0610ORDINANCE NO. 610 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION AND RULES FOR ITS OPERATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the benefit of citizen participation in government; and, WHEREAS, youth are the foundation of our future; and, effective. WHEREAS, youth issues require public awareness, input, and support to be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION I. A Youth Advisory Commission is herein created to generate broad-base public awareness of and support for youth. The Commission, under the direction of the Mayor, will be advisory in nature, evaluating current issues affecting youth in Southlake and bringing them to the attention of the Council and other Boards and Commissions as necessary. The Commission shall not have responsibility or authority over public officials or employees of the City. SECTION Il. The Mayor will assign, and prioritize as necessary, projects for discussion and reporting as well as the Commission generating their own discussion projects. The Mayor and City Council will use the Commission as a formal "voice of youth" on various items concerning youth in the City. SECTION III. The Commission will serve as a vehicle to familiarize the youth of Southlake with the governance process in Municipal Government. To this end, as schedules, key elected or appointed staff of the City will educate the Commission members on different facets of municipal government and will make themselves available to answer questions from the Commission on an as needed basis. Also, the City will host a "Youth and Government Day" for Commission members at the end of each school year. SECTION IV. The Youth Advisory Commission shall consist of three (3) representatives from each grade level at each High School and Middle School in the City of Southlake. To ensure a broad spectrum of students from the community, an individual school committee (chartered by the school principal) will recommend to the Council, representatives from their school. These representatives will form a diverse group, and selection will be based upon the Committee's knowledge of the student as well as the student's willingness to serve. In addition, the Mayor shall appoint two (2) "At Large" representatives who are high school or middle school students and reside in the City of Southlake but do not attend school in the Carroll Independent School District. Each Commission member will be eligible to serve from one (1) Ordinance No. 610 Youth Advisory Commission page two to three (3) years on the Commission, depending upon an annual review by their school committee, committee. SECTION V. A Chair shall be appointed by the City Council from the membership for a one year term. The Commission shall also have a Vice-Chair and Secretary elected by its members for a one year term. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Commission and minutes thereof shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Secretary. SECTION VI. Regular meetings will be held each month of the school year. However, special meetings may be called by the Chair or the Vice-Chair of the Commission at any other time after notice has been given to the Commission. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the simple majority of the quorum shall be required for any action taken by the commission. SECTION VII. All members of the Commission are subject to removal in accordance to the City Council's current policy. In addition, the members of the Commission may be removed at any time by the City Council with or without cause. SECTION VIII. An annual report shall be presented by the Commission to inform the Mayor and City Council of the Commission's interaction, activities, and progress as related to its established purpose no later than June 30 of each year. Additional reports shall be submitted as requested by either the Mayor or the Commission. SECTION IX. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED on the Ist reading the 7 da~199fi(~ ~"~] CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 2nd reading the ~ day of ~]g/~, 1994. Ordinance No. 610 Youth Advisory Commission page three APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ATI'EST: Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 4111 STATE OF TEXAS my of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared DAWN M. RIVERA Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star—Telegram, published by the Star—Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County, Texas ; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: DATE AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT NCH LINE JUN 24 2696478 CL • 358 1X- 8ll 81. .46 3?• 26 ORDINANCE NO.610 _._. _. IIAN ORDINANCEF SOUTHLAKEE iT P . O . # 0 R D 610 IEX OF AS PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A _ _ YOUTH ADVISORY COM- ... MISSION AND RULES FOR ITS OPERATIONS PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ....... ..._.. __.. .... WHEREAS the City Council recognizes(he benefit of citi- zen participation in govern- ment•and WHEREAS, youth are the � ._.. .-.- foundation of our future;and WHEREAS,youth Issues re- ouirepublic awareness Input and support to be effective. NOW THEREFORE BE IT --- ORDAINED BY TEXAS: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SECTION I. TEXAS: A SECTION I. A Youth Advi- 4 wpm. ' L sort' Commission Is herein r-�7 77 �? created set public awarenessa broad- SUBSCRIBED 7 27-H JUNE,199 AND SWORN TO BEFORIsupportforyouth.Thecpm- D Y OF mission, under the direction Y PUBLIC n I )f the Mayor,will be advisory I.n ,.' �`/.A��. 11C ' n atU r@,evaluating CUf t rent issues affecting youth in Southlake and bringing them ( to the attention of the council and other Boards and Corn- TARRANT miss,ons as necessary. The '.. Com,Mission shall nothave re- sponsibility or authority over public officials or employees -1 nis.A,... . .__...�..- City. p1[V�1f SECT N II.The Mayor will =Q. ' �� ����A K, BtEVlNS assign,and prioritize as sec- t t•i COMMISSION EXPIRES essary, projects for discus- , then and mo reporting as wellt nas g - - SEPTEMBER 13 991 ,the Commission generating �• their own discussion proIects. 44t.. i r The Mayor and City Council will use the Commission as a formal "voice of youth" on ,various Items concerning --- ----- - TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATIC youth in the City. IWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ,•sion willll serve Thes vehicle to amllia rize the youth of South- 'lake with the governance pro- ment.nT Municipal endVeasT TO: 400 W . SEVENTH , FW, TX 76102 scheduled,key elected or ap- •pointed staff of theCitywi I I ed- ucate the Commission mem- Fort C)rt�l ta�Te�e wits on different facets of �s{ih�RG krnelt 0 -2051 municipal government and /i T/C/l 11/l/l/l/l ll/C 1C/CA lI will make themselves avail- ..._.. able to answerquestlonsfrom theCommisslononanasneed-ACCOUNT AMOUNT need- ed basis. Also, the City will (UMBER C I T 5 7 DUE 37 . 26 2696478 meritaDay"for Commission members at the end of each -- - I school year. I PASSED AND APPROVED PAGE 'TTHEHCITYYOFF COUNCIL OH- • LAKE THIS THE 21ST DAY OF JU'NE, 1994. 1 teary Fickes, Mayor of Southlake Attest:Sandra L.LeGrand, City Secretary I Approved as to form: E.Allen Taylor,Jr., i City Attorney 1111 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE - - 1 667 N CARROLL AVE IPLEASEPAY 37.26 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-9595 10, THISAMOUNT ATTN : SANDY LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED