0160A1ORDINANCE NO. 160-A-1 AN ORDINANCE AM~N~/NG Ot~DINANCE 160-A INSOFAR AS SECTICNS 5. lc,/~:~', and 9.10a ARE CONCERNED: ESTAB- LISHING A SIMPLIFIED SUBDIVISICN PROCEDU~; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PFOVIDING FOR PUBLICATION kND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~REAS it has been found by the City Co~cil that it is in the best interests of the City and the orderly and proper development thereof that an altered form of ~nort Form Subdlvisicn Procedure be adopted; and, ~AS, the Planning and Zoning Co~nissi~ and other appointed individuals hav~ conducted a study of such matter; and WIIE~q, public hearings have be~n conducted in accordance with applicable law; and, ~{EREAS by authority of applicable laws for the state of Texas as set out in a~ticles 970a and 974a of Vernc~'s Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas, such regulaticn is authorized, in connection with tJ~e said ordinance 160-A of the said City of Southlake, Texas: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY (I/ONCIL OF THE CITY OF ARTICT~E 1. REPEAL OF SECTIC~ 6.3 OF ORDINANCE 160-A: The provisions of the for~r Section 6.3 of Ordinance 160-A are hereby repealed and substitute thereof the following shall be known as Section 6.3: "SI~LIFIED SUBDMSIC~ PNSCEDUF~: A simplified subdivision procedure may be followed for the approval of the subdivision only ~]en the l~d proposed to be subdivided or re-subdivided meets the follcwinq conditions and requirenents: Suth land abuts up~q a street conforming to Section 9.3 of this ordinance and is so situated that no additional streets and no alleys easements or otJ]er public property are ~equired in order to n~et the requirements of this ordinance. The perinmter of the tract being subdivided has been surveyed and marked on the ground and a plat tJ]ereof prepared and filed with the Plan Admin- istrator and tJ]e nearest co~ner of eadn lot or parcel of such proposed subdivision is within two hundred feet of a known comer which is adequately marked by a c~]crete mcnument or iron stake. The topography of the tract and the surrounding lands is suda that no regard need be give~] in such subdivision to drainage, or, where drainage facilities are required, arr~1gements have be~n made for the constln/ction of such facilities in accordance with all applicable City Ordinances. 11%e utilities, as required by the city, are in place to serve each parcel, or lot of sud~ subdivision or resubdivision, or arrangements to provide such utilities have been n~de in accordance with all applicable City The Pl~% Administrator and/or the Planning and Z~ling Cc~nission may request necessary additional infonnation from the applicant and an opinic~ frcm tJ~e city planner-engineer concemling the adequacy of drainage or utilities and/or %J]e sufficiency of arrangenmnts for construction of same. 6. If the area included in the application is not served by sanitary sewer -2- system, each lot shall be a minimum of one acre in area and perculation tests for eadn lot to be served by a septic tank rmast be made in accordance with applicable City Ordinances, State Statutes and County regulations, whichever ir~poses the ~Dst strict conditic~s. 7. R~]e actual zoning must be consistent with the use proposed in the application ~]d the application shall state sudl use. A "Developers Ag~ement" shall be used including all mathers regularly used in a regular subdivision process except matters not applicable due to the particular individual simplified subdivision plat involved. B. Plat Delivery to Pl~i Ad~]istrator: When the land proposed to be subdivided meets the requirements and conditions of the preceding Section 6.3 A (1) throug~ (8) , the cwner of sudn tract of land ny deliver to the Plan Administrator a plat of the san~, accompanied by a filing fee in the same a~Dunt provided for a regular plat. The plat and application shall be signed and acknowledged by the cwner of the land and shall be accc~oanied by tax certificate as required in Section 8.2 a.b and c of this said ordinance. C. Contents of Sir~lified Plats: The plat shall be drawn on tracing paper to a scale of 100 feet to 1 ind~ (to the nearest foot and hundredths of a foot) and shall show the folk~ing 1. Existing streets, alleys, easements ~%d other public property serving the land being subdivided. 2. Adjoining tracts of land and owners thereof. 3. Known marked or ~numented corners. 4. Length of lot lines and, where necessary, their courses. D. Processing by Plan Administrator and Planning and Zoning C~rmission: The Plan Administrator shall cause the plat to be checked and verified and shall prepare a report to the PlannJ~]g and Zoning Cc~ission setting forth his findings. Such repose %ogether with the plat and application shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Cc~ssion at its next regular meting. The pro- cess ~] cc~echion with the notice of hearing, hearings and r~tings shall be as provided in Section 5. ld and Section 17 of this Ordinance 160-A. E. Processing by City Council: ~]e processing by the City Co~%cil shall be in accordance with Section 5.3b and Secti~] 17 of tJlis said Ordinance 160-A with the only public notice necessa~f before the City Council being placing the item in the regular F. Plat in Recordable Form: %5e form of tJ]e f~al plat must be such as to be recordable in the office of the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas. ~ICLE 2. The fol]~ing phrases are hereby deleted frc~] U~e following Sections of Ordinance 160-A: (A) The words "short form" in line 3 ~]d the word "and" in line 4 of Section 5 (c) , (B) The words "short form" in line 2 of Section 5.2, and (C) R~]e words "short form ~nd" in line 3 of Section 9.10 a. ARTICLE 3: SEVAPJkBILITY CLAUSE: cauzogq ,e4,/ - , ,, - .„,,, :1410,3 01 SV Gaffidddti kzeg.az as l4T ------ier, t,, i , j2e 8L61 'aunt J0 STIR 'QaSSKd 'mET Aq pa Tnbaz se uozgeoTTgnd pue ebessed sqT ae;ge pup urn; pa3;a pue aoao3 rung u? eq pue anT ° JJa ai oaq -new aoueuzpap sTga, MVO anII0g.ua :V =LIU •piTenuT qxed uT ao TeuoT4m.Tgsuooun aq oq peaeToap os qd eq . uei14 aaipo ';oaaaip} lied Abe ao aToim a se aoueulpao eq go A4iprEen eiq. qoa;Te qou TTeLIs uoTspep Lens 'PTTenuz ao TeuropmT4supoun eq oq sgznoo aim Aq paxeToap eq aoueuzpao slip go ixi poas Abe pEnoi5 i -£- ' . ...: s' 4', ILI) 3