0421CITY OF SOUTHLAY~E, TEX~S ORDINANCE NO. f~/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 334, THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING OP~DINANCE, BY AF~ENDING SECTION 14.] WITH ]~ESPECT TO THE PROCEDURES ~D REQUIREMENTS FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED UPON EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE W/qEtLEAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City"), finds that all legal reqllirements relative to public notice and public hearings have been complied with and that the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended that the City Council consider and approve an amendment to ordinance No. 334 as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORJE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: Section 1. That Section 14.1(e) the City's basic Comprehensive Zoning amended to read as follows: CITY COUNCIL OF THE of Ordinance No. 334, ordinance, is hereby "(e) If a proposed change to a regulation or boundary is protested in accordance with this subsection, the proposed change must receive, in order to take effect, the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all members of the City Council. The protest must be written, signed and acknowledged by the o%~ers of at least 20 percent of either: 1. the area of the lots or land covered by the proposed change; or 2. the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining the area covered by the proposed change and extending 200 feet from that area. In computing the percentage of land area under this subsection (e), the area of streets and alleys shall be included." 1.' t / 't C t C Q -Z- \�\\\\\\11 �'11111111////%%I/, `, * • ///.te'' A sexay 'axetunno3 _''4l, i. 4 o AlT3 'Aae1aaoaS A .t . 7 ' A ' s " ....P7 VI 1 sexay 'axe Tq4 o _ ,0,6 ,4T1 ' so 1,•Int .�-.,_ . .r ' ' _. I •rig► - :- ' 8861 /'�� 3° ARP d s r4 0 Iav : c 63 au NO a3AO2iddYi 4 • daSS•d ' 8861 ' r ' "Ar 30 Lep _y st114 JNIavau LS' I3 au NO aaAOadd'i 1 „ aass a • abessed sot aa13e •ue woa3 4oa33a pue ao1o3 Ting ut aq 'legs aoueutpao stay • 5 uoT4oas • san000 uot4etotn e qot M uo ao butane Aep goea uodn pa44twwoo pawaap aq ttegs asua33o •:leaedas a pue 'asua33o goes ao3 (00 . 000 ' Z$) saeTToa puesnogy omy paaoxa o. 4ou ams a ut aut3 a 04 4oeCgns aq 'tells 3oaaagp ioT4oTAuoo uodn pue aoueawapstw e 30 A.ttnb pauiaap aq 'Teas aou-utpao Sitq. 30 suotsTAoad aq4 3o etue but.etotn uosaad Aub : uoT4oaS • ,oa33a pue eoso3 II"; 't utewaa 'Teas suot4aod bututewaa goTgM 'A4tpcTeAut eons aDtdsa• aoueutpao eq4 3o suotlsod bututewaa Bons passed anew ptnoM 4t -aaetoap Agaaaq jtounoO A.tO eq4 pue :aoueutpao stg4 3o suot• aod bututewaa aqp 30 A4Tpt'en eq4 4oa33e 4ou ttegs butptoq qon- 'uotlotpsTanc 4uaiaduioo 3o 4anoO e Aq teuoT4n4T4suooun ao pttenut ptaq sT saoue4sumoaTo ao uosaad Aue o. 3oaaa 4 uoTpeottdde ao 'aoueutpao stg4 uT paoM ao aseagd 'as e'o 'aoua4uas 'gdeabeaed 'a13T4ae 'uot40as Aue 31 • uotcoaS ., •paatnbaa aq TTegs T . ounoO A4T3 aq; 3o saagwaw aql TTe 3o sgl.ano3 aaag4 lseat 4e 3o a40A ant;euiat33e ue 'pat ap aq Aaepunoq ao uot.e'nbaa e o4 abuego pa-odoad R 4eg4 uotssTwwoO 6utuoZ pue 6utuueid :q4 30 uoT4epuawwooaa a atnaaano 4 iapao uI (3 ) . : BEE • oN aoueutp1O 30 t ' Yt u• t40aS o4 pappe aq Ttegs ( 3) uoTwasgns 6uTmotto3 eq4 legy ' Z uoT4oa3 rtiactzo —£— sexay 'aXeju.nos Jo A4J3 'Aauioqw Akio :WHOA OI SY aaAOHddY I Egg/ j El APR 181988 THE STATE OF TEXAS OFFICE OF County of Tarrant CITY SECRETARY Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Carolyn Spencer Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: ORDINANCE NO.421 April 8 , 1988 AN ORDINANCE OF THE C- TYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXA AMENDING ORDINANC am & pm PREHE'NS VE ZONING OR OR- DINANCE, 4 1 AMENDING RE- SPECT TO THE PRE- CEDURES AND REQUIRE- MENTS FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZON- ING ORDINANCE.PROVID- INGA PENALTY I4OTTO EX- CEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND�s DOLLARS Signed , a.,i FE�I�SEIND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE D• UPON EACH COMMITTEDD Y UI 1988 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS; PROVIDING A - + SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Notary PUb1iC AND DECLARING AN,AJ EMERGENCY DATE. Section 4.Any person violating r Texas. any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon 06r ryee DEBRIS t+f O ,iiS conviction thereof shall be sub- p.���' NO!2ry PubltC lecttoa fine ina sum not toex- j� r c ! ($2 000.00) Thousandceed Two o offense; 1*i �'r it STATE E OF TEXAS and a separate offense shall be t deemed committed upon each '�,'.>`,',.. dayduringwhichaviolatlonoc- 'ir , Comm.Ex .Oct.2",1391 '. Niy p curs. - be nl Section ll force and.This inefffect shall from PASSED IANDs sAPPR ON THE SECOND READING this the 5th day of April,1988. /s/Johnny H.Westerholm Mayor of Southlake /s/Sandra L.LeeGGra d Cit Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/John.f.Boyle,Jr. t/tIty Attorney tort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 FED. I.D.NO.22-2573893 DATE DESCRIPTION I AD SIZE TOTAL I INCH/LINE I RATE AMOUNT APR 08 6113176 Apr . 8 AM & PM CL . 008 1X52 L 52 2 . 40 124 . 80 01 AFFIDAVITS 8 . 00 1,32 . 80 ORDINANCE NO.421 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- TY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE' NO. 334, THE CITY'S COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING OR- DINANCE, BY AMENDING SECTION 14.1 WITH RE- SPECT TO THE PRE- CEDURES ANDOREQUI AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZON- ING ORDINANCE,.PROVID- INGA PENALTY tOTTOEX- CEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ************************4 FEN00SEOANFOR ASEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE * DEEMED COMMITTED * RECONCILE ALL INVOICE! UPON EACH DAY DURING ORONWHICHAVIDING A OCCURS; PROVIDING A * MONTHLY STATEMENT . ANDERDECLARINGAUAN E. * CALL 390-7501 WITH DIE or- Section Any person violating any of the provisions of this or- * dinance shall be deemed guilty ************************A of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be sub: /1/i1/.::: lect to a fine In a sum not to exi ceed Two Thousand Dollars 'I (S2 000.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each �r/f dayduringwhich a violationoc- ��y,�°51�Tj``� curs. Section 5.This ordinance shall ?d - _ be In full force and effect from " + i4 r° ,, ° and after Its passasge. '1)14i PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE SECOND READING this the Sth day of AAppril,1968. i,• p 7 .,10cm /s/Johnny H.Wes141.1gm , A.P;. ..+ + Mayor of Southlake0\ ATTEST: /s/Sandra L.LeGrand ,.r-•, City Secretary ,^r t..t, ,-� APPROVED n TO FORM: VV /s/John BAttoir .er. Ty SECRE'TAR CURRENT CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD I ACCOUNT NUMBER ON RECPT 11 I : IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. A.--- TEAR ALONG THLSPERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ADVERTISING STATEMENT Fort Worth Star-Telegram REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 99074 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76199 6113176 ACCOUNT T PAYMENT ON RECPT NUMBER DUE DATE I PAGE OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 PLEASE PAY bid 811 ATTN : SANDRA L . LEGRAND THIS AMOUNT PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED r ,. i 77:1,7?I # THE STATE OF TEXAS Qls:• : :,;, . - County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Carolyn Spencer Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: March 18 , 1988 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED ppeer- am & pm sons that the City Council of the Cityof Southlake Texas,will be holding a public hearing at the regular City Council Meeting to be held on April 5,1988 at 7 30 P.M.,in theCltyCouncii Cham- bers of City Hal I,667 North Car- roll Avenue,Southlake,Texas. Purpose of thehearing is tocon- sider the 2nd reading of the fol- C� lowing ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.421 Signed L AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- TYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the18t PREHENSVE ZONING OR-1988 DINANCE, BY AMENDING SECTION 14.1 WITH RE- SPELT TO THE PROCE- NOtary Public - , DURES AND REQUIRE- MENTS FOR AN t - - - - - - _ _ AMENDMENT TOTHEZON- Texas. ING ORDINANCE,PROVID- ,*01*R��."'^'-Ne� DEBRA MORRIS INGA PENALTY I�OTTOEX- CEED THE SUM OF TWO ' J,� Notary Public THOUSAND DOLLARS #f J (52,000.00) FOR EACH OF-j 11 FENSE AND A SEPARATE �� �j�( STATE OF TEXAS 1 OFFENSE SHALL BE t �� •6�� DEEMED COMMITTED '""ww.F,. My Comm.Exp.Oct.23,1991 OR ON WHICH A VIOLAH DAY TIONG N r OCCURS; PROVIDING A ' - SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE /s/Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 FED. I.D.NO.22-2573893 DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE I INCH/A NE L I RATE AMOUNT MAR 18 '6101904 Mar . 18 AM & PM CL . 008 1X44 L 44 I 2 . 40 105 . 60 01 AFFIDAVITS 8 . 00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC 113 . 60 ARNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED per- sons that the City Council of the City ofSouthlake Texas,wlllbe holding a public hearing at the regular City Cpouncil Meeting to P.M.be ntheCltYCd on Aril oun 191 Chamo rroollAvenue Souf Clty thlake,667 Texasth r Purposeoffhehearinglstocon- skier the e 2nddaea ingof the fol- lowing ORDINANCE NO.421 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- TYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXAS *************************a AMENDING ORDINANCE`, NO. 334, THE CITY'S COM- * PREHENSIVE ZONING OR- DINANCE, BY AMENDING RE- * SE RECONCILE ALL INVOICES SPECTOTO T1HEiTH PROCE- DURES AND REQUIR •E * MONTHLY STATEMENT . oR AN ENDMENTTOTHEZON- * CALL 390-7501 WITH D I F F E INGAPENALTYEffIOTRTOEIX- * CEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ************************** FE SE AND A EPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED DU OUPON EAH R ON WH ICH A V IOLAT IION SEV ; LRITOY PROVIDING AND DECLARING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ' '')\-V-14 L.Leran y+ s/SandClty Secretary J IjUU ---- .r4u\ OFP E OF CITY SCTY CURRENT CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD ACCOUNT NUMBE• ON RECPT 3/18 - 3/18 CIT57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O. BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. *---TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -----A ADVERTISING STATEMENT Fort Worth Star-Telegram .... REMIT TO: illo P.O. BOX 99074 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7619S 6101904 ACCOUNT C I T 5 7 PAYMENT ON RECPT NUMBER DUE DATE 1 PAGE OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL \IPLEASEPAY 113 • 60 OUTHLAKE TX 76092 OHIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA L . LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED