0232ORDINANCE NO. 232 AW ORDINANCE CLOSING, ABANDONING AND VA- CATING A PORTION OF AN UNNAMED STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the owners of property abutting the here- inafter described unnamed street in the City of Southlake, Texas, have requested the right-of-way of the hereinafter described street be closed, abandoned and vacated; And, WHEREAS, the right-of-way of said street is here- ~nafter described is not now needed for public street and will not be needed in the future for a public street; And, WHEREAS, the closing, abandoning and vacating the r~ght-of-way of said street will relieve the City of Southlake, Texas, from the cost and expense of maintaining said property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION ]. That the right-of-way mere particularly described as follows: Ail that certain portion of an unnamed street described more fully in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, to which reference is here made for more par- ticular description; be, and the same is hereby closed, abandoned and vacated for public use, and the same is hereby closed, abandoned and va- cated insofar as al.]. public right, title and interest in and to said described portion of said right-of-way. SECTION 2. That the Mayor be, and is hereby author- ized to execute a Quit-Claim Deed to convey the property described in Exhibit "A" to Harry L. Field, owner of the property abutting said right-of-way. SECTION 3. That the terms and provisions of this ordi- nance shall be d~emed to be severable and that if the validity of any section, subsection, word, sentence, or phrase shall be held to be invalid, it shall not affect the remaining part of this ordinance. SECTION 4. The fact that right-of-way described in Exhibit "A" is no longer needed by the public for public usage or traveling and would create a hardship or burden upon the City of Southlake to keep open and maintain such street, creates an urgency and an emergency for the immediate preser- vation of the public health, safety and general welfare which requires that this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and it is accordingly so ordained. P~SSED AND APPR, O~D BY THE CITY~NCIL ~ THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS this/~ DAY OF ~,~4~_~ A.D., 1977. Mayor ATTE~:T: ! C~ty . ecre~az~ -2- DEWEY & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING 1400 W. IRVING BLVD. / AT ROGERS ROAD SUITE 100 · IRVING, TEXAS 75061 253-1126 FIELD NOTES FOR ABANDOh~NT OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY Bezn?. a 50.©0 ['<Jot wide strip of land along and adjacent Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 l~lo~k ~, ?outh Lske ?ark Addition, an addition to the City of' South Lake, Texas ms r'ecorded in Volume 388-11, page 8 in the Map Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and be[~ mose particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: ~Fi?;7~]N]N;; at the Northeast of the above mentioned Lot 4; THF~]CF North 84 degrees ~6 m~n~tes East along 'the South line of Lot 3 for a distance o? 50.62 feet ( plotted 50.7) to a point for corner; THIUiCE SoJth 14 degrees 2~ minutes East for a distance of 386.61 feet to a point for ~ orTler ~ TJl~l,~r Sonth 7~ degrees .~.~ minutes West for a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for cornel', cmme be i~lg the ,:,o,]l, heas% corner of the above mentioned Eot 9; Ttb',l!(Jt", l',10rLh l& de~[rees 22 m~n, ttes West along the East l~ne of frets 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4 Coz' a distance o£ 39~.50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. (!0[;I~^i?HI];; 19,4%q.0t r~quare feet oF land or 0.4471 acres of land. F'T[<LD []O'] Ii,'/ PM,~EAF~ED EXHIBIT "A" to ORD. NO. 232 a 0 OG x",y ,4'°°L 3 'a a Nhvd 3 )01 uoco4, a o. o � Q J CO " 40 cr, O tO Q N d1 p *" 1 `o '1 a N • A ` • W N o C N 1 ° r = %__u 1 4. <1" al ¢ iI d' J L_ f---1 •4'0g 3 9S ob9 N cr3 00/ „ OA' 3 )VOS •AC Z 2 4f „ 81 18111X3