0346ORDINANCE NO. 346 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TEE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 1985 EDITION, TO PROVIDE MINIMUM ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF SCUTHLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, PROVIDING PENALITIES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: That it is deemed expedient and for the benefit of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, that the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition, be adopted as the Administrative Code of the City of Southlake, Texas as follows: SECTION (1): ADOPTION OF UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1985 EDITION There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of ~outhlake, Texas for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations overning the administrative codes, that certain dangerous building code known as the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition, and being the whole thereof, save and accept any such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended of which not less than two (2~ copies have been and are now filed in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Scuthlake, Texas, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from and after the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and all amendments to the Uniform Administrative Code, save and accept those specifically excluded by action of the governing body of the City of Southlake, Texas· SECTION (2): PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Chapter 3, "Permits and Inspections", including the Administrative Permit and Inspection Fees provided therein is specifically adopted as a part of the Uniform Administrative Code of the City of Southlake, Texas except as modified, amended or repealed subsequent to the effective da~e of this ordinance. •pa4dopp Aga.Iau SZP q;TMaaag4 pa4pToossp ' sea; pup SuoT.oadsuT ' svtuiaad buTpapbaa 'S861 19P00 eAT;Pa.sTuTutpV UIIoJTun eq4 Jo SuoT4aod ITV SNOIy03aSNI (INV 5333 'SaIw2I3a : ( z) NOIy0as •spxay 'eXPTq;nos Jo &;TO aq; go Apoq buTuaanob aq4 go uoT4oP Aq papnToxa &TTP0T3Toads esoq; ;deoop pup anus 'apo0 anT4Pa4STUTwPV uiao;tun aq4 04 S4uampuauIP TTP pup ' spxay 'axPIfl' °s go A4T3 aqf Jo S�TUITT aTeaodaoo aq4 uTg4TM aq; uT buTTToa 4uoo aq TTPgs 3oa.1ag4 SuoTSTAoad aq4 '4oa;;a a3fp4 TTPgs aoupuTpao sT1.14 goTgM uo a;pp aq4 aa43p pup uioa3 puP 'uTaaaq g4buaT 4u 4no 4as 3T SP ATTnJ SP pa4paodaoouT pup pa;dope Agaaaq axe 9u1PS aq3 pup ' spxay 'axPTg4nos Jo A4TO eq4 Jo AaP4aaoas 'TT3 aql go aoT33o aq4 u PSTT3 Mou axe pup uaaq anPq SaTdoo ( z) • oM1 uPg1 ssaT 4ou 143TgM go papuauip JO paT3Tp0uz 'pa4aTap aa4gPuTsaaq a.P SP SU0T4a0d qons AUP 4daoop pup SAPS ' 3oaaag4 aTotM 9q4 buTaq puP 'U0T4Tpa S86T 'apo0 aATJPa4STUTwpI uiao3Tun agq. SP uMoux apoo buTpTTnq snoaabuPp uTP4aao 1Pg4 'sapoo anT4paLsTuTuipp aq4 buTuaanob suoT;pTnbea pup SaTna buTgsTTgP;sa go asodand ag4 ao3 spxay 'axPTg4nos go '4TD aql go TTounoO A;T0 aq; Aq pa;dope Agaaaq sT aaagy moil= S86T 'mop aimv LLSINIWQK WH03INn 30 NOIJLIOQV : (T) NOIy03s : SMoTTo3 SP SPxay 'eXPTq;nos 30 A4TO eq; Jo apoo anTCPaIsTuTuipy aq4 SP pa4dopp aq 'U0T4Tp3 S86T 'apoo aATCPa4sTUTwpV mao3Tun aq4 ;Pq; ' spxay 'axpNg4nos go A4TD aq; go suazT4To aql go 9.P3T9M pup A;.a;ps 1114Tpaq aq4 go ;T3auaq aq4 ao3 puP q.uaTpadxa pamaap sT 4T 4Pgy •I :SVXay 'a)IV'IHynos 30 AJI0 3Hy 30 'IIDNI100 AyI0 3HL AS aaNIIQ2IO yI 3H '32I033H3Hy MON '3yva 3AIy03333 NV ONIQIA02Id CMV S3I3I'IVN3d ONIQIA0Hd 'S30NVNIQfIo ONI3OI'IJNO0 ONI'IVad H '3SfK'I0 SONIAVS V ONIQIAO2Id '3Snv'I0 AJI'IIHV IaA3s FI ONIQIAOHd :SVX3y '3?IK'IHynOs 30 X3I0 3Hy 2103 SUHVUN` 31S 3AI3V I3SINIWUV WnWINIW 3QIA02id OI 'NOIyIQ3 S86T 3000 3AIyVH3SINIWQK WHOJINa 3H31 ONIJLaOGV 30NVNIQ2IO NV 27C �' •ON 30NKNIQ2I0 ~ECTION (3) That the City Secretary of the City of Southlake shall certify to the adoption cf this ordinance and cause the same to be published. SECTION (4): PENALTIES That any person, firm or corpcration who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance and who is convicted of same, shall be fined in any sum not be exceed TWC HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) and that each and every day that any violation of any provision of this ordinance continues shall constituue and be deemed to be a separate offense. SECTION (5): REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES Ail ordinances or parts of or!inances, or rules and regulations, or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION (6): CIVIL REMEDIES Notwithstanding any penalty provisions contained herein, or the application and enforcement of any_ such penalty provision, nothing ~hall prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions or the nforced prevention of violations cf the Code by injunctive or other civil remedy. SECTION (7): SAVINGS CLAUSE If any provision section or portion of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, the particular provision, section or portion held invalid or unconstitutional shall not be deemed to effect the validity of any other section, provisions or portion of said ordinance. SECTION (8): EFFECTIVE DATE That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the age. 3o suoTsTAozd 9114 q4TM aoupp1o0oe UT uoT4PoTTgnd put abpsspd sic Ja;3e pup W013 ATe4pTpammT 40a33a axp4 TIS aoupuzpao szgq. 4pgs Hiv'Q HAIS3H33H : ( 8) NOISOHS •aoueuTpao pips 3o uoTgaod .zo suoTsTAoad 'uoTq.oas aaggo Aup 30 A 4TPTIPA 9144 4oa33a oq pauraap aq ;ou TTEgs TpuoT4n4ipsuooun .zo pTTenuT pTaq uoT4aod Jo uoTgoas 'uoTsTAoad .1w[noT31ed age 'TeuoT4ngTgsuooun .zo pTTenuT pTaq aq TTEgs aoupurpao szq; 3o uoT;.1od JO uot40as UOTsTAoId &up 3I HSfV'IO SONIAVS : ( L) NOISOHS •cpauraa TTATo 1aggo Jo aATq.ounCuT kq apoO 9144 3o suoT4PToTA 3o uoT3uanaad paoiojua age JO SUOT4Tpu00 pe4TqTqoad 3o IPAOUIaa paoao3ua aq4 .uanaad TTEgs buiiflou ' uoTsTAoad A4Teuad lions .&uE 30 ivaurao.zo3ue put uozpeoTTddp aq; .zo 'uTazaq pauTp;uoo suoTsTAoad AgTeued Aue buzpue4sgfTMq.oN SaIQaw32I 'IIAIO : ( 9) NOIsO3s •paTEadai Agaiaq aae eoueuTpao sz144 3o suoTsTAoad eq; tfl.TM ;o1T3uoo uT 3oe.1eq. sq.1pd Jo 'suoT;eTnbaa put saTni JO 's9oueUTp10 3o s41pd JO saoupuTp.10 TTNI SHONVNIQ2IO ONIS3I'I3NOO 30 WHd32i : ( s) NOISOHS •asua33o e4E1pdas a aq 04 pauraap aq put a4n4T4suoo TTEgs sanuT4uoo aoupuTp.zo sigh 3o uoTsTAoad Aup 3o uoT4PToTA AUP 4p144 App AzaA9 put gota 4E144 put ( 0 0 •00 Z$) SUNT IOQ QH2iQNfH OMS paaoxa aq q.ou urns due uT pauT3 aq TTEgs 'aures 3o pa;oTAuoo sT oqM put 90upuTp10 ST144 3o suoTsTAoad eq.; 30 Aup a:EToTA TTegs oqM UOT4PJ0dJ00 Jo urIT3 'uoslad Aup reqs SHIS'IKNHd NOISOHS •pagsTTgnd aq 04 auris aq; esneo pup aoutuTpao szqq. 3o uoT4dope eq.; 04 AJT41ao TTEgs afeTg4nos 30 A4TO agq. 30 Aze4aapes AgTO alp ;pqs NOIJV3I'Iand : (E) NOISOHs 4 eneral laws of the State of Texas, and it is accordingly so rdained. PRESENTED AND PASSED on this the 16 day of September , 1986 at a regular meeting of the Cit~ Council of th% City of Southlake, Texas, by a vote of 3 ayes, nayes, and abstaining. L/I/~yd O,-'La~tta, j~.~/Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary William H. Smith City Attorney dauiogq.y A4T3 t.14TWS •g tuWTTTTM --7 .17? ' / , / / Aapgaaoas 1c;T3 pupaDar •Z P.zpuPS , , 717 ilV;72/V Ylpfl •Isaiiii \ \ r N .z0'�, ,'.zj' 'Lq •AA - 10 '11 Fr�;ir' If'' 1' x- / / •buTuTu;sgP i..› pup ' saA8u ) ' sa1n go a;on P Aq ' spxas 'aXPTt44nos go T3, at(; go TTouno3 A;T3 aq4 jo buTgaam IPTnbaa e 4s 986T go i8p � 9114 sT144 uo U SSVd CMV QaZMSSaId •pauTPpao os ATbuTpIOooP sT 4T pup 'spxas go a;pqs agq. go sMpT Tpaauab I Fort Worth Star-T .______ , DATE 'STAR-TELEGRAM' AD.# SLP 24 BbRz7 THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Barbara C u 1 i r.k Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: ORDINANCE NO.346 AN E G T"4-4 4-*#*, September 24 , 1986 THEORDINANUNFORMADMINrIS- TRATIVE CODE 1985 EDI- * TION TO PROVIDE MINI- F' l k 6Ti N.E. Extra MUM STANDAR SIFOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS: * PROVIDINGASEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, PROVIDING 3 PENALTIES AND PROVID • - ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. **** FOP PRESENTED AND PASSED ,. on this the 16th day of Septem- ORDINANCE NO Signed ber,1986,at a regular meeting AN ORDINANCE ADI of the City Councit of the City of THE UNIFORM A[ Southiake,Texas,byavoteof5 TRATIVE CODE 19 Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ayes,Onayes,andOabstalning. er $6 TION TO PROVIDE r MUM ADMINISTF /s/LlovdO.Latta,Jr. I STANDARDS FOR Ti Mayor : OF SOUTHLAKE NotaryPublic /s/SandraL.LeGrand �, • PROVIDINGASEVE City Secretary TY CLAUSE, PROVI APPROVED AS TO FORM:`, T as. SAVINGS Cl /s/William H.Smith REPEALING CON FI City Attorney ORDINANCES, PRC PENALTIES AND F ING AN EFFECTIVE PRESENTED AND on ber,196, 16th reguay lar Notary expiration date 3-9-89 ber,1986,at a regular of the City Council of t Southlake,Texas,byt ayes,Onayes,andOab: /s/Lloyd O.l /s/Sandra L.___.__ City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: I /s/William H.Smith PAYMENT DUE DATE' ',..0,,,,"., City Attorney DAYS OVER 60 DAYS vvcn OVER 90 DAYS CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD I ACCT.NO. — — ON RECPT 9/24 - 9/2,* CI''57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O. BOX 99026 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. *--- TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT — ADVERTISING STATEMENT FartWorth REMIT TO P.O. BOX 99026• FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199C j T''57 L)T ACCOUNT NUMBER PAYMENT DUE DATE �GC?T 1 PAGE OF SALESPERSON CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORiGI1"AL b67 N CARROLL 14.72 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 PLEASE PAY IP- ATTN�: SANDRA L. LE:GRAi�O THIS AMOUNT PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED We annreriate vntir Business/