0231-1ORDINANCE 231-1 AN ORDINANCe] A~NDING ORDIN3ZNCE NO. 118 AS A~DED BY ORDINANCE 231 OF ~HE CITY OF SOUTHLAnd, ~XAS, BY SUBSTI~ING A NEW pREAMbLE; SUBSTITUTING A NEW PARAGRAPI* XXV.-SPEED LIMIT; ?RDViDI~G A SE~V~3RABILITY CLAUSE; REPF3%LING O~DINANCES OR PARI'S OF ORDINANCES /NC~SISTENT OR IN CONFLICT HEREWI'i%I; PROVIDING FOR AN Ef~FECI'IVE DATE; RE-STATING Pf~ALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF THE CAI~ION AND P~TY CLAUSE. WHEPq~AS, pursuant to Section 169 of Article 6701d, Pevised Civil Statutes of Texas as am~lded, the City of Southlake, Texas has aut~%ority to establish prima facie maximu~] reasonable and prudent speeds within its corporate boundaries for vehicles on streets and highways; and, ~{EREAS, based ulx~n speed studies and taking into consideration engineering and traffic investigations and recc~rendations on U]e pert of the ~nief of Police of t2]e City of Southlake, Texas, and after public hearing held; and after said City Council finding tJlat maxin~ prima facie speed limits on the public streets and highways n~ntioned hereafter should be so regulated in the interest of preservation of the public l~alth, safety and welfare; NGW 17iEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ CI7~ CC~CIL OF THE CI~ OF 1. Rhe Chief of Polic~ is hereby authorized to n~%ke speed studies,engineering traffic investigations, ~]en s~ecifically requimed by the City Council, and ~lLLke r~a~ndetions to ~he City Council concem~%g speed regulations and traffic c~nt rol devices. 2. It shall be ~]lawful for any person to drive or operate a v~]icle on a street or highway at a speed greater ~han is reasonable ~d prudent under tl~e circumstances then existing. 3. ~%y speed in excess of ~]e prin%a facie maximum reasonable and prudent speed limit for the location shall be prima facie evidence that t~]e speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful. 4. %9~ere no prin~ facie maxin~n or reasonable mid pm~dent speed requiring the erection of one or i~D~e signs givJ~]g notioe has been established for a public street or highway withb~ the City of Southlake, Texas urban district, the prin~ facie n~ximum reasonable and prudent speed for such location shall be 30 niles per hour ~]less a slower s[~ed is r~uired by applicable provisions cf the State l~ws of 7~xas. 5. The prima facie ~ximum reasonable and pr~]~%t speed on the portion of any street or highway desi~%ated bolcw shall be the slued in n~les per hour designated below, between 7:30 A.M. to 8:45 A.M., both inclusive and 2:30 P.M. to 3:45 P.M., both inclusive, ~nday through] Friday, provided that an appropriate si~ giving notice thereof is erected. It shall he an affirmative defense to a charge of exceeding said prima facie ~xin~/n~ speed, established below, that the day in BLOCK NUqY~E R 2400-2700 2400-2800 2700-280O 2700-2800 100 block 100 block 100 block 100 block 2800-3000 400-600 1100-1200 2900-3200 1200 block 1300 block 1200 block 1200 block 100-500 100 block 800-1100 1500-1800 300-2100 100-1100 2200-2700 100-200 100-500 100-400 100-2900 700-1100 100-600 100-2100 MAXI~3M SP~ (MPH) 30 30 30 3O 3O 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 3O 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 3O 30 40 30 35 35 MAXIMUM ~D OF ZONE SPEED(MP}I) NORYH N.~LL AVE~I~E 194 ft. 9 in. South of N. cuzb line of Casey C~. SOU%I! N.CARROLL AV~qUE 268 ft. North of N.curb line of E.llighland St. line of N.Carroll Ave. 268 ~.North of the 20 curb line of E. Highland St. 194 ft.9 in. Soath 20 of N.cL~rb line of Casey Ct. 730 ft. EaSt of E. 20 c~rb line of N. Carroll Ave. 350 ft. West of W. curb 20 line of N.Carroll Ave. 248 Ft. East of E. curb line of N.Carroll Ave. 20 1301 Pt. West of W. curb 20 line of N.Carroll Ave. 403 ft. South of S.curb 20 lJ~]e of E. Dove Street 1464 ft. 5 in. NorWJl of N. curb line of E. Dov~ St. 20 70 ft. West of W. cu~b line of Crooked L~le Blvd. 20 324 ft. West of W. curb line of Crocked Lane Blvd. 20 6. The prima facie i0ax~n~n and prudent speed at the following locaticas shall be as dc, si~lated below, effectiv~ whan an appropriate sign giving notice thereof is erected: MAXIMIn4 SPEED (MPH) W. DOVE S~E~i' 100-500 40 E. DOVE STREET 100-2200 40 RIDGECREST DRIVE 2300-3400 30 LAHfE DRI~ 2900-3300 30 ~LAMINGO CIRCLE 2900-3100 30 BlUE TF~%L COUR~ 1200-1300 30 ~ITE WING COURT 1200-1300 30 Pl'~ INSULA DR/-VE 3100-3300 30 POST OAK TRAIL 1300-1500 30 CVPREgS CREEK CIRCi~ 1200-1300 30 JOIiNSON POAD 2500-3200 30 ROLLING LkNE 2400-2700 30 SUNSH~E 1200-1800 30 I I)NESO~dE DOVE 2100-2900 40 BU~NE~ LANE 800-1700 40 S~5~DY I~ANE 300-1100 30 W. CONT~Nf~TAL BOULEVARD 100-2100 40 E. CCNTIN~TkL [~DULEI~kRD 100-2100 40 N.~ITE QiAPEI, BOLU~ 100-3200 40 S.~{ITE (]lAPEL RC~D~RD 100-1600 40 B IIL~9/DW AVf~JE 1200-1900 40 E. SOIIfHLAKE BOLq~EVARD 2200-3100 40 S. C3~RI~OIL AVENUE 100-1100 40 SHBJDy O~<S DRIVE 100-2200 40 N . PEY~I~LE A ~VE]XPJE 100-2200 40 S . PEYTON%~]~I~ AVf~IUE 100-1100 30 W. DOVE STREET 600-1200 40 RANDOL MII~5 AVt~WUE 100-300 40 RANDOL t~ILL AVenUE 1700-2200 40 7. %%e foregoing itemized speed a~eas shall have the follewing n~aning to any abbreviati~ls used therein: "E" m~ans "East" "W" n~aDs "West" "N" IRa]RS "Not,JR" "R.M." means "g~xas State Ranc~ to Fl~rket F~ad" "S.H." l~ans "7%xas State Hif~way" "U.S." ~s "United States Highway" Block nl~Der is inclusive as to the portion of the street covered by both block nu~ers ~]d all areas between said block nu~rs including intersections. B. 571e penalty for violation of Ordinance 118 of the City of Southlake, Texas, as a~mnded, shall 1~ a nlisdeK~anor punishable by a fine of not ]ess than CNE DOIJ~ ($1.00) nor n~Dre than ~0 tlUNDf~D DOI2~J~S ($200.00). C. If any portion of ~]is an~nd~nt shall be d~clared for any reascn ~ooDstitutional or J~%valid, then such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions E. ~]e City Secreta~l; of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby directed to publish this amenc~,ant lmder ~e applicable laws but n~y publish only the c~0tion and penalty clause thereof and this said ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect fro~ and after the date of its passage and publication as provided by law. AEOIq~D ti]is ~/ day of February, 1978. Mayor City Secretary