0709ORDINANCE NO. 709 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS, APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999, AND MAKING APPROPRiATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 1997-98 budget and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") has caused to be filed with the City Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998, and ending September 30, 1999, (hereinafter referred to as the "Budget"); and WHEREAS, the Budget. a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the Budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the Budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary for at least thirty (30) days and available for inspection by any taxpayer; and WHEREAS, public notice of public hearings on the proposed annual budget, stating the dates, times, places and subject matter of said public hearings, was given as required by the Charter of the City of Southlake and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held on September 1, 1998 and September 15, 1998, prior approval of such dates being hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council, and all those wishing to speak on the Budget were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget and listened to the comments of the taxpayers at the public hearings held therefor and has determined that the Budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 1997-98 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any Ordinance No. 709 Page 2 necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1998, and ending September 30, 1999; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved Budget, along with this ordinance, with the City Secretary and in the office of the County Clerks of Denton and Tarrant County, Texas, as required by State law. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this day of 1998. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this'~"[~ day of ~,A.) , 1998. Ordinance No. 709 Page 3 ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Att me Date: ~.~-~/,/ff~ f~ Adopted:/.~Cv ],~,/Yq~ ~ ffective:~afl ~ickYStacy, Mayor ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget $ Increase/ $ In~ea~ 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1998-99 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopt~ -Decrease $5.769,120 $6,809.765 $6,769,765 ($40,000) -0 6% $8.864,749 $2,054.984 30.2% $2.899,042 $4 756,198 $4,562,197 (194,001) ~, 1% 5,975.1C0 1,218,902 25.6% 899600 801030 877,254 76224 9 5~ 984,112 183,082 22.9% 526,967 515.300 647,590 132,290 25 7°/< 875,798 360.498 700% 336.916 551 550 574,558 23,009 4 2% 685,006 133,456 242% 2,669r676 2.314710 3,229.379 914,669 09 5% 2,842.788 528.078 229% 253,439 205.575 234,490 28.915 14.1% 229.059 23,484 11 4% 4425,797 4,987,500 5,800.000 912,500 187% 5,220,000 332.500 68% 657,807 701,500 895,000 193,500 276% 805.500 104,000 14.8% 811,624 920.000 1,000,000 80,000 8 7% 975.0OO 55,000 60% 508,224 534 000 568,182 34,182 6 4% 636~000 102.000 19 1 o~ 409,949 359,000 471,025 112.025 = 31 2% 443,315 84,315 23.5°,~ 387,132 331,490 347r989 16,499 50% 424.832 93342 28.2% $144~948 $168~488 $208~889 $40~371 24.0~ $209r600 $41 r112 24.4% 418,018 410,436 402.011 (8,425) -2 1°/~ 454.165 43,729 107% $8rlS2r956 $5~698~502 $6~035~9t3 $337r411 I 8.9% $Tr025r403 $1r326190t 23.3% 903,989 911 629 918,328 6.699 07% 939.167 27,538 3.0% 690,190 956.528 771,554 (84,974) -9 9% 803.729, (52,799) -62°~ 962,943 792,206 643.705 (149,501) -18 7% 747,246 [44,~0', -5.7% $553~869 $669r878 $630r429 {$39~449 -5.9% $6761312 $6~434 1.0% 0 360113 327,047 (33,066) -9 2% 416,831 56,718 15.8% 1,083,635 1348.052 1,415,400 87,349 5 0% 1,505.505 157,453 11.7% REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax PAGE 1 "EXHIBIT A' ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1996-97 1997-98 '1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ i998-99 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease 0 0 37,975 37,975 1000% 143,125 143,125 100.0% 0 208,833 208,833 i 0 0 0% 251,420 72,587 34.8% 0 301,814 301,814 0 0.0% 0 (301,814) -100.0% $1,329,645 $2.666,413 $2,704,413 $38,000 $3,161,339 $494,926 ($2,504,418) ($2,124r639', ($2,712,639) ($5881000'` {$3,337~735' {$1t213t096) S4 979 079 ~ ~ ~ PAGE 2 "EXHIBIT A" REVENUES GENERAL FUND 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 Decrease) % Increase/ 1998-99 (Decrease) %/ncxease~ $~0 $285r409 $285,4~9 $0 0 0°~, $...~0 (285,4091 -100.0% $11,418,821 $12,7921393 $13.150,063 $357,670 2.8% $15,718,792 $2,926,399 22.9% $§2~,485 $715547 $715,547 $0 $0 $2353653 $2,597602 $2597,602 $2,856,181 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 597 602 $2 376 055 $2 856 181 $3 024 227 22 75°3 1857% 21 72~ 1924% PAGE 3 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997o98 Revised Budget 1996-97 t997-98 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1998-99 (Dec~ease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease $2.304.860 $2.773.531 S2.773.$31 SD 00% $2.4011209 ($372.322) -134% $14.245 $0 $0 SD 0.0% ' .~) $0 00% (584,773) (719.233; (719,233) 0 EXPENDITURES Pdncipal Interest Admin Expenses Total Exp~nd;ture~ PAGE 4 "EXHIBIT A" RE'VENUES UTILITY FUND 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1996-97 1997-98 '1997-98 (Dec,'ease) % Increase/ 1998-99 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Oecrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease $75,448 $91,600 $~8,300 ($23,300) -254% $83,400 ($8,200) -90% 77,196 770O0 77.0~0 0 0.0% I00,000 23,000 29 4.425,797 4 887,500 5,800,00Q 912,500 18 7% 5.220.0OO 332,500 6.8% ~57.807 701,500 895.000 ~ 193,500 27 6oA 805.500 104,000 1480A 811.624 920,000 1,000,0~0 80,000 87oA 975,000 55,000 508,224 534,000 568,182 34,182 6.4~ 636,000 102.000 191~ 409~949 359~000 471r025 112r025 31.2°A 443~315 84~315 235~A $0 $834,145 $834.145 $0 (633.000} {700r000} (700~000~ {TS5r527] ( 833,000) 134,145 134,145 (785.5271 Sewer Sales SanrLation Sales Other utility charges Water PAGE5 REVENUES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation 1998-99 Proposed Budget and t997-98 Revised Budget ~996-97 1997-98 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ t998-99 (Dec~ease) % Increase/ ACtual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease 10~552 _0 200~082 200.082 00% _0 0 $19,66~, $0 $200,082 $200,082 0.0% S0 S0 0.0% $130,280 S$3,465 S58,018 S4,$S3 $105,60~ $52,135 ($56,875) ($53,5941 ($53,594,) ($242,141) ($56,875) ($53,5941 ($53,594) ($242,141) $84,241 $157~646 $157,646 $'~62,D70 $157 646 $157 517 $162.070 EXPENDI~PJRES PAGE 6 REVENUES SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 (Dec~ease) % Im:~ease/ 199~-9~ (Decrease) % Increase/ Act~Jal Adopted Revised Adopted -Oe=ease Proposed Adopted -Deccease so so ~o o o 0% $o o o 0% $~0 $70~0 $700 O_ 00% ~0 (700: S50,959 $47,0t 4 $52,329 S5,315 11.3% $601614 S3.500 7.4% $949,824 $1,35~,736 $1,291,t7t ($60,565] $t,497,511 $145,775 ! (1.229.770) ~651,812 (L201,512} (1,!54,125] (1229,770) /651.812'~ (1.201.812) (1.154,125~ $700.546 $420,600 $420,600 $50g,959 $420600 $1120 524 $509.959 $853345 PAGE 7 REVENUES SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase~ '~ 99~'~ (Dec, ease) % Increase~ ACtual Adopted Revised Adopted -Dec,ease Proposed Adopted -Decrease $910,264 $653,812 $663,812 $0 0.0% $6~6,12~ $2,3t3 0.4% ($891,523) ($663,537) ($636,0t2} $17,725 {$636,126] $2,313 $0 $0 $0 interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES PAGE 8 REVENUES Sales Tax Total Rev®nl4~ EXPENDITURES CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget SO S134,E32 S134.~32 0 00'~ $176,810 42,178 313% so so so 0_ o o~ so o oo~ $0 $208,833 $20~,il33 $6 0.0~ $281,420 $72,587 $0 $491,115 $42g,114 ($62,001) $1,193,0E7 S701,972 PAGE 9 TIF OPERATING FUND 1998-99 Proposed Budget and 1997-98 Revised Budget 1996-97 1997~98 1997-98 (Dec~ease) % Increase/ t998-99 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease so SO $o ~o 00% ~0 So 0.0% o_ o _o o 00% - _~ _o 0.0% So So S0 So 0.0% $0 So 0.0% so $o $o o_ ~oo.oo/o ~ o S0 S0! $37,97S $37,975 100.0% $'143,¶2~ S143,t25 t00.0¶ $0 $0 ($37,975) ($37,97S) ($143,12S) (S143,125) PAGE 10 PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Projected Revenues-FY98-99 Net Transfers In (Out) special Revenue General Ufili~ Debt Service Parks/ Fund Fund Fund Rec~ealion $15,112,953 $8,263,2t5 $2,436,959 $105,600 $15,718,792 $8,236,149 $4,059.667 $0 $t5,718,792 $8,236,149 $4,059,667 ~ $0 $0 $0 $o $694,300 $0 $0 $0 $79r585 ($785,527} $1,126,687 {$242r141) TIF OperaUng C~me Control Fun(] Disbict Fund SPDC Fund~ Total $0 $1,474,5~)7 $1,568,025 $28,961,259 $143,125 $281,420 $706,639 $29,145,792 $t43,125 $28t,420 $706,639 $29,t45,792 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $694,300 $145,000 $_.~0 ($500r000) {$176,396) $1.875 $1.t93.087 $36t.386 $333.37t $25 $429,114 $538,997 $6,919,795 $1r990 $1,622,201 $900,383 $7,253,166 PAGE 11 "E~-I]B[T A' PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease FUND Actual Budget Budget Budqet Adopted Adopted EXPENDITURE CATEGORY Personnel 6,960,352 8,154,188 8,582,782 10,258,130 2,103,942 Operations 7,798,022 8,882,271 9,003,934 9,576,737 694,466 Capitai Outlay 2,151,502 1,431,579 1,572,415 2,473,992 1,042,413 Debt Service 4,456,864 5,166,285 5,083,008 6,386,933 1,220,648 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 301,814 301,814 _0 (301,814) 25.8% 7.8% 72.8% 23.6% -100.0% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 21,366,740 23,936,137 24,543,953 28,695,792 4,759,655 19.9% PAGE 12 "EXHIBIT A' PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) FUND Actual Budget Budget Bud,qet Adopted General Fund Personnel 6,261,947 7,210,983 7,499,261 8,944,098 1,733,115 Operations 3,687,130 4,570,454 4,486,797 5,059,482 489,028 Capital Outlay 1,469,745 725,547 878,596 1,715,212 989,665 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 285,409 285,409 0 (285,409) Total 11,418,821 12,792,393 13,150,063 15,718,792 2,926,399 Utility Fund Personnel 652,248 826,362 928,538 1,033,043 Operations 4,098,925 4,308,145 4,508,315 4,499,995 Capital Outlay 669,260 571,400 559,187 581,970 Debt Service 1,872,483 2,062,490 1,979,213 2,121,141 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 15,705 15,705 _0 Total 7,292,915 7,784,102 7,990,958 8,236,149 Debt Service Fund 206,681 191,850 10,570 58,651 (151705) 452,047 Debt Service 1,674,117 2,449,983 2,449,983 3,609,667 1,159,684 Tota{ 1,674,117 2,449,983 2,449,983 3,609,667 1,159,684 Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund % Increase/ -Decrease Adopted 24.0% 10.7% 136.4% -100.0% 22.9% 25.0% 4.5% 1.8% 2.8% -100.0% 5.8% 47.3% 47.3% Operations 7,167 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 12,497 _0. _0 0 0 0.0% Total 19,664 0 0 0 0 0.0% 131,625 11~500 143,125 32,521 (2,112) 42,178 72,587 0 4,200 2,313 (700) 5,813 TIF Fund Personnel 0 0 34,225 131,625 Opemtions ~ ~ 3,750 11,500 Total 0 0 37,975 143,125 Crime Control District Fund Personnel 0 70,529 70,529 103,050 Operations 0 3,672 3,672 1,560 Capital Outlay 0 134,632 134~632 176,810 Total 0 208,833 208,833 281,420 SPDC Fund Personnel 46,159 46,314 50,229 46,314 Operations 4,800 0 1,400 4,200 Debt Service 910,264 653,812 653,812 656,125 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0_ 700 700 0_ Total 961,223 700,826 706,141 706.639 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 46.1% -57.5% 31.3% 34.8% 0.0% 100.0% 0.4% -100.0% 0.8% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 21,366.740 23,936,137 24,543,953 28,695,792 4.759,655 19.9% PAGE 13 GENERAL FUND City Secretary/MayodCouncil Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Human Resources Personnel Operations Capital OuUay Total City Manager's Office Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Support Services Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Finance Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Municipal Court Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Teen Court Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Fire Services Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total "EXHIBIT A' PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budget Bud9et Bud9et Adopted Adopted 99,056 96,034 102,563 136,086 40,052 136,289 135,890 105,696 159,802 23,912 7,229 5,488 8,297 5,285 (203) 242,574 237,412 216,556 301,173 63,761 58,463 90,572 112,345 117,754 27,182 82,483 77,916 96,269 91,846 13,930 41002 0 245 0 _0 144,948 168,488 208,859 209,600 41,112 402,158 282,545 295,098 310,983 28,438 86,450 64,075 38,725 40,020 (24,055) 11,330 3,500 3,166 0 (3,500) 499,939 350,120 336,989 351,003 883 27,272 28,101 28,901 73,802 45,701 1,208,180 1,173,600 1,442,500 1,571,846 398,246 262,493 8,900 35,500 880,886 871,986 1,497,945 1,210,601 1,506,901 2,526,534 1,315,933 247,589 249,400 257,356 268,606 19,206 139,632 161,036 142,313 178,559 17,523 30,796 __0 2,342 7,000 7,000 418,018 410,436 402,011 454,165 43,729 155,483 154,091 157,757 167,775 13,684 85,445 119,339 121,399 129,156 9,817 12,308 3,500 6,931 7,839 41339 253,235 276,930 286,087 304,770 27,840 27,494 37,004 37,004 41,979 4,975 14,501 17,605 23,287 50,294 32,689 6,150 0 0 360 360 48,145 54,609 60,291 92,633 38,024 916,548 1,020,491 1,106,947 1,328,943 308,452 205,637 305,736 306,493 320,014 14,278 337,926 201,497 317,088 208,868 7,371 1,460,111 1,527,724 1,730,528 1,857,825 330,101 41.7% 17.6% -3.7% 26.9% 30.0% 17.9% 0.0% 24.4% 10.1% -37.5% -100.0% 0.3% 162.6% 33.9% 9797.6% 108.7% 7.7% 10.9% 100.0% 10.7% 8.9% 8.2% 124.0% 10.1% 13.4% 185.7% 100.0% 69,6% 30.2% 4.7% 3.7% 21.6% PAGE 14 GENERAL FUND Police Services Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Public Safety Support Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Totat Buildinq Inspection Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Streets/Drainaqe Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Public Works Administration Operations Capital Outlay Total Community Development Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Economic Development Operations Capital Outlay Total Community Services Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budqet Budqet Budget Adopted Adopted 1,721,531 2,020,392 2,162,735 2,798,647 230,842 354,535 345,526 381,736 290,542 225,486 225,486 237,863 2,242,915 2,600,413 2,733,747 3,418,246 719,363 697,132 689,880 789,698 182,134 214,673 213,583 242,640 73,923 71,075 71,455 24,098 975,419 982,880 974,918 1,056,436 356,224 454,155 482,514 540,516 54,413 96,680 78,119 83,007 63,875 36,650 36,087 69,373 474.511 587,485 596,720 692,896 371,439 420,649 443,857 443,933 425,628 428,480 414,562 439,234 106.922 62,500 59,909 56,000 903,989 911,629 918,328 939,167 778,255 27,201 12~377 817,833 92,566 27,967 (46,977) 73,556 86,361 (13,673) 32,723 105,411 23,284 10,754 (6,500) 27,538 398,061 411,440 415,779 549,967 138,527 209,146 392,312 312,175 207,912 (184,400) 82,984 521776 43,600 45,850 (6,926) 690,190 856,528 771,554 803,729 (52,799) 363,295 436,153 436,525 476,691 40,538 97,665 114,115 66,315 54,789 (59,326) 2,591 5,325 5,410 ~ (5,325) 463,551 555,593 508,250 531,480 (24,113) 52,742 63,255 62,649 68,097 37,537 51,030 59,530 76,735 4(3 0 0 0_. 90,319 114,285 122,179 144,832 0 210,101 209,838 233,645 0 140,562 114,209 181,786 0 9,450 3~000 1,400 0 360,113 327,047 416,831 4,842 25,705 30,547 23,544 41,224 (8,050) 56,718 38.5% 7.7% 5.5% 31.5% 13.3% 13.0% -66.1% 7.5% 19.0% -14.1% 89.3% 17.9% 5.5% 2.5% -10.4% 3.0% 33.7% -47.0% -13.1% -6.2% 9.3% -52.0% -100.0% -4.3% 7.7% 50.4% 0.0% 26.7% 11.2% 29.3% -85.2% 15.8% PAGE 15 "EXHIBIT A' PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY GENERAL FUND Parks and Recreation Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Library Services 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Bud~tet Bud,qet Budf:let Adopted Adopted 345,231 539,468 497,513 596,975 491,147 722,870 606,096 697,626 176,634 39,400 60,080 160,390 1,013,012 1,301,738 1,163,689 1,454,991 Personnel 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 152,480 Capital Outlay _0 _0 0 10,000 Total 0 0 0 162,480 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 285,409 285,409 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11,4181821 12,792,393 13,150,063 15,718,792 57,507 (25,244) 120~990 153,253 0 152,480 10,000 162,480 (285,409) 2,926,399 10.7% -3.5% 307.1% 11.8% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% -100.0% 22.9% PAGE 16 UTILITY FUND Utility Billing Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Water Utilities Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total Wastewater Utilities Operations Capital Outlay Total Sanitation Operations Total Non-Departmentalized Debt Service Total Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 TOTALUTILITYFUND DEBT SERVICE FUND Principal Interest Administrative Expenses Total SPECIAL REVENUE PARKS& RECREATION FUND "E)~tlBIT .4," PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUNDIDIVlSIONICATEGORY 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budget Budqet Budget Adopted Adopted 0 0 0 189,365 0 0 0 64,036 o o _o 5o,ooo 0 0 0 303,421 507,284 648,331 718,829 614,162 2,950,796 3,313,245 3,690,594 3,475,778 554,204 452,125 442,912 414,400 4,012,284 4,413,701 4,852,335 4,504,340 144,963 178,031 209,709 229,495 702,924 494,900 317,721 400,181 115,056 119,275 116,275 117,570 962,943 792,206 643,705 747,246 445,205 500,000 500,000 560,000 445,205 500,000 500,000 560,000 1,872,483 2,062,490 1,979,213 2,121,141 1,872,483 2,062,490 1,979,213 2,121,141 0 15,705 15,705 0 7,292,915 7,784,102 7,990,958 8,2361149 947,350 1,092,350 1,092,350 1,561,882 719,833 1,351,633 1,351,633 2,041,785 6,934 6,000 6,000 6,000 1,674,117 2,449,983 2,449,983 3,609,667 189,385 64,036 50,000 303,421 (34,169) 162,533 (37,725) 90,639 51,464 (94,719) (1,705) (44,960) 60,000 60,000 58~651 58,651 (15,705) 452,047 469,532 690,152 1,159,684 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% -5.3% 4.9% -8.3% 2.1% 28.9% -19.1% -1.4% -5.7% 12.0% 12.0% 2.8% 2.8% -100.0% 5.8% 43.0% 51.1% 0.0% 47.3% Operations 7,167 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 12,497 0 0 0 _0 0.0% Total 19,664 0 0 0 0 0.0% PAGE 17 "EXHIBIT A' PROPOSED BUDGET 1998-99 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDtTURES BY FUND/DIViSION/CATEGORY TIF FUND 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1996-97 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Bud.qet Budqet BudRet Adopted Adopted Personnel 0 0 34,225 131,625 131,625 Operations 0 0 3,750 11,500 11,500 Capital Outlay _0 0_ 0 _0 0 Total 0 0 37,975 143,125 143,125 CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND Personnel 0 701529 70,529 103,050 32,521 Operations 0 3,672 3,672 1,560 (2,112) Capital Outlay 0_ 134,632 1341632 176,810 421178 Total 0 208,833 208,833 281,420 72,587 SPDC FUND Personnel 46,159 46,314 50,229 46,314 0 Operations & Maintenance 4,800 0 1,400 4,200 4,200 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service 910,264 653,812 653,812 656,125 2,313 Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 _0 700 700 0 (700) Total 961,223 700,826 706,141 706,639 5,813 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 46.1% -57.5% 31.3% 34.8% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.4% -100.0% 0.8% GRAND TOTAL- ALL FUNDS 21,366,740 23,936,137 24,543,953 28,695,792 4,759,655 19.9% PAGE 18 6I ffWd r„ 0 rs, AyzFWN A U zOAWW ZWN Om�ZxtiWO A~NNV r53ZNNNp zA0DN N N AmvOmAA111 yTD AZv mA SW 2COm 0zos O: V N8om ro 9AO 8 Z N2ulfiju :: N N J m3 1 1 OFnT O r 5 am =z qm y o ' '72. 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N y C) D m D m r E EE N: :: : : : ; : ::::: : : :: : :: : :: i le — O 0 Tmm AA o� y A A u '$ 0 m T C .oe o 0 0 0 § § § 8 § § § § § 8 § 0 8 § 88 > o r �� t.oD ,gy m 10 CO it; T = 8 EntEtEn $ E o 0 0 0 0 o E E o 0 o 2 G) 2 r o 8 n $5 o N 8 w 8 8 888 A_8 0000000000000 _ N O W ▪ b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B o a o opo00 < 08888888 8 0 0 0 0 o u H o N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 § §8888888880 . . .0 m m r z z G7 6z 1 1 C' ' m O O = T D pr m O m p m . , 9 9. 7c z Z m °j: y 6 m m Gmi , 4 G z y Z Z Z Z z z z::: N O O O £ N N N m m m • «V IIf11HXd» PAGE 23 City of Southlake, Texas September 10, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 709, 2nd reading, Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99, including the Annual Budget for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District, Second Public Hearing Presented for City Council consideration is the second reading of the FY1998-99 operating budget ordinance. The budget summarizes the plan of municipal operations for the fiscal year that begins October 1, 1998. The Council was presented a budget work book on August 14. A worksession was held August 20, and further discussions on the budget were held September 8. The summary budget information attached to Ordinance 709 reflects the adjustments and changes discussed at the September 8 meeting. Total revenue in all funds is $28,961,259, and total expenditures in all funds is $29,145,792. The following paragraphs list the adjustments that were discussed at the September 8 meeting. In the General Fund, the Assistant City Secretary position has been re-classified to an Office Assistant - reduction = $19,847. The Purchasing Manager is removed - reduction = $38,149. All other proposed positions remain as originally presented. Total reductions in Personnel are $57,996. In Operations and Maintenance, the following items are reduced: tuition-S12,570; college tuition reimbursement-S2,500; travel-S18,112; office supplies-S2,000; library services-S100,000; lease computer-S34,234; and utilities-telephone-S32,140. The total number of existing mobile phones is reduced from 92 to 61. Total reductions in Operations and Maintenance are $201,556. In Capital Outlay, the following items are reduced: office equipment and furniture-S2,900; computer equipment-S330,900; communications equipment-S155; and computer software- $8,400. Total reductions in Capital Outlay are $342,355. The total of all reductions in the General Fund is $601,907. The lease proceeds amount is reduced by $310,400, due to a similar reduction in computer equipment to be purchased. This increases the ending fund balance to $3,024,227, or 19.24% of expenditures. Curtis E. Hawk Ordinance No. 709, 2nd Reading September 10, 1998 page 2 In the General Fund, there is $450,000 shown as a transfer out (to the General Obligation Debt Service Fund) and a transfer in (from the SPDC Capital Projects Fund) to liquidate the outstanding notes payable on properties at Bob Jones Park. This has no effect on the General Fund ending fund balance, however the General Obligation Debt Service Fund expenditures will increase $450,000 to reflect the additional principal and interest payments. The Council requested a review of wastewater revenues in the Utility Fund for FY1998-99. As a result, wastewater revenues are increased from $900,000 to $975,000. In the FY1997-98 Revised Budget for the Special Revenue-Park Dedication Fund, $200,082 has been added to the budget for land, adjusting the amount for the recently acquired Meyers property. The summary budget information also incorporates a Capital Projects Budget for the FY 1998-99 year, plus anticipated Capital Projects through 2003. The Capital Projects are major water, sewer, street and drainage infrastructure items that are funded through a variety of sources, such as impact fees, operating fund transfers, developer fees, bonds, and certificate of obligation proceeds. A public hearing on the budget is also on the agenda, which gives the public an oppommity to speak on the budget. This is the final reading of the budget ordinance and upon its adoption will be effective October 1. LAH L:\F1NAN CE\BUDGETX98-99\BDGT2ND.DOC Star-Telegram FED. I.D. NO. 22-3148254 AD ORDER NO. 13737435 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ACCOUNT NO. CI T 5 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS runty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day Tammie Bryant personally appeared Billing Specialist for the Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: DATE AD ORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH%LINE RATE AMOUNT 9/18ME ' 13737435 ORDINANCE NO . 70 I358 lx 31L 31 . 81 25 . 11 ORDINANCE NO.709 0 9/18-0 9/18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS, AP- PROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BE- GINNING OCTOBER 1 1998 AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT` REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES' PROVIDING A SAVINGS ANb SEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE AND DECLAR- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 15th DAY OF SEPTEM- BER 1998, DURING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. D ` . ..1 ,, 1AYOR RICK STACY � TTEST: SANDRA L. LEG- RAND,CITY SECRETARY „PPROVED AS TO FORM: E. 21st SEPTEMBER 1998 Sl TORNEYAYLORJR.,CITY AT- SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS THE DAY OF ' FY KE Notary Public QkX-YtiOt-40--___ RHONDA R. GO is•; •s COMMISSION EXPIRES ,/,4r r+� SEPTEMBER 8, i9� TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS PLEASE PAY THIS ORIGINAL INVOICE AND RECONCILE WITH MONTHLY STATEMENT. THANK YOU! A�TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT---A ramREMIT TO: 400 W.SEVENTH ST. •FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102\ . ACCOUNT 13737435 NUMBER CIT57 AMOUNTDUE 25 . 11 PAGE 1 01 IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL(817)390.7885 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY , SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-9595 THIS AMOUNT 25 . 11 1 PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED FED. I.D. NO. 22-3148254 Star-Telegram AD ORDER NO. 13656278 - 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ACCOUNT NO. C ITS? v ESTATE OF TEXAS ty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Tammie Bryant Billing Specialist for the Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: DATE AD ORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE iNCHTUNE RATE AMOUNT 9/04ME 13656278 NOTICE OF PUBLIC I358 1x 39L 39 . 81 31 . 59 NOTICE OF PUBLIC -19l�4— 9/❑4 HEARING Notice is hereby given to all in- terested persons that the City Council of the City of ---. -- --- - - -- --- Southlake, will be holding a public hearing during the Regular City Council meetingH to be held on September 15, 1998 at 6:00 p.m.. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 667 North Carroll I Avenue,Southlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing is to consider the second reading of the following ordinance. ORDINANCE NO.709 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS AP- PROVING REVISED BUDGET ØRES FOR FISCAL YEAR 7-98; APPROVING AND PTING THE BUDGET THE FISCAL YEAR BE-ING OCTOBER 1 8 AND TERMINATING MAKINGBER 30,1999 AND x;,.v.,„ 8th SEPTEMBER 1998 Sl FfORINEACI D PARITMIEONT 3WORITTC) 13, E"IF� E DAY OF , PROJECT AND ACCOUNT,* ;<< REPEALING CONFLICTIN ' ,' ++ JANE A. DERBY l /r+ SADINANCES• PROVIDING A ' COhtMiSSION EXPIRES Notary Publi SAVINGS AND SEVERABILI-, i�;.•. &J....Lud--- TY CLAUSE- AN DECLAR- �Ky. P ry Sandra L.LeGrand�DATE. +i4�\\2t MARCH 2, 1999 City Secretary City of at,e Sr, ,n�. ARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS PLEASE PAY THIS ORIGINAL INVOICE AND RECONCILE WITH MONTHLY STATEMENT. THANK YOU! A-----TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT---4, OFFICE OF Star-'Felegrain CITY SECRETARY REMIT TO: 400 W.SEVENTH ST. •FORT WORTH,TEXAS 7610E ACCOUNT 13656278 NUMBER CIT57 ADUET 31 . 59 PAGE 01 IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL(817)390-7885 SCITY OF SOUTHLAKE L67 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY ii SOUTHLAKE , TX 7609E-9595 THIS AMOUNT 31 . 59 1 PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED