0555 ORDINANCE NO. 555 ;tN ORDINANCE APPROVING PROPOSED CHANGES IN RATES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS FOR TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFORE; PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATESA~DSERVICE REGULATIONS MAY BE CHAI~GED, MODIFIED, AMENDED, OR WITHDRAWN; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE WAS PASSED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act (Article 1446c, Vernon's Annotated civil Statutes), and its City Charter, the City of Southlake currently exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over electric utility rates, operations, and services; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 1991, Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. filed an Application For Authority to Change Rates and Statement of Intent with the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, Tri-County Electric, contemporaneously with its filing with the city, filed an Application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas to approve the implementation of rate changes contained in its Application For Authority to Change Rates and Statement of Intent; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake has reviewed the rate request filed with the City and finds that said rates are just and reasonable; and slake\t r icount¥.alt (31892) WHEREAS, the city Council of the City of Southlake, after having thoroughly considered the matter, is of the opinion that the best interests of the City and the citizens will be served by the approval of the proposed rate changes and service regulation changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The City of Southlake hereby approves implementation of and authorizes Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. to charge, within the corporate limits of the City, the rates allowed and approved by the Public Utility Commission in Docket No. ; with the effective date of the new rates to be contemporaneous with the effective date of those changes allowed by the Public Utility Commission. Said approved rates shall be effective until same may be changed, modified, amended, or withdrawn by the approval of the city Council of the city of Southlake. SECTION 2 Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying in any manner the right and power of the city Council of the City of Southlake, under state law or City Charter, to regulate the rates, operations, and services of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. SECTION 3 It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by law. slake\t r icounty.alt (31892) -2- SECTION 4 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the city Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. · vi [ / . ~ ......... .~- ~ / PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS 17TH DAY OF MARCH, ...'~... '...<. % ..- ,~. ... ~ '.. .~ ~ :_~-:. -. :7:. CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: slake\tri county.at t (31892) -4- Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT*** TuE STATE OF TEXAS unty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared KELLEY ALLARD Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT DEC 06 6795803 CL . 358 1X54 L 54 . 38 20. 52 Dec 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby9g1,.en toall Interestedpersons mil the CF .,..._..,.,___...__._...._._.,___.___________._.____ tv Counci l of the City r f South- lake Texas,will het iidin Rub(Ic ht., In., �'.,r.ng the a e R egu Iar CiI (.,,unc,'mooting tobe held on Dumber 17, ____......_......_.._,.....,.._., ..__. _..»__._...__.____.__._........_____.. 1991,at 7:00 p.m.,Southiake City Hall 667 North Carroll Avenue,Southiake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing Is to consider the second readingof _._..._.,....___.....__.._.............._...__..... �___.__ the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.555 /, i_'/ if AN ORDINANCE AP- �""'----- PROVING PROPOSED AND SBRV CE REGU SIGNED CATIONS I=OR TRI- R, RI COUNTY ELECTRIC TO BEFORE PtE, THI' HE 9TH DAY OF DEC1991 COOPERATIVE INC. NOTARY PUBLIC J AND PROVIDIt3G AN EFFECTIVE DATE �4`/ THEREFORE; PRO- ,......-..--.•..., ,��,y..,r... \ _... U D ER CONDITIONS vw TES UNDER WHICH SUCH 4y�.J_�;�ry REGULA70NSRMAY �s�a; it 1,^�' V SPENCrER TARRANT COLNTY, TEXAS BE CHANGED, MOD I- - ' - '' 410, 1-►— N�' -- FIED AMENDED OR .. �r� �,6 cc ..__.._._ � ~ WITHDRAWN• FIND- ING d,? t vddy OMM�SStONE AND DETERMIN- ING �� .o' 1995 AT WHICH MEET- S #1i -�l'�.}_ ...-..IAN..URRY 28, .. __._._._.._ ......._,_.,_.__......._________.__.__._.____..__..____................._.....e ORDINANCE WAS + "'ts<ot;. THE PUBLICOAS RE- U I R ED BYLAW;PRO- INCBE _ _ ._...._ ____ __ ___ _ _ . . _ ._ DANE SHALL CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDINGASEVERABIL- D FECTIV IDA AENAEF- FECTIVE DArE. 3 THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ----A. City of Southlake Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary - REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH , FW, TX 76102 Fort Worth star.Tekgram yyy XXyXXXmwo,4 'P'�7.'��YX570734'xF�7RT WORTH,"f�XAS 76,9� 6795803 ACCOUNT CIT57 AMOUNT 20. 52 NUMBER DUE 4 ]� 1 PAGE OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY 20. 52 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT ,' ATTN : SANDY LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star.'lblegram ***I OICE/AFFIDAVIT***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT*** 400 W SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH.TEXAS 76102 STATE OF TEXAS anty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared KELLEY ALLARD Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas ; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT INCH/LiNE NOV 22 .6789428 CL . 358 1X53 L 53 . 38 20 . 14 Nov 22 PUBOTICEARING _...__..._._-.......".._..._..._.___________________._ NOTICE is hereby given fo all 1yCouncilofrsonst ofSoeCi- ty Council of the City of Soufh- lake Texas,will be holdinga public hearyring during the to be held an December 3 1 t9919 N. p/No Southlake Cle- Hall,667�Norih Carroll Ave- nue,Southlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing is to ... ,_.._........ ..____.__..__._.___.__.". consider the second readingof the following ordinance: CITYOF .._.............._"_.__.._.._......_._._."".__.__._-.SOUTHLTY TEXAS ...-._...... ,._..._........ .,-._._..... .r_..,........ _..".......... ....._.._.... htOr4_ _........ ORDINANCE NO.555 AN ORDINANCE ELECTING TO HAVE SIGNED Y 1 B S(R 1 COMMKSION UTILITY NOVEMBER, 1991 -._-_____._ AS EXERCISEEXCLU- TO BEFORE ME , THIS THE 22N]DAY OF DICTIOIGOVER RIS- NOTARY PUBLIC DICTION OVER TRI -- ELECTRIC UTILITY RATES, OP- N,AL-1* — COUNTY V CETSOWITHIIN THE EXISTING AND FU- TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS TURE ��4� INCORPORAT- ED LIMITSITSOOF THIS IS MUNICIPALITY PRO- VIDING FOR AN EF- FECTIVE DATE, PRO- VIDING FOR NOTICE ,.....__._________.__"_-.-.. .p�<.:�. "`.:�� EXpiREC",.. OF THIS ORDINANCE %,.! -..:.��QMMI •ST6� _1995 TOTHE PUBLIC UTILI- TY COMMISSION OF TEXAS FINDING AND ,- �!i�'.�\Al IANUARY 28, DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT 4f,,P1. WHICH THIS ORDI- �,avo+` NANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. G THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -- City of Southlake — Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH , FW , TX 76102 Fbrt Worth StarTe1egram REMIT iU: 0. 'P.II'g09/7079Q99RT WORI/i,'TEXAS 76197 6789428 ACCOUNT CIT57 AMOUNT 20 . 14 NUMBER DUE -1 1 v, ,,.r,. PAGE OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY 20.14 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDY PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED ***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT*** Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 STATE OF TEXAS Jnty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared KELLEY ALLARD Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas ; and who, after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT ._ _—__. __—_— _.___— INCH/LINE MAR 20' 6841604 ,CL . 358 1X47 L 47 . 40 18 . 80 Mar 20 1358 Legal Notices CITY OFT XA SOUTHLAKE, ORDINANCE NO.555 AN ORDINANCE AP- PROVING PROPOSED CHANGES IN RATES AND SERVICE REGU- LATIONS FOR TRI- COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFORE; PRO- VIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS MAY BE CHANGED, MODI" S I G N E II v J B SMC� W TDl(DR W EPINDo R N T O BEFORE ME, T �_ H E 20Th Y "0-F V C H, 1992 ING AND DEERMIN- NOTARY PUBLI ING THAT THE MEET- ING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE WAS �P THE PUBLIC OPEN TO ^\ l QQUIREDBYAw"PRo- TARRANT COL NTY, TEXAS RE- IDINGTHATTHISOR- ___. I -. --.�-✓�"- � ti- DINANCE SHALL BE ORDINANCES OF --Pnv Fk;;',, "ATI �I J. SPENCER VIDZAANsEV�RM - 4 y0:' M PE ITY CLAUSE; ANDf, PROVIDING AN EF- � � � Dr-,,�+L}'f'�1'4p�� r `. FECTIVE DATE. �N'•_/� } ' `�UYi Y r 1JJJ PASSED AND APPROVED �'yr `� R L C� INSECONDREADINGTHIS sic av THE 17th Day of MARCH, 1992. Gary , daofSou thlake rSanL.LeGrand, City Secretaryy I THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT E.AAIIen Tayloo form: City Attorney REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH , FW , TX 76102 brtprt WhStar-TelegramA_:0:,',�,: ACCOUNT NUMBER C I T 5 7 AMOUNT 18 . 80 �, DUE M1 >w PAGE OF 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N C A R R O L L A V E PLEASE PAY 18 . 80 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT ► ATTN : SANDY LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED tbrt Worth starTelegram ***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT***INVOICE/AFFIDAVIT*** 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 T. STATE OF TEXAS inty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared KATHY SPENCER Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT MAR 06 6835290 CL. 358 1X46 L 46 . 40 18 .40 mar 6 NOTICE OF InPUBLIC HEARINGR $ terestte E idsoerso s tha tthoe�CI- lake Tehhxeaas,will be Folding a Regularhegi ouncil ing t�nhge tope heldon March 17 1992,at 7:cPp.m. SouthlakeChyHMI, 66 Nor/h Carroll Avenue, $outhlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing Is to consid��eppr�ytthe second readingof the ORIDINeNNNCE NOp.S5•555� 1 ING PROPOSED CHANGE- , CT-:::: \ D``HANG S IN RATES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS FORT 1- CQUNTYELE RICO P- SIGNED ERATNNI E IN .AN OE- JBS RIBED DATE.HEREFOpRE-PRO BEFORE ME, THIS THE 9TH DAAi OF MARCH 1992 VIDING CONDITIONS UN- / DER WHICH SUCH RATES NOTARY PUBLIC AND SERVICE REG LA- TIONSMAY BE CHANGED. C�%� MODIFIED ENDE D OR WITHDkAWN• FIND= TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS ING AND DETERMININGTHAT THE MEETING AT r WHICH THIS ORDINANCE `aYgivv.umt P" PASSED WAS r0 r4-,,� F+;2 A. FUSSEII QUSREBY LAW PROVEN _ 0 7�� i'.J ;�{5•JiG,! E�.PIRES TO THE PUBLIC AS RE- I G THAT THIS ORDI , NANCE SHALL E i� 1 vt UCIG�3�R L�, i99 CUMULATIVE OF ALL R- iy 45 DINANCES PROVIDINGA ,lh�„1v SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EF- A FECTIyyE DATE. City of Southl ke 0' Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary -TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT REMIT TO: 400 W. SEVENTH, FW, TX 76102 PE u?:T TC. :. AR x 1 t1Q1 205, Fbrt Worth ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6835290 NUMBER CIT57 DUE 18 . 40 PAGE -OF 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY 18 .40 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT1 ATTN: MARY LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED