0276ORDINANCE NO. 276 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAI, YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,1982, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,1983. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: That the Mayor of said City has heretofore duly and timely fi]ed, in accordance with the Iaw, a Budget for the City covering the fiscal year running from October 1,1982 1'o September 30,1983, that due and timely public notice that a public hearing on such Budget would be heId on August 17,1982 wa~ given and made in accordance withthe law and within the time ]imit~ set forth by ]aw; that such pub]ic hearing was held in accordance with the law on August 17,1982 and that it wa.~ the opinion and judgement of the City Council that such Budget which is attached hereto be, and same is hereby in all things approved and that same is proper and correct. 2. That ~aid Budg( t is here and now, and hereby in all things, :~pproved and adopted and it shall be effective as of ()ctob~' 1,1982. 3. That this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency n,,asure which ~hall have and take effect from and after its ?~'esent reading for the reasons that the fiscal year commences O(.lober 1,1982 and fixing the rate and levy of taxes for th~ 1982 must be had prior to O(.tober 1,1982 and after approval ttnd adoption o[' this Budget.; it is for the immediate preserva- lion of public property and business, and provides for the daily operations of all municipal departments and lays a [)~-edi(:~le for the gppropriation of money to defray current PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY TBE affirmative vote of a majority of said Council members present this 7th day of September 1982. -City Secretary o5' Zto` 598 anNdnax �VLOJ 00' Z£E` ZT79 nTVLOL 00' 508 sales snoauretlaoszyq 00'09L` Z Ad-edgy' 00' 000' E aJzd Aquno0 lur.i.zu1, 00' 000` OT aSTIPI1M pug s)JJed 00' 8£g` 8T 211iaeus anuanaU 00'000` Z aauringwV 00' 6EZ` fli, ( uzpTTng) saad pur slTwaad 00'000` Z8 saJnf.zaJJod pure sauzd 00' 000` 55 xr1, asTgouread 00' 000` 17tT xry sales 00'000` 08Z U1aJoreA QV :sax-ey QNnd 'IVIlaNaD 05' OTL` ZZZ I�I,LOy 00'000` Z saad Jamas Og'OTZ` 68T sales JaveM 00'000` g asTgoueJd a2-egirej 00'009` 9Z s2nld pine sdey QNnd 23dy�IM anNdAdl IHOW18 E8Ad 05' Zt0` 598 `IVLOL 05 • L5£' 9£T HDIAIIHS L U 00' 68L` cOT 'TV LIdVO 00' 06L' 181 SaDIAHaS 'TVfLLDVIIINOO 00' 198' 86 S1SO3 JNIIVIIHdO 00' 9W £17£ Sa3IAH S 'TBNNOSIIHd SaIif1.LIQNadXa dO AIIVNWf1S LIOGf1H £8Ad 00' TT6` LLZ nIV1LOs GNVHO 00' 059` T 'IVZO.L 00' 00£ patog uTlauing 00' 09Z` T aanlTuand aoTJJO ATIMO Zy1.I dVD 00' 0L8' 911 `IVJO1, 00' 026` 06 sai.zaS Z8, puog uoTit Tido T1aauao 00'096` 92 saiJaS ZL , puog uoT1t Tic{o Ttaauao a3IAIiaS L I IU 00' 062` i'L q�ZOW 00' 09L` Z puna A.zt.zgz7 00' 0f78` £ aolnoasoad/icau.Iolly 00' 005` 2 a2pnr 00'000`OT saT TTzlII o0' oog` t uTssessy X L 00' 009 aTtdall auTtiotw 00i110 00' 000 9 uLJaauOua put uzuueTd 00'000` L auogdaTay oo' 00.17` Z ItTaoltuer 00'000` 9 Tt2aq talxa 00' 009` 2 Jardop 00' 009` 2 Itpnd 00' 000` 52 aautansul SaJIAIiaS `IF�f11.OF7IiLN00 00'00t ` 9£ ZVLOS, 00' 009 Tanp.T L put sdousMJoM 00' 000` T sxoog Iax)oQ Imop 00'000` L 2utluTad put sazTddnS 00' 009` 2 atlsOd 00' 008 uTsTlJanpv pzJzss'ell 00' 000` 2 saoTloN T ag 00' 000` OZ ITo put auITos3o 00' 00g sazTddnS uotloaTi 00'000` T suoTldTa osgnS put sang SLSOO DNIZ`d2iad0 (sat'Bm %O£) 31,1a10 2UITTtg 'ITTrTn xaaT3 xty /aadaaxxoog x'aTO lanoo B.ztlaaoas AIT3/Jo4.ualsTuTwpy AVM altalsOtw 00' TO8` 6T' 'IF11.Os. 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