0339ORDINANCE NO. 339 AMENDED SEE /'- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1985 EDITION WITH APPENDIX CHAPTERS 1, 7, 11, 12, 32, 25, 39, 49 AND 70 TO PROVIDE MINIMUM BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, PROVIDING PENALTIES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TE~tS: That it is deemed expedient and for the benefit of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, that the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, be adopted as the Building Code of the City of Southlake, TExas as follows: SECTICN (1): ADOPTION OF UNIFORM BUILDING CODES, 1985 EDITION WITH APPENDIX CHAPTERS 1, 7, 11, 12, 32, 25, 38, 49 AND 70 There is hereby adopted by the City Council cf the City of .3outhlake, Texas for the Furpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of building code standards, including permits, that certain building codes known as the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, with Appexdix Chapters 1, 7, 11, 12, 32, 25, 38, 49 and 70 and being the whole thereof, save and accept any such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended, of which not less than two (2) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Southlake, Texas, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from and after the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and structures therein contained within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and all amendments to the Uniform Building Code, save and accept those specifically excluded by action of the governing body of the City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION (2): PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Chapter 3, "Permits and Inspections", including the Building Permit Fees provided for therein is specifically adopted as a part of the Uniform Building Code of the City of Southlake, except as modified, amended or repealed subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance. aoupuTp.1O sT144 &q axpTn.nos 3o ALTO eq- Aq paq.dopp 'apoo buTPTTng mao3Tun a fl 04 ATddp TTpgs spxay 'aNPig4nos 30 A4TO et14 pa.dopp sp 'uoT4Tpa S86T 'apoo aATJ.pa.sTuTmPV ma03Tun papTAoad g SP ap3 os 'g4TMaaag4 pa4pToossp S993 pup suoT.oadsui 's4Tmaad SNOIJD3dSNI (INV saad 'SLIWJ d : ( Z ) NOIyDas •spxay 'axpTg4noS3o k; A4TO ago 3o Apoq buTuaanob aqf 3o uoT3op Aq papnToxa ATTpoT3Toads asogq. 4daoop pup aAas 'apoo buTpTTng mao3Tun eq; o4 s4uampuamp TTP Pup 'spxay 'axpTg4nos 3o d4TO agq. 3o s1-TmTT a4paodaoo aq4 uTq;TM pauTpI.uoo uTaaag4 saan4ona;s pup sbuTpTTnq TTP 3o uoT4ona4suoo aq4 uT BuTTToa4uoo aq TTpgs 3oaaag4 suoTsTAoad aq4 '4o9339 93[p4 TTpgs aoupuTpao sTg4 goTgM uo a4pp aq4 2943p pup moa3 pup 'uTaaaq q;buaT 4p .no 4as 3T SP ATTn3 SP pa;paodaoouT pup pa4dopp Agaaaq aap amps eq; pup 'spxay 'axpTgfnos 30 A4TO 3q4 30 Aap;aaoas A .TO 9q4 30 aoT33o aq; uT paTT3 MOU aap pup uaaq eA q saTdoo ( Z) oM4 upg4 ssaT fou 1.10 m 30 'papuamp JO 'paT3Tpom 'paq.aTap aa43puTaaaq aap SP suoTq.aod qons Aup 4d9oop pup OAPs '3oaaag4 aTogM aq4 buTaq pup OL pup 6t '8E 'SZ 'Z£ 'ZT 'TT 'L 'T saaq.dpg3 xTpuaddy g4TM 'uoT4Tp3 S86T 'apoo buTpTTng mao3Tun 9144 SP UMOUN sapoo buTpTTnq uTpq.aao qpq; 's;Tmaed buTpnTouT 'spappup;s apoo buTpTTnq 3o aoupua4uTpm pup uoT4pooT 'doupdn000 pup asn 'uoT4paa4Tp 'uoT;ona4suoo aq4 2o3 suoT4PTnbaa pup saTna buTgsTTgp;sa 3o asodand aq4 ao3 spxay 'axpTg4nog 30 '4TD aq4 3o TTounoD ';TO aqq AC{ pagdopp Agaaaq sT aaagy OL UNV 6t '8£ 'SZ 'Z£ 'ZT 'TT 'L 'T S2Ia1LdVHO XIQN3ddV HJIM NOILIQ3 S86T 'saaOO omiarlins W2IO3INfl 30 NOIydOQV : ( T) NOIy33S :sMoTTo3 SP spxay 'axpTg4nos 30 A4TO 0q4 3o apoo buTpTTng ag4 SP pa4dopp aq 'uoT4Tp3 S86T 'apoo buTpTTng 111ao3Tun eq4 4pg4 'spxay 'axpTgf.nog 30 A TO alp 3o suazTVTo 30 9ap3I9M pup d4a;ps '144Tpaq 9144 30 ;T3auaq eq.. ao3 pup 3uaTpedxa pamaap sT 4T 4pq , I :SEIX3y '3)IV'IHyIlOS 30 Ayl3 ami, dO 'IIONIlOO LLIO 3Hy XH QMNIKQ?IO yI as 'a IOda IaHy MON •3JVa 3AIJO3333 NV ONIQIAO2Id (INV SaIy'lvN3d ONIQIAO 1d 'Sa3NKNIa IO ONIIOI'IdNOO JNI'IKad3H 'asnv'IO SDNIAVS V ONIQIAO2Id 'asavuO XII'IIgl2IaA3S V ONIQIAO2Id !SKX3y 'axV'IHynOs 30 xylD aim, 2HOd SQ2IVUNVJS NOIIOI12IISNOO UNV JNIQ'llns WIIWINIW 3QIAO2Id OI OL UNV 6i' ' 6E 'SZ ' ZE 'ZT ' TT ' L ' T S2I3ydVHO XIQN3ddV HJIM NOIyIQ3 S86T '3000 9NIa'IIng W2IOdINn ONIydOQV 3ONVNIQ2IO NV t 'ON 3ONVNIQ2IO • y(� ij agq 3o suoTsTAo.Zd aLj; 1.14TM aouppaoDop UT uoT4PoTTgnd pup abpsspd s4T 2943p pup uroa3 ATa4PTpaunuT 409339 9Np4 TTpgs aouEUTp.zo ST144 4p14y :aIva 3AILO333a : (8 ) NOILDas •aOU UTpao pips 3o uoT4aod ao suoTsTAoad 'uoT4oas aagfo due 30 A4TpTTpA aqq. 4o933a 04 pauiaap aq a.ou TTpgs TpuoT.nvT.suooun .zo PTTPAUT PTaq UoT4aod ao uoT4o9s 'UOTSTAoad apTnoT1apd aq4 'TpuoT4nvT;suooun .10 pTTsAUT pTaq aq TTpgs aoupuTpao sTg4 3o uoTa.aod ao uoT.oas 'UOTSTAOad due 3I 3Sfv'IO SONIAVS : ( L) NOLLDHS •dpauraa T TATO aag4o ao aAT4oncuT Ag apop aq4 3o suoT4eToTA 3o uoT.uanaad paoaojua aq; ao 3o suoT4Tpuoo pagTgTqoad 3o TEAouiaa paoaojua aq . quanaad TTpgs buTg4ou 'uoTSTAoad A4Tpuad ions Aue 3O a.uauzaaao;ua pup uoT4potTddp eq4 ao 'uTaaaq pauTpquoo uoTSTAoad A4Tpued Aue buTpup4sg4TM.oN {. saiaawau UTAIO : ( 9) NOIyDgs •paTpadaa dgaaaq aap aoupuTpao sTgf. 3o suoTsTAoad aq; 1.14TM 4OTT3uoo uT 309.19114 s4apd ao 'sU0T4pTn691 pup saTna ao 'S OUEUTpao 30 S 1 d 20 S9DU UTpa0 -ETV S30NKNIa2i0 ONIdDITIMO3 30 'IFI3dau : ( s ) NOII1Das •asua33o 94p1pdes p aq o4 pauiaap eq pup a.n4T;suoo TTpgs sanuT4uoo aoupuTpao sTqq. 3o UOTSTAoad AUe 3o U0T4PT0TA IUP 4pg4 App daeAe pup gopa ;pq; Pup ( 00. OOZ$ ) S2IV'I'IOa a32iaNIIH OMS paaoxa 04 4ou urns AUe UT pauT3 eq TTpgs 'aures 3o paa.OTAuoo sT oqM pup aoupuTpao sTg4 3o suoTsTAoad ago 30 AUe 94PTOTA TTpgs oIM UoT4paodaoo ao 11LIT3 'uosaed Aue 4pgy ti saly'IKN3d : ( 17) NOIyD3s •PagsTTgnd aq 04 aures aq4 asnpo pup aoupuTpao sTg; 30 uoT4dopp aq4 oq. AjT4aao TTpgs spxay 'as[PTglnOS 30 A TO agq. 3o Aap491o9S AVM eq4 �pqy NOIyV3 Ignd : ( £ ) NOIJO3S 1 • pk ryt cauaoggv A4TO ugTmS W�TTTTM AJP49209S AgT3 } pupaDaZ •Z pa.up$, 77-7-ke-Tp 1 .IO ii•ar i ,g ..Q p • 7 ' k •buTuTL4sgL pup 'sAPu 'saA2 go agon E Aq sExay 'aNpTugnoS go -4.T3 auq. go TTounop 'gT3 alp go buTgaam apinba1 P gP '986T ' c go App uo aassva UNY aam asa Id •pauTpp10 os 4cTbuTpa000P sT qT pup 'ssxay go agpgs auq go sMeT Zuaauab A ' E • • Fort Worth Star-1 DATE IsTAR ADLcGRAMI SEP 24 86824 THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Barbara gulick Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas: and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: ORDINANCE NO.339 !PRESENTED AND PASSED *******1 September 24 , 1986 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING'o„the 16th day of September, THE UNIFORM BUILDING 198e, 'areeularmeetingofthe * CODE 1985 EDITION WITH CltvCounclloftheCltyofS.outh- APPENDIX CHAPTERS, nay * FOR et.: AM&PM Edition 171112,3225,39,49 and 70Rd•nays,and 0abstaining. * Ftf�O/IDt MINIMUM' /s/LloydO.Latta,Jr. BUILDINGANDCONSTRUC- Mayor TION STANDARDS FOR THE ATTEST: PR IA s/Sand ty. c y 4 AS: OVDNGSEVERA- Ci Secretary BILITY CLAUSE, PROVID- APPROVED AS TO FORM: ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE /s/WIllIam H.Smith N.E.Extra REPEALING CONFLICTING` City Attorney 4*m>k'1 ' ORDINANCES, PROVIDING PENALTIES AND PROVID- /J Signed LNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. l�G/ <-/ ORDINANCE NO. 9 �� THERDNNF RM B ILDI< Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the of Septe 1985 EDITIOaN WI74tQ$Y Se tE ber 986 App�NDiX CHAPTEF F K1OviDE25,39AMINIMI Notary Public ` gUILDINGANDCONSTR fZ 1 TIONSTANDARDSFORT rrant County, Xa . CITYPROVIDING A OF SOUTHLKE,T AS: SEVE BILITY CLAUSE, PRO BailsING A SAVINGS CLAI Notary expiration date 3-9-89 REPEALING COPROVIC 'I AN EFFEC IVE D, \PRESENTED AND PAS on the 16th day of Septg 1986,et a regular meet City Counci l of th V p1e of e 11ake,Texas,bva I and 0 ablalning. nays, /s/Cloud O.Latta,Jr. _ Manor —___---—-- --_ _---------- --- PAYMENT DUE DATE I ATTEST: ER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD I ACCT.NO. s/S and ra L.LeGrand G+ t:F'C P l city secretary APPROVS/WiAilamOH smi h y/L 4 - 9/24 C 1? 5 7 City Attorney IF YOU HAVE QUEE I IONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99026 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. I.---TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT — ADVERTISING STATEMENT Fort Worth S .., REMIT TO P O BOX 99026• FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199 ON .T ACCOUNT NUMBER ` 1 5 7 PAYMENT DUE DATE R r I PAGE OF SALESPERSON CITY OF SOUTHIaAKt, ORIGI^'AL 667 iV CARROL L IPLEAsEPAY SOUTHL:AKf; TX 76092HIS AMOUNT , ATTN : SANDRA G. LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED We appreciate your Business!