0686 ORDINANCE NO. 686 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 1996-97 budget and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") has caused to be filed with the City Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997, and ending September 30, 1998, (hereinafter referred to as the "Budget"); and WHEREAS, the Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the Budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the Budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary for at least thirty (30) days and available for inspection by any taxpayer; and WHEREAS, public notice of public hearings on the proposed annual budget, stating the dates, times, places and subject matter of said public hearings, was given as required by the Charter of the City of Southlake and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held on August 19, 1997 and September 2, 1997, prior approval of such dates being hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council, and all those wishing to speak on the Budget were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget and listened to the comments of the taxpayers at the public hearings held therefor and has determined that the Budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for Ordinance No. 686 Page 2 the 1996-97 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1997, and ending September 30, 1998; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved Budget, along with this ordinance, with the City Secretary and in the office of the County Clerks of Denton and Tarrant County, Texas, as required by State law. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this J day of , 1997. `~~~«ttaurrn~*z''', n y a ATTEST: Ilk' Rick Stacy, Mayor ~,yn ~no~s Ith h.. andra L. eGrand City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this X day of , 1997. Ordinance No. 686 Page 3 Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: ~~`p `U1 1111 UU z i ''•`r0 Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary s .7j APPROVED AS TO FORM: (A.J )c. 0-- City Attorney Date: 10-?-►7 Adopted: Effective: D:\ W P-FILES\ORD-RES. AG R\686-B GT. ORD/kb "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 (REVISED) ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Special Revenue General Debt Service Utility Parks/ Fund Fund Fund Recreation SPDC Total Projected Revenues-FY97-98 $11,155,299 $2,809,281 $7,570,600 $53,465 $1,399,025 $22,987,670 Less: Projected Expenditures $12,792,393 $2,449,983 $7,784,102 $0 $700,826 $23,727,304 Total-Expenditures-FY97-98 $12,792,393 $2,449,983 $7,784,102 $0 $700,826 $23,727,304 C.O. Proceeds $715,547 $0 $0 $0 $0 $715,547 Net Transfers In (Out) $700,000 (238,777) $134,145 (53,59.4) 0 $541,774 Net Revenues ($22.1,,5_47) $120,521 ($79,357) ($_129) $698,1.99 $517,687 Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9/30/97 $2,622,363 $607,556 $1,985,320 $19,689 $774,229 $6,009,157 Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9/30/98 $2,400,816 $728,077 $1,905,963 $19,560 $1,472,428 $6,526,844 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 $ Increase/ 1995-96 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) % Increase/ Expenditures Actual Budget Budget Budget Adopted -Decrease General Fund Personnel $4,781,025 $6,075,068 $6,304,711 $7,210,983 $1,135,915 18.7% Operations $2,707,550 $3,363,706 $3,485,448 $4,570,454 1,206,748 35.9% Capital Outlay $677,982 $1,140,453 $1,238,874 $725,547 (414,906) -36.4% Pay Plan Implementation W $0 $0 $285,409 285,409 100.0% Total Expenditures $8,166,557 $10,579,227 $11,029,033 $12,792,393 $2,213,166 20.9% Debt Service Fund Debt Service $1,490,094 $1,683,946 $1,687,446 $2,449,983 $_766,037 45.5% Total Expenditures $1,490,094 $1,683,946 $1,687,446 $2,449,983 $766,037 45.5% Utility Fund Personnel $582,751 $590,250 $683,955 $826,362 $236,112 40.0% Operations $4,215,240 $3,867,100 $3,842,962 $4,172,545 305,445 7.9% Capital Outlay $424,960 $651,720 $659,970 $707,000 55,280 8.5% Debt Service $824,132 $1,448,048 $1,448,048 $2,062,490 614,442 42.4% Pay Plan Implementation $0 $0 $0 $15,705 15,705 100.0% Total Expenses $6,047,083 $6,557,118 $6,634,935 $7,784,102 $1,226,984 18.7% Special Revenue-Parks/Recrea-tion Operations $48,597 $0 $11,133 $0 $0 -100.0% Capital Outlay $161.263 $122 Q00 $55,000 $0 (122,000) -100.0% Total Expenditures $209,859 $122,000 $66,133 $0 ($122,000) -100.0% SPDC Personnel $46,920 $50,229 $50,229 $46,314 ($3,915) -7.8% Operations $4,805 $4,800 $4,800 $0 (4,800) 100.0% Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0.0% Debt Service $378,601 $345,770 $652,329 $653,812 308,042 89.1% Pay Plan Implementation $0 $0 $0 $700 700 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $430,326 $400,799 $707,358 $700,826 $300,027 74.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16.343.920 $19.343.090 $20.124.905 $23.727.304 $4.384.214 22.7% PAGE 1 "EXHIBIT A" ALL FUNDS SUMMARY (revised) 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 0417 PM alfndsum.wk4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $4,678,411 $5,606,556 $5,672,556 $66,000 1.2% $6,809,765 $1,203,209 21.5% Sales Tax 2,217,940,, 2,771,5001 3,151.800 380,300 13.7% 4,075,000 1,303,500 47.0% Franchise Fees 506,754', 633,897929,237 295,340 46.6% 801,030 167,133 26.4% Fines 436,586 353,600 513,700 160,100 45.3% 515,300 161,700, 45.7% Charges for Services 221,003 279,850 363,850 84,000 30.0% 551,550 271,700 97.1% Permits/Fees 2,765,298 2,349,310 2,268,010 (81,300) -3.5% 2,314,710 (34,600) -1.5% Miscellaneous 265,180' 191,079 251,451 60,372 31.6% 205,575 14,496 7.6%'. WaterSales-residential 4,367,5221 4,250,000 4,250,000 0 0.0% 4,887,500 637,500 15.0%, Water Sales-commercial 576,519475,000, 610,000 135,000 28.4% 701,500 226,500 47.7% Wastewater Sales 680,936 590,000 800,000 210,000 35.6% 920,000 330,000 55.9% Sanitation Sales 448,336 508,000475,000 (33,000) -6.5% 534,000 26,000'1 5.1% Other Utility Charges 439,275 359,000 359,000 0 0.0% 359,000 0 0.0% Interest Income 34-4778 297,000 342300 50-300 16.9% 312.740 15,740 5.3% Total Revenues $17,948.538 $18.664.792 519.991.904 S11-327,1112 7.1% $22.987.670 $4.322.878 23.2% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $255,958 $263,253 $224,577 ($38,676)', -14.7% $237,412 ($25,841) -9.8% Human Resources 0 96,010 135,999 39,989 0.0% 168,488 72,478 100.0% City Manager 432,524 446,302 505,358 59,056 13.2% 350,120 (96,182) -21.6% Support Services 981,311 1,045,1601,261,277 216,117 20.7% 1,210,601 165,441 15.8% Community Services 0 0' 0 0 0.0% 360_113 360,113 100.0% General Gov Total $1,669,793 $1,850,725', $2,127,211 $276486 14.9% $2,326,734 $476,009 25.7% Finance 390,664 381,591 423,576 41,985 11.0% 410,436 28,845 7.6% Municipal Court 206,229 219,820 260,651 40,831 18.6% 276,930 57,110 26.0% Teen Court 38585, 52,206 50,647 (1,5_59) -3.0% 54,609 2,403 4.6% Finance Total 635,478' 653617 734,87481,257 12.4% 741,975 88,358 13.5% Fire 901,925' 1,342,264 1,379,162 36,898 2.7% 1,527,724 185,460 13.8% Police 1,389,060 2,147,8502,210,622 62,772 2.9% 2,600.413 452,563, 21.1% Public Safety Support 835,717 935 952972.363 36-411 3.9% 982,880 46,928 5.0% Public Safety Total $3 126 702 $4,426,066 $4,562,147 $136,0_8-1 3.1% $5,111017 $684,951 15.5% Building Inspections 351,228 453,604 509,950 56,346 12.4% 587,485 133,881 29.5% Streets/Drainage 871,038 896,918 900,793 3,875 0.4% 911,62914,711 1.6% Public Works Admin 360,338 723,488 586,050 (137,438)1 -19.0% 856,528 133,040 18.4% Water 3,950,735 3,856,197 3,867.587 11,390 0.3% 4,413,701 557,504 14.5% Wastewater 878,360 744,873 853.300 108,427 14.6% 792,206 47,333 6.4% Sanitation 393,855 50-8000 466000 (42,000) -8.3% 500,000 (80001 -1.6% Public Works Total $6,805,555 $7183080 $7,183,680 $-600 0.0% $6,061,549 $878,469 12.2% Parks and Recreation 8855-58 1,129,799 1,145,774 15,975 1.4% 1,348,052 218,253 19.3% Community Development 417,495 507,157 488,664 (18,493) -3.6% 555,593 48,436' 9.6% Economic Development 110,511 114 882 96,427 (18,455) -16.1% 114,285 (592 -0.5% Community Dev. Total 528,006 $622-039 $585,091 ($3-6948) -5.9% $669,876 $47,839 7.7% Pay Plan Implementation 0 0 $o 0 0 $301,814 301,814 100.0% Debt Service 2,692,827 3 477 764 3_7$7,823 310,059 8.9% 5,165285 1 688 521 48.6% Total Expenditures $16.343.919', $19,343,090 $20,126,600 $783.510 4.1% $23,727,304 $4.384,214 22.7% Net Revenues $1,604.61 ($678,298) ($134,696) $543,602 ($739,634) Proceeds from C.O. Sale/Other $88,109 $920,000 $842,184 ($77,816) $715,5471 ($204,453) Transfers In $1,293,000'.. $1,732,815 $1,767,815 $35,000' $2,666,4131 $933,598 2589,246 Transfers out ($-2589,246) ($1619,418) ($2,244,41.8) $0 ($2,124.,639} ($505221),. Total Other Sources (Uses) ($1.208-137) $1033397', S 6_3 5581 ($428161' $1257321 $223-924 Beginning Fund Balance $5,381,791 $5,778,273. $5,778,273'. $6,009,157 Reserved Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 Ending Fund Balance $5.778.273 i, $61,133.372 $6.009„157 $6 526 ,844 PAGE 2 "EXHIBIT A" - GENERAL FUND (revised) 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 0417 PM alfndsum.wk4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $2,939,868 $3,357,212 $3,385,212 $28,000 0.8% $4,036,234 $679,022 23.1% Sales Tax 1,479,5861,848,500 2,101,800, 253,300 13.7% 2,717,500 869,000 58.7% Franchise Fees 506,754 633,897 929,237, 295,340' 46.6% 801,030 167,133 33.0% Fines 436,586 353,600 513,700 160,1001 45.3% 515,300161,700 37.0% Charges for Services 221,003 279,850' 363,850 84,000 30.0% 551,550 271,700 122.9%1 Permits/Fees 2,642,353 2,249,310 2,215,010 (34,300) -1.5% 2,264,710 15,400 0.6% Miscellaneous 129,900105,179 158.751 53,572 50.9% 113,975 8,7961 6.8% Interest Income 145,810143,000 155,000 12000 8.4% 155.000 12,0008.2% Total Revenues $8,501,860', $8,970,548 $9,822,560 $852,012 9.5% $11,155,299 $2,184,751 25.7%' EXPENDITURES City Secretary $255,958 $263,253 224,577 ($38,676) -14.7% $237,4121 ($25,841) -9.8% I Human Resources 0 96,010 135,999 39,989, 0.0% 168,483 1, 72,478 100.0% City Manager 432,524 446,3021 505,358 59,056', 13.2% 350,120(96,182) -21.6% Support Services 981,311 1,045,1601,261,277 216,117 20.7% 1,210,601165,441 15.8% Community Services 0 0 0 0 0.0% 360,113 360,113 100.0% General Gov Total 1669793$1,850,725 $2,127,211 $276,-486 14.9% $2,326,734 $476,009', 25.7% Finance 390,664 381,591 423.576 41,985 11.0% 410,436 28,845 7.6% Municipal Court 206,229 219,820 260,651 40,831 18.6% 276,930 57,110 26.0% Teen Court 38,585 52,206 50,647 (1,559) -3.0% 54,609 24034.6% Finance Total $635478 $653,617 $734,874', $81,257 12.4% $741,975 $88,358' 13.5% Fire 901,925 1,342,264 1,379,162 36,898 2.70/c 1,527,724 185,460, 13.8% Police 1,389,060 2,147,850 2,210,622 62,772 2.9% 2,600,413 452,563 21.1% Public Safety Support 835,717 935,952 972,363 36,411 3.9% 982.880 46928 5.0% Public Safety - a e Total 3,126,702 $4,426,066 $4,562,147 5136,081 3.1% $5,117,017 $684,951 15.5% ' Building Inspections 351,228 453,604 509,950 56,346 12.4% 587,485 133,881 29.5% Streets/Drainage 871,038 896,918 900,793 3,875 0.4% 911,629 14,711 1.6%, Public Works Admin 360,338 723,488 586,050 (137.43 8) -19.0% 856,528 133,040 18.4% Public Works Total $1,582,604 $22,074,010 $1,995,793 ($77217) -3.7% $2,355,642', $281,632 13.6% Parks and Recreation $6239-74 $952,7_70 $1,022,917 $70,147 7.4% $1,301,738 $348,968 36.6% Community Development 417,495 507,157 488,664 (18,493) -3.60/ 555,593 48,436 9.6% Economic Development 110,511 114-882 96,427 (18,455); -16.1% 114,285 (597) -0.5% Community Dev. Total 528 006 6622 039 $585,091 ($36,9481 5.9% $669,876 $47,839 7.7% Pay Plan Implementation $0' $0 $0 0 0.0% $285,409 285,409 100.0% Total Expenditures $8,166,557 $10,579,227 $11,029,033 $449,806 4.3% $12,792,393 $2,213,166 20.9% Net Revenues $335,303 (SIA011679) ($1..206,473) $402246 ($1,637,094) ($1,972,397) Proceeds from C.O. Sale/other $88,109 $920,000 $842,184 ($77,816) $715,547 Transfers In 594,606 633,000633,000 01 700,000 Transfers Out ($377-287) $O 'I, $0 $0 $0 Total Other Sources (Uses) $305.428$1.553.000', $1.475.184 ($77.816) $1415.547', Beginning Fund Balance $1,712,922 I $2,353,653 $2,353,653 $2,622,363 Reserved Fund Balance $0 $0 $0' $0' Ending Fund Balance $2.353.653 $2297.974 $2.622.363 $2.400.816 Fund balance percentage-C/V 28.82% 21.72% 23.781/6 18.77% PAGE 3 "EXHIBIT A" DEBT SERVICE FUND 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 0417 PM alfndsum.w1,4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $1,738,543', $2,249,344 $2,287,344 $38,000! 1.7% $2,773,531 $524,187 23.3% Interest Income 47,898 35 750 55,000 19,250' 53.8% 35,750 0 0.0% Total Revenues $1,786,441 ' $2,285,094 $2,342,344 $57,250 2.5% $2,809,281 $524,187 22.9% EXPENDITURES Principal $908,600, $947,350 $947,350 $0', 0.0% $1,092,350 $145,000 15.3% Interest $579,194 $734,0961 $734,096 0', 0.00/0 $1,351,633, 617,537, 84.1% Admin. Expenses $2-300 $2,500', $6.000 3-500 140.0% $6,000 3-500 140.0% Total Expenditures $1,490,094 $1,683,946 $1,687,446', $3,500 0.2% $2,449,983 $766,037 45.5% i Net Revenues $296.347 5601,148 $654.898 $53.750 $359.298 ($241 850) I Transfers In 67,519, 56,87556875 480,456 Transfer out (25-120 (584,773). -584773 (714233) Total other sources/(uses) (183,684) (527,898) (527,898) (238,777) Beginning Fund Balance $367,893 $480,556 $480,556 $607,556 Ending Fund Balance $480.556 $553,806 5607.556 $728-077 PAGE 4 "EXHIBIT A" UTILITY FUND (revised) 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 04.17 PM alfndsum.wk4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) e/ Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Miscellaneous $110,740 $85,900 $91600 $5,700 6.6% $91,600 $5,700 6.6% Interest Income 102,72968,750 75,000 6,250 9.1% 77,000 8,250 12.0% Water Sales-residential 4,367,522 4,250,000 4,250,000 0 0.0% 4,887,500 637,500 15.0% WaterSales-commercial 576,519 475,000610,000 135,000 28.4% 701,500 226,500 47.7% Sewer Sales 680,936 590,000 800,000 210,000 35.6% 920,000 330,000 55.9% Sanitation Sales 448,3361 508,000 475.000 (33,000) -6.5% 534,000 26,000 5.1% Other utility charges 439.275 359,000 359.000 0 0.0% 359.000 0 0.0% Total Revenues $6,726,057 $6,336,650 $6,660,600 $323,950 5.1% $7,570,600 $1,233,950 19.5% EXPENSES Debt Service-Revenue Bonds 824,132. 1,448,048 1.448,048 0 0.0% 2,062,490. 614,442 42.4% Water 3,950,735 3,856,1973,867,58711,390 0.3% 4,413,701 557,504 14.5% Sewer 878,3601 744,873 853,300 108,427 14.6% 792,206 47,333 6.4% Sanitation 393,855' 508,000 466,000 (42,000) -8.3% 500,000; (8,000) -1.6% Pay Plan Implementation 0 0 0 0 0.0% 15.705 15,705 100.0% Total Expenses 447,083 $6_557.118, $6,634,935 $77,817 1.2% $7,784,102 $1,226,984 18.7% Net Revenues $678,974 ($220,468) $25,665 $246,733 ($213,502 $6,966 Transfers In $267,675 $698,170 $698,170 $834,145 Transfers Out (1,555,556 (633,000) (633.000) (70Q,QQQ) Total Other Sources (Uses) (1,287,881) 65,170. 65,170. 134,145 Net change in w/c components to $o $0 $0 Beginning fund balance $2,503,392. $1,894,485 $1,894,485 $1,985,320 Ending fund balance $1.894-485 $1.739-187 $1.985.320. $1.905.963 No. of days working capital _ 114 97. 109 _ 89 PAGE 5 "EXHIBIT A" SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 04:17 PM alfnds.-A4 09111/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Permits/Fees $122,945 $100,000 $53,000 ($47,000) -47.0% $50,000 ($50,000) -50.0% Miscellaneous 24,540 01,100 1,100 100.0% 0 0 0.0% Interest 6-645 5,5006,050 550 10.0% 3_465 (2-035) -37.0% Total Revenues $154,130 $105,500 $60,150 ($45,350) -43.0% $53,465', ($52,035) -49.3% EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation $15,498 $0 $0 $0 0.0% 0 0' 0.0% Park Improvements 120,4041 0' 12,828 12,828 0.0% 0 00.0%'. Land 73957122,000 55.000, (67801 -54.9% 0 (122,000) -100.0% Total Expenditures $209,859 $122,000 $67,828 ($54,172) -44.4% $0, ($122,000) -100.0% Netnevenues ($55,729) ($16,500)] ($7,678) $8,822 $53,465', $69,965 Bond proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 Transfer to other fund $0! ($56 875) ($56,875) ($53.594) I Total other sources/(uses) $Oi, ($56,875) ($56,875) ($53,594' Beginning Fund Balance $139,971 $84,242 $84,242 $19.689 Ending Fund Balance $84242 $10.867 $19.689 $19.560 PAGE 6 "EXHIBIT A" SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 0417 PM alfndsum.wk4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Sales Tax $738,354 $923,000 $1,050,000 $127,000 13.8% $1,357500 $434,500', 47.1% Interest 25,271 22000 41,250 19,250 87.5% 41,250 19250 87.5% Total Revenues $763,625 $945,000, $1,091,250', $146,250 15.5% $1,398,750 $434,500', 46.0% EXPENDITURES Personnel $46,920 $50,229 $50,229 $0 0.0% $46,314', ($3,915) -7.8% Operations $4,805 $4,800 $4,800 0 0.0% $0' (4,800) -100.0% Capital $0 $0 $0 0 0.0% $0 0 0.0% Pay Plan Implementation $0 $0 $0 0 0.0% $700 700 Total Expenditures $51,725, $55,029 $55,029', $0 0.0% $47,014 ($8,015) -14.6% Net Revenues $711,900, $889,971 $1,036,221 $146,250', $1,351,7361 $461,765 Transfers Out (405,200) (344,770). (969,770) (651,812} Proceeds from C.O. Sale Total Other Sources (uses) (405,200) (344,770) (969,770) (651,812) Beginning Fund Balance $393,846' $700,546 $700,546 $766,997 Ending Fund Balance $700.546'. $1.245747 $766.997 $1.466.921 PAGE 7 "EXHIBIT A" SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation 1997-98 Proposed Budget and 1996-97 Revised Budget 0417 PM alfndsum.wk4 09/11/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997-98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease Interest Income $16,425 $22,000 $15,000 ($7,000) -31.8% $275 ($21 725 -98.8% Total Revenues $16,425 $22,000 $15,000 ($7,000) -31.8% $275 ($21,725), -98.8% EXPENDITURES Principal $95,000 $110,0001 $345,000 $235,000! 213.6% $205,000 $95,000 86.4% Interest 282,901 234,770 305.829 71,05930.3% 446,812 212,042 90.3% Admin. Expenses 700 1 000 1.500 500 50.0% 2,000 1000 100.0% Total Expenditures $378,601 $345,770 $652,329 $306,559 88.7% $653,812 $308,042 89.1% I I Net Revenues ($362,176) ($323,770) ($637,329) ($313,559) ($653,537; $309,042 I Proceeds from bond sale $0 $0 $0 $0 Transfers In $363-200 $344,770 $379.770 $651.812 Total Other Sources (uses) $363,200 $344,770 $379,770 $651,812 Beginning Fund Balance $263,767 $264,791 $264,791 $7.232 Ending Fund Balance $264.791 $285.791 $7.232 $5.507 PAGE 8 "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 (REVISED) ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1995-96 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease FUND Actual Budget Budget Budget Adopted Adopted General Fund Personnel 4,781,025 6,075,068 6,304,711 7,210,983 1,135,915 18.7% Operations 2,707,550 3,363,706 3,485,448 4,570,454 1,206,748 35.9% Capital Outlay 677,982 1,140,453 1,238,874 725,547 (414,906) -36.4% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 285 409 285,409 100.0% Total 8,166,557 10,579,227 11,029,033 12,792,393 2,213,166 20.9% Debt Service Fund Debt Service 1-490,094 1 683,94.6 11,687,446 2,449.983 766,037 45.5% Total 1,490,094 1,683,946 1,687,446 2,449,983 766,037 45.5% Utility Fund Personnel 582,751 590,250 683,955 826,362 236,112 40.0% Operations 4,215,240 3,867,100 3,842,962 4,172,545 305,445 7.9% Capital Outlay 424,960 651,720 659,970 707,000 55,280 8.5% Debt Service 824,132 1,448,048 1,448,048 2,062,490 614,442 42.4% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 15,705 15,705 100.0% Total 6,047,083 6,557,118 6,634,935 7,784,102 1,226,984 18.7% Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund Operations 48,597 0 11,133 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 161-263 122-000 55,000 0 (122,000) -100.0% Total 209,859 122,000 66,133 0 (122,000) -100.0% SPDC Fund Personnel 46,920 50,229 50,229 46,314 (3,915) -7.8% Operations 4,805 4,800 4,800 0 (4,800) 100.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Debt Service 378,601 345,770 652,329 653,812 308,042 89.1% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 700 700 100.0% Total 430,326 400,799 707,358 700,826 300,027 74.9% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 16,343,920 19,343,090 20,124,905 23,727,304 4,384,214 22.7% EXPENDITURE_CATEGORY Personnel 5,410,696 6,715,547 7,038,895 8,083,659 1,368,112 20.4% Operations 6,976,191 7,235,606 7,344,343 8,742,999 1,507,393 20.8% Capital Outlay 1,264,205 1,914,173 1,953,844 1,432,547 (481,626) -25.2% Debt Service 2,692,827 3,477,764 3,787,823 5,166,285 1,688,521 48.6% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 301814 301,814 100.0% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 16,343,920 19,343,090 20,124,905 23,727,304 4,384,214 22.7% PAGE 9 "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 (REVISED) ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1995-96 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease GEN_ ERAL_FUND Actual Budget Budget Budget Adopted_ Adopted City Secretary/Mayor/Council Personnel 88,336 98,903 94,145 96,034 (2,869) -2.9% Operations 151,847 157,463 122,932 135,890 (21,573) -13.7% Capital Outlay 15,775 6-887 7-500 5,488 (1399) -20.3% Total 255,958 263,253 224,577 237,412 (25,841) -9.8% Human Resources Personnel 0 44,294 56,329 90,572 46,278 104.5% Operations 0 51,716 76,670 77,916 26,200 50.7% Capital Outlay 0 0 3,000 0 0 100.0% Total 0 96,010 135,999 168,488 72,478 75.5% City Manager's Office Personnel 322,921 389,989 418,552 282,545 (107,444) -27.6% Operations 90,374 49,613 74,506 64,075 14,462 29.1% Capital Outlay 19_229 6,700 12,300 3,500 (3,20 -47.8% Total 432,524 446,302 505,358 350,120 (96,182) -21.6% Support Services Personnel 25,833 28,218 27,272 28,101 (117) -0.4% Operations 887,309 937,792 1,136,005 1,173,600 235,808 25.1% Capital Outlay 68,169 79150 98.000 8,900 (70,250) -88.8% Total 981,311 1,045,160 1,261,277 1,210,601 165,441 15.8% Finance Personnel 196,245 238,462 250,012 249,400 10,938 4.6% Operations 103,894 135,379 143,191 161,036 25,657 19.0% Capital Outlay 90,525 7,750 30,373 0 (7,750) -100.0% Total 390,664 381,591 423,576 410,436 28,845 7.6% Municipal Court Personnel 125,883 121,545 159,015 154,091 32,546 26.8% Operations 71,002 95,475 95,486 119,339 23,864 25.0% Capital Outlay 9,344 2,800 6,150 3,500 700 25.0% Total 206,229 219,820 260,651 276,930 57,110 26.0% Teen-Court Personnel 26,679 35,816 28,782 37,004 1,188 3.3% Operations 8,976 15,640 14,655 17,605 1,965 12.6% Capital Outlay 2-930 750 7,210 0 (750) -100.0% Total 38,585 52,206 50,647 54,609 2,403 4.6% Community Services Personnel 0 0 0 210,101 210,101 100.0% Operations 0 0 0 140,562 140,562 100.