0241O~DINkN(i~ NO. WHEREAS, after due consideration by the City Co%n%cil, after hearing recom~ndations of administrative officials of said City that a regulatoI%; ordinance is deemed necessary in connection with gas piping and gas appliances; and, WHEREAS, the existing ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas are not fully adequate to acoomplish such purpose; and, WHE[~AS, the City Council finds it is in the best interest and for the general healtJ~, welfare and safety of the residents of the City of Southlake, Texas that a regulatory ordinance be passed concerning gas piping and gas appliances; SECEIC~ 1- ADOPTION OF STANDARD GAS CODE, 1976 EDITIf~: The Standard Gas Code, 1976 Editic~, copyri~ated by Southern Building Code Congress Internatic~al, Inc., consisting of Section 101 through 908 and Onapter X Definitions, Appendix "B" and "C", except as specifically modified by this ordinance, is hereby adopted as the" Standard Gas Code of the City of Southlake, SECTICN 2- CI~[tU3tTIVE OF OTHER OF~INANCES: ~is ordinance shall be and is hereby declared cumulativ~ of the provisions of other applicable ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas including all amendments thereto. It is provided, hcwever, that a higher standard provided by other lawfully adopted r~le, regulation, resolution, ordinance, private deed restriction or private covenant, shall not be considered an irreconcilable conflict with this ordinance, and the higher standard, in the event of conflict, shall govern. SECTION 3- P~ALTY FOR VIOLATION: Sectio~ 114 of the said 1976 Edition of the Standard Gas Code is hereby deleted and in lieu thereof the following shall apply: "Any persc~, firm, association of persons, company, or corporatic~, or their agents, selvants, or e~loyees who violate, disobey, c~it, neglect or refuse to oomply with any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and may be fined not less than $1.00 nor n~re than $200.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation ex/sts is hereby declared to be a distinct and separate offense and punishable by law." yam,. Abuaogw Ap.To g4EAff (u SV Q2S ddV 1cae4atoas Aq r gir aoAew '8L61 'aunt, go _ sTuq a3SSKa •rRT Act papTnoad se uoTgpoTTgnd Pur a62ssed sqi ;o agap etta. aagge Pe 1110.1; g38J3a PU2 a0103 Ting uT act Pur goagga axe4 TTScs aoueurpao prs sTLlq Pue ;oaaag4 asneTo AgTeuad P co tu qnq seT aTgeotTdde auaapim quaupuaue sT gsTTcfidePae TP AOpaag sT sexay 'e'amaTupnos go A4T0 alp. go AzegaaoaS A4TO 941 mIJ3 -ti MUMS