0233ORDINANCE NO. 233 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND DETERMINING THE GENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGED FOR NATURAL GAS TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH RATE MAY BE CHANGED, ADJUSTED AND AMENDED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section l: Effective with the first gas bills rendered from and after May 31, 1977, the maximum general service rate for sales of natural gas rendered to residential and commercial consumers within the City limits of Southlake, Texas by Lone Star Gas Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby fixed and determined as follows: First 1000 Cu. Ft. or fraction thereof $2.80 Over 1000 Cu. Ft. or fraction thereof $2.00 per Mcf No gas bill will be rendered to any residential or commercial consumer served under the above rate not consuming any gas any monthly billing period, except that where customer's only use for gas service is in an outdoor grill and/or a fireplace starter, the amount shown for the first consumption block shall constitute a minimum monthly bill. ADJUSTMENTS All adjustments shall be subject to the provisions of the ADJUSTMENT LIMITATION CLAUSE provided hereafter. The amount of each monthly bill computed at the above stated rates shall be subject to the following adjustments: Plus or minus the amount of any increase or decrease, respectively, above or below the $1.3488 per Mcf level in the intracompany city gate charge as authorized by the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas or other regulatory body having jurisdiction for gas delivered to Lone Star Gas Company's distribution system for sale to residential and commercial consumers where such changes are caused by increase or decreases in the cost of gas purchased by the Company; plus an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax, or increased tax, or any other governmental imposition, rentals fee or charge (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and taxes on net income) levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to July 1, 1976, upon or allocable to the Company's distribution operations, by any new or amended law, ordinance or contract. Company, at its option, may forego the application of any adjustment if such adjustment would result in an increase in the monthly bill. ADJUSTMENT LIMITATION CLAUSE The base intracompany city gate charge for the purpose of this ordinance is $1.3488 per Mcf. Any increase over such base city gate charge added to any other adjustment charge described in the adjustments clause above shall not be charged to a customer's monthly bill to the extent such total adjustment exceeds 30% of $1.3488 per Mcf used by such customer during any monthly billing period. This 30% limitation shall be effective during the twelve month period from the effective date of this rate change. A customer shall receive as a deduction from his monthly bill 100% of any decrease in the said gate rate charge below $1.3488 per Mcf for any month or months during the said year should any decrease or decreases occur. 4ae4aa3as 44[0 :1S311d ao4ew *L161. `i 4 0 Aep 4fL l a44 s1.44 uo 03A0bddV ONV 03SSVd •uan1.6 sem 6upaaw p.es J.o asodand pue aoeld 'aw1.4 aq4 jo aopou o.lgnd aouenpe 4eq4 pue 'Mei sexal 4q paapbaa se 'oilgnd eq . 04 uado SPM passed sem a3ueuwao sLg4 go!.gM 4e 64paaw eq. 4e1.14 paupaa.ap pue punoj. ,'gaaaq si 41 :£ uopoaS s,4uedwo3 eq . ul. am. uo ,livaaano suopeln6ab pup salnu s,Auedwo0 aq4 04 pue 'uol.401.pspnC 6upeq sawoq 4ao4eln6aa ao saapao aq1 oa. 4oeCgns s!. aapunaaaq a3Lnaas .Mel ,'q papinoad aauuew e0 ui. se6 644spanj. Aupdwo3 ao 4440 aqi aag4p cq papuawe pue pa6uego aq 4ew L uo was ui g4aoJ 4as a4ea aq1 :z uo was •a3upui.pao spgi Jo a6essed leui4 uodn panoadde pue paa.dope 4gaaaq aae pup aq paoM aoj paoM ua441.aM 4lln4 g6nog4 se j.oaaaq ;Jed e spew pup ui.aaaq e3uaaaJaa 4q pa.eaodao34 pue „y„ 41.gLgx3 SP o4aaaq pag3e44e sa6aego a4naas J.o alnpagos aq4 40a 1100 04 446P aq4 ane4 llegs ,cuedwo0 •uo 4eoo l awes aq. 4e pasn s!. se6 gOLgM aoj giuow e Jo .aed Cue aoj ao !mow aed aa4aw aad aawnsuoo lei.3aawwoo pup lepuapi.saa pea o1. algeol.ldde si. area anoge au •paaapuaa uagM alge4ed pue anp aq Llegs smq ay EXHIBIT A STAR GAS COblPANY P~TE SCHEDULE NO. 300-A GRAPEVINE RECO[~{ECTI ON CHARGES Reconnection Charge during the hours of 8:00 A.~4. to 5:00 P.M. ~ionday through Friday. Reconnection ~arge during the hours of 5:00 P.H. to 8:00 A.bl. ~onday through Friday, weekends and holidays. Charge $ 7.50 19.00 APPLICATION OF RECONNECTION CHARGES ~enever gas service has been discontinued at any consumer's premises, a charge will be made for restoration of service to such premises except ~der ~e following conditions: (1) a builder who uses gas temporarily during construction and display purposes; (2) the first occupant of the premises; (3) whenever service has beeh temporarily interrupted be- cause of syste3ns outage, service work or appliance insta].lation done by Lone Star Gas Company; (4) ~]y reason deemed necessary for Company operations. CITY OF 50UT~iLAKE O~ice O[ Cit~ Secre'ery EXHIBIT A B. I<AS'E SCItEDLILk, .