to tile POTW; (51 '['be unit charge or schedule of user charges and fees for tile management of the wastcwater discharged lo the POTW; (61 Requirements lbr installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling l~cilities and equipnleut; (7i A statement that compliance with tile wastewater discharge permit does not relieve the [)ermiuce of responsihility for compliance with all applicable Federal and State 26 5.3 Reserved. prctrcanneat staudards, including those which become effective duriug tl0e term of the wastcwfltcr discharge p£'l'UUt ~ and Other conditious as dccined appropriate hy tile Director of Public Works to ensure compliauce with this ordinance, and State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. 5.4 Wastewater l)ischurge Permit Modification fhe Director of Public Works may modify a wastewater discbarge permit tbr good cause, including, but not limited to, tile fi)llowing reasons: D. G H. '['o incu~]¢orate any new or revised Federal, State, or k)cal pretreatment standards or rc(Iniremeuts; To address significain aheratioos ur additions to the user's ol)eratk)n, processes, or wastewater s, olumc or character since the lime of wastewater discharge permit issuance; A change m tl~e POTW lhat requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of tile authorized discl0arge; hltbrmatiun indicatiug that the permitted discharge poses a threat to POTW, POTW personnel, or tile receiving waters; Violation of any terms or conditions of the wastewater discharge permit; Misrepresentations or laihu'e to fully disc[use all relevant t~,cts iu the wastewater discharge permit applicatkm ur iu any required reporting; Revisiuu of or a gram of variance from categorical pretreannent standards pursuant to 40 CFR 403.I3; correct typographical or other errors in the wastewater discharge permit; or To reflect a Iransl~:r of the lacility ownership or operatioo to a new (~wner (or operator. 5.5 Wuste'v,,'ater Discharge Permit Transfer A Waslewaler discharge pcrmil may he trans~brred to a new owner or operator only if the l)ermittee gives advance nodce to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Public Works approves thc wastewater discharge permit trauslbr. The uotice to the Director of Public Works mnsl iuchule a written certification by the new owner or operator which: 27 1. Stales lhat tile new owner and/or operator has nu immediate intent to change the lacility's opcralions and processes; 2. ldeulifies Ihe specific date on which tile transfer is to occur; and 3 Acknowledges lidl responsibility Ibr complying with the existing wastewater discharge permit B. Failtne to provkle advaacc notice of a transl;~r renders the wastewater discharge permit void as of the date or' tacilily transt~r. 5.6 Wastewater Discharge Permit Revocatinn ]'he Director of Public Works may revoke a waslewater discharge permit for good cause, iuclndmg, but not limited to, thc Ibllnwing reasuns: A. Failure It/ notify the Director of Public Works of signilicant cbanges lo the wastewater prior to the changed discharge; B. Failure tu prnvidc prior nolification lo the Director of Public Works of changed conditions pursuant to Section 6.5 of dlis ordinance; C. Misreprescotatiou or failure lo fully disclose all relevant filets in the wastewater discharge permit application; Falsilyiug sell'-mnuitoring reports; E. Tampering with monitoring equipment; F. Relhsiug tn allow the Director of Public Works timely access to tile facility premises and records; G. Failure to mee! ellluenl limitations; Il. Failure Io pay fines; Failure to pay sewer charges; Failure Io meet compliauce schedules; K. Failure to complete a waste~vater survey or tile wastewater discharge permit application; I.. Failure to prnvidc advauce notice uf the transfer of business owaership of a permitted facility; tlr M. Violation nf any pretreatmeat slandard or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater discharge pemfit or this ordinance. 28 Waslewater discharge pelnlits shall be vuidable upon cessation o[ operatioas or transfer of bnsiness All \vaslewu[er disci/arge pellnits issued [o a partier(tar user are void upon the issuance of a 5.7 Wastewater Discharge Permit Reissuance A user with an expMng wuslewater discharge permit shall apply for wastewater discharge permit ~cissuancc by submitting a complete permit application, in accordance with Section 4.5 of this ordinance, al leasl 90 clays prior to the exph-ation of the user's existing wastewater discharge penni(. SECTION 6 - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Baseline Monituring Repnrts Wilhiu either one hundred eighty (180) days after the cflbctivc date of a categorical px'ctreatment standard, or the final administrative decision on a category detemfination under 40 CFR 403.6(a)(4), whichever is later, existing categorical users currently discharging to or scheduled lc) discharge to the POTW shall snbmit to the Director of Public Works a report which contains the intbrmation listed in paragraph B, below. At least niaely (90) days prior to cnmu~cncemem of their discharge, new sources, and sources that will become categorical users subsequent to tile pronmlgation of an applicable categorical standanl, shall submit to the Director of Public Works a report which contains the in/brmation listed m puragraph B, below. A new source shall report the method of lnetreatment i~ intcuds to usc m meet applicable categorical standards. A uew source also shall give esti~nates of its auticipated flow and quantity of pollutants to be discharged. Users described iu subsection A and B above, shall submit the Ibllowiug in/brmation set Ibl'lh helow: ( 1 ) ldea. tifying lnlbm~atiou. Tile uame aud address of the fiacility, including the name of (2} Enyiron!nemal Permits. A list nf any environmental cnntrol permits held by or for Ibc facility. (3) Des~cn~0nn of Operatiggs. A brief description of the nature, average rate of prodncfion, and standard industrial classificatinns of the operation(s) carried out by sucb user. This dcscriptiou should include st schematic process diagram which iudicates poinls of discharge to the POTW from the regulated processes. (4) Flow Measureme!g. Iu/brmatiou showing the measared or estimated average daily and maxinmm daily flow, in galhms per clay, to the POTW l'rnni regalated process streams and 01her streanls, as Ilecessary, to allow use of the combined wastestream Jbrmula set out in 40 CFR 403.6(e). {5) Me~asuremem nf Pollutant_s. (a) A descriptiun of the calegoricul pretreatment standards applicable to each regulalcd process. 29 the results of sumpling and unalysis identifying the numre and concentration, and/o~ mass, where requh'cd by fi~e standard or by the Director of Public Works, ol regulated pollutants m lhe discharge from each regulated process. [nstantaueous, daily maxunllm, and long-term average concentrations, or mass, where rcquu'ed, shall he repotqed. The sample shall be representative of daily opcratiuns and shall be unalyzed in accordance with prncedures set out in Section 6. I 0 ol ihis r~rdinancc. (c) San(piing must be perfi~rnted in accurdance with procedures set out ill Section 6.1 I oI this ()rdinance. Cerlit'icutiou. A slalelnent, reviewed by the user's uuthorized representative and cerdlied by u qualified prol;essional (qualificatiou shall be determined by the Director of Public Win'ks based ou reqnired aud proven education and experience), indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met ou ti consistent basis, and, il' not, whether additional operation and maintenance (O&M) and/hr additional pre(rea(men( is required lo meet the pre(rea(men( staudards aud requirements. (7) Cot~li,[!tee Sche[!.u_le. If additional pre(ma(men( and/or O&M will be required to meet the ]~retreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the user will provide such additioual pre(rea(men( and/or O&M. The completion dute in this schedule shall nnt lie hner than the compliance date established fur the applicable pre(rea(men( staadard. A compliance schedule submitted pursuant Io Ihis section must meet the reqairements scl out in Sectiou 6.2 of this ordinance. (8) Signature and Certification. All huseline monitoring repo~s must be signed and certified in uccordance wilh Section 4.6 of Ihis ordinance. 6.2 Compliance Schedule I'rogress Repurts The Iiilluwing condibons shall al)ply to the contpliance schedule required by Sec(inn 6.1(B)(7) of lhis ordinauce: The schedale shall comain prngress increments in Ihe tbrm of dates lbr the commencement and completiolt ol m~[ior events leading to the construction and operation or' additional prelreatment required tbr the user to meet the applicable pretreatment standards (such events include, bul are rot limited u), hiring an engineer, completing preliminary and final plans, executing contructs fnr m;tjor componenls, commeucing and completing construction, and beginning uud conducting rnutine operation); B. No incremeut referred to above shall exceed uine (9) months: Thc user shall submit a progress report to the Director of Public Works no later than I~mrteen (14) clays fi.3llowiug each date m the schedule and the final date of compliance iucludiug, as a utiuilnnul, whether nr not it complied with lhe increment of progress, the reason tBr any delay, and, it' appropriate, Ihe steps being taken by Ihe user to return to the eslablished schedule; and i). In un eveut shall more Ihan nine (9) mnnlhs elapse he(ween snch progress reports to the Director of Public Works. 3O t~.3 Repnrts ou Cuinpliance with Categorical Preti'eatment Standard l)eadline Wilhm uinety tg0) days lblluwing tile date Ibr final compliance with applicable categorical In'etrcamlent staudards, or iu thc case ufa new sotu'ce tbllowing commencemem of lhe introduction of waslcwalcr inlo linc POTW, any user subject ~o such prelrcatmeut standards aud requirements shall suhlnil In Ibc Dil'ecmr of Public Wnrks a report cnntaining the iutbrmatiun described in Section 6.1(B)(4- o) (ff this nrdiuancc. For users suhject to equivalent mass or concentratiuu limits established in accordance wilh Ibc procedures in 40 CFR 403.6(c), this report shall comain a reasonable measure of the user's long teinl prnduction rate. For all other users std~cct [o categnricat pretreatment standards expressed in lcrms of allowable pollntant discharge per unit uf productiou (or other measure of operation), Ihis report shall include thc user's aclual production during lbe appropriate sampling period. All compliance repnrts must be sigued and certified in accordance wid~ Section 4.6 uf tiffs ordinance. 6.4 Periodic Compliance Repnrts All signilicant industrial users shall, at a frequency determined by the Director of Public Works bnt m no case less than twice per year, submit a report indicating the nature and coucentration uf pollutanls in the discharge which are limited by pretreatment standards and ~hc measlu'ed nr eslimated average and maximum daily flows tbr the reporting period. All periodic compliance reports nlust be signed and ce~dfied ill accordance with Section 4.6 of lifts nrdinauce. All wastewater salnplcs must be represeutative of tbe nser's discharge. Wastewater muniloring aud flow measurement facilities shall be properly uperated, kept clean, and maimained in goud workiug order at all times. The failure of a user to keep its monitoring tacility in good working order shall not bc grouuds tbr the nser to claim tllat sample results are uurcpreseutative of its discharge. (7 If a user suhjecl Io the reporting requirement in this section monitors any pollutant more frcquenlly than required by lhe Director of Puhlic Works, using tl~e procedures prescribed in Seclion 6.10 aud 6.1 I of this ordinance, tile resuhs nf this monitoring shall be i~mluded in file rcpnrt. 6.5 Rel)orts of Changed Cnnditions Each user must nutify Ihe Directur of Public Works of auy plauned significant changes to the t~ser's oi/crations or system which might alter tile uature, quality, or volume of ils wastewater befi:)re the change is made A. The Director of Public Works may require the user m submit snch informatiou he deems necessary to eVahlate lhe changed condition, inchtding the submission of a wastewater dischmge penmit applicatiou under Sectiou 4.5 of this ordinance. The Dimclor of Public Works may issue a wastewater discharge permit under Section 4.7 of this ordinance or mndify an existing wastewater discharge pemfit under Section 5.4 of this ordimmce itl respouse to changed conditious or anticipated changed cuoditions. 31 F()r puq*oses ot this section, significunt changes iuclude, but ure not limited to, flow mcreuses o[' twenly percent 20% or greater, and the dischurge of uny previously unreported po]lulunts Ihut are dclelfnlned to be of cunccrn. 6.6 Repurts o[ I)otential I)rul)lems In Iht case of any discharge, including, but not limited to, accidental discharges, discharges of u n(mroutine, episodic nalnre, a uoncustomary ha(cb discharge, nra slug load, that may cause polcntial inxlhlenls tk)r Ihe POTW, thc user shall immediately telephone and notify the City and the Control Authurity of the incideut. This notification shall include the location of tile discharge, lype ot wasle, conccmration and vohnne, it' known, and corrective actions lakeu by the user. Within five (5) days t?dlowing such discharge, unless waived by the Director of Public Wnrks, Ihe nser shall submit a detailed written report descfibiug the cause(s) of the dischurge und the measures tu be taken by tile user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such nolificalion shall nol relieve tile user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as u result of damage to the POTW, nam(al resources, or any other damugc It/ pc(sou or property; nor shall such notification relieve the user of any fines, pc'nahies, ()r olher liability which may be imposed pursuant lo this ordinance. A notice shall be permanently posted on tile user's bulletin board or other prominent place advisiug employees whnm to call ill the event of a discharge described in paragraph A, alu)ve. Employers shull ensure that all employees, wbo ~nay cause such a discharge to uccnr, are advised of the emergeucy notification procedure. 6.7 Rct)orts from Unl)crmilted Users All users not reqnircd to ob(alu u waslewaler discharge permit shall provide appropriate repons to Iht Direclr)r of Public Works as lhe Director of Public Works may require. 6.8 Notice()f ~, u)la(' ' )ffRcpeat Sampling and Rel)urtiug If sampling perfi)rmed hV u aser ilulicates a violation, tile user must notify the Director of Public Works within Iwenty tkltu- (24) hours ul' becoming aware of the violution. The nser shall also repeat the sampling and analysis aud submit lhe resuhs of lite repeat analysis to the Director of Public Works within Ihirty (30) (lays alit( hecoming aware ut' thc violadnn. The nser is nnt required to resaolple if the Director ol Puhtic Wurks pcrli~rms monitoring al the user% l}~cility at least once a month, or if the Direclur ol Puhlic Works sanlples betweeu tile user's inilial sampling and when the user receives the resulls ol this SUUlpliug. 6.9 N( t f'cafinn of the Disc mrge of ltazardous Waste Any user whu connnenccs the discbarge of hazardous waste shall uotify the POTW, the EPA Regional Waste Management Diviskm Director, and State hazardous waste authorities, in wrifiug, of uny discburge into the POTW nfa substance which, if otherwise disposed of, v~tutl,:l he a huzardous wuste under 40 CFR Part 261. Such nntification must include: 32 D name of the hazardons waste as scl tbrth ill 40 CFR Part 2611 12 ) Ihe EPA ]/az~n dOLlS waste nnnrbel ~ and tile type ol discharge (cuntmuons, batch, or ()tiler); aud (4) If the user discharges more than one hnudred (100) kilograms of such waste per calendar monlh to the POTW, tu the extent such inlbrn~ation is known and readily awdlable to the nser: an identilicufion uf lhe hazardous constituents contaiued in tile wflstcs, an estilnation of tile mass and concentration nf such constituents in the wastestream discharged during that calendar month, and an estimation of the mass of constituents m file wastestream expected to be discharged dnring the following twelve (12) moolhs. All uotifications mast take place uo later than oue hundred and eighty (180) days after the discharge conmaeuces and need he subxnitted only once fur each hazardous waste discharged. However, notificatious of changed conditious must be submitted under Section 6.5 of this ordinance. Thc notificatiou requirement m this section does not apply to pollnlants already reported by users sul~ject to categorical pretreatment standards under the sell mouilormg reqnirements of Sections 6. I, 6.3, and 6.4 of this urdiuance. Dischargers are exempt fl'mn tile requirements of subsections A and B, during a calendar month in which they discharge no more Ihan fitieen (15) kilograms of hazardous wastes, unless the wustes are acute hazardons wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261.30(d) and 261.33(e). Discharge of more than fifteen (15) kilograms of nonacute hazardous wastes in a calendar month, or oI auy quantity of acnte hazardons wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261 30rd) and 261.33(e), requires a one time notificafion. Subsequent inonths during which []it: user discharges n]ore tllau SUC]I quautities o[ ally hazardous waste do not require additional notificanon. lu Ihe case of any new regulations under Section 3001 of RCRA identifying additional characteristics of hazardons waste or lis0ng any additional substance as a hazardous waste, the ust:r nmst nnlify tile Director nf Puhlic Works, the POTW, the EPA Regional Waste Managemeut Waste Division Director, and Slate hazardous waste authorities of the discharge uf such substance within uinety (90) days of the eflkcfive date of such regulations. In thc case of an3 notification made under this sectinn, tile user shall certify that it has a program in place n) reduce the volume aud toxicity of hazardons wastes generated to the degree it has deterndned to be economically practical. This provision docs not create a right to discharge any suhslunce not otherwise permitted to he discharged by this ordiuauce, a pem~it issned therennder, or any applicable Federal or Snne htw. 33 6.10 Mmlyticul Requirements All pollutant analyses, mchulmg sampling techniqnes, ~() be submitted as part of a wastewater discharge permit application or report shall be per/brined m accordance witll the techniques prescribed in ,I0 CFR Part 136, unless ofllerwise spcmfied nl all applicable categorical pretreatment standard. If 40 I?FR Part 136 does not cnntain sampling or analytical lechniques for tile pollutant in question, sampling and analyses iiitlSl be pertbrmcd in accordance with procedm-es approved by EPA. 6.11 Sample Collection Except as indicated m Sectino B, below, the user nmst collect wastewater samples using t]ow proportional compnsite collection techuiques. In the event flow proportional sampling is mlbasible, the Director of Pnblic Works and/or Control Authorily may authorize the use of time propnrti(mal sampling or a minmmm uf tbur (4) grab samples where the user demonstrates that this will pruvkle a representative sample of the effluent being discharged. Ill addition, grab samples illay be nsed to show cornpliunce wilh iustantaneous discharge limits. Siunplcs lbr oil and grease, tcmperatnre, pH, cyanide, phenols, snlfides, aud volatile orgaoic cumpounds musl be ubtained using grab cullection techniques. 6.12 Timing Written reports will he deelned to have been sublnitted on tbe date postmarked. For reports whicb a~c nol mailed, postage prepaid, into a mail l~cility serviced by tile United States Postal Service, tile date nt receipt of tile report sball govern. 6.13 Record Keeping Users snbiect to the rep{ming requirements of tlds ordinance shall retain, and make available lbr inspecuon and copying, all records of intYrmation ohtaiucd pnrsnant to any mouitoring activities required by Ihis ordinance and ally additiunal mcurds uf infurnlation obtained pnrsnant to monitoring activities undertaken by the user imlependcnt of snch rcquircmeuts. Records sball include the date, exact place, mt'thod, and time of sampling, and the name of the person(s) taking the samples; the dates analyses were pcrtbrmed: who perlbrmed thc analyses; the analytical techniqnes or methods osed; and the results of such analyses. These records shall remaiu available liar a period of at least three (3) years. This period shall be atttomatically extended tbr the duration of any litigation concerning the user or the City, or where the nser has been specilically unit fled of a longer retention period by tbe Director of Public Works and/or Control Anthurity. 34 ~I~]CTI()N 7 - COMI'I,IANCE MONITORING '7.1 Right of Eutry: ll~speetion and Sampliug ?he l)irectol oI Public Winks and/or the Control Authorhy, TCEQ, or USEPA or their designated representative shall have Ibc right to enter lhe prenliscs of ally user tO deterufine whether the user is complying wilh all reqtfiremcnts of Ibis ordinance and any wastewater discharge permit or order issued hcrenuder. Users shall allow inspecling ur sampling pers(m ready access to all paris of the premises for Ihe purposes of inspection, sampliug, recto'ds examination and copying, and the per/bnnance of any additional duties. Where a user has secnrity mcasnres in tbrce whicb reqnire lu'oper identification and clearance belbre curry iuto its premises, the user shall make necessary arrangements with its security guards so that, upon presentatiou nf suitable identification, the City, Control Authnrity, TCEQ or USEPA will be permitled to enler without delay for the purposes of pcrlbrnliug specific responsibilities. The Direclur of Public Works and/or Control Amhority shall have file right to set up on the user's prupcrty, m require installation of, such devices as are uecessary to conduct sampling and/hr metering of Iht user's operations. All sampling and analysis performed by tile Director of Public Win'ks and/or Conu'ul Authm'ity to mouitor compliance shall be at tile expense of Ihe industrial user. The Director of Public Works and/or Control Anthority may require the user to install moniloriug equipment as necessary. The lacility's sampling and monitoring equipment shall bc maintained at all tilnes m a saI~ aud proper operating conditkm by tbe user at its own expense. All devices used u) measure wastewater flow and quality shall be calibrated, at a ininilFlUn], annually to etlsure their accuracy. Ally tcmpmary or permanent obstruction to salk and easy access Io the facility to be inspected and/hr sanlpled shall be prnmplly removed by tile user at the written or verbal reqnest of lhe Direcn)r of Public Works aud/or Cnntrul Authority and shall not be replaced. Thc costs el clearing such access shall be born by the user. [.. Unrcasmud¢le delays iu allowing lhe inspecting or sanlpling pers(m access to the user's prcnlises shall be a violatiou of Ihis ordinauce. ltl accordance with 40 CFR 403, the City shall iuspect and monitor each permitted ludustrial User a minimnm of once per year. If the City elects .) perfoml compliance monitoring for the mduslry Iheu the City will monitor the iudustry a minilnum nf sexni ammally. 7.2 Search Warrauts II tile Director of Pnblic Wurks and/or Control Authority has bccn refnsed access to a building. slmcture, or property, or auy part thereof, and is able to demonstrate probable canse to believe that there may be a viohuion of this nrdinance, or that there is a need to inspect and/or sample as pan of a routine inspection aud saulplmg progrmn uf lhe City designed to verify compliance with this ordinance or any I)crmil or order issued hereunder, m lo prelect Ihe overall public heahh, sabety and welfare of the 35 ~4~mmtulily, [heu thc Dircclor of Pul)lie \Vorks and/or Conlrol Authority Ina3,' seek issuallce of a search \varralu Il'Om ~he apf, ropriate court. SE(YrFION 8 - C~ONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Inlbrmation and data un a user obtained l¥om reports, surveys, wastewater discharge permit app[iculions, wastewater discharge permils, and monitm'ing programs, and from inspection and sampling aclivitms, shall be available to lhe public, unless the user specifically requests, and is able to demonstrate to the satisfilction of lhe City and/or Control Authority, that the release of sucll information would divulge inlbrmation, processes, or lnethods of production entitled to protection tls trade secrets under applicable State law. Any such requesl nmst be asserled at tile time of subinissiou of the infirrmation or dala. When requested and denlooslrated by the user flu'nishiilg a rc'pm'l lhat such infnrination should be held confidential, Ihe portions of a rcporl which might disclose linde secrets or secret processes shall not be made available Ibr inspection hy thc public, but shall be made awdlable immediately upon request to governmental agencies lbr uses related to thc NPDES program or pretreatnlent program, and in cnfin'celnent proceedings involving tile persnn or user 151rnishing the report. Wastewater constitueuts and characteristics and other "eflltieut data" as defined by 40 CFR 2.302 will not be recognized as confidential inlormation and will be available to tile p~ahlic without restriction. SI~;CTION 9 - PlJBLICATION Ole USERS IN SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE The Director of Public Works shall publish annually, in the largest daily newspaper published in Ibc municipalilv where the POTW is located, a list of the users which, during Ihe previous twelve (12) nlonllls, were m significant noncompliance with applicable prelreatlnent slandards and requirenrents. The term signiticant mmcompliance shall mcan: A Chronic viohltions of wastewaler discharge limits, defiued here as thnse in which sixty-six percent (66%) or more nf wastewater measuremenls taken during a six (60 month period exceed Ihe daily nmximunl limit or average limit tbr the same pollutant parameter by any Technical Review Crileria (TRC) violations, defined here as those in which thirty-three pcrcenl (33%) m' more of wastewaler measurements taken tbr each pollutant parameter during a six (6) month period equals or exceeds tile product of thc daily maximum limit or thc average limit muhiplicd by tile applicable criteria (1.4 lbr BOD, TSS, lhts, oils and grease, and 1.2 tb~ all olber pollutants except Ph); Any other discharge violation that tile Director of Public Works and/or Control Authority believes has caused, alone m' io combination with other discharges, interference or pass throogh, includiug endangeriug the health ut' POTW personnel or the general public; Any discharge of pullutants that has caused imminent endangerment to tile public or to the environment, or has resnlled in Director of l'ublic Works tlr Conlrol Authority's exercise of ils enlergency authorily Ii) halt or prevent such a discharge; 36 l:aih[]'e lo meet, within ninety (90) days o[ tile scheduled date, a compliance schedule llllJesloln' colltailwd i11 fl wastewaler discbarge permit or glllbrcelllelll order for starting Failure to provide wilhin thirly (30) days alter Iht due date, any required reports, including baseline IllouilorHlg reports, reports on compliance with categorical prelreatment standard dcadliues, perk)die sell mouitoring repurts, and ]'eports oa compliance with compliance Failure to aCClll'alely report nollcompliance; or Any olher vk)latiou(s) which the Director of Public Works determines will adversely affect thc operali(m or ixnplemcnlation of the local pretreamlent program. · EC F1ON 10 - ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES Ill.l Nntification of Violation When ibc Director el Public Works finds that a user bas violated, or continues to violate, any provision of this ordiuance, a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any olhcr pretreatment standard or requiremem, tile Director of Public Works may serve upon that user a wriuen Nutice of Violation. The notice shall specify the time frame, usually, ten (Il)) days, fl~r tile user lo submit an explanation of tile violation and a plan [hr tile satisfactory corrc'ction and prevention thereof, to include specific required actkms, to tile Direclor of Public Wurks Submission of Ibis plan in tlc) way relieves tile user of liability tbr any violations occurring belme or alice receipt el tile Notice uf Violation. Nothing in this section shall lilnit the authorJly of tile Dimclor of Public Works to take any aclion, including emergency actious or any olher enlbrccxllern action, without first issuing a Notice of Violation. 11).2 Reserved 37 10,3 ,~how (.at se Heariug The Director (3i Puhlic Works may m-der a user which has violated, or cuntinues lo violate, any provlsiml of Ihis ordinance, ~ wastewater discharge F, ermit ur m-der issued hereunder, or any other prclreaunent standard or retltm'ement, in appear helore thc Director of Public Works and show cause why thc proposed eufin'cement action shonld not be taken. Notice shall be served on the user specifying tl~c lime and place tbr tile meeting, the prnposed enlbrcement action, the reasons for such action, and a request that thc user show cause why the proposed ent~u'cemenl action should uot be taken. The notice of flit mcctiug shall hc served persunally ur hy registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Such ut, rice may be served on any attthorized representative of the user. A show cause hcariog shall not be a bar agaiust, or prerequisite fi)r, taking any other action ugainst 10.4 (~o npliance Orders Wheu the Director o{ Public Works finds thai a user has viulated, or coutinues to violate, any provisiou of dfis ordiuancc, a wastewaler discl:,arge penmt or order issued beremlder, or any other prctreatment slaudard or requirement, the Director of Public Works ~nay issue au order to die user responsible flu' Ihe discharge directing that the user come into compliance within a specified time. If tile user does not come iuto compliauce within the time provided, tile City may discontinue sewer service uuless the user installs and operates adequale treatlneut l~,cilities, devices, or uthel re]aled al)l)uFteuances. Compliauce orders also may contaiu t~ther requP'ements to address tl~e noncompliance, iucludmg additiouat sell-monuuring and nranagement practices desigued to minimize the amotmt ol polhnauts discharged to tl~e sewer. D. A compliance order may not extend the deadliue lbr compliance established tbr a pretreatment standard ur requirement, nor does a cumpliance order relieve the user of liability for any viuladun, including ~my coutiuuing violatiou. Issuance of a compliauce order shall nol be a har against, nr ~t prerequisite fi)F, taking auy other aclion against the nser. 38 I|L5 Cease and Desist Orders When lhe Director of Public Works fiuds Ihat a user has violated, or continues to violate, any IlrOVlSlOn of' this ordinallce, a wastewaler discharge perlllil or order issued hereunder, or any other l.etreatment standard (ir rcquirmneut, or that tile user's pasl violations are likely tn recur, the Director of I'ublic Works may issttc ail order to the user directing it tn cease and desist all snch violations and direcling Ihe user to: .5. hnnlcdiatdy comllly with all requirements; and B. Take such appropriale remedial nr preveutive action as nlay be needed to properly address a continuing or tlneatened violation, inchnling halling operations and/or terminating the discharge. |ssuance of a cease and desist order shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite lbr, taking any other aclion against the user. 10.6 Reserved 10.7 Emergency Snspensic, ns The Director of Public Works may immediately suspeud a nser's discharge, after intbrmal notice Io thc user, whenever such suspension is necessary to stop all actual or threutened discharge wl'dch l't~asonably appears to present nr cause au inlminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare o[ pei'stlns. The Director c,f Public Works may ulso immediately snspend a user's discharge, after notice and opportunity to respond, thai thremens It/ interlerc with the operation of the POTW, or which ln'Cselns, or ilia? ilresem, un endangernlcnt [o tile environment. Any user notil'iud of a suspension of ils discharge shall immediately stop or eliminate its corer|but|on, hi Ihe event of a user's failure to imlnediately cnmply voluntarily with the suspensioc, order, Ihe |)ireclor of Puhlic Works may take such steps as deemed necessary, iududing immediule severance of the sewer connection, Io prevent or minimize damage to thc POTW, its rcceiviog slream, or endangerment to ally individuals. The Director of Public Works may allow IP.e user to recommence its discharge when the user has dcnlonstrated lc. the satisfitction nf the Directnr of Pnblic Wnrks that the period of eudungernlcut lifts passed, unless thc termination proceedings in Section 10.8 uf this nrdinance are initiuled against the user. A user that is responsible, in whole or itl part, lk)r uny discharge presenting imminent endangerment shall suhntit a detailed written statement, describing Ihe causes of the harmful contributiou and tile lncasnres taken to prevent any future nccnrrence, to the Director of' Public Works prior lo the date of any show cause or terminatiou hearing nnder Sections 10.3 or 10.8 of Ihis ordinance. Nothing in tiffs secliou shall bc ioteq)reted as requiric~g a hearing prior to any emergency suspension nndcr this seclion. 39 10.8 Termiuation of I)ischarlRe A. lu additJou to the [)rovislnus lu Sectiou 5.6 of Ibis ordiuunce, auy user who violates the l~)llowiug conditkms is subject to discharge termination: (I I Violatinn of wastewater discharge permit cnnditions; (2l Failure re accurately report the wastewater constituents and characteristics of its discharge; (3) Failure lo report signil]cunt C]lauges ii1 operatinns OF wastewater volume, constitueuls, and characteristics prior to discharge; (4) Rett~sul I/l: reasouable access to tile user's prenlises lbr tile purpose of inspection, inouiloring, or sampling; or (5) Violutiou of the preu'eatment staudards in Secfiou 2 of this ordinance. The City shall uolily thc user of lhe proposed lermination of its discharge and ofikr him an opp(munity to sbuw cause under Sectiou 10.3 of this ordinance why tile proposed action should uot he taken. Exercise of this option by tile Director of Public Works shall not be a bar to, ur u prerequisite fur, taking any other actioo agaiust the user. SECTION 11 -.IIII)ICIAL ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 11.1 Injunctive Relief When lhe Director of Puhlic Works finds that a user has violated, or coutinues to violate, any pmvisiou of this ordinance, a wastewatcr discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other l¢~etreatment standard or requiremenl, tile Director of Public Works may petition a district court through the City's Attorney li)r the issuauce of a temporary t)r pennaoent iujunctiou, as appropriate, which ~eslrains or compels lhe specific perlimnauce of the wastewater discharge permit, order, or other Icquirement imposed hy this ordinance ou activities Ill' the user. The Director of Public Works may also seek such uther actiou us is appropriute lin' legal and/or equitable rciief, including a requirement l~)r the user m conduct cuvironmenta[ ICluedia[ioll, A petition for i¢}unctive relief shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite tier, [uking auy other actiou against a user. 11.2 Civil Penalties A user who [las violated, or contiuues to violate, any provision of this ordinance, a wastewatcr discharge permit, ur order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or lequiremenl shall be liable to the City fi)r a maximum civil penalty of One Tho'usand Dollars ($1,000.00) pe~ violaliou, per day. In the case et' a monthly or other long-term 40 average discharge limil, pcualtics shall accrue for each day during the period of tile x iolalion. 'lite City may recover reasonable atmrueys' t~es, conrt costs, and nlher expenses associated widl cnfi}rcemeln activities, inchlding sampling and mnnitoring expenses, and the cost of any actna[ dalnagcs inctu-rcd by the City. lu delei'mining thc amount ol civil liability, tile Court shall take into account all relevant cn'cnmstances, iucluding, but not limited lo, the extent of harm cansed by the violation, the magnitude and duration of the violation, auy ecouomic benefit gained through the user's violation, conective actions by lhe user, Ihe compliance history nf the user, and any other t~ctnr as justice requires. Filing a suit tbr cMl pcnahies shall nol be a bar agaiust, or a prerequisite for, taking any (libor actinn agaiusl ansel'. I 1.3 (. m hal Pr ~secl.~tlnn A. lite illegul A aser whn violates ally provision of this ordiuance, a wastewater discharge permit, or under issued hereuuder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per violation, per day. A user who negligeu y intrnduces any substance into tile POTW which causes personal inlury or property damage shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and be sub. ject to the same pe dlies described iu 1 I .3.A. of this Ordinance. This penalty shall be in addition to any nthcr cause nl acdon Ibr personal injnry nr property damage available under ~tatc law. A user who makes aoy false slatements, representations, or certifications ii1 any application, record, report, plan, or nflmr documentation filed, or required to be maintained, pursuant to tiffs ordinance, wastewater discharge permit, nr order issued herenuder, or who l;alsifies, lampers wilh, or renders inaccurate aoy mouitoring device nr method required under this ordimmce shall, upon c~mviction, be subject to the same penalties described in 11.3.A. of Ibis Ordinance. CRIMINAL RESPONSIBIIJTY. A cnlpable ~neotal state is uol required to prove an offense under this Ordinaucc. A person is cri~ninally responsible tbr a violation of this Ordinance il': (l) Ibc person commits or assists m tile commJssiun of a violatinu, or causes or perinits aunlheF person to COllllnit a violation; or (2) tile persnn uwns or manages tile property nr facilities cleternmled tu be the cause of discharge under Section 2.1,2.2, 2.4, 3.4, or 4.2. 41 I 1.4 Remedie~ Nonexclusive Fhe remedies provided I~)l' in llns ordinance are not exclusive. The Director of Public Works may I~kc auy, all, or any combination of Ihese actions against a uoncompliant user. Entbrcement of pretreatmeot violations will gcuerally he in accordaucc with the City's rntbrcement response plan. l lowcver, tile Direclor ol Pnblic Works may take other action against any user when the circumstances warrant. Furlhcr. thc Director of Public Works is empowered to take more than oue enforcement action against auy noncompliaut user. 11.5 Applicability ol' More Stringent Regulations 11' national pretreatmeuI standards, categorical or otherwise, lnore stringent than the discharge limds prescribed iu lhis article are promulgated by the United States Environmental Pn>tcctiou Agency l~r certain industries, the more stringent national plelreatmt:nt standards will apply to the affected industrial user. A violatioo of the more stringent natk)nal [)rctreatment standards will also be considered a violation of this O~xlioance. Apl)licability of more striugeut discharge limits. Au industrial user within the City who discharges iudustrial waste ttltimately received and treated by another governmental eotity tmrsuant lo a wholesale wastewater contract or a reciprocal agreement with the City is sub eot to the following additional roles: (I) Il' tile governmenlal entity has nlore stringent discharge limils than those prescribed by this Ordinance, or by a discharge permit issued herennder, because the United States Environmental Protection Agency requires the more stringent discharge limits as parl of Ihe governmental eutity's wastewater pretreatment program, the more stringeut discharge limits shall prevail. (2) Tbe Directrn of Public Works is authorized to issoe a discharge permit Io an induslrial use~ affected by Subsection ( D, to insure nolice of and compliance wilh the IBore slringcnt discl~arge limits. If tile indostrial user already has a discharge permit, tbe Direclor of Public Works may amend the permit to apply and enlbrce the more slringem discharge limits. An industrial user shall submit to the Director of Public Works an expccled compliance date and an installation schedule if ~he more stringent 42 discharge limits ucccssitme lecbonlogical or mcclmnical at[jostments to discharge l}lcilities or plain processes. 11' Ihe Director of Public Works chooses not misstie or amend a permit under $obsection (2), the Director of Public Works sball nntity thc af/kcted industrial user iu writing of the more stringent discharge limits and their cft¥ctive date. Regardless of whether tlr uol a permit is issued or amended, an industrial user shall be given a reasouablc ~lpportunity Ii) comply witb thc nlorc stringent discharge limits. (4) Fbc mm'e sn'ingeut discharge Ii]nils cease to apply upon termination of the City's wholesale wustewater contract or reciprocal agreement with the governmental entity, or upon modificatkn~ or elimination of the limits by the government entity or the Uuitcd Stales Environmental Protectiuo Agency. The Director of Public Works shall lake the approprmte action to nnlil'y the afl,tied industrial user of all occurrence under this Subsection (4). Variances in compliance dines. The Director of Public Works may grant a variance in cmnpliance dates Io an industry when, itl Director of Public Works's opinion, such action is necessary to achieve prctreatment or corrective nleasures. In no case shall tile Director of public Works gram a variance ill compliance dates lo an induslry affected by national calegorical pretrcatment standards beynnd the compliance dates established by the United glales Environlnenlal Prolectinn Agency. D. Aulbor~ty to regulate. The Director of public Works may establish regulations, not in c~mllict with Ibis Ordinance olber luws, to contrnl tile disposal aud discharge of industrial wasle into the waslcwaler system and to insure compliance with Ibe City's pretreatment enli~rcement program with all applicable prelreatment regulations promulgated by the Unilcd Stales Environmental Pmlection Agency. Tile regulations established shall, where applicable, be made part of any discharge permit issued to ail industrial user by the Director el Public Works. SECTION 12 - RESERVED SECTION 13 - AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS 13.1 lis all uction hrnnght ill federal eonrt only: 43 I pset Prnvisiun An npset shall cnnstittne an affirmative delbnse tn ail action brought tbr noncompliance with categorical pretre:mnent standards if the reqniremems of paragraph lB), below, are met. B Anser whn wishes to establish the affirmative detbnse of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: ( I ) An upset occurred and the user can identity Iht canse(s) of Ibc npset; (2) ~lhe t~tcility was at lbe time being operated in a prudent and wurkman-like manner and m compliance with applicable operatinn and maintenance procednres; and (3~ The user has submitted tile lblloxving intbrmation to tile Director of Public Works within twenly4bur (24) hours ol becoming aware o1' tile upset, if lifts intbrmation is provided orally, a written submission must be provided within five (5) days: (al A description oi the indirect discharge anti canse of noncompliance; (b) ri'he period o~ noncompliance, including exact dutes and times or, if not c{n'recled, Ibc anticipated linle the noncompbance is expecled to continue; and (c) Steps being taken and/or planned a', reduce, elilninate, and prevent recurrence of die nonconlplianct'. C In any entbrcement proceeding, the nser seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset shall have Ihe burden of prnof. A users shall have tile opportunity lbr a judicial determinalion on any claim of upset only in an enfc~rcemenl aclion brongbt for nonconlpliance with categorical pretreatment standards. A users shall contrnl production nl all discharges to tile extent necessary to maintain compliance with categorical pretream/ent standards upon reduction, loss, or failure of its tream~ent lhcility nntil Ibc lacility is restored or an alternative method of treatxnent is provided. This requirement applies in the sitnation where, amnng other things, the primary source of power of Iht treatment futility is reduced, lost, or Kqils. 13.2 Act Of (, }d PrnvlslOll. In un ucti(m brougbt in municipal or state court only: An event that would olherwise be a viulation that is caused solely by an act of God, war, strike, riot, or olher culastrophe iS an affirmative detbnse It) prusecnlion for a violation of Ibis Ordinance. any enforcenlem proceeding, tim nser seeking to establish the occurrence of an act of Gnd, war, slrike, riot, or other catastrophe shall have lbe bnrden of l)rnof. In Ihe event that anser satisfies the cnnditions set Ibrib in Subsections A. and B. above, the user shall cuntrnl prodnclion of all discharges lo the extent necessary to maintain compliance wilh pretreatment standards npon reduction, luss, or failure of its treatment facility nntil Ibc facility is reswn'ed or an ahernative method of treatment is provided. 44 13.3 lb, pass "Flypass' lUCaUS the mtentioual diversiou of wasteslmams from any portiou of a user's trealmeut facility. (2) "Severe property dainage" means substantial physical datnage to property, damage to die treatulent thcilities which causes diem to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss ol' tlatUl'a[ resources which can reasonably be expected to occur ill the absence ora bypass. Severe properly damage does not mean economic loss caused hy delays in productiuu. A user nlay allow any bypass to occur which does not cause pretreatment standards or rcqtdremeuls to be violated, but nnly it' it also is lbr esseutial maiutenance Io assure efficient operaliou. These bypasses are not subjecl to the provisiou of paragraphs (C) and (Dr of this (Ir If a user km~ws ill advance of tile need lbr a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Direclor of Public Works, at least ten (10) days betbre dte clare of the bypass, if l)t/ssit)le. (2) A user shall submil oral notice to die Director of Public Works of all unanticipated bypass thai exceeds applicable pmtrcatmeut staudards withio twenty four (24) hours from tile thlle it hecomes aware of Ihe bypass. A writteu sobmission shall also be provided within five (5) days o[' the time the user becomes aware of the bypass. The writtcu snbmission shall coutain a description of the bypass and its cause: the duration of die bypass, including exact dates and thnes, and, if the bypass has not been corrected, tbe anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, elilniuale, and prevent reoccurrence of tile bypass. Tbe Director of Public Works may waive die written report on a case by-case basis if the omi report has bceu ieceivcd wilhin lwenty tbur (24) hours. (I} Bypass is pn~hihited, aud die Director of Puhlic Works may take an enIbrcement (ar bypass was uuavuidable to prevent loss of lilb, hudily injury, or severe property damage: there were uo tkasiblc alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary lrt-~atolc~nl facililies, retention of uutreated wastes, or IBaintenauce during normal periods ol'equipment dowutime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back- np cquipmem should have been installed iu the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass whicb occurred during normal periods of cquipmcm duwntiute or preventive maimenauce; and (c) the user submitted uotices as required under l)aragraph (C) of this section. (2) The Director uf Puhlic Works may approve an anticipated bypass, after consideriug i~s adverse efI~cts, it' the Director of Public Works determiues that it will meet the Ibrec conditious lisled iu paragraph (Dr(1) of Ihis secliou. 45 SECTION 14 - WASTEWATER TREATMENT RATES IRESERVEDI SECTION 15 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 15.1 Pretreatnlent Charges and Fees The City may adoF, t reasonal/le tees tbr reimbursen~enl of costs of setting up and operating the Cily's Prltrealmeut Program which nlay include fees Ibr: wastewater discharge permit applications inclnding the cost of processing such applications; nloniloring, mspcctinn, and surveillance procedures including tile cost of collection and aua]yziog a user's discharge, and reviewing n~onitorii~g repons submitted by risers; rcviewiug aud respouding to accidental discharge procedures and construction; Ii ling appeals 5. Ibr Ireating abnomlal strength wasles: 7. Fees incurred from till upset, hypass nr unauthm'ized discharge; and Other Ikes tis tile City may deem uecessary to carry ont the requirements contained herein. These tkes relate solely to lhe matters covered by this ordinance and are separate from alt other Ikes, fines, and penalties chargeable by the City. Sulcharge Thc City olay snrcharge industrial users lbr tile treating of abnomml strength wastes. Water or wastes having l) a five day biochemical oxygen demand greater than two hundred fifty (250) parts per milliou (ppnO by weight or 2) containing more than two hundred flay (250) pm'ts per million by weight of total snspended solids shall be sub. ject to the review and approval et thc Director el Public Works. Where tile Director of Public Works has apprnved thc adnfission hi' (Il or (2) above into the POTW, that discharge may be sul2iect to a surcharge as determined by the Director of Public Works. In uo case shall a discharge be accepted tbat will prevetn tile POTW froul meetiog it's limits. Thc surcharge will be assessed according to lhe lbllowing tbrmula each month using tile nil)s( current polhuan[ coucen[ralion data aod lhe curren[ nlon[hs x~astewater flow: Surcharge = Q x [a(BOD- x) +b(TSS- Y)118.341 1,000,000 Where: Q = Ilow iu galhms 8.34 = weight itl pounds uf one gallon of waler 46 liler normal limds of BOD m domestic wastewater expressed m milligrams = lll)inlal limils of TSS in domeslic wastewater expressed in ~nilligrams per a = unit cost of treatment per pound of BOD tlllit cns[ of trealmen[ per ponnd of TSS BOD - measnred amount of BOD, in mg/l TSS mcasnrcd ammmt of TSS, in mg/1 A s~rchargc is an additional charge by tile POTW lbr the increased cost of handling discharge of unusaal strength and chamcler and shall not serve as a variance to the ~cquircmcnts n) lifts ordinance. Exercise of this provision shall not be a bar to, or a p:ercquisite for, taking any other action against Iht user. 15.2 Severability [f any provision of this ordinauce is invalidaled hy any court of cmnpetent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall nnt be affkcted and shall conlmne in lid[ tk]rce and efl~ct. SECTION 16- EI~FEC ! I'~ E DATE '[his ordinance shall be in fiHI Ii)roe and efl~ct immediately t~)llowing its passage, approval, and pnblication, its provided by law SIt~'CTI¢)N 17 - CIJMI/LA FIX E AND REPEALING CLAUSE This m'dinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of m'dinances of the City of Southlake, '[cxas, except when thc provisit)ns of this ordinance are in direct conflict with thc provisions of other ordinances, in which case the coal]toting provisions of the other ordinances are herehy repealed. SECTION 18- SAVINGS CLAUSL Ail rights and remedies of thc City of $outhlakc are expressly sltvcd as to aoy and all violations o[: die lin)visions of any ordillanccs thin lll'¢ amended by this ordinance, or any (]tiler ordillances relating Io mdnslrta[ waslcwaler, which have accrued at Ibc lilne of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrned viotatkms and all pending litigation, bolh civil and criminal, whedler pending in court nr aol, nndcr snch ordinances, same shall not he afli~cled by Ihis ordinal]ce but may be prosecuted until final disln)silkm by thc courts. SECTION - PUBLICATION The Cily $;eeretary of the City of Somhlake is hereby directed to pnblish fl~is ordinance, or its callt~nn and penally clanse, as reqnired by Section 3.13 of tile Charter of the City of Southlake. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS 1~4q DAY OF 47 PASSED AND DAY OF 48 INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 225289541 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 3/23/03 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 3/31/03 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 22528954 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: NOTICE OF PUBLI Publication Dates: 3/17/03 -3/23/03 's s ., , ter . NOTICE OF FEES FOR THt NOTICE OF PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING EQUITABLE DISTRI- 1 113 1 13 LINE $3.20 $723.94 Notice Is hereby given BUTION OF COSTS by the City Council of RESULTING FROM the City of Southlake, THE PROGRAM ES- Sales Discount Texas, that a public TABLISHED THERE- ($632.41) hearing will be held PROVIDING on April 1, 2003, at TI-IAT THIS ORDI- 6:00 p.m. or immedi- NANCE SHALL BE ateo�yy following the CUMULATIVE OF Work Session, during ALL ORDINANCES; the Regular City PROVIDING A SEV- Council Meeting to be ERABILITY CLAUSE, held in the City PROVIDING FOR A Net Amount: $91.53 Council Chambers of PENALTY; PROVID- Town Hall, 1400 Main ING A SAVINGS Street, Southlake, CLAUSE' PROVID- Texas. ING FOIL PUBLICA- Purpose of the public TIN IN THE OFFI- hearing is to consider CIAOL NEWSPAPER; the second reading of AND PROVIDING the following ordi- FOR AN EFFECTIVE nance: DATE. CITY OF A user who has vio- SOUTHLAKE fated, or continues.to ORDINANCE NO. violate, any.provision ^ _ ----- -- AN ORDINANCE OF of this ordinance, a D �ilt�" `S '—THE CITY OF wastewater discharge I SOUTHLAKE RE- permit,or order issued QUIRING USERS OF hereunder, or any THE PUBLICLY sstandardporferequiretment OWNED TREAT- ment shall be liable to MENT WORKS TO the City for a maxi- LI APR y 201!. V COMPLY WITH ALL mum civil penalty of APPLICABLE STATE One Thousand Doi AND FEDERAL• lam ($1 0O0,0o) per THE STATE OF TEX, LAWS CONCERN- violation, per day. In ING THE INTRO- the case of a monthly DUCTION OF POL- or other long-term OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY County of Tarrant LUTANTS INTO THE average discharge PULICLY OWNED limit, penalties shall TRBEATMENT accrue for each day. WORKS AND RE- during the period of Before me,a Notary I QUIRING SUCH US-ml the violation. sonally appeared KAREN WILLIAMS, Bid and Legal Coordinator ERS TO COMPLY City of Southlake for the Star Telegram, WITH GENERAL l'le Lori Farwell i,in Tarrant County,Texas;and wh'3,after being duly sworn, did depose and say PRETREATMENT City Secretary that the attached clip{ REGULATIONS; Au-wa ...-_..,n named paper on the liste dates: IDS 8t LEGALS DEPT STAR TELEGRAM (817) 390-7182. SUANCENG THE OF WASTEWATER PERMITS_; PROVIDING 1OVTORING Signed \ /COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUBSCRIBED AND Si ACT I ITIES AS--'r THIS Thursday,March 7, , MINISTRATIVE RE- VIEW PROCfVE�- USERSREPORTR11Nf{: Notary Public PROVIDING FCII THE SETTING OF ''r„ CHRISTY L.HOLLAND1i Thank You For Your Payment %! MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 225289541 Invoice Amount: $91.53 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: $ INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W. 7th Street Invoice Number: 225971411 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390 7761 Invoice Date: 4/4/03 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 4/30/03 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 22597141 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date: 4/4/03 Description Location Col Depth Linage MU Rate Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I SOUTHLAKE 13580 1 96 96 LINE $6.63 $636.48 ORDINABNCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF Sales Discount THE CITY OF ($561.72) SOUTHLAKE RE- ($561.72) QUIRING USERS OF THE PUBLICLY OWNED TREAT- Misc Fee MENT WORKS TO $3.00 COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS CONCERN- ING THE INTRO- DUCTION OF POL- LUTANTSINTONED Net Amount: $77.76 PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS AND RE- QUIRING TO SUCH WITH GENERAL PRETREATMENT REGULATIONS; AU- THORIZING THE OF IS- SUANCE CHARGE APTERMITS R MONIIITI ORI NG COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES ES- • TABLISHING AD- THE STATE OF TEXAS MINISTRATIVE RE- VIEW PROCE- County of Tarrant USERSIREPORTRING PROVIDING FOR THE SETTING OF Before me,a Notary Public it FEES FOERDISTRE I State, this day personally appeared KAREN WILLIAMS, Bid and Legal Coordinator EQUITABTfor the Star-Telegram,publisl BUTION OF cows Inc. at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say RESULTING FROM lished In the a ove named paper on the listed dates: BIDS ez LEGALS DEPT, STAR TELEGRAM that the attached clipping of THE PROGRAM RE- (8 1 7) 390-7182. IN TABLISHED THIS ORDI- NANCE SHALL BE r ' CUMULATIVE OF W- PROVIDIING ORDINANCES; >ned ERABILITY CLAUSE, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN PROVIDING FOR A ���atl11wlwulnnp PENALTY; S ROINGS Monday,April 07,200 \����`"\ 3ACk������iq,� ING A �� P,,..,. Sp CLAUSE. PROVID- • �� • ING FOR PUBLICA- r� i PP," (V P(�e( ,'� TION IN THE OFFI- nary Public N fv�-- P CIAL NEWSPAPER; a O i s AND PROVIDING a (1 • FOR AN EFFECTIVErITS7 0 _ •. Z �j _ DATE. _ / h A user who has vio- lated, or continues.to = c violate, any.provision of this ordinance, a �91F OF 1� Thank You For You wastewater discharge hpermit,or order issuedPR ' i, 2I�n3 O other ,pietreatmentother P stmandard r rlequire-ble to the City for a maxi- mum civil penalty of One Thousand Dol- FCIT` lars ($1000.00) per violation, per day. In Remit To: Star-Telegr he oheoflongq to m Customer , average ve ag penalties nargeshall P.O. Box 9 accrue for each day Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WO the'violatiion,De of PASSED AND AP--2OS I Invoice Number: 225971411 PROVED THIS THE 1ST DAY OF APRIL 2003 Invoice Amount: $77.76 REGULAR THE CITY MAYOR: COUNCIL Stacy PO Number: MAYOR: Rick Stacy City Secretta Farwell, Amount Enclosed: 1$ I .• • • I -„ ,3 • • • . . • 4, • 't 'r • • • . . t ' • . • • •. ,