0126 THIS IS TO CERTILA THAT THIS INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND EXACT COPY OF ORDINANCE NO. 126 AS ADOPTED BY THE ITY COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE. tTEXAS. S � 35 c City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. _!el6P AN CRD1NAUCE PXCEIVLIG AND AIS XDU TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO TIE TOWN CF SC*JTHIAK£, TEXAS; PROIIDZNu THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOIt A PARE Cr SAID TOM AN) THAT THE OANERS AND INHABIT.. ANTS THEME SHALL BE ENf 1T LE) TO ALL THE PRIVIW3ES OF aTHER CYCI£NS CF SAID IWN, AND BE B(IThI) BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NM IN EFFECT ANY) TO BE HEREIN- AFTER ADOPTED; FURTIER PRCVIDIAG FOR MEW= All) CORRECTING THE CFPTCIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TCUN f AND HERETCFCRE ADORED AS AMENDED, All) PR(VIDIN3 FCR AN EFFECTIVE Eon, 0 E. REAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53 rd. Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-0, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. W. D. Deacon et 4. owner of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Tom of Scuthlake, Texas, a tract of land consisting of 29 acres, more or less, out of the J. B. Martin Survey, Abstract Ho. 1134, Tarrant County, Texas, more particularly described as fellows+ r-- L3E311V N3 at the Northwest corner of the said Survey which is an iron pipe in the intersection of the North line of Survey with the Northeast line of State Highway No. 1143 1, THENCE, South 09 Deg. 50 Min. Cast with the North line of said Survey 1308.66 feet; TIME, South 11371- feet; THENCE, West :26.16 feet a point in the Northeast line of said State Highway No. 114; THEM, North 36 Deg. 3C Min. West 1417,1 feet to the Northwest corner of said Martin Survey the place of beginning, and containing approximately 25 acres. A plat of said land showing Its location with respect to the Town of Sauthlake, Texas, is attached hereto market "EXHIBIT B". PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION CF LAND CONTIGUOUS A) ) ADJACENT TO THE TOIIN CF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS To the Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southiake, Texas. Greetingat I, the undersigned, W. D. Deacon et al, of Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called Petitioner, represent as follows' 1. That I am the owner of, and the only person having any interest in a tract of land consisting of 25 acres out of the J. B. Martin II Survey, Abstract No. 1134, Tarrant County, Texas, more fully described by metes and bounds as follows; to-wits Li BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the said Survey which is an iron pipe in the intersection of the North line of Survey with the Northeast line of State Highway No. 114; [I] THENCE, South 69 Dag. 50 Min. East with the North line of said Survey 1388.66 feet; T}E?EE, South 1131 feet; THENCE, West 526.16 feet a point in the Northeast line of said State Highway No. 114; THEME, North 36 Deg. 38 Min. West 1417.1 feet to the Northwest corner of said Martin Survey the ,place of beginning, and containing approximately 25 acres. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southiake, Texas, is attached hereto, marked EXHIBIT "B". 2. That the land described in EXHIBIT "B" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Sauthlake, Texas. '.--a, '' , -- ".— , ,..,a,..a.*••••,......r*.•,,,,—*n•,• :4..µ.,,,,,_„._,,..,".,.—,--,,,..•,,,_,. 3. Your petitioner agrees that if this request for annexation be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of Scuthlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the Tam of Smith. lake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances, of said To , now in effect and as hereafter enacted. WHEREPCRE, ya petitioner respectfully requests that this Petition C7for Annexation to the Town of Scuthlake, Texas, of the land described in attached EXHIBIT be granted. WITNESS the signature of petitioner duly acknowledged as required for deeds. CI qii 1 II .. • f ,adit dr .._ • ............ W. . on _ , :, ---• -- - , 2.; -,- ..7) " 1 . .. 12„ . ., , 4 ' ' ritaw ar TEXAS I ,D1 1-,..!,. ,., e tl % ,,,.:—.,:",.; 13 ...s.,—;1::.., .: :ri:a r—fCCUNTY CF TARRANT I b . J (IT; pi Loi:.:r/ : . 1 y ,. ,- 1---- BEFORE ME, the undersignia1/4411obatAtiAto--Aw-dittl*W3VOLCittfatv- and State, on this day persM4U*..ilopaileiw33164.1eplIkaleitnime W .),,Jiu _ be the person chose name is subscribed to the foregoing initrumentemwmM L ,4 -0 acknowledged to me that he efAt fitiefivilthio4erOseabge4ixemitga7.Tiv sidoration therein expressed. .asiii-sw wads Jed .tab b cut Y yiawoa "Ctair 3 37 Ow Jun GNEN UICER MY HAND AND VA sirliPtrAhls* .-('‘? 7`fP day of October, A. D., 1964. PISPU '': '" '' ' ' .X4 / / / . Or o . Pili-.0.1/- ''..•"-.. : . Notary , , lc in and far Tarrant Ccut..yli Texas, (711 0 ;.. - i :1-• , \ I * , ' 0 T 1 \ L . ,... 1...... ' $ „LA 1,......--•."''r=L""''`` to THAtt the larfoarty bootinabove described bating adjacent and con* totems to the Vow tiles Of tbutbiake, Terms* be and is hereby annexed and *mot* Within,the ()annotate Waits of said Too and is *Petit made en inteigtai nett thereof* C 2, rags !See 0/M0* -40:14- inhobitento Of the aimt bomb.atesamd he oat/of*0 04 Of the rights oaf priatileges of ;Moat oittroos and ProPorti Of *aid Us* and be boot*AU of the -,ette and otdis oar*.1)**-in Ot*facitty thonetot Me in full tom arni effect Aid that 0 utdAth ory,:int.: -baroafter WOW* 3* , , , Ws. the 0004 *o act booldaries of the Toon of satailake; ToanniOa )**to tons adotankand esegole4 be and it hOtthy Ohnialad so as to listeitt 00 :iterociati totrktoty as pert Of the too Southeke* tonie* z.._. 4* s, ... U * Ottawa* shall become effective and be in full fame and effect fro* and eftot its passage end approval. by the Mare and duly Y attested by the Too Secreta*%- . antsna tittzLitty of -9--4/4-.t:1114-4A-*/ Alb t). 1064#, ' - Amon. ,..: ,... . tt'441TEStit• i .., 4., 1.4:t .11- - a -1 ?:,;* l, • i o .„(0, '''_: ; V..---j a '; - 4;••-',,,'? , . iE.A ic T4 . S“.--111: •'„ \ ' t ,,,; fitLet_4(vj , e,P.,\• % ' _ ; 0 , • '--.--t-e-.- % -- . -. - - " secretary 1 i - 1 , e • 5Tr T`r' OF TERAS -' COUNTY OF TARRANT I, W. C. "RED" COWEN, Clerk County Court of Tarrant County, Texas, do hereby certify th^t the ::':..y:o and foregoing instrument with its certificate of authentication was filedl, for . registration in my „_.__ . office , , at r . (t'O7 o'clock M. and duly re <ed ore_0 E�i 5 1969i9_, at o'cicck .M, In Voir .0/4. Page„c.Y,„ of record of :.`..n.ti.P for said County. WITNESS my band and seal of office, at Eon Worthy, the dal and date last above written. W. G "RED”. COWEN, Clerk Court, Warrant County., Teza/ likt % lieedll . . . , . ' ' I #.,- �� o C rt\V Ni y III �� '- iitITY CLERK ft EXHIBIT "B" 1 ago 4-6 Kees y a�c 25 Acres Owned by W. D. Deacon et al Tarrant County, Texas Scale-1"--800' J