~O. 301 Ai~pliance, Gas L~ght, and Air Conditioning Ser¥ice Charges ~ppllance Service Charges. Schedule 8:00 A.11. to 5:0.0 P.M. Z-~onday through Friday 5:00 P.H. ~o 8:00 A.M. 14onday through Friday Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Hourly ~har~e $ .16.00 24.00 24.00 An additional charge ~f $11.00 added to the above charges when a second em- ployee (helper) is required. "' Time in exce~s of one hour prorated in 15 minute increments, as followS: Standard Working ~ours Non-Standard Working Hours 15 minutes $ 4.00 .$ 6.00 30 minutes .' 8.00 - 12.00 45 minutes - 12.00 18.00 60 minutes 16.00 24.00 Standard working hours defined as 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through' Friday. · Ail new company sold grills serviced free of charge for 90 days, during stan- dard v:orkJng hours. '' - Gas Light Service Service Charge Clean and rep]ace mantles Painting (black or white) and/or replacing glass panes $ 5.OO 4. oo Al! new company sold gas lights serviced free of charge for 90 days, during standard working hours. Air Conditiouin~ Service Schedule Hourly Charge ~]y hour Sunday through Saturday and Holidays / z $~0.00 EXHIBIT A Rate S¢:bedu]e No. 301 Page 2 Time Jn excess of one hour prorated in 15 minute increments, as follows: Increments All. Hours . ]5 minutes $ 5.00 30 minutes 10.00 45 minutes 15.00 60 minutes 20.00 All new company-sold air conditioning units serviced free of cha~ge for 1 year from date of in~tallatlon. No additional charge for second employee (helper). L~bor charges in excess of factory allowances for warranty replacement and repair will be passed on to the customer. Factory labor allowances are as follows: Bryant Air Conditioners Labor Allowances Part S'erviced or Replaced Generator -'D~alyzer Generator Chiller coil gapor Check Valves Ruptured Pulser Repair (Initial Repair) 100 Hour-Filter Replacement 400 Hour-Filter Replacemen~ Black Solution Repair with Modular Generator Kit Black Solution Repair with Regeneration Assembly Kit Regeneration Assembly Kit Rectifier Model 36-453 60-452 5O 30 24 65 20 2O 50 48-453 $ - 50 3O 65 30 5O $ 50 5O 65 5O 5O 50 90 & 120-452 100 99 70 75 75 75 No labor allowanhe for field repair of leaks. Arkla Air Conditioners Labor Allcwance Service~ For part or assembly replacement on sealed unit For leak repair on sealed unit All ~.~od e ].s $ '50 25 (120 only) W]'ir]I~ool Air Conditioners Labor Allowances Part Serviced'or k~laced Replace Solution Pu~p · Replace Evaporator Replace Leak - An%monia or Oil Change Hcnry Valve Change Pressure.Relief Valve Replace Capillaz%y Tube (nestrictor) Model $100 $ _ 5O - 40 - 40 - 40 Labor Allowance for replacing a B~C, BRC or BT~ model %.~ith a complete BTC unit is $50.00. Charges for Replacing Yard Lines Item or Service ~Basic Service Charge for all replacement work Pre-bent P~iser ~ith Support Post Non-corr~dible Pre-bent P~ser Stopcock Ditch, replace 1-1/4 inch (or smaller) pipe, and obtain city inspection ' Remove grass, ditch, repla6e 1-1/4 inch (or smaller) pipe, obtain city inspec- tion, and replace grass Insert 1-1/4 inch (or smaller) Polyethylene pipe in existing service line Special trip to perform yardline work at customer's request and work cannot be scheduled for Company convenience Work performed on overtime basis at customer's r~quest Disconnecting or reconnecting Customer yard line at main when yard line is replaced by other contractors Charge $ 3O.OO 16.00 11.00 4.25 1.45 per'foot 1.75. per foot ' 1.35 per foot 30.00 additional 46.50 per hours 30.00 A firm price quotation w~ll be made on the basis of labor, material, an~ other costs for replacing yard lines larger than 1-1/4 inch in size. 1_/ Computed at one-fourth the hourly rate for each 15 minute period or fraction thereof. The same work'performed on a call-out basis will be charged at the overtime rate with a two-hour minimum charge. Main Line Extension Rate The charge for extending mains beyond the free limit established by Lone Star Gas, or any free limit established by city franchise is $5.00 per foot except for large commercial and industrial consumers which are handled on an actual cost per foot basis. P~ETu~ED CHECK CHARGES $ A returned check' handling charge o~ $3.00 is made for each check'returned to the Company for reasons of Non-Sufficient Funds, Account Closed, Payment .Withheld, Invalid $~gnature, or Improper Preparation.