0417 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORD I NANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AMJEND I NG ORDINANCE NO. 334, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 5.18 PERTAINING TO TEMPOIIARY LIMITED TIME PERMITS FOR THE SALE OF SEASONAL ITEMS; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE OF NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) AND EACH DAY ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENS; PROVIDING A SEVER3IB I L ITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas has determined that the sale of certain seasonal items on property that is not zoned to permit or allow such sales could be considered on a temporary limited time basis due to the temporary and seasonal nature of the use; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and other individuals have conducted a study of such matters; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and with The provisions of Ordinance No. 334, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"), have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise and have held due hearings and afforded a full and fair hearing to the persons interested and situtated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and WHEREAS, after public hearings were conducted in compliance with State law, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended certain amendments, additions and changes to the Zoning Ordinance: and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the Zoning Ordinance should be amended to provide for the issuance of permits for the sale of seasonal items on property not permanently zoned to allow such sales; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the procedures, rules and regulations relating to the issuance of such temporary limited time permits shall be established pursuant to Ordinance~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 334, Zoning Ordinance of the City, is hereby amended by adding a new Section 5.18 which shall read as follows: "SECTION 5.18 Temporary Limited Time Permits for the Sale of Seasonal Items. In order to allow for the sale of certain seasonal items on property not permanently zoned to permit or allow such sales, the City Manager or the City Manager's designated representative, shall issue temporary limited time permits in accordance with and pursuant to procedures, rules and regulations established by the City Council by Ordinance. -2- Temporary limited time permits shall be issued only with respect to property permanently zoned within one of the following Districts: "AG" Agricultural District "CS" Community Service District "RI" Retail One District "R2" Retail Two District "I-l" Industrial One District "I-2" Industrial Two District" SECTION 2. Severability If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto to any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Any person Ordinance shall conviction thereof Violation; Penalty. violating any of be deemed guilty of shall be fined the provisions of this a misdemeanor and upon a sum not to exceed two -3- L 1 10 6 10 eXPITI4n0S ;o A4tO 'dauao1.4y A4tO 74.7-0/ xyrnr* D?(7 * ... :1010 os SI/ QaAoxaav .T: alitlipnos ;o A4t3 'daeq.aaoas Aft joif (714477X 'IIUIUII IIIc :ZSSSSV e tuq.no .o A;t., ', •AeW rt /MO __7 (11,21-- Ili 8861 ' 7Vao AVG 9 l SHL S I HZ NO SVXmS 's?IK'IHZIlOS 3O AIM 0 SHS 3O 'IIONflOO XLIO SHS As SNIQval' QNOOSS NO QSAOHddV / Q2SSYd ' 8861 / 30 AVG 2'' 3HS S I HS NO SKXSZ HX IHSflOS 3O AIM 0 SHS JO 'IIONlloo ALIO aHS AS ONIQval' IS2II3 NO astiouddY (INV QSssYd ,Mei Aq peatnbei se uot.eotjgnd pue abessed sot aa4;e pue woa; _oa;;e pue aoao; Ting ut aq pue anT4oa;;e awooaq Haus aoueutpiO stay •84Ea ant.oa;;a • , NOIZOaS • senutpuoo ao san000 uot4etotn a uotuM uo ao butanp Aep uoee uodn pa44twwoo peweep aq IIegs esus;;o a4eaedas a pue (00 . 00Z$) saetjop paapunq • ffff THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Carolyn Spencer Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: February 26 , 1988 ORDINANCE NO.417 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- rYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE am & pm lO.334 THE ZONING OR D I- VANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS BY %DOING A NEW SECTION 18 PERTAINING TO TEM- 'ORARY LIMITED TIME 'ERMITS FOR THE SALE OF INPLYSFOi PROVID- ING AENAT O FINENOT TOEXCEED TWO HUN- AND EACH DAY ON(S200.00) HIIC HA BEEDSRSigned DEMA EPAATE OFFENSE; .-- PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the2 9 t1LICATio ANID AN EFFEC ry 1988 TAIVE DATE. ection 3.Violation;Penalty. _ Notary Publicny person violating any ofthe, rovlsions of this Ordinance Ley; shall be deemed guilty ofamis- Texas. demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not Debra Mar oexceedTwo HundredDollars 5200.00) and a separate of- se shall be deemed commit- m y C o mm i s-whim upon each day during or on 1 0-2 3-9 a violationoccursor con- tinues. Section 4.Effective Date. rhl s ordi nance sha l l become ef- fective and be In full force and affect from and after its pas- sage and publication as re- quired by law. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRSTREADINGONTHE id 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, y 1988. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE SECOND READING ON THE 16TH DAY OF FEB- RUARY,1988. /s/Johnny H.Wesferholm Mayor ATTEST: /s/Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/John F.Boyle,Jr. I City Attorney I tort Worth 5tar4elegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 FED. I.D.NO.22-2573893 DATE I DESCRIPTION AD SIZE I TOTAL INCH/LINE I RATE I AMOUNT FEB 26 6091048 Feb . 26 AM & PM CL . 008 1X57 L 57 2 . 40 j 136 . 80 01 AFFIDAVITS 8 . 00 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- 144 . 80 TYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE' NO.334_ THE ZONING ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS BY ADDING A tNEW SECTION 5.18 PERTAINING TO TEM- PORARY LIMITED TIME PERMITS FOR THE SALEOF SEASONAL ITEMS;PROVID- ING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWOHUN• AND EACH DAY ON WHICHOA VIOLATION OCCURS SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUB- . ************'LICATION AND ANEFFEC• K' ******** TIVE DATE. * Section 3.Violation;Penalty. * Any person vlolatIng any of the * RECONCILE phrobieode mfe dthgius ilOrodfianmces- JJITH * * demeanor and upon conviction MONTHI thereof shall be fined a sum not * toexceedTwoHundredDollars * CALL 390-7.fesn2oo.ohallbedee eedacoommof-E ENCES * ted upon each day during or on I * which a violation occurs or con- ************:tinues. * ******** Section 4.Effective Date. This ordinance shall become ef- fective and be In full force and effect from and after Its pas- G,� S , r} pas- sage andy publication as re- {i In sae ny law. �!' PASSED AND APPROVED �L �,'`v;;. y: ON FIRSTREADINGON THE i:.• 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1 1988. t a R PASSED AND APPROVED p ON THE SECOND READING lfIf I\ R�' 8 ON THE 16TH DAY OF FEB- RUARY,1988. /s/Johnny H.Westerholm ATTEST: OFFICE OF /s/Sandra L.LeGrand CIi Y &.L flLT 7I T Y City Secretary 1 1 1[�r- /jj',,']r APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/John F.Boyle,Jr. City Attorney .. �/ t i. JiJ"Nh1 CURRENT CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD !ACCOUNT NUMBER ON RECPT 2/26 — 2/26 CIT57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. A--- TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ----.L ADVERTISING STATEMENT Fort WorthREMIT TO P OJBOX 99074 • FORT WORTH i EXAS 7619 ACCOUNT C I T 5 7 PAYMENT ON RECPT NUMBER DUE DATE PAGE 1OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY 144 . 80 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA L . LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED tort Worth Star=!elegram ., 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 FED. I.D. NO.22-2573893 DATE I DESCRIPTION I AD SIZE I INCH/LINEAL T RATE ( AMC'i'.NT FEB 05 ,6080172 Feb . 5 AM & PM CL . 008 1X40 L 40 2 . 40 96 . 00 01 AFFIDAVITS 8 . 00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC IORARY LIMITED TIME 104 . 00 HEARING PERMITS FOR THE SALE OF NOTICE Is hereby givne to all SEASONAL ITEMS•PROVID- InterestedppeersonsthattheClty INGAPENALTYO(FlNEOF Council of the City of Southlake NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUN- Texas,is holding a public hear= DRED DOLLARS ($200.00 Ingon February 16,1988,at7:30 AND EACH DAY ONWHICHA pp.�m.,IntheCityCouncllCham- VIOLATION OCCURS SHALL bersofCityHail 667NorthCar- BE DEEMED A SEPARATE rpllAvenue Southlake,Texas. OFFENSE; PROVIDING A Purposeoffhehearinglstocon- SEVER ABILITY CLAUSE; sider the 2ndreadingon the fol- AND PROVIDING ION DID AF R PUB- lowIng ordlnance.This Is a pub- Ilchearing. TIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO.417 City of Southlake AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- /s/Sandra L.LeGrand TYOFSOUTHLAKE TEXAS City Secretary AMENDING ORDINANCE` NO.334,OF THE ZONINGOR- SDOUTHLAKE THE OF ********** ************ADDING A I4EW SECYION * 5.18 PERTAINING TO TEM-I * * RECONCILE ALL INVOICES UITH * //i:\ * MONTHLY STATEMENT . * V./ * CALL 390-7501 WITH DIFFERENCES • * i * A, , ************************** ******** \. CITY Ct' S ,uT.:L:. _ 1 );;\i vat+ 1`,tr Office Of City sec,cC �f) (A CURRENT CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD ACCOUNT NUMBER ON RECPT 2/05 — 2/05 CIT57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT.PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. ♦----TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT —a ADVERTISING STATEMENT FortWorth REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 99074 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS ACCOUNT CIT57 PAYMENT ON RECPT NUMBER DUE DATE PAGE 1OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY 104 . 00 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT '' ATTN : SANDRA L . LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED