0587 ORDINANCE NO_ ~"0177 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4 OF THE C1TY OF SOUTHLAKE, AS AMENDED, GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOR A DIFFERENT CONSIDERATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDlblG FOR ACCEPTANCE BY TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. WHEREAS, Texas Utilities Electric Company (hereinafter called "TU Electric") is engaged in the business of providing electric utility service within the City of Southlake (hereinafter called "City") and is using the public streets, alleys, grounds and rights-of-ways within the City for that purpose under the terms of Ordinance No. 4 of the City, adopted on November 12, 1956, and duly accepted by TU Electric~ and WHEREAS, TU Electric has, pursuant to said franchise ordinance, been paying to the City a sum equal to three percent (3%) of its gross revenues received from sales of electric energy by TU Electric from its residential and commercial business within the City for the rights and privileges set forth in said franchise ordinance and, in addition thereto, has reimbursed the City tbr its ratemaking expenses pursuant to Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act; and WHEREAS, the City and TU Electric desire to amend said franchise Ordinance to provide for a different consideration to consist of a sum equal to four percent (4%) of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from ils residential and commercial business within the City which different consideration includes, among other things, TU Elec~fic's obligation to reimburse the City for its ratemaking and other regulatory expenses to be incurred by the City involving the regulation of TU Electric; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS' TEXAS 0TILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 1 SECTION I_ The consideration payable by TU Electric for the rights and privileges granted to TU Electric by Ordinance No. 4 of this City adopted on November 12, 1956, and duly accepted by TU Electric is hereby changed to be ibur percent (4%) of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from its residential and commercial business within the corporate limits of the City, said changed percentage to be applied to said gross receipts beginning on June 1, 1993, and being payable as specified in said franchise ordinance and based upon the same time periods as specified in said franchise ordinance and being payment for the said rights and privileges during the period specified in said franchise ordinance, said payment being in lieu of and shall be accepted as payment for all of TU Electric's obligations to pay municipal charges, fees rentals, pole rentals, wire taxes, inspection fees, easement taxes, franchise taxes, certain regulatory expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or any similar or successor law, or other charges and taxes of every kind, except ad valorem taxes, sales and use taxes, and special taxes and assessments for public improvements. SECTIOlq 2. TU Electric shall make a one-time payment hereunder for the purpose of making the changed consideration as specified in Section 1 hereof effective on June 1, 1993, without altering the payment dates specified in Ordinance No. 4, said one-time payment being due and payable thirty (30) days after TU Electric's acceptance of this ordinance as provided in Section 6 hereof, and being a sum calculated as follows: (a) TU Electric shall determine the monthly average of its gross revenues from the sales of electric energy by TU Electric from residential and commercial business within the corporate limits of the City during the period upon which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to lune 1, 1993, was based; (b) the said monthly average of its said gross receipts shall be multiplied by 1% (0.01); and (c) the product so calculated shall be multiplied by the number of whole months from June TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 2 1, 1993, through the last day of the last month of the period for which the most recent franchise payment made to the City prior to June I, 1993, was made. SECTION 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 1 hereof, if TU Electric files general rate cases and the City incurs cumulative expenses, otherwise reimbursable by TEl Electric under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act or similar or successor law, in excess of $4 million, then in such event, TU Electric shall reimburse all of the expenses incurred by the City in connection with all general rate cases filed during the period ended fifteen (15) years from the effective date hereof in excess of said $4 million. The term "general rate case" as used in this Section means a rate case initiated by TU Electric in which it seeks to increase its rates charged to a substantial number of its customer classes in the City and elsewhere in its system and in which TU Electric's overall revenues are determined in setting such rates. City agrees to exercise reasonable best efforts, considering the facts and circumstances, to keep its expenses on average to under $1,000,000 per general rate case. SECTION 4_ Notwithstanding the provisions of Section I hereof, TU Electric will continue to reimburse the City's ralemaking expenses, if any, in connection with the appeal and any remand of Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 9300 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 ot' the Public Utility Regulatory Act, and will continue to reimburse the City's ratemaking expenses, if any, in connection with Public Utility Commission of Texas Docket No. 11735 that are otherwise reimbursable under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act to the extent that said ratemaking expenses are incurred through the entry of the last action by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (i.e., the said Commission's order overruling the last motion for rehearing) in said Docket No. 11735; the City hereby agrees that any ratemaking expenses incurred in connection with said Docket No. 11735 that the City incurs TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 3 on appeal of said order will be the City's sole responsibility and further agrees -- in the events that the City is a participant in the joint intervention of cities managed by the Steering Committee of Ttl Electric Service Area Cities intervening in Docket No. 11735, that the City decides to continue to participate with the Steering Committee in such appeal of said order, and TU Electric is required to reimburse said Steering Committee for ratemaking expenses under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act that are incurred on appeal of said order in Docket No. 11735 - - to reimburse TU Electric lhe City's share of reimbursable expenses related to said appeal and owed by TU Electric to said Steering Committee determined by the methodology chosen by the said Steering Committee (the City notify TU Electric of the method so chosen by the Steering Committee prior to the submission of an invoice by the Steering Committee for the payment by TU Electric of said reimbursable expenses related to said appeal). SECTION 5_ In all respects, except as specifically and expressly amended by this ordinance, Ordinance No. 4 shall remain in full force and effect according to its terms until said franchise ordinance terminates as provided therein. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its final passage and TU Electric's acceptance. TU Electric shall, within fifteen (15) days from the final passage of this ordinance, file its written acceptance of this ordinance with the Office of the City Secretary in substantially the following l~)rm: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Texas Utilities Electric Company (TU Electric), acting by and through the undersigned authorized officer, hereby accepts, on this the 9TU day of ~_~3_UgT , 1993, Ordinance No. 587 amending the current franchise between the City and TU Electric. TEXAS UTILITIES EL.E,CT, RIC COMPANY By: ~ ~.~-.~.,, SENI0I~VICE PRESIDEWr TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 4 SECTION 7. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. PASSED ON FIRST READING this the 4__ day of ,,,","':' T H, "-":',,, ~: :~ A FTEST a ~ '-. ." Ci~ Secrem~ PASSED ON SECOND READING this the ,1993. day of ~~- , 1993. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND I,EGAI.ITY: City Attorney TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PAGE 5 IlIELECTRIC August 9, 1993 Terry R. Griffin TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: The undersigned hereby accepts the terms of that certain franchise passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, by ordinance duly approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Secretary on August 3, 1993, same being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4 OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, AS AMENDED, GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOR A DIFFERENT CONSIDERATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE BY TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness the corporate signature of Texas Utilities Electric Company by its duly authorized officer, this the 9th day of August, 1993. TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY Original acceptance o~franchise~ of which t,h,e foregoing is a tree copy, was filed in my office on the [(v day of [fgL/Iz..~'~-~, 1993, at3 ?)C:o'clock .0 ' .m. City Secretary City of Southlake, Texas (CITY SEAL) 1506 Commerce Street Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 698-3650 Fort Worth Star-telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 STATE OF TEXAS ty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared RITA CORONA Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas ; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : TOTAL DATE 1 AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE w,,F,ONE RATE AMOUNT L�_ AUG 06 2519180 CL . 358 1X314L 314 . 43 135. 02 aug6 P . O . # ORD587 RDIANC ENO.587 —_ TFNfE R TAN E A END- SECTION 3.Notwithstanding INGOE$INyA c N 4OF_ anything to the contrary In ►( q$ pu18�{ Section I hereof,ItTU Electric LGRANEfIN( q FRANCHi5 ties general rates cases and TO TEXAS TILITIE thecityincurscumull tiveex- oenses otherwise ream rs- EECT CC C ableby I U Electrl underbu$e� FPFROVID€ FCC RS5AppNDIF-• flan 24 of the Public Utility FICKCfiPVOENCIIVIDINGIANEF- succesw. excesso r po EE pp ff EE successor r Regulatory Act in of ANCEIDBINGFO-RACCEPt- Electn,thenIn imburent,TU y EXA U Electric shallreimburseallot E R C O the expenses Incurred b the TIES ELL I C MPq riw�„�o...,.riu<,,..,.ite, iY.. FI DINGG qND eralratecasesfiledduringtbe 1 DEIERMININGTH TTH period ended fifteen (15) MEETING Ay W�{I H THIES yyears from the Iveg date 8RDINA CE IS PA SED IS hereoflnexcessofsa dS4mll-S j G N E D �� RE }(N�IR TDHEYFFFU W IC ASS lion.s The uesemd In tthneera iotne wHEREAS, reca utilities ME T IIS T 9tr( DO OF AUGUST 1993 lir I Electric. J O mea Electric in which it a seeks , �' Elec- TUUEIecte ratestschar ed NOTARY PUELIC ks thereinafter Is engagedn call �U buesCi to Increase its nubear J �` ric")Is in the bust- toa ssubstantial numbero its ),,ZL nessofprovldln9electrl utlll- customer clauses in the Its ,c ?,_=,.,/,,,,, Southlake alleys, ft called I andiwhich in It system ty service within the City of elsewhere streets, f ande in en TUes El e TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS g and overall revenues arec deter- "City rights-of-ways within teed in setting such rates. ')andlsus ngthe ubltc r� City agrees f exercisen rer- ter thatr si under the City aebe an consider- —_ Y,v�`h theber�i 4 adopted n Ncve of j Ing the facts and clrcum- .�p,..,,• �`� stances,to keep Its e�cpef�585 0 ,.a _ S0_ A. RUSSELL �� Pu onaveragetounderS1,000,uuu +' ed b Yuu55�EEleecc}trss and ppe�r ggeerr�1eerai rate case. %.t.+ � -" % COMMISSION EXPIRES WHEREAS,TUElectrichas, SECTIONlrtlir l standln L COPS Dursuantto said franchiseor- the provisions of ion y, i�:7�1 OCTOBER 27, 1993 dinance,been paYingtotheCi- hereof,TU Electric will con- NI;.•„_„..k•+- ty of sum equal to three per- tinue to reimburse the Clty's '4% �r• cent (3%) of its gross ratemaking expenses,If any revenues received fro9m ales In connection with the appe I I of electric energy by U Elec- and any remand of Public tric from its residential and Utility Commission of Texas commercial business within Docket No.9300 that are oth- theCityfortherights ndprly- @grw"lse reimbursable under lieges set forth in said LOf Sect Ion 24of the Public(rtliltyAND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT• franchise ordinance and in lRtegulatoryAct,andwillcon- addition thereto, has ream- tinue to reimburse ethe CIt 's temak ng exCpennsseety sor pppuirsuant- In tconnectionwith PubllfcUtiI- to5ection24oftMPublicUtlli- Ity Commission of Texas ty.RegulatoryAct and Docket No.11735 that are oth- REMIT TO : 400 W • SEVENTH , FW, TX 76102 WHEREAS the City and TU erwlse rembursable under Electric de 7retoamendsaid Sect Ion 24of the Public Utility Fortfranchise Ordinance to pro- Regulatory Act to the extent,� � X MCXXXEX 1.20511 vldeffooratlfferentconsldero- tha sad ratemak ng ex- hE f�T i C: 1� 1 commercialtf rt� It %)5of its oss t thTexas of ithe last aid C by 1■ra m revenues from the salts off the PublicUUtiiityCommissionl electric energy by TU E10C of Texas (I.e.,fhe said Gomg- ACCOUNT AMOUNT c trllc from Its residential and mission'sithin the last Dnerroeev(heererarulin9) NUMBER C I T 5 7 DUE 13 5 • 0 2 the Citywicbflusiness different con- City said Docket No. any siderat)on In 4l�ude among ratemaaking expenses In- otter thins, TU ELectric'S ur red in connection with said 1 obligation to reimburse the ci- Docket No.11735 that the City F ty for its ratemaking and incurs on acp2ppeeal of said roder other regulatory expenses to will be the Cltv's sole resoon- beincurredbytheLI involy- slbllityandfurthera rees-In Mgg the regulation pf (J E the events that the Sits Is a tric; NOW THER FOR participant In the inlet Inter- F_IT ORD INED Y T inter- vention of cities managed by I Y COUN IL OF THE I- the Steering Committee of TU Y OF sou HLAKE,TE Electric Service Area Cities S intervening in Docket No. SECTION 1. The 11735 that the City decides to Lion payable by TU Ieccttric TtcenietlSteeeeringpt participate for gffor the rights nedcfp it s ratemaking expenses under tllnarl�tNoV4 of rig byion24of the Public Utility III !nonce on November 12 O U ulatory Act that are in- ORIGINAL 1956 and dyly accepted byTll curved Docket No,appeal ao rei r 135 • DAL Electric Is hereby changed to in No. 11735 to r Im- be four percent (4%) of its R O burse TU Electric the C�ty's PLEASE PAY ► gross revenuesfromthesales share or reimbursable ex- 6 0 9 2—9 5 9 5 THIS AMOUNT ofelectrlcenergybyIliElec- E a d owed ti1yeTU said Electric tric from its residential and F A said Steering Committee commercial business within determined by the methodoio- the corporate limits of the Cl• flychns nbyythe3saidSt Steering tv,said changed percentage CO mmlttee`theCitynotifyTU to oe apbppli to said gross re- F lectric of the meth so cho-I 1993oelg,sand beingg on June payable as sen prior the Steering iion lof specified in said franchise or- an Invoice by the Steering PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED dinancB and based upon the Committee for the payment sametime periods as sppeedd_ by TU Electric of said reim- ti doin d bursable expenses related to- Q being payr(lent for, .laid anneal-1 -. dur ,ng period spetifl n except as dedbyy o q shall said franchise ordinance, resslva tandeffect said payment being In lieu o Hance,Ordinance s until and shall be aCopled as pa remain In full for term m obligation*allTof TU Electrico pay sl ccdrsaid s, rental*, pole gn4gchlpse tO tordldt elaan. ordinance �«ttallss, wireea taxes, are,inaspec sh to en, sb rV sf ggeme ed TU latocYYhissx�eetteannxxSeees,ucerrteriSnerction I TEefelefrlc sl acewlfhln flfteen 24ofthePublicUtilltyRegula- Electricys from the fci�n fllelis cesso law,r or o he charges sa l d minor a•�an fthlsthe iii and taxes of every kind,ex- cept ad valorem taxes sales din retary In substantial and use taxes and special tax- Clty�IIONIn9 for ayor and Ss and assessments for public iv the ffonoranleM m�CTION 2.VI Electricshall T ow Utilities Electricctingb I hereund one-time a purpose Texas TU of tlae4e.herectrIc gned y ac makingthe ngedconsider. author zedoff cer'hereby of ac atlon as cpwr fed I Serf hereof effective onBJuntee Y1, �eptsbrdlnanceNo amend ment dattes spaeltcefieed Ineurdl- 11 93 it��yy'ofTE l rl nance No. 4 said one-time tween ttleu-I ILITI y Payment be1ng due and Pay: TEXAC-RIC COMPO'N Eble thirty(30)days after Tu EbLE lectric's acceptance of this TeaxS Ut I ranchi�tserAn'end ordinancem oae as provided In Sseec rr� p sec- tion ccuuletetric hafia follnd ow: (a)TU SECTION 7.It Is hereby Ott I the monthly averaage of Its gross clalq f�ndting at which_tho revenues from me salts of thattf+emee assedIsoPe electric energy by TO�Elec- ordinuannlce a required bv lthe aw imerclalbussinesss residential _the and that pubend notice pu�� corporate limits of the City Tune, pllceg Nas glv�as re during the period upon which Bald ED themost recent franchl pa ulrse5d pNp PPROV pF rnent June 1if 1993,was the based;pr (b) gY THE GITY HCLAKE t4hes sold monthly onss hellyelaaverrpts agell b�e THES •YjEgq D DAY OF (c)the calculated ated Gary FIcc so thlake shall be multipliedh by the Mayor of Sou number uu ebl ofw olemonths hst of Attest: Le rend through Sandra Letary drrloy of dfforrwwhlast ich thenth most recent Irrov K a 11 term', franchise payment made to yirttorne - the City prior to June 1,1993,, was made. 1 S 1111