08162000 International Energg' Conservation Code ORDINANCE NO. 816 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2000 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERI ?1TION CODE, REGULATING THE DESIGN OF BUILDING ENVEEOPES FOR ADEQUATE THERMAL RESISTANCE AND LO~~l AIR LEAKAGE AND THE DESIGN AND SELECTION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, SERVICE ~'ATER-HEATING AND ILLUMINATION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF EOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OF SUCH CODE AS A PUBLIC RECORD; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALE BE CUMUEATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVER4BILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FOILM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAU NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. B'HEREAS, the Git5' o£ Southlake is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to )micle X1, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Gox eminent Codc; and WHEREAS, the 77tt~ Texas Legislature adopted Senate Bill 5 requiring cities to adopt the 2000 Inlcmational Energy Conse~a'ation Code, and the City Council of the City of Southlake deems ii necessa~ to adopt this ordinance providing minimum standards to regulate the design of building envelopes for adequate themml resistance and low air leakage and the design and selection of mechanical, electrical, service water-heating and illumination systems and equipment which xxill enable effective use of energy in new building construction. NO\V, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHkAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 ~Fhat the_International Energy ConserYation Code, 2000 Edition, published by the International Code Council, including the standards referenced therein, is hereby adopted as the Energy Conservation Code of the City of Southlake regulating the design of building envelopes fo~ adequate then,ual resistance and low air leakage and the design and selection of mechanical, electrical, service water-heating and illumination systems and equipment in the City of Sot~thlake. except for fucl facilities otherwise regulaled under the Intemalional Residential Code Ib~ ()nc- and '1 wo- Famil> Dwellings as adopted. A true and correct copy of this document is attached as Exhibit 'A," SECTION 2 Thai thc 2000 International Energy Conservation Code. as adopted herein, is hereby amended as provided in Exhibil "B" incorporated herein and attached hereto for ail purposes of this ordinance. The City of Southlake, Texas may from time to time determine that additional local modifications to the Energy Consepcation Code are necessary and appropriate to meet the unique needs of the C/tv of Southlake, Texas. To cffectuate these local modifications, the City Council shall enact individual ordinances amending this Ordinance, fully setting forth the change to be made in the Energy Conservation Code. These amendments shall be consolidated as Exhibit "B" lo this Ordinance. SECTION 3 1 he material containcd in Exhibits "A" and "B" to this ordinance shall not be included in the fbnnal municipal codification of ordinances, but shall be maintained as a public record in the o£fice of the City Secretary. and will be available for public inspection and coping during regular business hours. SECTION 4 I'his ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direcl conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, m which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinm~ces are hereby repealed. SECTION 5 II is hereby declared to be the intention of the City council that the phrases, clauses, senlences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause scnlence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competenl jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, para~aphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clausc, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6 Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists thc em'brcement of an5' of the provisions of this ordinance shall be 2 fined no~ more than Two Thousand Dollars ($ 2,000.00) for all violations involving zoning, fire safer3 or public health and sanitation, including dumping or refuse, and shall bc fined not more than five hundred dollars (5500) for all other violations of this ordinance each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offcnse. SECTION 7 All rights and remcdics of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all x iotations of the provisions of any ordinances affecting the regulation of the design of building enx elopes for adequale them~al resistance m~d low air leakage and the design and selection of mechanical, electrical service waler-heating and illumination systems and equipment within the ('it3 which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not. under such ordinances, same shall not be affected bv this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 8 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance m book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions o£this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 9 The Cit3 Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Soutblake, the caption, penalty clause, publication clause mid effective date of this ordinance one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 1 0 qhis ordinance shall be m full force and cffect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS 2~ DAY O~1. CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING TillS/~ DAY O~~1. ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY API~ROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAI,ITY: City Attorney ~ Date: EFEECTIVE: / 4 EXHIBIT "B" Amendments to the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code are hereby amended as follows: (Standard type is text from the IECC. Underlined type is text inserted ' ' **Section 101.3; amend 101.3 and add 101.3.3 as follows: 101.3 Compliance. Compliance with this code shall be determined in accordance with Sections 101.3.1~ and 101.3.2, or 101.3.3. 101.3.3. Alternative compliance. A buildinq certified throuqh a voluntary ener,qy performance testinq program approved as meetinq or exceedinq the provisions of this code may be deemed to comply with the requirements of this code. **Section 302.1; Replace blank Table 302.1 Exterior Design Conditions with the following: CONDITION VALUE Winter a, design dry-bulb (°F) (99.6°~ ..................... Summer~, design dry-bulb (°F) (0.4%) Summer~, design wet-bulb (°F) (0.4%) 17 100 78 Degree d_ays heating Degree days cooly Climate zone c 24O7 26O3 5B **Delete note "a" and replace with the following: a. These values are from ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals for Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport 99.6% Winter DB, 0.4% Summer DB, and 0.4% Summer WB; and from Local Climatoloqical Data for Dallas-Ft. Worth published by the National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These values are for the purpose of providinq a uniform basis of requirements for North Central Texas. This will not preclude licensed professionals from submittinq desiqn analyses based on site measurements or published data more specific to the buildinq site. Adjustments shall be permitted to reflect local climates which differ from the tabulated values, or local weather experience determined by the code official. **Delete Figures 302.1 (1-43, 45-51). **Section 502.1.1; delete exception #2 and substitute the following: 2. Buildinqs located in Climate Zones 1 throuqh 9 as indicated in Table 302.1. **Section 502.1.5; add the following exceptions: Exceptions: 1. Any qlazinFl facinFI within 45 deqrees of true north; 2. Any qlazinq facinq within 45 degrees of true south which is shaded along its full width by a permanent overhanq with a proiection factor of 0.3 or greater. 3. Any fenestration with attached screens where the screens have a rated shading coefficient of .6 or less. **Section 502,2; Replace blank Table 502.2 Heating & Cooling Criteria with the following: Table 502.2a'g HEATING AND COOLING CRITERIA le~men~ ..... Mode Type A-1 i Type A-2 Residential Residential Buildings I Buildings Uo I Uo Heating, or cooling 0.15 J 0.22 eili_n9 ~ Heating or cooling_ 0.03 ! 0.03 over I Heating or cooling 0.05 I 0.05 ted s~aces~ J slab on ~ Heating R-value = 6 I R-value = 6 , ! ted slab on Heating R-value = 0 R-value = 0 lent wall i Heating or cooling I U-factor = 0.15 U-factor = 0.15 space wall_~ Heating or cooling i U-factor = 0.15 U-factor = 0.15 Walls Roof/( Floors over unheated s Unheated g,rade Basement Crawl **Delete Note "a" and replace with the following: a. The above values have been determined for all counties in the North Central Texas Council of Governments reFlion. **Add Note "g": ~q. These requirements apply only to the boundaries of conditioned space. Air conditioninq equipment is recommended, but not required, to be Located within the conditioned space in North Central Texas zones. **Delete Figures 502.2(1-6) 6 **Section 502.2; Add note to Fig 502.2(7): All counties within the North Central Texas Council of Governments reqion are desiqnated as within the area of very heavy termite infestation probability for purpose of uniform interpretation of this requirement. **Section 502.2.4; Delete prescriptive Tables 502.2.4(1-9) and substitute the following: **Replace Tables 502.2.4 (1-6) with: Table 502.2.4(1) Prescriptive Building Envelope Requirements, Type A-1 Residential Buildings, Based on Window Area as a Percent of Gross Exterior Wall Area (for zones 5b and 6b) % Glazing ~__<8% _<12% <15% Maximu m U-factor 0.70 Ceilin gR- value R-26 Exterio r wall R-value R-11 Minimum Slab perimet erR- value and ' depth Crawl space wall R-value R-6 0,65 R-26 R-13 iR-0 R-5 0.65 R-30 R-13 iR-0 R-7 L<18% 0.52 R-30 R-13 IR-0 R-7 <20% 0.50 R-38 R-13 'R-7 R-38 Floor Baseme R-value nt wall R-value R-11 R-5 R-11 R-5 R-11 R-6 R-19 R-6 R-19 R-6 R-19 R-6 ;<25% iR-0 R-O R-16 0.46 R-7 **Replace Tables 502.2.4 (7-9) with: Table 502.2.4(2) Prescriptive Building Envelope Requirements, Type A-2 Residential Buildings, Based on Window Area as a Percent of Gross Exterior Wall Area % Maximu Minimum Glazing m Glazing U-factor Ceilin gR- value Exterio r wall R-value Floor Baseme R-value nt wall R-value Slab perimet er R- value and depth R-0 R-11 R-5 R-11 R-5 R-19 R-7 Crawl space wall R-value 'R-6 _<20% 0.55 R-30 R-13 _ _<25% 0.55 R-30 R-13 R-0 R-5 <30% 0.47 R-38 R-13 R-0 R-8 **Section 503.3.3.3; amend as follows: All supply and return-air ducts and plenums installed as part of an HVAC air-distribution system shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table 503.3.3.3 or where such ducts or plenums operate at static pressures greater than 2 in. w.q. (500 Pa) in accordance with Section 503. **Section 503.3.3.4; amend subsections as follows: 503. High- and medium-pressure duct systems. All ducts and plenums operatinq at static pressures greater than 2 in. w.q. (500 Pa) shall be insulated and sealed ......... dDucts in accordance with Section 803.2.8. ~4;,,h ........... ,~ ,~,,,~, ,,-~ ~, ....... operatinFI at static pressures in excess of 3 in. w.q. (750 Pa) shall be leak tested in accordance with SMACNA HVAC ~+, ...... ., ,~. .... ; ...... ~ ..... m~.,~ i,. ,~..~, o , ., ,-, ,4 ., ~.4 Section 803 3 6 Pressure classifications specific to the duct system shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents in accordance with the International Mechanical Code. 503. Low pressure duct systems. All longitudinal and transverse joints, seams and connections of ~supply and return ducts operatinq at static pressures less than or equal to 2 in. w.¢i. (500 Pa/shall be securely fastened and sealed with welds gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic-plus-embedded fabric systems or tapes installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Pressure classifications specific to the duct system shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents in accordance with the International Mechanical Code. (Exception is unchanged} ** Section 802.2; Replace blank tables 802.2 (1-4) with the completed tables provided on the following four pages. Delete tables 802.2 (5-37). TABLE 802.2(1) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA 10 PERCENT OR LESS OF ABOVE- GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT _Skylights (U-factor) Slab or below-grade wall (R- value) Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25 < PF < 0.50 PF > 0,50 Roof assemblies (R-value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal 'block Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R- value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Above-grade walls (R-value) Framed R-value cavity R-value continuous CMU, >_ 8 in., with integral insulation R-value cavity R-value continuous Other masonry walls R-value cavity R-value continuous CONDITION/VALUE (Zones 5B,6B) R-0 SHGC Any Any Any Insulation between framing U-factor Any Any Any Continuous insulation R-19 R-16 R-25 R-17 NA R-16 R-25 R-17 R-17 X Insulation between framing_ R-11 Continuous insulation R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 Metal Wood framing_ framing R-11 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 No framing NA R-11 NA R-0 NA R-0 R-0 R-0 NA R-0 R-0 R-0 9 TABLE 802.2(2) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 10 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 25 PERCENT OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITION/VALUE Sk~ylights (U-factor) 1 R-0 Slab or below-grade wall (R- value). Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25 < PF < 0.50 PF > 0.50 Roof assemblies (R-value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Above-grade walls (R-value) Framed R-value cavity R-value continuous SHGC R-value cavity R-value continuous Other masonry walls 0.6 0.7 _Any Insulation between framing U-factor Any Any Any Continuous insulation R-25 R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 X Insulation between framing R-20 Continuous insulation R-6 R-11 ~ R-6 NA ] R-6 No framing Metal f_ra _ming NA R-11 NA R-0 NA R-11 R-5 R-0 NA R-11 R-5 R-0 Wood framing R-11 R-0 CMU, > 8 in. with integra[ insulation R-11 R-value cavity_ R-value continuous R-0 R-11 LO TABLE 802.2(3) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 25 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 40 PERCENT OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT .Skylights (U-factor) Slab or below-grade wall (R- value) Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25 < PF < 0.50 PF > 0.50 Roof assemblies (R-value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R- value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Above-grade walls (R-value) Framed R-value cavity_ R-value continuous CMU, > 8 in., with integral insulation R-value cavity R-value continuous Other masonry walls R-value cavity CONDITION/VALUE R-0 SHGC U-factor 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 Insulation between framing R-25 0.7 Continuous insulation R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 X Insulation between framing R-11 R-20 Continuous insulation R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 No framing Metal framing NA R-11 NA R-0 NA R-11 R-5 R-0 NA R-11 R-value continuous ~ R-5 R-0 Wood framing R-11 R-0 R-11 R-0 R-11 R-0 TABLE 802.2(4) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 40 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 50 PERCENT OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITION/VALUE .Skylights (U-factor) 1 Slab or below-grade wall (R- R-0 _V~!ue) SHGC U-factor Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25_< PF < 0.50 PF > 0.50 Roof assemblies (R-value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R- value) All-wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Above-grade walls (R-value) 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 Insulation between framing R-25 0.7 Continuous insulation R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 R-38 Insulation between ___ framing R-11 I R-20 Continuous insulation R-6 R-11 i R-6 NA R-6 Metal framing No framing Wood framing Framed R-_v_a_ lue cavity NA R-13 R-11 R-value continuous NA R-3 R-0 CMU, _> 8 in., with integral insulation NA, NA R-11 R-11 R-value cavity R-value continuous R-5 NA R-5 Other masonry walls R-value cavity R-value continuous R-0 R-11 R-0 R-0 R-11 R-0 **Section 805.2.1 Interior Lighting Controls; add a third sentence to read: Lar.qe spaces shall have a separate switch or control for each 2500 square feet of floor area. L2 ** Chapter 9; Replace referenced standard as follows: ASHRAE/!ES aa~ ASHRAE/IES -- 99 Enerqy Efficient Desitin of New Buildinqs Except Low-Rise Residential Buildinfls -- 1999 Edition END OF AMENDMENTS. 13 INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: (TT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 2090^7821 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 12/21'01 Federal TaxID22-3148254 Ter-rF: -Net due in 21 days Bill To: D1!e Date: 1'?/ '01 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PO Number: 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: ...`'r' 782 STE 440 F2les Rep: SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: OF SOUTHLA Publication Date- 01 Description Location Cot Depth ..... ` MU Rate Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS 2000 13580 1 101 101 LINE $6.08 $614.08 ��I Y O F Sales Discount SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ($532.27) 2000 International Energy Conservation Code ORDINANCE NO. 816 AN ORDINANCE 2000PT EDITION TOF let Amount' $81.81 THE INTERNATION- AL ENERGY CON- REGULATIINCO G TH DESIGN OF BUILD- ING ENVELOPES FOR ADEQUATE THERMAL RESIS- TANCE AND LOW AIR LEAKAGE AND THE DESIGN AND OF SELECTION ISER �� ��� ELECTRICAL,R SET- D L.) VICE WATER-HEAT- ING AND ILLUMINA- TION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN THE CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE; AN I 0 200? F THE ADOPTION OF LOCAL AMEND- PROVIDING THERETO FOR THE STATE 0 RECORDING OF AS A County of Tar PUBLIC ORECORD -PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE Before me,a I SHALL BE CUALL said Countyand State, thipersonally appeared C ty Holland 3id nd Legal Coordinator LATIVE OF ALL y for the Star-I( PPROVVIDINGNA SEE- le Star-Telegram, Inc. at F rt o h, in Tarrant Count} axas; and % io after being duly sworn did depose and sa ERO IDWG FOR a; )ping of an advertisemen w p fished in the above 1 d aper t e lis d ates: PENALTY FOR VIO- LATIONPROV DING A SAE= Signed INGS SE; PROVIDING LA FOR SUBSCRIBED, PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM RE ME,THIS Wednesday, D�Rnber 26, 20Q1. PROVIDING FO(# (2,L &�) (i)FFL//Y NEWSPAPER; AND NotaryPublic EF- FECTIVE DATE SECTION 6 n .� --- Any person, firm or =o� \e`er VICKI L.WASON corporation who vio- I; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES lates,disobeys,omits, ;j l�„� b; neglects or refuses to 'I''r,00Ytt'' AUGUST 28,2004 Thank You comply get or who ,,, • resists the enforce- 'T1t �. ment of any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall by fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for all vi- olations involving zoning, fire safety or public health and Remit To: sanitation, including dumping or refuse, Customer I : CIT57 and shall be fined not more that five hundred dollars ($500) for all Customer Nat,-.e: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE other violations of this ordinance each day 1 that a violation is I A 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 209047821 permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Invoice Airor.rt: ce PASSED AND AP- PROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PO Number: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEX- AS ON THIS THE 18th DAY OF DE- Amount EncloFeri: CEMBER 2001. MAYOR RICK STACY ATTEST: SANDRA L. LEGRAND CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: E. ALLEN TAYLOR JR., CITY ATTORNEY INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 208124661 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 11/30/01 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 11/30/01 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 20812466 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date: 11/30/01 Iiiiiiiiiiijiiii ..........:. �,n Yi3;'/' \a CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS NOTIC I3580 1 76 76 LINE $6.08 $462.08 CITY OF Sales Discount NOTgpuTHLA , ICE waKEs TEXAShereby ($400.52) iven to all Interested ersons that the City ouncll of the City of Southiake,Texas,will be holding a public hearing dttuyring the Net Amount: $61.56 meeting to 6e held on December p.m.0 18, 2001, meet g will held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, heaPurposehe rriingill oheld reggggggardtng the follow- In 20 0 International En- ergy Conservationns CORDINA8NC8E NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2000' EDITION OF THE INTERNATION- AL ENERGY CON- THE STATE OF TE SERGVATION CODE REGUL REGULATING THE County of Tarrant DESIGN OF BUILD- ING ENVELOPES AND THE DESIGN AND SELECTION OF Before me,a Notar M E C H A N I c:A L, County and State,this personally appeared Christy Holland Bid and Legal Coordinator ELECTRICAL SER- for the Star-Telegra VICE wATER-:ar-Telegram, Inc. at Fo W rt , in Tarrant County,Texas; and ho, after being duly worn,did ose and saythe HEATING AND IL- depose LUMINATION YE- of an advertisement as u hgd in the above n d pa e on the listed dates: EETU AND IPMENT IN THE CI Y OF SOUTH- LAKE• PROVIDING Signed FQR Ti IE ADOPTION OF LOCAL AMEN SUBSCRIBED AND: MENTS THERET 'E,THIS Monde D ber 03, 20 1. PROVIDING THA Y• cem Q THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUM ; 1(../ ORDEINAONCE Notary Public PROVIDING A SEV- ERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VI - LATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAY- VICKI L.WASON INGS CLAUSE' yne PROVIDING FOR r: PUBLICATION IN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES PAMPHLET RM "' `,' Thank You For PROVIDING FOFOF� -0,- AUGUST 28,2004 PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING DATE EF- FECTIVESandr L. LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake, as Remit To: Star- ,Te� ���.. Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 208124661 Invoice Amount: $61.56 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: $ . .....:.... ................................. INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 208146291 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 11/30/01 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 11/30/01 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 20814629 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date: 11/30/01 Description tin l D h Lin >.:::;. . Location Col. .. Depth �.<�:::��.:.. :��.: �r< Wit' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS NOTIC I3580 1 57 57 LINE $6.08 $346.56 Sales Discount CITvAK E.ofTEXAS ($300.39) SOUTHL NOTICE was hereby given to all Interested parsons that the City Council of the City of Southlake,Texas,will be holding a public hearing during the Net Amount: $46.17 regular city council meeting to be held on December 18. 2001, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas.Purpose of the hearing will be held regarding the follow- in g99 International Electrical Code ORDINANCE NO. 814 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING NFPA 70, THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1999 EDITION PROVIDING FOFI THE ADOPTION OF THE STATE OF 1 LOCAL AMEND- County of Tarrar PROVIDING ERTHAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMU- Before me,a Not LATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES;aid County and State,thi d personally appeared Christy Holland, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star-Tele ERABiLiTv CLAugE; Star-Telegram, Inc. at ort o h, in Tarrant County,Texas; and ho, after being duly sworn,did depose and say INGSVIDIN cLAAu"sE:fig of an advertisemen w p fished in the above a ed pap on the listed dat : PROVIDING FOI4 PUBLICATION IN PROVIDING FORM_; Signed PUBLICATION IN THE SUBSCRIBED AP W NESPAPER;FICIAL AND' ME,THIS Monday, December 03, 20Q_ . PROVIDING ANE. EF- FECTIVE �// Sandra L. DATE. �� /1--)241.1".\- city Sandra L. LeGrarxiCity Secretary Notary Public of Southlake, Texas VICKI L.WASON • lia MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Thank You For Your Payment °```'' AUGUST 28 2004 Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 208146291 Invoice Amount: $46.17 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: $