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 9,450 9-450 100.0% Total 0 0 0 360,113 360,113 100.0% Fire Services Personnel 714,706 893,272 927,272 1,020,491 127,219 14.2% Operations 107,846 175,429 178,327 305,736 130,307 74.3% Capital Outlay 79,373 273,563 273,563 201,497 (72,066) -26.3% Total 901,925 1,342,264 1,379,162 1,527,724 185,460 13.8% PAGE 10 "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 (REVISED) ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1995-96 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Budget Budget Adopted Adopted Police Services Personnel 1,117,320 1,617,572 1,666,370 2,020,392 402,820 24.9% Operations 173,125 248,575 257,127 354,535 105,960 42.6% Capital Outlay 98,615 281,703 287,125 225,486 (56-217) -20.0% Total 1,389,060 2,147,850 2,210,622 2,600,413 452,563 21.1% Public Safety Support Personnel 660,759 707,761 719,442 697,132 (10,629) -1.5% Operations 136,948 175,549 181,865 214,673 39,124 22.3% Capital Outlay 38-010 52 642 71 056 71,075 18,433 35.0% Total 835,717 935,952 972,363 982,880 46,928 5.0% Building Inspection Personnel 289,754 352,464 380,093 454,155 101,691 28.9% Operations 56,026 72,140 64,340 96,680 24,540 34.0% Capital Outlay 5 448 29,000 65,517 36,650 7,650 26.4% Total 351,228 453,604 509,950 587,485 133,881 29.5% Streets/Dr_ainage Personnel 416,636 420,063 420,063 420,649 586 0.1% Operations 370,467 377,055 395,100 428,480 51,425 13.6% Capital Outlay 83.935 99,800 85,630 62,500 (37,300) -37.4% Total 871,038 896,918 900,793 911,629 14,711 1.6% Public Works Administration Personnel 245,989 390,689 390,393 411,440 20,751 5.3% Operations 109,881 231,461 122,365 392,312 160,851 69.5% Capital Outlay 44-68 101,338 73,292 52,776 (48 562) -47.9% Total 360,338 723,488 586,050 856,528 133,040 18.4% Parks and Recreation Personnel 196,403 289,721 339,776 539,468 249,747 86.2% Operations 311,277 464,679 468,528 722,870 258,191 55.6% Capital Outlay 116,294 198,370 214,613 39 400 (158,970) -80.1% Total 623,974 952,770 1,022,917 1,301,738 348,968 36.6% Community Development Personnel 292,053 382,412 373,755 436,153 53,741 14.1% Operations 82,106 124,745 114,104 114,115 (10,630) -8.5% Capital Outlay 43,336 0 805 5 325 5-325 100.0% Total 417,495 507,157 488,664 555,593 48,436 9.6% Economic Development Personnel 61,508 63,887 53,440 63,255 (632) -1.0% Operations 46,472 50,995 40,247 51,030 35 0.1% Capital Outlay 2 531 0 2,740 0 0 0.0% Total 110,511 114,882 96,427 114,285 (597) -0.5% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 285,409 285,409 100.0% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8,166,557 10,579,227 11,029,033 12,792,393 2,213,166 20.9% PAGE 11 "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSED BUDGET 1997-98 (REVISED) ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 1995-96 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budget Budget Budget Adopted Adopted DEBT SERVICE FUND Principal 908,600 947,350 947,350 1,092,350 145,000 15.3% Interest 579,194 734,096 734,096 1,351,633 617,537 84.1% Administrative Expenses 2 300 2,500 6,000 6,000 3,5W 140.0% Total 1,490,094 1,683,946 1,687,446 2,449,983 766,037 45.5% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,490,094 1,683,946 1,687,446 2,449,983 766,037 45.5% UTILITY FUND Water Utilities Personnel 464,002 460,242 542,255 648,331 188,089 40.9% Operations 3,084,619 2,883,235 2,840,862 3,177,645 294,410 10.2% Capital Outlay 402 114 512,7120 484,470 587-725 75,005 14.6% Total 3,950,735 3,856,197 3,867,587 4,413,701 557,504 14.5% Wastewater Utilities Personnel 118,749 130,008 141,700 178,031 48,023 36.9% Operations 736,765 475,865 536,100 494,900 19,035 4.0% Capital Outlay 22,846 139,000 175_500 119,275 (19 72.5) -14.2% Total 878,360 744,873 853,300 792,206 47,333 6.4% Sanitation Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations 393,855 508,000 466,000 500,000 (8,000) -1.6% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Total 393,855 508,000 466,000 500,000 (8,000) -1.6% Non-Departmentalized Other 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Debt Service 824,132 1,448,048 1,448_048 2_062,490 614.442 42.4% Total 824,132 1,448,048 1,448,048 2,062,490 614,442 42.4% Pay-Plan Implementation -_10/97 0 0 0 15,705 15,705 100.0% TOTAL UTILITY FUND 6,047,083 6,557,118 6,634,935 7,784,102 1,226,984 18.7% SPECIAL REVENUE- PARKS/RECREATION FUND Operations 48,597 0 11,133 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 161263 122,000 55,000 0 (11 22,000) -100.0% Total 209,859 122,000 66,133 0 (122,000) -100.0% SPDC FUND Personnel 46,920 50,229 50,229 46,314 (3,915) -7.8% Operations & Maintenance 4,805 4,800 4,800 0 (4,800) -100.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Debt Service 378,601 345,770 652,329 653,812 308,042 89.1% Pay Plan Implementation - 10/97 0 0 0 700 700 100.0% Total 430,326 400,799 707,358 700,826 300,027 74.9% GRAND TOTAL 16,343,920 19,343,090 20,124,905 23,727,304 4,384,214 22.7% PAGE 12 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) 09/11/97 FY1997-98 04:33 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 100-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 100-City Secretary/Mayor/ Two 4 drawer lateral fire-proof file cabinets 5-488 0 0 5,488 City Council TOTAL 5,488 0 0 5,488 103-City Manager's Office Personal Computer & Printer 3-500 0 0 3,500 TOTAL 3,500 0 0 3,500 105-Support Services Heavy duty 3-hole drill 4,400 0 0 4,400 New sound system for Council Chambers 4_500 0 0 4,500 TOTAL 8,900 0 0 8,900 109-Community Services Operation of Senior Center 8,700 0 8,700 0 Furniture, appliances for Senior Center 7,700 0 0 7,700 Computer, printer for Senior Center office 1,750 0 0 1 750 TOTAL 18,150 0 8,700 9,450 106-FINANCE 107-Municipal Court Computer Upgrades 2,000 0 0 2,000 Computer Hutch 500 0 0 500 Dot Matrix Printer 500 0 0 500 Book Shelf 500 0 0 500 TOTAL 3,500 0 0 3,500 130-PUBLIC SAFETY 131-Fire Services Defibrillators 12,000 0 0 12,000 Life Pak upgrade 10,000 0 0 10,000 High Rise Nozzles 4,200 0 0 4,200 Life Pak 11 New 16,500 0 0 16,500 Kiser Sled 2,000 0 0 2,000 150 lb. Rescue Mannequin 900 0 0 900 Digital Camera 1,095 0 0 1,095 Camera (35) 2,313 0 0 2,313 Hydrocarbon Tester 1,089 0 0 1,089 Emergency Management 7,948 0 7,948 0 Oxygen Monitors 2,100 0 0 2,100 SCBA Compressor 36,000 0 0 36,000 Hose Washer 12,000 0 0 12,000 Explorer for Fire Marshal 28,300 0 0 28,300 Expedition for Deputy Director, fully equipped 55,000 0 0 55,000 Retrofit for the 2 ton GMC fire truck 18.000 0 0 18-000 TOTAL 209,445 0 7,948 201,497 PAGE 13 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) 09/12/97 FY 1997-98 09:20 Ann TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 130-PUBLIC SAFETY 132-Police Services One Public Safety Officer (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 33,762 33,762 0 0 Replacement Body Armor 3,000 0 3,000 0 Portable Radios for New Personnel (5) 6,500 0 0 6,500 Six Police Bicycles with accessories 8,555 0 0 8,555 Chairs (4), desks and shelves for offices 2,425 0 0 2,425 Night Vision Device 2,500 0 0 2,500 NE Street Crimes Unit 2,648 0 2,648 0 Charging System for Battery Maintenance 1,900 0 0 1,900 Wireless Video Camera for investigations 2,500 0 0 2,500 Hand held video camera 8mm for Sgt's vehicle 599 0 0 599 Pepper Mace OC Spray for all members 1,890 0 0 1,890 Spare Motorcycle radio accessories 700 0 0 700 Stinger Pursuit Termination Devices 1,800 0 1,800 0 Motorola Vehicle Radio Modem (VRM) 3,500 0 0 3,500 Air Compressor/Minor Tools 1,353 0 0 1,353 Patrol Vehicle - Crown Victoria, fully equipped 35,897 0 0 35,897 Patrol Vehicle - Crown Victoria, fully equipped 35,897 0 0 35,897 Vehicle for PSO - Tahoe, fully equipped 57,395 0 0 57,395 Program car for detectives 17,737 0 0 17,737 Vehicle for Deputy Director - Explorer, fully equipped 34,668 0 0 34,668 Replacement in-car video cameras (2) 1.1,_4.70 0 0 11,470 TOTAL 266,696 33,762 7,448 225,486 133-Public Safety Support Jail Monitor Upgrade 4,100 0 0 4,100 Vehicle Mounts for Laptop Computer 8,750 0 0 8,750 Office Equipment 3,225 0 0 3,225 Tower PC's (3), Utility Laptops (14) 36,000 0 0 36,000 Presentation Laptops 19,000 0 0 19,000 TOTAL 71,075 0 0 71,075 140-PUBLIC WORKS 142-Building Inspections One Building Inspector (w/computer)'** 33,308 30,808 500 2,000 Plans Examiner (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 32,066 27,566 500 4,000 Software, desk & chair 1,150 0 0 1,150 Mobil radio 1,500 0 0 1,500 Mobil radio 1,500 0 0 1,500 Monitor 500 0 0 500 Printer 1,500 0 0 1,500 File Cabinets 500 0 0 500 Pickup for Building Inspector 24,000 0 0 24,000 TOTAL 96,024 58,374 1,000 36,650 144-Streets and Drainage Letter Labeling System 4,500 0 0 4,500 Dump Truck 42,000 0 0 42,000 Mowing Tractor 16,000 0 0 16,000 TOTAL 62,500 0 0 62,500 ***The Building Inspector is left in at 100% funding with the intention to hire the position at January 1. However, with the uncertainty of a current workers compensation injury it may be necessary to hire the position earlier than expected. PAGE 14 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) 09/11/97 FY1997-98 04:33 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 140-PUBLIC WORKS 146-Public Works Admin. GIS software 23,478 0 0 23,478 Computer-UNIX 11,200 0 0 11,200 Office Furniture 2,663 0 0 2,663 Color Printer 3,735 0 0 3,735 Sun Memory 2,700 0 0 2,700 Surface Monumentation 29,400 0 29,400 0 TAD Tape Conversion 1,200 0 1,200 0 WORM Drive 600 0 0 600 Jet Direct Cards 1,000 0 0 1,000 Portable Radios (2) 5,400 0 0 5,400 Computer-City Engineer 2_000 0 0 2,000 TOTAL 83,376 0 30,600 52,776 145-PARKS AND RECREATION 145-Parks and Recreation Trailer 4,900 0 0 4,900 Software/Computers 12,500 0 5,000 7,500 Safety Net 2,000 0 0 2,000 Library Books 10,000 0 0 10,000 Gang reel mower 15,000 0 0 15,000 TOTAL 44,400 0 5,000 39,400 150 -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 150-Community Development Current Planner (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 32,235 28,210 0 4,025 Corridor Study Ph. 2 Concept Development 15,000 0 15,000 0 HP Laser Printer 1,300 0 0 1,300 TOTAL 48,535 28,210 15,000 5,325 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 921,589 120,346 75,696 725,547 Capital items to be funded through certificates of obligation, with the exception of Library books in Department 145-Parks/Recreation, to be funded through current operations PAGE 15 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) 09/11/97 FY1997-98 0433 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL UTILITY FUND 147-Water Utilities One Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 17,931 17,931 0 0 One Maintenance Worker-Water Dist. (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 15,071 15,071 0 0 Two Maintenance Workers-Fire Hydrant & Inspect (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 30,141 30,141 0 0 GIS Analyst (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 48,729 28,854 0 19,875 Fireproof file cabinet and four drawer file cabinet 1,000 0 0 1,000 Light tower 4,000 0 0 4,000 Tapping Machine 1,700 0 0 1,700 3/4 ton pickup 27,900 0 0 27,900 1 ton utility truck 37,950 0 0 37,950 Air compressor, sandblaster, generator 5,700 0 0 5,700 Four Computers-(1) personal and (3) laptops 10,600 0 0 10,600 Radios 6,800 0 0 6,800 Storz steamer nozzle connection 58,000 0 0 58,000 Vibratory Compactor 3,400 0 0 3,400 Water Meters 101,200 0 0 101,200 Meter Auto Read Equipment 174,000 0 0 174,000 TOTAL 544,122 91,997 0 452,125 148-Sewer Utilities One Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 17,930 17,930 0 0 One Maintenance Worker (Jan 1 hire - 75% funding) 15,071 15,071 0 0 3/4 ton pickup 27,900 0 0 27,900 6" Diesel pump 48,500 0 0 48,500 Auto Crane Hoist 11,025 0 0 11,025 SCBA 3,500 0 0 3,500 Tripod 2,750 0 0 2,750 Two Ventilators 2,400 0 0 2,400 Two Gas Detectors 5,600 0 0 5,600 All Terrain Vehicle 9,500 0 0 9,500 Mobile radio 5,300 0 0 5,300 Laptop Computer 2_800 0 0 2,800 TOTAL 152,276 33,001 0 119,275 GRAND TOTAL UTILITY FUND 696,398 124,998 0 571,400 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1,617,987 245,344 75,696 1,296,947 PAGE 16 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF UNFUNDED NEEDS (revised) 09/11/97 FY1997-98 04:36 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 100-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 100-City Secretary/Mayor/ Administrative Clerk 19,949 19,949 0 0 City Council Desk 600 0 0 600 Chairs (2) 600 0 0 600 Personal Computer 4,000 0 0 4,000 Printer 1,500 0 0 1,500 TOTAL 26,649 19,949 0 6,700 102-Human Resources Supervisory Academy Training Program 17,000 0 17,000 0 HRIS System 5-000 0 5,000 0 TOTAL 22,000 0 22,000 0 105-Support Services GBC Binder 600 0 0 600 Cargo Van for Building Maintenance Worker 20,000 0 0 20,000 Portable recorder w/ exterior mike for taping 500 0 0 500 Additional lease space 45,000 0 45,000 0 Upgrade city-wide telephone system 200,000 0 0 200,000 Wireless network for remote data terminals 130,000 0 0 130,000 TOTAL 396,100 0 45,000 351,100 109-Community Services ' Southlake Today" video production 30,000 0 30_000 0 TOTAL 30,000 0 30,000 0 106-FINANCE 106-Finance Purchasing Agent (PA) 38,528 38,528 0 0 Office Furniture for PA 2,030 0 0 2,030 Computer for PA 2,300 0 0 2,300 Fixed Asset Inventory Update 13,000 0 13,000 0 Utility Billing Bar Code System 62,000 0 62,000 0 Finance Software Package 283,000 0 283,000 0 Color Copier 2,500 0 0 2,500 Digital Imaging-Records Storage 75,000 0 75,000 0 TOTAL 478,358 38,528 433,000 6,830 130-PUBLIC SAFETY 131-Fire Services Education & Prevention Officer w/furniture 43,622 42,772 0 850 Education & Prevention Officer's vehicle,fully equippe 45,853 0 0 45,853 EMS Haz-mat Tech 35,618 35,618 0 0 Furniture for one employee 850 0 0 850 Robot for DPS education 6.000 0 0 6,000 TOTAL 131,943 78,390 0 53,553 PAGE 17 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF UNFUNDED NEEDS (revised) 09111197 FY1997-98 04:36 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 130-PUBLIC SAFETY (continued) 132-Police Services Three Public Safety Officers 135,885 135,885 0 0 One Detective 35,920 35,920 0 0 Three Police Officers 113,079 113,079 0 0 One Support Service Supervisor 46,194 46,194 0 0 One Public Safety Officer (Jan 1 hire-25% not funded) 11,533 11,533 0 0 Cooperative Purchase Keller Intoxlyzer 4,350 0 4,350 0 Portable radios for new personnel (5) 6,500 0 0 6,500 Office furniture for cut positions 1,000 0 0 1,000 Vehicle for PSO - Tahoe, fully equipped 57,395 0 0 57,395 Program car for dectives 17,737 0 0 17,737 Van for combined use by Comm. Svcs, fully equipped 560-37 0 0 56,037 TOTAL 485,630 342,611 4,350 138,669 133-Public Safety Support Radio Equipment for 800mhz system 268,562 0 0 268,562 Support Technician 27,555 27,555 0 0 Tower PC's and Utility Laptops 6,500 0 0 6,500 Presentation Laptop 5,000 0 0 5,000 Forte's pen computer 48,650 0 0 48,650 TOTAL 356,267 27,555 0 328,712 140-PUBLIC WORKS 142-Building Inspections Pickup 24,000 0 0 24,000 Plans Examiner (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) 9,242 9,242 One Building Inspector (100% hire with computer) 33,308 30,808 500 2,000 Software, desk & chair 1-150 0 0 1,150 TOTAL 67,700 40,050 500 27,150 144-Streets and Drainage Two Street/Drainage Maintenance Workers 31,960 31,960 0 0 Concrete planer 3,000 0 0 3,000 1/2 ton pickup 20-000 0 0 20,000 TOTAL 54,960 31,960 0 23,000 146-Public Works Admin. Vehicle-Drainage Inspector 19,000 0 0 19,000 GIS software 19,965 0 0 19,965 GIS Analyst (moved) 58,403 38,528 0 19,875 Construction Inspector 58,950 36,931 0 22,019 Vehicle--Pool 19-000 0 0 19,000 TOTAL 175,318 75,459 0 99,859 PAGE 18 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF UNFUNDED NEEDS (revised) 09/11/97 FY1997-98 04:36 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSON_NEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERALFUND 145-PARKS AND RECREATION 145-Parks and Recreation Park Crew Leader (mid-yr hire) 12,882 12,882 0 0 Park Maintenance I (mid-yr hire) 10,812 10,812 0 0 Office Assistant (Part-time) 8,632 8,632 0 0 Park Supervisor (mid yr hire) 21,183 21,183 0 0 Recreation Superintendent (mid-yr hire) 24,700 24,700 0 0 Recreation Specialist 27,169 27,169 0 0 Software/Computers 12,500 0 0 12,500 (6) Practice soccer fields ($5,000 each) 30,000 0 0 30,000 Renovation of Hockey Court (JU) 25,000 0 0 25,000 Lights, Field #1 JU 45,000 0 0 45,000 Fence Extension AA 5,000 0 0 5,000 Park Entrance Patching 5,000 0 5,000 0 JU Equipment 5,000 0 5,000 0 Resod Field #2 14,000 0 0 14,000 New lights, Field #3 40,000 0 0 40,000 Signage-all parks 7,000 0 7,000 0 Fences #4, #5 16,805 0 16,805 0 1 ton crew cab pickup (Bob Jones Park) 25,000 0 0 25,000 24 Passenger Van 45,000 0 0 45,000 Two Pool Vehicle 30,000 0 0 30,000 Building Maintenance Worker 21,641 21 641 0 0 TOTAL 432,324 127,019 33,805 271,500 150 -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 150-Community Development Current Planner 41,693 37,668 0 4,025 Current Planner (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) 9,458 9,458 0 0 Windows NT Upgrade for all computers 6,145 0 0 6,145 Community Development Assistant 28,733 25,133 0 3,600 TOTAL 86,029 72,259 0 13,770 151-Economic Development Marketing Plan 12,375 0 12,375 0 TOTAL 12,375 0 12,375 0 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,755,653 853,780 581,030 1,320,843 PAGE 19 "EXHIBIT A" SCHEDULE OF UNFUNDED NEEDS (revised) 09,11,97 FY1997-98 04:36 PM TOTAL DEPARTMENT/Division ITEM AMOUNTPERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL UTILITY FUND 147-Water Utilities One Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funde 6,009 6,009 0 0 One Maintenance Worker-Water Dist. (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) 5,051 5,051 0 0 Two Maintenance Workers-Fire Hydrant & Inspect. (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) 10,103 10,103 0 0 GIS Analyst (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) 9,674 9-674 0 0 TOTAL 30,837 30,837 0 0 148-Sewer Utilities One Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire-25% not funded) 6,010 6,010 0 0 One Maintenance Worker (Jan 1 hire-25% not funded 5-051 5,051 0 0 TOTAL 11,061 11,061 0 0 GRAND TOTAL UTILITY FUND 41,898 41,898 0 0 TOTALALLFUNDS 2,797,551 895,678 581,030 1,320,843 PAGE 20 "EXHIBIT A" CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996-97 ESTIMATED AND 1997-98 PROPOSED BUDGET GENERAL FUN revised) Revised: 09/11197 CHANGES 04:56 PM FY 96-97 FY 97-98 Des ---ption of Changes -Actual Estimated Proposed Budget' 'Revenues 100-370.00 Revenues for recreation classes underestimated 179,000 Total Change in Revenues so! 79,000: Expenditures City 100-252.00 !Move budget from Metroport Cities to Dues/License Renewal (1,000) Secretary 100-830.00 'Annual dues for Metroport Cities 1,000' 100-101.00 Move budget out of regular earnings to cover auto allowance (1,000) (2,400) 100-810.00 Auto allowance for City Secretary not budgeted 1,000 2,400 100-830.00 Add dues for "Women in Government" 100 City Manager 1103-950.00 Personal Computer and Printer 3,500'. Support 105-360.00 Remove Additional lease space (45,000) Services 105-910.00 Remove City-wide telephone system (200,000) 105-950.00 Remove wireless network for remote data terminals (130,000) Municipal 107-830.00 Remove dues for American Bar Association (275) Court Fire 131-101.00Remove Education & Prevention Officer (42,772) Services 131-xxx.00 Miscellaneous reductions in operations expenditures for cut position (4,495) 131-930.00 Remove Education & Prevention Officer's vehicle (45,853) 131-9xx.00 Remove Education & Prevention Officer's furniture (850) Police 132-101.00:: Remove two (2) Public Safety Officers (90,590) Services 132-101.00 Remove one (1) Detective (35,920) 132-101.00 Public Safety Officer (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (11,533) 132-xxx.00 Reduce miscellaneous operations & maintenance expenditures (52,497) 132-901.00 'Remove office furniture for Detective (1,000) 132-910.00 Remove five (5) portable radios (6,500) 132-930.00 Remove one (1) police vehicle (for PSO), one (1) replacement for high mileage vehicle (used by detectives), one (1) van for combined use by the Community Services Division (131,169) DPS Support 133-101.00 'Change in personnel expenditure estimates 25,000 Services 133-101.00 Remove Support Technician (27,555) 133-950.00 Remove one (1) laptop computer for EMS Hazmat Technician (3,250) 133-950.00 Remove one (1) laptop computer for Education & Prevention Officer (3,250) 133-950.00 Remove one (1) presentation laptop (5,000) 133-950.00 Remove Forte's pen computer (48,650) PAGE 21 "EXMBIT A" CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996-97 ESTIMATED AND 1997-98 PROPOSED BUDGET GENERAL FUND (revised) Revised: - 09H1/97 CHANGES 04:56 PM FY 96-97 FY 97-98 Description of Changes - -Actual Estimated Proposed Budget,, Building 142-101.00 Add back Plans Examiner and related equipment 41,308 Inspections 142-101.00 Plans Examiner (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (9,242) 142-930.00 Remove replacement vehicle for Building Inspector (24,000) Streets 144-920.00! Remove Concrete Planer (3,000) 144-930.00 Remove 1/2 ton pickup (20,000) Public Works 146-101.00 Move regular earnings for Capital Projects Coordinator and Public Administration Works Administrative Assistant to Utility Fund (26,628) (77,630) 146-930.00 Remove pickup for Drainage Inspector (19,000) 146-950.00 Remove computer equipment for GIS Intern not hired (19,965) 146-101.00 Move GIS Analyst and related expenditures to Utility Fund (58,403) Parks and 145-101.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates 52,400, Recreation 145-106.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates (temporary labor) 35,000 145-101.00 Move budget from regular earnings to auto allowance (4,800) 145-101.00 Remove Building Maintenance Worker (21,641) 145-246.00 Move budget from mowing to regular earnings (27,400) 145-810.00 Auto allowance for Parks & Rec. Director not budgeted 4,800 145-930.00 Remove 1 ton crew cab pickup for Bob Jones Park (25,000) 145-930.00 Remove 24 passenger van (45,000) 145-930.00 Remove two (2) Pool Vehicles (30,000) Community 150-101.00 Add one (1) Planner and related equipment 41,693 Development' 150-101.00 Remove one (1) Planner and related equipment (41,693) 150-101.00 Current Planner (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (9,458) 150-950.00 Remove Windows NT upgrade for all computers in department (6,145) Pay Plan Implementation for full year 135,409 Total Change in Expenditures $58,372 ($1-,074 3, 26 'NET CHANGE IN GENERAL FUND $8,372, ($1,253,3Z6' I Net Change in Personnel $84,772 ($335,561) Net Change in Operations and Maintenance ($26,400) ($94,467) Net Change in Capital $0 ($779,707) Net Change in Pay Plan Implementation $0 10 35,409 TOTAL CHANGE $58,372', ($1,074,326) PAGE 22 "EXHIBIT A" CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996-97 ESTIMATED AND 1997-98 PROPOSED BUDGET UTILITY FUND (revised) Revised: 09/11/97 CHANGES 04:56 PM FY 96-97 FY 97-98 Description of Changes Actu_al_Estimated Proposed Budget'. Revenues Total Change in Revenues s0_i $p! Expenditures Water 147-101.00Change in personnel expenditure estimates 54,227' 147-101.00 Move regular earnings for Capital Projects Coordinator and Public Works Administrative Assistant from General Fund 26,628' 77,630 147-101.00 Move GIS Analyst and related expenditures from General Fund 58,403'1 147-101.00' Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (6,009) 147-101.00 Maintenance Worker-Water Dist. (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (5,051) 147-101.00 2 Maintenance Workers-Fire Hydrant/Insp. (Jan 1 hire-25% not funded) (10,103) 147-101.00 GIS Analyst (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded (9,674) 147-530.00 Revised estimate for water purchased from Fort Worth 883,681 400,000, 147-970.00 Building Improvements are already in Capital Projects budget (135,600) Sewer 148-101.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates 14,021 148-101.00 Equipment Operator (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (6,010) 148-101.00 Maintenance Worker (Jan 1 hire - 25% not funded) (5,051) 148-797.00 Increase estimate for TRA Maintenance 78,900 Pay Plan Implementation for full year 31705 Total Change in Expenditures $1,057,457 $-62,2401 NET CHANGE IN UTILITY FUND &5"4 71 $362,240; Net Change in Personnel $94,8761 $74,260, Net Change in Operations and Maintenance $962,581 $264,400',, Net Change in Capital $0', $19,875' Net Change in Pay Plan Implementation $0' $3,705, - TOTAL CHANGE $1,057,457'' $362,2401 PAGE 23 "EXHIBIT A" O GD co O O O O O O O O N O O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m O O O z o O o O O O co O O O O (D O O O O O O O O O O O O UD O M -o UA O O r o O C) O O O V O O O O N O o O O r O O O O o u'7 r o J F e0 V N EN O N O O m u7 V u7 iA N O M OD a0 UD N r (p U17 N EA WA M (D V oo M O O m V N u-) u) O M M O Q u7 r M r co m r V o r LO r(D V N r h N o U) m Q M U) OD CO M V M r V3 EA O 69 u7 (D M N N O V3 fR 69 fA 69 f9 69 69 _ 69 fA 69 M fA 00 V r r M M (9 (9 EA 69 V> 69 69 Cl) w fA 44 (9 69 (n O O C. O O o O o a O o c) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O EA 69 49 fA 6<3 EA 69 EA 69 fA 69 fA fA 69 69 (9 (9 (9 (A 69w6.9 w w fA w b, fA o o EA o o c4 W O } O J N U T) LL O o o O o o a O o c) o o o O o o O O O O o o O O O O O O O o a O O 69 fA fR 6" 69 w 69 w o o V 69 w 69 w 69 69 69 (A fA W (O o co (p 61) fA 6F) E9 EA 69 69 fA fA 69 N O N o a~ c1 O ~ o N N m M C Q 69 Q9. IT c) 6M9 M M N U N LL O O O o O o o o o O O o o o O o O O o o o o O O o o o o o o m o O O W Oo 69 G 69 (A 69 (9 w o Oo (D (9 w (9 w 69 W. M w 61) w 61) f9 (9 69 (9 69 V3, o W O N 7 Z } o a u7 (D co 01 r O 07 J N tP (A 69 N M m m N, (\11 F- U (s' 49 V' W, -IL N 04 a 69 (_7 w U. JM O EA O N E9 w (A V 69 EA (H (fl f9 o o uo"i M co 69 69 N (A fH 69 69 o co O o o o 69 69 W 7 Q o at O V o O N M O LO Lr N (O o O O , } O O V' C m o o O LO V N V UD O O H o O N N (D O D O m (D r u7 O LL U Z ' 0) Q ~ w 04 69 04 le 69 69 w y~ (9 04 OD C) O Oi O y N ? LL LLa U w o o m o o o o 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o o r~ (O co W LO o IT IT m O O O O O O O O O O O O O o UN 69 69 (9 O O ~ (OD 01 O u) Q. W. O O cl O N W (D N O Un o O O Q. N O (OD Go w a 7 OV V Un Q. (h O (O h O O (V (V (V h 4i r J ~ Wk 6o b9 (H M 7 M r oc) o OD N v/ y„ LL V b9 b9 b9 69 b9 b9 b9 b9 b9 69 U) C) UL 6% 6 W r lil < LO (D 5) o a? 0 0 o O o o o r o rn W=} co o0 v (oo Lfi r- N o 0 (n o o m O J N E9 M 04 (D o o O m O N 0 aI W Q 69 (9 EA 69 69 w 69 CN 69 M V) w 69 = y U) CL a a ~0F-WW LL a R / O O O o o o o o o o o N o o O o m O O o o c) o E9 EA (A 69 O N 69 (A EA V3 E9 O oo 69 69 69 69 (D 69 69 u<3 N 69 O OEAO oO oO o (O9O oO oOO Z 6F) 6136F~ U) o o 6% V) 619- F- a W C9 cn O r O V N O d z° oo ~ ° (D ° Z LL U D w w W m Y Z O o F- a F a N F _ a W U) u) F- w ^ LLJ O m Q W U z (n Lu U) _j Q LL Y = J m J W Q S J Z = o r &'~4 > CL w Q O m p> W Ow z FQ U LL a O CL o °o o _Z j> LLj °z w° o W o w J W a W Q Q 2 J 0 F- 0 O Q o o 3 w Q oQ ° CL g Y z u) w w m o x a U F 2 z O z U N > 2 Z w z F- O O m io p Y p a p 2 0 1- F w m= w h W J Q D V p U w F Q r o> ? W > ((1) W pp O 0 3 T N Q a O 0 2 U LL u) w z ~ j W W t~i Y j O*> w 2 m U 0 J p z W 000 Q M O O z z J Q a m 0 0 a p F- O co co 2 LLJ LU z z F co x a W a W> U O F Y Q U F N F- 0 w 2 z p J W > (n O w g J F w Q Q c~c z Y O w w w w~ Z z U) F- uj -j w F- co J_ Q' Q u) O z W w 0 W M C: .J... S W Q' U LL W W U O Q W F Q W> J U) J O v~i W Q w p W w a 4u z F O W W z o a F> S Y F p o w Q w o o z o F- W 2 Z r. g z 0 Z Q H U LL L) CO F CO Z W r J W Q Q z 0L U W J J Z LL p w > Q Z Z DO a Z z oz z Z Z F` J Q J ar LLQ m0 w (n (n W H QV' a w LL W Q F- J T U F W W LL W F- w LL w Z F O z o O U Li LL H p o O (co Q U (7 U d (n (n w x F U' LL p W U z Ud z &0 W w w W W Z W W W w w LaL Y Q V Q W Z W F O_ 2 Q d' Q Z W w w Z F Z Z p Z Z F' co Z Z J O Z LPL Q w LL Q w LL O? W p Q } w 1 J? J z z J O J J Z J J 7 F (n Z W Q W F- LL J W z U a J L2 ? (n m w J W k u- m F U Q> y ? w Z CO w O w w p w w J O w w W U U i J W w w o w d w O (n F q J Q Q Q Q c7 Q Q z a Q o 4 Q a ozm P >Q Q3 z33 ¢ :w U) x LL o fa F- Q 33 _j Lu Z.) O W O= W 2 W W N C O W LL Q Q^ V O N J O (V N (V cV ^ CL N N CL R U: F- N 0 a (<'R U' (n 2 2 (n (n (n Z F~ O J F- co N N> N Z "EXHIBIT A" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fD O O m 0 C. o o o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o u o m o o rn m o m o o 0 0 0 O O o 0 O o O~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1~ o c c r- L o c m m f- o co o v o 0 0 N o 0 0 0 o co N r o m o , J m o O M co V O V m co w !r m m w m In V M IM- O a0 co D7 N In N O O O ( I~ O r-- r M of V m r N v O O m m m Lo V O (o ~ (6 N u) m c) Q m O N u) u) M m w 0 r c F m m [f m N fq u) N M Eq O m u) O Lo N M m N N Eq R fq N Eq fA N EA EA O N M Ff3 EA Eq EA fA EA fA O Eq V) V> V> V> H3 61> 61> Eq 69 EA 64 E9 EA 6-> fA (A F Eq N fA LL' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q9. fA O O V3 O I~ N O U3 EA 01 Eq Eq Eq fA FA Eq uq (q fq (q (q Eq W. (q 69 (q (A Eq uq EA o fA n o fA N W O O O v' m ("1 O } O O O M O N J O_ O O R m _M M O Q fA fq fA u3l EA rN r U D LL O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q b9 fA m o c\ N O I V T m N O_ N N EA O EA EA w fA Eq H9 EA Eq Eq uq Eq o (q (q Eq Eq 61> W, uq u). 6,) o &I 6,> EA O m N w h O} (o V m N M O (p c J m o m v 0 M 7 O V M M Eq N M t0 Q EA fA EA fq Eq (q Eq cN N (q LL O O O O O O O O O O O h c) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C. O O Q 6-f q O O O m (DO O EA O, 8fq f!3 EA Eq (q d3 fq Eq Eq Eq 6F> fq vq fq fq Eq V9 6,) E9 U), uq (q Eq Eq Z O W o O N In m L M m u) ac co a } to r N r Lo N h Lo w O m J u, M N N (q V N N N (q uq uq Eq Eq Eq Eq ec N O V N fq Q N 1A rf w u. 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Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Ordinance 686, 2nd Reading, Fiscal Year 1997-98 Operating Budget, Second Public Hearing As a result of the budget work sessions and the August 26 Council meeting, the attached Proposed Budget FY 1997-98 All Funds Summary reflects the changes to the proposed original budget as filed with the City Secretary on August 1. Highlights of this revised version include the following: Approved GENERAL FUND UTILITY FUND Personnel: One Public Safety Officer Two Equipment Operators One Building Inspector Four Maintenance Workers One Plans Examiner One GIS Analyst (previously proposed One Current Planner in General Fund) The new personnel are funded for a hire date of January 1, 1998. Reductions to total Capital Outlay are -$895,732, and the amount of borrowing through certificates of obligation in the General Fund is reduced accordingly. The Pay Plan implementation is funded for the entire fiscal year instead of at mid-year. Six positions are deleted: two Public Safety Officers, one Building Maintenance Worker for Parks, one Education/Prevention Officer, and one Detective, and one Public Safety Support Technician. As discussed at the August 26 budget work session, the budget for Utilities-Water in the Utility Fund were reviewed. For FY 1996-97 and FY 1997-98, the budget for this line item was understated by $883,000 and $400,000 for the respective fiscal years. The budget line item has been increased and included in the Summary, with a resulting change in the "number of days working capital", or fund balance shown on page 5 of Exhibit "A". Also, the FY1996-97 estimate for Maintenance-TRA has been increased by $78,900 to more accurately reflect projected costs for treatment of wastewater at the Central and Denton Creek Plants. Overall, the total FY1997-98 Operating Budget has been reduced by -$712,086 (-$1,074,326 General Fund and +$362,240 Utility Fund). A Capital Projects Budget for the FY1997-98 year, plus anticipated Capital Projects through 2002, is included as a separate component of the budget. Star-Telegram FED. I.D. NO. 22-3148254 AD ORDER NO. 11562814 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ACCOUNT NO. CIT57 IIIIISTATE OF TEXAS ty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared TAMMTE BRYANT Billing Specialist for the Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: DATE AD ORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT 8/22ME 11562814 NOTICE OF PUBLIC I358 1x 39L 39 . 79 30 . 81 NOTIHE OF PUBLICBLIC 0-8/2 2 0 8/2 2 Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the City Council of the City of -------- Southlake, will be holding a ..... _..... -. public hearing during the _ Re ular City Council meetingg to be held on September 2, 'Crt 6:00 p.m., in the ity Council Chambers of - City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue,Southlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing is to — consider the second reading _ _ of the following ordinance. ORDINANCE NO.888 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOURHLAKE TEXAS; AP- PROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97; APPROVING AND • SDOPTING THE BUDGET R THE FISCAL YEAR BE- NNING OCTOBER 197 SPTEMBER 30E1998,AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS SI jek, REPEALINC AND AFLICTI T SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS THE DAY OF REPEALING CONFLICTING2 7 t t1 hn U GU S T , 1 7 ORDINANCES• PROVIDING A \+ SAVINGS AND SEV I- ?m �1✓'�`IA�, TY CLAUSE AND DECLAR- r�P.A!•Py�4 ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. %or' .af.�i� RHONDA R. GOKE Notary Public /s/Sandra L.LeGrand, %?:' ' nb City Secretary '• ''.:� •% COMMISSION EXPIRES City of Southlake _ 4•^ :N: $shy ,`o.,4'" SEPTFMRER 2. 1999 TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS PLEASE PAY THIS ORIGINAL INVOICE AND RECONCILE WITH MONTHLY STATEMENT. THANK YOU! I---TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT---k Star-'I'elegrarii REMIT TO: , 400 W.SEVENTH ST. •FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102\ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 11562814 NUMBER C I T 5 7 DUE 30 . 81 PAGE 1 (5 IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL(817)390-7885 1111 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY SOUTHLAKE , TX 76D92-9595 THIS AMOUNT 30 . 81 PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Star-Telegram FED. I D. NO. 22-3148254 AD ORDER NO. 11717552 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ACCOUNT NO. C I T 5 7 *STATE OF TEXAS ty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared TAMMIE BRYANT Billing Specialist for the Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: I DATE AD ORDER NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT 9/19ME 11717552 ORDINANCE NO . 68 I358 1x 33L 33 . 79 26 . 07 AN ORDINNANCEE NO.F S6ITV 0 9/19-0 9/19 RANCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AP- OVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BE- 1997N GINNING TERMINATINBER G SEPTEMBER 30,1998,AND MAKFOR EACH ING PD DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES,' SAVINGSANL) SEE ERI A ABILI- TY CLAUSE; DC NG AN EFFECTIVEE DATE`AR- PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 2ND READING THIS THE 16TH DAY OF NG THE R 1997, DURING THE GIJLAR CITY COUNCIL ETING. ick Stacy,Mayor (), •.-%. TEST: Sandra L.LeGrand, 2 rj t]Z S E P TEM BER 19 9 7 St APPROVEDA TO FORM: ;WORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS THE DAY OF E.Allen Taylor,Jr., . Livet_ City Attorney _ \ r "Y Notary Public"' `.7., RHONDA R. GOKE rY ,,t �►� --' s COMMISSION EXPIRES CO',. i l:'� SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS �+ ... . PLEASE PAY THIS ORIGINAL INVOICE AND RECONCILE WITH MONTHLY STATEMENT. THANK YOU! TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT'---1, — OFFICE OF Star-'Felegrain CITY SECRETARY REMIT TO: , 400 W.SEVENTH ST. •FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102\ 11717552 ACCOUNT NUMBER C I T 5 7 AMOUNT DUE 26 . 07 PAGE 1 Oil IF ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL(817)390-7885 • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-9595 rTHISAMOUNT, 26 . 07 PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED