0242 ~HE~J%S, the City Council recognizes that it is in tJ]e best interest of th~ general health, welfare and safety of the residents of the City of Southlake, Texas to provide regulations cc~sishent wihh Natic~al recognized practices for the reasonable protection of life and property from hazards of fire and explosicn; and, ~5E~REAS, the existing ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas have not fully covered such subject to date; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDA/NED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, SECTION 1- AFOPTIUN OF STANDARD ~t~ PREVE~FION ODDE, 1976 EDITION AS A~ENDED: %he Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1976 Editic~ As Amended,copyrighted by SoutJ]ern Building Code Congress Intemnational, Inc., consisting of pages 3 through 276, and amendments to the Standard Fire Prevention Code 1977 revision to 1976 ediLion, except as specifically mpdified by this ordinance, is hemeby adopted as the "Standard Fire Prevention Code of the City of Southl~ke, Texas". SECTION 2- CUMULATIVE OF O/~R ORDINANCES: R~nis ordinance shall be and is hereby declared cm~ulative of the provisions of other applicable ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, including all en~ndments thereto. Ih is provided, however, that a higher standard provided by other lawfully adopted rule, regulatico,resolutico, ordinance, private deed restriction or private covenant, shall not be considered an irreconcilable conflict with this ordinance, and thePi~]er standard, in the event of conflict, shall qovern. SECTION 3- P~ALTY FOR VIOLATION: A new subsection (e) to Section 1.10 of the said Standard Fire Preventi~% Code is hereby added as follows: "After the e×pirahion of the particular notice given above ~der the provisions of Section 1.10 of ti]is code and after failure to cowply, the person, firm, association of persons, company, or corporation, or tJ~eir agents, servants, or e~oloyees shall be considered in violation of this code and shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and may be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation exists is hereby declared ho be a distinct and separate offense and p~nishable by law." Aauaogw A4TD wag oL SFS UAO?IddV '�� 1u'sgazo- A4T3 X14, [ - :ssjV aoAeg 47er419,6( -74411.1e" -8L61 'aunt 3o A p sTq Q'3SSjd • T Aq papTAozd ss uoTgsoTTgnd pus ab5sssd sTT 3o agsp au3 tagge pus UX.T3 qoa33a pus aoao3 TTn3 uT aq Pup qoagga expq TTsIP aousuTpao pTss stql. pus 3oazaq. dsnsTo 4Tsuad pus uoTpdso ate. ATuo usTTgnd ARM qnq smeT aTqpoTTdde aq4 aapun guava—owe sTyq. gsTTgnd oq PapaaTP Agazaq sT ssxa 1 gampTu4nos 3o ' T3 auk 3o Aaeqaaoag A4T0 au,L, :HMG SAI,IDadJa3 Nomas 1 '