0119 a 1st tfj MASSASOS Po. lig .10e AS $IAS1 as 1'S'Ilelli*T Ili AM! USAIRMS IS TMS TS'S Sr OsUrmLAS I, 7#i# A) ASSIONSM • A £ oesramiimmis ri•M . Aa T in .* mni amp SISSAISMI tS •Boit POS *PUMP 'stat *AY S11 010WrISSI 1111 Sr TAS* OAS SIMS MOS SOASSAI SIR 1rfr 77.- , US ASS 0011 Sr SWILSSt., !!`ASO'S*AS Ale LAS rel SMOnSISSS ISMIMISSIAL rurroSISI SrirtiniTIM TOM 1"A1r Os SSR meLATZsi Saern•S • _ , 1tlplf�+mond, I oca9'Tia, �OA'tnn, Oi+SIRA.. TA A M ties U i1'lttJ0TUtlltM * Lin manM 'ram MT mase. ! Ali At i11t rosTlevsss q 1 Vii. 1111111111111 *liar ASA *SOIDOWOOM. MOW 441140101141 TSR MALL SS 121010 .110 A SUM ASW 11 ►WWI Ser. Ns VIA? Lai Tr. sum Trammed! SOARIMMO Vii. A WARMSA ! �1leetkas ~SAM TuAr MOM VIONOMONMIsp rasaames M Wils sMOIsAMON =tin iia AA A NISOMMAMOR MALL sot IIIMOLOMS !Ms Tote ti' !IM 1111,4111111 vet Qui. moms arm !T AT IAA Wirt! tOP11111Agi 0111AL - UT% An 1ltlUJ•O? TO rassisrams As 111118111A86,11 11114411111111111 1t ISM ttI+&AT I fill OR TroLATZSIR4 !111!1111R x+45" VIA? VMS OROS*ARO* SMALL PS OISMILATIZZASA. d! *51 o[AsQM Or Ma TOWN AITIOTSIMOT* INITTSIS °ROSSANO* SIUM4, MISOOSS IPYiOTIY! 411 to IN POLL PSPIOS ASA WSW room Atm AMR 71111 tKV$ n* Tee Ab P?1 nI •!s '1",4 AT1011 AN $1 LAW r ROIrSIRp. Ai iT ohatilitn IV Tuft Tori CoUS IL of Teat Tc w# R1 R+*lT LAOS. TsxAa, 411Shisal. the Taws •t SauWs1tilw. Times. situated tit Terra* aunty. duly lsoorp.reted tied rpor•tuw pursues! t• Title b, 196,11 Powsee4 Civil Otototos et Toss.; sod sttiwki 1• ter t11• pure et waters s1aastet, tbs Tem Omssi t at tee Ta et Iou% 1•Ics, Times. hos msr•*stare 'dept.* re opdAnssso• arsessAz • rummy sued Resist Osunissies with l titbrvetl.M! mks • 4 and recommend for adoption a master plan, as a whole or in parts, for the future development and redevelopment of the Town and its environs, and to prepare a comprehensive plan for seeing the Town in accordance with Chapter 283, Acts of the regular session of the Legislature, 1927, Act. 1011-A to 1011-J, R.C.S. as am ded; and MIR=AS, the Town Council of the Town of Southiake, Texas, deems it necessary in order to lessen congestion on streets, to secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers ; to promote health and the general welfare; to Provide adequate light and «ir; to prevent the over-crowding of land; to avoid undue coneentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; to , conserve the value of property and encourage the moot appropriate use of land throughout the Town, all in accordance with a compre- hensive Plan; and MMUS, at the present time no definite rules or regulati -'•r;$ are provided for by the Ordinances of the Town of Southtake, which would provide a uniform plan of location, sire and use of property, in order to nreteet and properly safeguard the various neighborhoods or localities in the matter of proper sorting, having due regard to the public welfare and comfort, it is necessary that temporary rules and regulations be 'provided until nermanent sorting can be promulgated with due hearings with property owners, as is provided by law; and 4410 -2. OP vOMMMOS. the Mai si alias sad $sweat 4,4141010111 .&M. Lee oresolootion bare vr,rr.rrb1y eoeside od oettsre par eludes be M atairsl Swami of bb+r .resp etwabsd within firs Uwe, s head bearings iweommeetiew !berg tbb, hero resomm.04s , *bet dee is sow* *roe beteg wtiy of . rural *roe, !bort be bold sawwr is status ase. it woad be to *be bat te*+rrell le lbs Nosibb, sefftj sod ieweral welfare of t$s l!M mod leksbtbiwbs tbereof *bet ail of the ores sitvbad *heroin be sieostttod M $iaml* V.. iy Owoiline iialttsi. 'petit fir*Mr etwdy se stsraeswei.wsi ear be nude/ NOW* INSMOSOMS. MS If SMINOMOS it VIS let, t/DfMIL et Vet Tore or *oUTMLACM, =Ass SWISS SCA t allatgalle POM tho purpose of this d4teaess. *bp !falsifies Needs lied terve as ass* berets ars &etised to sea. the let i.w#+rri i ,0020 wear to *be }suet tones implode tib fetePOS loads to lbs steowisr ember looted* lbs plurals awe geode in bbe "Lerma amber iasis lob s l sMlar i the seri "bwi ldloor* toilettes lobe Med 04Pbr.Nupa"i *be Veil ' U" or the word "ate!" te ese deter sad met a +alt *be be "Meed [se tooted/4 Mrs aeoslr for' or "tM.wded f r*. aliallICIIMINIUMUM A seboodia ore Mtldta>R brewing . use ewb..ori1: lasii.M to eat la*stsd f+a lbs tot .esepsd bj tae 1► esti iwiidl or a Mi a wstswrity isstd.l to the rate was .t lot;i Inr.psrty• A baililwt bwsaat se esommory use lot esesidsesd M tebsiroi Mort of the waarm betidame Ale it bee .q Pert of s veil r�w - I 01111 to semen rift the eels betiding. or it sMOr M emirs at Ohs nal. roof sod desip rsl M Ms labs$ pert at t . mule liao'tld sg, Aux, • slsor way shim* is meet set arily for vebtsniiav sant.e p..sss to Ss bosh as sit of properties aMrrslar abetting we a serosa*. 00 i impaso A sooty bolo, Who flint seer, is defamed ember •.tory.. easseed •s • Oary for tea>•at r./mlait.ws If subiD$Mt and woe tar dwf3 t las purpss Mlles Mew by • potter or istsbena s stayed on the PPOWLSOO. ammo A pies* or ysrssi of lard oothrely .air.iu sd bf pMe$s 1Mgs or streets. *them thaw eilays• I. soros obeys Wm l.-rlllwR is loosest**. or 1iss..-ssiM, *ba beLidise Itayn►0,.1r simal determine les sullttoe of iia00 lialc, imiliaglo 7'ra Pt qg me *mum ammomsm .f vs. Visor 00 of . Twos. NO mow leen deensil of She gorse .f IswSMLai.. meow. simmums fes eosin towel of ells sorb le front at Ohs lot. or In sese sd a eereor lot. along rite setteg sire•* where tea mese sorb torsi is the wt. 410 immuil A SuULttry n perttoa feral, 010010.04 .pt.lwLj NO for vsmtd shat osomoow.y, lootudimg ono faeeetly, two family. ant l rmltiale dwelling., bawr*iall awl gibe hoes er. esorieoei 1roelus rod *perissat hotels. iri w• 1s$Sta. .b. 11,4, rajuilimmajimmumsaiti A detsswd wtIdiws erremaed. tnt mist. or darirnsd for sserprMr Imp seed tartly. liallaujillians N nsssssery bundler for suras* ..lf .t Teter v ekt4lss. „ter- r; s jet A wt ldlne or pe mins tbereef• desimmed si used fair lire stereos. sale, wrimi. ossa* wr romeAr coir **ter veldsles. roAlk ss •paevstsd for s..rriretal purposes. 11.11111641.110 A wi L ina or lraitien eMreet, more 00 twee* defined as a Ovate, a pubi l e. or s o.wrwli/ Muse 410 Prowidimp •*susas for meter steles. mitts fa.ilitias for seabAme bet we surer services. 00 The vsrtta.t diatom.. measured from the feilswi*g l%va. I orate. a. from *be stent amOb levet; 111 1. Prom time s-stbIUUIMd or seesaw street erode in 0000 bbs soft bas met been sonstwrertsdi o. VP.. tsar overuse t*sLsred gramma level at,.irla ted 00 bmildis it it sets Misr from ted street 1 iM s is the level at lire MOW/ vets* if +plus reef 4..s .f flet reefs or rests iwslialme net sere them *aa leek Ms) to *be feet. er w Sb. sass rout trot sf tree ter of les sae elites surd truest ridge for elbow reefs. it rel! swum The ~Stool d is tome. from t1is *wet love' of out* yard .r *our* to tie bisk..t motet of *q boundary moll. has A poral ut toted wed or to re see-•risd by moo tl.ilding, or unlit tern.* of buitdiage• bog suis tommo aloof Wlldisp or ses esotomort iy t..idome *beret.. isolndiue .uobb open sus as •sr r.404r.4 wider tibia •rd1 rase, sod harking ate iryrtp.1 trsntelle biose • pablio .trim* or a pL0s0, Wit. camps A lot *betting upon too or more .tr.ets •$ *Noir interaeetiow. t e.rner i•* *ball be deemed to groat oo *Imo* street mom ohiek At has its least dtmoneiew. ualss. .MI•nr&s. ep sifted by tube Nrf kids* I netNt.r. hillriamanlank A 1N MMM aids liaise do not abut upas a el,.t. jg?. Tatum. be interior lost bowing fronts/no .n eve str..tnr. 0 Ara atrsr me lines bw.wd>t.e a tel as defined bereft. himias,../mois TM boundary h urn a lot sod M. street ow 'bleb it fr^nt•. moot bi _ RiA*zs ppirolte .Nil ._.r.. TJ the enemy hair e`e eb e distal* grow the front street lines .ute.*t that i• the ern .f neseriaisty tun ■wilds* xoge.t r obeli detoreaus the rear line. 11)1 LIM !late Amp lot twMery► flue sit • frost or room line therNff A side lino may be • Mum lot lino, a line bordering ea an alley or vise* or aide street lines. 11 haahalit Me semm beriaamtal diatoms tree ttr Mss etrest Mrs S. lila roar lime. 1ST v11210 ?be rarleamtal di o tams. between aide tines. sa.onr.d at tee frost building lime. as .stebltahnd W taw 1Mrilatrws trent yard reseirs.eM M tibia •rdiwefe, W . Juni A nee. llaililog on Yard 'moos doss est. bg reason at d.sis.. sem• or itmwl.ss,. tsatare to tbs poseletlene if the ilstriet 1n widen it t, attmeted. It la a legal oeseonfornlas use it eetobit.lyd later to the ~ease at Lasa erdimmes. sod sr tllagr►l moo-«.torM,s see it ..t.M1Obw otter Moo eaeus/r it this or dummies art not .the rsri se approved as nrsvldsd hereto. jump M sem• oneseupied seas. *tilos *a e street, mr allay s.r•aaistly esesbliebod er d.dtsala4 as trio missive' seen' Sr $Mesa 110 pMMM! abetting Heroes. ' A building aeosrrstad as tide abiding rises 't see or mere persons to uftseb the ells set oenesere.t at ' ammo' wartawrs. *11 a ltameea for ~biog. veratt 1.tion. wsa t isse or LUISMA01 ors vadssr asre ~Wel .M *ideal shall imolai, slide Mostly dueill s, Intek shall be time triasipal build's* on arra lot is Pooadentisl Slot rieta. s A Outlaw or *Mitres at a hoildhollh Int, seta/ so a dialog roes in s's'enestI.a eitb a 'motel or `rsrdis hews,. Iris teed la aero- for Volf sod til 9040000144400 Is sir tlrrlllt+g otos. toomisioos aerie to suede ter serving teed es Pe so 1wNlIM Mr ws*sae •tSilstA Meted mares. AIMJ TIII er tL ?ctrw t Ae tt,ee. r,.y betiding loberted me the Sarre lot or free witlr The mein building, sad used as livid, Smarter*. ter eersimta employed .a tiro promise*, erred net rwitet or •tborwi s. Mosel ss • eeperst. d.s*ajla. mom The nivmlr asrisent•1 distodoe betimes the demes* soil at soy tr.Jsmsti,w of time building. •ssledls stops sad vacws1.,.r44 Mr•b end the **root t f wc. AMAKI. MIV'*Tat An artcea.erty beild&ed for the ' * tog of bore, pontos. or melee owned by ssvepewts et tore oremised. see net kept for resrwarstion. hits or sale. STAMM.. fantiiiil A u tobl e ^timer toys a private or riding *tail,'" as defied berets. vrimul k RZ ipe s A strwture is son i eb lienees. pariM. se •wr t.e, used esetyslr.ly for vleaour. riding or driving. pre Moused, hesrdee„ or 'opt for hire; incluitwa rtdlng trim*. t That asorrt of a building tseleded betimes the ~tee, of ser floor 40.4 the wurfaes of tee floss mutt shove. or if *1 .e be so floor 'boo*. that pert of the betiding rhteb to obeys the immerse.. of tin, bfahss• floor *bereef. A tee story attic la a halfetery 1011001 three train tine of *M *ares is ra►t above the of the istarrier WOK of smelt story. ?be first story is *ire biabs.t story raring its istorie r floor warfarin. net etre tomes fear fact above the *orb beef. •et.at i ebe4 or mean street grade, so seem. graved level. ea ereelteeed 14 'Hai of Mli ldi#gs' •t tide a ett.ie. 'Mat! A tberesgbfere motto% affords prissiest mesas it was.. to arenerty abutting tremor. rt' & gai Tile 'Madill( line list m toe etre** sped tore abutting property. =MAI Anything *trwt•d or erected, whisk rrgnires lee•tiwn cio the gr'+u"Ay or otta+Aod to something gearing • lN•tion on the gr.u.4i insiuding but rot limited to, •dnrtiateg ■I . billboards. and pester Panels, but wa•lwtvely of Steffi lMMes or boundary or retaioing Malls. .rraknanfi _ Larr•r1 l►az Any ohmage to the supporting members of a building, •uei as bearing wells, •*lures•. bNau •r Maser.. nut r Th. Town of lioutblaare, Toms. YARIAllaSs A moditls.tiaa or ~Motion or *ft previmiomm of this or-4tn•*or, a• Implied S. a •poaifi• oleo* of property, as diettret free ramming. IAAi An even •payee at grade/ between at building fed the adjoining lot linos. urweaypted and N..batrue•st by any portion of • •tru•rurr tram tbo ground u, w.rd, encore* a• •thrai.e provided. in measuring a yard tar the purp►e. of dotorelos the width et a •440 yard, tibo depth of a front yard or the dost* •1' a rear yard, the tout horisawtal betimes the lot tine 604 the rain building shell bo used. t[AAa� PIM; A yard aer•N the full width ►f gds let aaten4i"c from the front limo et the wain building to the front has d tato 1t . TAA,. RALItt, A yard between Oho rover tot time and lb. veer _s e the rain building and Oho ends lot limo. $ A yard bottoms the maim wilding omd adjae*Ko aide lino of the l.t, and awtowdlwt setlrety from tba trent yard to the reel feed hereat. _._ 1.... ie 1tl. T. aliaahnoit this erdisesss *heli ha Immo end soy be *it's as the tmpsrsrt Seeing r+rdiaaass of the Teem of seeertbiske. 'ewes. ttas la t. ter She purpose of rim:101a sea rsstrtettss the was of 41110! sed the sreetl.a. ewwstri s*zss. pss•wstn ation. eiteeett.a, ems see at buildings.s. strwatiarees et teed. sit arae situated with the Zea of sewtbisirs is hereby 4es1,astad as sss, 4inetrte$ es fal to s$ IMATSiO?,.!jt. stalle family auellIng 3istriet. PICT). I Alk lbe DLITstte7 •�ir A.r r1Jss Seuederiee eel the district as au..-urrtd in •ash 's $ at this DNlaaass is bereave sa tsit i sis4 ss shame as s nep prepared for that wpm. uhts4 met is hereby designated set the ZOO/AIN lt.trist MOSS Aad said .tib aid sti the wwtetions. rtsreessrs sod iatersstitaw ehevw thesis is hereby oede •s woe,. s t'sr t •f this Ordinates es If the same etre aeet teeth is fv%) hereto. it shall be the duty et the fission be keep as fits in Its 'Rise an asthestie sew of said ekes. sad all Vis. srlu rets. sr sdditione therat+s. Whig definite d i sssneetees in tet ere not *berm es the lents bi•trivet Its. lbs dtstrivet boundaries err tsteedsd is he aloft asatatt#4 street. alley or stetted int lienees. sr ss be osons at the sed if the emit t cress i on of verde tine* Is 9at felt for. it shell he Ipro 111114 111111.111111MM111. 411111111D 4111111111111 deMeelssi sr tb+ bei1diss lwspsmt.r, dws ••wsi4mtirrw 60111# IIIEire to I.sti.w es iwdlootod by ttas s*sls of the &•wise !►Charts• Iowa streets er allots on *b• ground tatter from SW silsttts IP or alloys so shows on Woe lent n +•s t.$,Lst swr. t`s aiid#1 sl bas stsr r goy simply *bs di.trt•t doolessti+�ws os abs asp ty, Woo s •r ..ys M the greued la sash Awwsr so to i.wages ba the Isles* s ee Purpose of tkis trdtr,M•. WAswe,sr soy strs•f oe alloy is mooted. Ow wwtisetay Illt t!►stris• is re,ist, tb• ad join's* props rrtp l t•s •bu l l N setsmselsolly ostemMe so tips ...tor Ilse of ssy *mob sliest 0r alloy.' 11111 AU torettorr vrblab npy ots.r bo enty *n aTo Om lm shw l t Nella..u.,li7 bo &lam..* as lyiaS eft bfiM l■ it trist"'Agl watt 11 ow% shawltla+iti.n *bell boy* boon skssmod b7► sm obewidualt tub tis /rel og erdla.s s is oweeSi ,M ty Lan. I =4'I 1*. 5• lakaaLMINCINENZ A M..N of 44$) stwon$ is tooroby •s*ablistv4 is somordseme ss* t+M yeerlsions of *be Tba.s *,.. two. a*.tiea 7 at #1806*, RR) beak Legiolsoturo. Regular **solos t 1tt71, IwisM lumM aim . vesord ist abs Using •f Q t t iss swat "koros. Tim wort Mesa rd' wimee awed la Nus Ord*iw. Moll ba ssaa$ to MOON oho neert at maIwMsA. Ms posers mod dintss of the err sro summorated la 14011444 i1. _...-. ..1t.. lly the Moor# shell eemeist of five members. seek to he sppeimeed br Imp gamer sod emprewed by the o+.gnrt 1. for • tors • ten years, sod rsus*1Me far segs* by be spfristise 101-41 e rilMr *heron *we sfter eibl.is besringt. Weesseise welt he tilled fiir the AMM term of soy member uses* term besemM resset. lbs Seamen moy in its 4t.ergtt' n dolomite the veiny sped ao$Msrttj _+ r • in to tee tri to Ms Commission. ManIMMILIUMAILASUMIX sir* ss Ir,Mrimensr everidoes 1. so building or spermeture abeu deo *rested, see etreeted. res.wstrvaar or *tiered, air shoal any Wildiwd. .tr e*o r. or lee* M reed tar soft oorpose other thee is i •r i ttar to the d ta t rt et so whish seek hostdies. .truttarw►rf or 'sod is si$ o test. So *s seglidies er ~osiers sheat he wed. seeeivesied. roemseirmeied mr loitered M aid the beiche M *roe limit heroin eet.btt.e.M for the edetrlet In ektete .reek heitdise or etreetwen t• l ega tel. 3, to tot area shell be roamed or diminished se *het iter suede foe *see* (mem speedo* whett be smaller Mee preserihed by ibis Ordinenee. nor *hell the eer..i ty of 'W ,...+.;se be !M,osssd Ls eny essenor. •soar` In seef rrtt with M! me !./ Ma tstobilshed hereto. 2V4 7l Zoo a *Inglis twill dwelling disiirtst. no building R ps ass Nall be weed end a. buitdias stall ins .res$ad . str5stsrelly altered sottish is arranged or da.lessad to s need ter stber thew one •r sore .t tie toilwi's' mess, sweep* as stlrsMse slsssitissllt }sem td.d is this ordiawnsai (i) ain't* d.ti lir Swelling. It) O grsbea sad psbiiatt owed and operated eennsinglit Windings. mobile moss.mr, bli• edal.i.trstive bniliL• i. it is iib rarise. pelisse siwtl.ws* sod It,. stations. it 1seata sir sesardGase with at least one .t iie followings a* w t is, aims*, devoted to *be as. ter v t*i the bmildiai remit is requested* b, on • let a.wiaq a aids line soonest to a patio t•!!. awl, or •warisry. or dir .%li► swoon a *this* trrw aq .w or •s+bi asisw of said Rees. s. Oo a ssra.r tai kering a setas at sea f..* '*ante's. d. •a a hof three sides .t wolf* .41st• . a. On to tat sir/res yr the tri at Mink 111111.1111111111 4') t'rtstilL Mi stappreunde. trills *aa tsr►1Ls or mote, buildimss uttbiu aisets Perks. ' ) noilts a•leola. elementary end Sigh. end wriest• 00beol• +rills wrrt•ulom equivalent to tort of a subtle •isusn*.ry or ieit% *Wool, and institution. of *amber learning, laslrliug *tedium end d.ruiteri•• Is espe$nmsrtt.w, if tossat d on tlss ametria, 46 ( 1) a1[ saarass (sweeps miniature dolt *soma, driving ts000s sad Ober r tat l er osi i ri ti M •tad s• • baa t ssi•f• 14) l4silrs.i right •t was, net ineludiva railroad Taro. 4 7) * rtseltwrs. rssr►sedriss. sod tree% N gardens w 1 imited to *ha � 6 pr•patation and sultivettao of plntsI e f boairs*a s�wi. -1N►- 7relRtmi' 5 s l i ,,,br .. 1wtt•wr l■ i tt) teat's' +M•• buildings of •.rwsr.tttas, fire, or LsdLvtdm•1s engaged ter taw fwvulebing of t•t•!r^n• swirls* M 'kg petits, i wet uding say strap eet in ssrw•stt.w walk mob b i ldings. or • part of aue% Ihelepavao oysters wsssssary !a t`s furmistang if totes - , ,. •• to the publis. _ 4,) slrat•tpal rotor sw i'tp reservoirs. filtse bads, flllrwti -* 714184b*, aortae. or underground or overloud wooer oter■se, water motto sod 1,01441dwR slants. 4 ft) Anew/eery wises, ta•tNing earidat *rose. anatowerily test of to the above *see •-$ l•s•t•d en flit wino tat tber a rit5, n. invelvitt the •was t • " • imeitatee or i • R "dY +. .• .i s r �,- * • #. s#y y see rpt a °,;' ,t; 4-= like � •.....i,..-r-.,... ' " '. +i` M*M1 tacoss t * . � . » , * �. *4r..s.r. i �. .r arUUss, , r.` 7 lir �t*isept) seder *be fa&1' ' i ft)) That reek sees are tweeted in trie + versos *a kis sir 'tor 'vivo*, vosideme*. i!) 'tori itrM s sl�K sealer *AA** s qtr '. r, r,! ier lwsa4 So su pLe ti 4. s04 rrw •*reden _ • M -• x ° � E g ? *Labe* $,i 1af;+c t*d or mare tnee cabs 1 fi) - !i used !o !' sir r+�se. = 5 ,;�_ ' b. A billboard, std. or sr iriiilti ' : .`- f s 1ii*+sd as sot er r woof • `....' •:•; #i! a Stitai os " **l.• .r "Per #•• '- '' �� fire* to ere* ► s t '. 4�. . allik, tOtt r11r o ai * obeying `� °r . $ s � •srtriene steer's* id,, i the* - tort ,, '. St S bissits � #st llustrs stores . ..,, sontreeor sr.til s tater see t f ._ !*a'M$*M. wriovi4ime amoOk *Lim *belt -..-::,,i-..„11; - - - - (i) eloper* feet is *sees. snit i - f five (j) lest to � et t1er so r `` ° �; l : - ,ts t-I--'',. flt_4-...'i,1:7-''''.:;:°-• .r-- '4%.:-!,;•?'.•••:=',,.1,17;.:'.,'-t4e.7---e•-•• ,', '4.:-,--.':•'-' . ::`,.°,,,- e.---1.-- ----7.--- • -I: 1: - '- * 7 ,i,-•,•:,•,.:.. :. - ice•• +.s, .' '}t - - 4•'Y,`.. . ••� 4 ••W'•~'-•'',-,-.74-*-:. `Yrti "1° .. �L •+J "'�'. F' • Wit; `? m 2:-_ i 514�{ L y fir,*a •Fbl 1i• � � ,•. - .I;G'r_,•Y.�-'i .,:!•''.:i �4''.f. (3. -f....,;%.4'.-J.:. •J • pE;.�.x P �+i .y, n'�~,• - i ,°, .. ..k.+?-„,,',..7,44)4i, ', ' M } rt.,w t. '.---,�'• .T'i;, •y,,'ht.•aFP . - 1F?'• f ; ,,-:-- . .,. , . ' • • - ;,lei, • : . . 44 VOr *my dwelling benne there shall be peroibtell , I- , . 4 private garage with wean* for sot ear* th00 .000, _ .- -!- -1:-.::1 nehisto ter iseb toe tbeedomad 42900.) 0400r0 000#40t:Ist areas or savvinets. quarters, provtied tie* - — 01001,044110 WorSoro shalt be toasted ow* tilt -....,-.,.-... . (i.) toot tree the tweet lot limo, sir lisa (it) feet tree tory side let late. nor lees Net from any alley Use. *seep* that when Ow voirspil 11' • Li ~wen to a old* or roar lot lime at atietheirinedi eutteeildleg swot be lammed a edainne at bi. lifitr4000 tree said roar lot use. end is the use et avord0,4000 . .. . mot limis thee the diets*** required ter reei4001400ren side stresses oed further provided that waft sorters shall be ocouried 'wily by ria oripkOpplUsa , the proutoso. A garage way be eonatreited 0000010A,Illooroh . • lot lime for mutual swoop's** beihmea properly somoto, • A garage cc 040,voste quarters eenitreetod 00 1111110111100 part et leo ease building shall be vehieet 1106 410461-- rageletioes attoetled tba wets building' 01041110 41110 .-f-Atle to a eerier lot, a privet, portage. wiiims , :ok, .dart n olo building fed sit osomoding the *WOW air. . ; _ beitdiag. eel amilmose lab, Sb. regni000APbor Pate Ott Med 'bob ItiOWWW14101 tiernibhpli , Jig* time god giddii het 000r aid ftgoielsbufw.44414***6 of *kw nous Past irsooit . 114D oiret-40;* : -:- • ' ',• '- - :t.-iiii-°‘‘,-. -3!; • 10.14•41.11 It lie *UMW 4460 NW tillitihitie ULU tang a , ''" i - • - 50 dwelling obeli he ownoririr.tori =n said %tna'lo family Wider C „ 4a-4.100. 1,1 beetling %atrial, loss thew 10944 ,1mgyre foot floor /Riffifaikoniono•ft04•C Org. / 1saive of nrrotwss breeenwrts strof rnrs *4* ANZIAINIts , Tor minion* area of tots in mad ntA00 "wally Swelling sxs•riet A teas Unitary Ntwrr is not arsil.alw„ shalt be liatdit squire foot for noon *Anglo tsmtly iw+rlliwl!. ldii+nry baromttsr forested and otrwi*urai lr •ltorsd4 in atm trio** nrtartded for **rote shall sensed Tee end a*no.. t tt) or TO-etre 115) tee*. , Tut Mel* iimiidtag in Iinate 'sally qistriot &Rail be eon.. tam fr+ts$t " on the 0$00011 wfttoll 1=ra lot as art4Isal if (i) es 1011,11 Ire a faint lord along nese t f of a! 'b. to ". Th* ri id owe dept ( a from* 1411111111110 tong the side t t ae r earner lot ohs' 45 fart et *bo tri+t to tie alldeereFat et soot misting buildings. fa) his. Mae Applopli WIC so t'Metoo mri1#t; MSL* is t rw ted nearer then ton (1 d) toot tion w+b aids 1s0 16604 doss) �t!!lss,4+d� : Is eeoessery laIL14$ t/tl M" 41411Whores &hell he aonetruetsd or crested ssirsr these ten lllf test 106SONV side or rear lot lino. (0640immuagus nat1dtwp woo ~nor lobos Where istetter leets hero he.. platted or sold font v Ai on tero side soonest. -dll► praSsst nit mors tests to* (10') root to tress of tone lies eetadieted ter beef 1d$. s 117 .Mee free. !srd requirements tar the !nomads Sete en time sive street, provided *bta rsptstion shall soot M SO to - 1Med es to redoes the kvttldsbls width of • Ner000 tat 1000.16100 • eerei ip at time tine at the passsds of *hie ovalness*. h " tllM t.s eeir-f1v * test tart, vera provided that the side !rant 0110W64110001 stove shell to oteorvrsd. (L3) j ymps the dee% at the *Meer yard elan tits 06 10000 the Suety' (a!) psreent •t its day e% at / lets bet Ore *PIM mi. :Mrd be neve *ten trirty (3v 1 toot. (0) ,lama a/ I Ite +si nimwo width at a i06 ek .i •tiv a tdj) test, at the treed Oiidinet Limo, provided 11411 smere $ 1.t hoe lees width thew heroin required, to silMrrs tea ateh. Hee et the passat *his ordtedipes, Moto SS6061444.1111%1 met p:edltlteit the ereslidell +tetemeate• til dOildti044 n 4 '0• ePC/42/PO e" "Pe-oe,C.4 Al 04," 0P- tej M it - -• • e 4 - -, • • • • - - ' t:.,-- '....• ' ' --,,,,,,,...-e&-..ti:-..-'... ,i'vti.:. .--.,:' .' -_'..1",•,; .. ....-,),• ,- :4. ' '-' •-4'." . •--•-:-1_-':',,-- t-,,-.'7•-.,,-.,•-i-.'--.•._:'0.._.-1,it-e.•.-•...,,... ---4 'l4''..,•,-e,'C.:-•,7i: :•:-,,..."„4•7,;-.. -,7•!*-.,•-.;,-1.;1•'„.'1 4..-.--* & Y4*; •-. ..:,. -.-.-A7O•• •,--. ..,i-7!- .:....•.,:.-e..-4„........-4•. ••• • . -.--.i__-•,,.z;•-r•,t,..•', • .--,;' rt-x 47,4-- ._•7W„":r .1,.,•„,.k: . „- ,;. ,i-, • .›;.•.A • •Ae • 7t•-tt .iiik ,-.. ';'••-'-'4,?"-''-.--% .A..017.11-._E-*--;`• ''''.4:-.'"4:• - .-.` - 4.-' .-.-‘-,f• -' :;f,-.'-';`••7,f--*'•f i''.--',; ''' ;' ' '-' '-•.' ,-r:1 ..,. :..'. -4/16,''.A.V..-,•/ •'41'..7- 7 t."--". e...iii...47. -',"-. ,,./k,,,•‘ - ...-,f•••- ..;,,,- ..-.•• • ..-.,-.-,--, .,-• - , - • , ;:. . -,..'•,-.- , '._7p.,...- L.-4-,- ...-•...,. .:,.-•,,-• -.,-,,,1- ':-• . ic .1.- ,,...9. x. .1- relt^ - ;:i.-1.--',... •• "‘a ''',, •;r- •••''-'4.' 1.••4kt.% - :••• ...,;`'.--.7-•,i•- 14•`-', • •Z ; -- '... _. .'•.• - 4. • ... r,'-'- • ,4'r- .:". ,- -•'' ',;.` • -.•• . , ,, ., ..• _ ' • -'' "..re' f,.. • • •'' '' ''''• '•• - ---.• '.' , •.:t..i'-: •,,'••;•, • 1,,•+ ._• • • : ..• , . _ .. ' i "vr-'- -'. '•• - ' • . '" ' ',..-:' . ••• '` •' ••:, .I . ' fr•• ...-,•.4.--'',' - • '.;-,:.-.Itl: -; ' -010111.1"410400 Oat I a., 100 0110.1111.M4 alli til Mgr mkt ! -,,,. - 4-• • , •7 ti . V ,- •°0.7 -4 riot* . rtittto. +lotto* or obttest-I. * .t *to tostoriiii 41. •••••-. 1 TY • • ...--r-v --- ..;, , • .4 • ;-.4,.. 4, ' ,s i..,:t. : •:-7 4/4`aft. *moo rotating to Soo or* or orouposoy 01 *hit ' -- .• ..., ,, . .-, ,.• , ..,.; • . . 1,,,,••••„, ... ,.._..„. . •••••-• ,-- - .,.._,. , . •:.- !,,!'_-,,,or sow iMbr sotto, sororot tor Obi* ordlit000roo me* irtilli, , ...-4-.• • •,.7t.;• -._ v•••••• .,.,.._. , , i.••••:- 1= .fic. -•,i5FAV:.t., 7. 41001411,11401044. / alt 11011 ble 1.410011/ OIMPOO mottor ow* .. - , • •'"- * -, , v ' .....•tt...,7 T.':- '.. .-..;' pirk•_ ' I. 0.'.:'.'.. -7;* f' oall soltotot000 *I wilt adotostoir tompere Moo ooflor, • . -.•. :•: • ! (I) ientfigaLlitjaaWill ' ' : • ---- ..•..,,...--:. '.•''-c'i;. 1 ' . . -. . .-....-. 1410,8041111* too tiro so* ot istooso. load or tiro stooks W._ .- ....,i. . ' . . .` • , -.,, .21 , . . . fri -• •Cr.4..• -..'''.3 ' ' •1/11°111 .. .t toad so torgioto oiPortilloili shalt to imistilloit , -,.. .• , - . ,.• ••,,,,t_ , A•, - • • ,..;,,, • - . • ..,---,--ittplOotis load 414IPM1 bat osoortoll sr moral so. • ..t...... . i5 1g:;' ria* ilio l000kodi ottibto ewer 0) dove ottani, ttO • . - ' . . • •.: ., Y•- f-- •' '-. ..•:. 1' .. :•; ,,'•.. • 01"11111 00.11110 provtotoill g00% woo to iiii 0•01Possitity waft 1410 • ., . 41 * l•-•74.,:t'•-•••,-'0.,..1' - .• 0:::•- : 11141111ii I insist '-.--'1:ittleibi . . 4.,:. P'.. , • ' ••• ,,, ;.. ... . . .--.-t •••.. . ..•. ,4_,t ., ,. . ,.. --..- ferlettiowto Or 000,01,000r *boll *tato It tilt • .:: • -• , ..--e- - '••• •-'-...•1. a.* of * totUktot or lone. 0000tto$ irlitik att. • ..1-.- • --f•• . ..' '...,7-7 • . .. ;etalialli. 'NM. els tome oori oatosoor. moot vtibili tto orootiolioitlr:-. . • l• .''...i.-f.S ' .,-.,411v.,;, ..:.7 • •.• .„.. _ • • - . ..... .• - -....,0- .._ , __.- . • 7..,,,t.--•.-,.....- -..• ,r,„-r.....,-,.. ...e. iiktilkosions. A roe*** et WA oortittootoo othott lie eft. . „ ... . 406, ottlios or too Iwo soorotorre sot .0060.10164:-. --•,•,.,'.7‘,(7,--;,--. . • : : , ---,..,„,••.• . •-, -•-••,.. :_,.--. I-.•!,-''.-:-.' -,.. -.Astatioiri, .. so am -PlePass$ atoiripooro tettptikirtiorlit *P. •-.,,,,,• -.. - . -..;. ' z:':.: In. .-- -•• ,_ 7•. • ',i.,.. , - ..14tiAtottalias ottgoitodo i NII SWF "IOW INC _ '. .. i.. -., -,,"4:1• - .„ . • ' •- - •-. ••*All. - ' , ....,, ... ' -' -.•• ••'-'., .: ie 4) • - . . r ., ....... .- • Of 0100.1410114, 414;0114 Viall04004fr'. 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Y• • r'. • . rr 4'-:# . i ..s R :�:','.7, -ail .r -t...�^tip` -" --,:-.i 34 ' - a vein** 'shish Britt ails', tee saes*reet*.* et a • �t t# be weed ter iw*t t Nati, is ,.I . the �a .n at this i waw , Mn * p1 teattea R _ male Is say d*atris♦ mat emoelflod a+rr ,a, albeit tel eede te-.-- :. , t - Soli ds's ;*4st of 5s Totowa *ad by Iii. � *i. :mx. Ceram Basi.. for a aamaid grottra wast rompameadettam id s illo latemover s reeagiumredebtoe is file* waft - 2 My►' lam isLai Oomotestme. suet .1asel?t t.a aa. obeli be earteary to its yrs may amd the Tama eemmt41. at I bar** 5. dim it os allow swab tometreetio* MN . - t 'Wail deij justify. -'4114''..-,? _ .. ,.- t.!-„7: i LeanajIZOLSCWILIZiaajlaidajLiAmaszegat Y•- ;-..,,`. bard of A*�# 0.„; ''Se as. *f p amid #ata s Mao • ' a - ' t' *be tiMPee of $bs ardLammee to bormwdy 11.14f" i l� ism witto ' _ F - 4. q - =,F• ±tr erg+' ( �a ` FI ` y � -'+M - - -u, S' .r ,-L,...'- ,44,-:> •y ti . STT,;, _ r t _ , 0 p , • UP,' the preeemest$as of smolt potSllu lbs *more ► a rrt* of ftarlt+srarrl fareeted Iia tee fleord, atildjeellameliklit-titer O. ' • jg• mob d#itstoo .f the Mierd at Adjobebeent a OW w ' 4a,' lbs time Wilkie eta.%1 a rebore prate must be asre rte. . . .f" e lbs relaters* attorney. whisk shall wet be lees hum l 'g . may be asci by the ~rt.. ?be aLtemenee of she alt fort *to vrrurrrrttay s the Milst+ar a!lrMrdrt+rfs fr e, lerbAllipook0,41 F may* on aileattor, fora sotte. M the Mooreafe es fol . a rrruhrlt*tmp order* f The SeaM of Mdjmitmea, &Dell met be r'rlrt4tr# be srtst-001 vapor* 'voted mime by it, mart tt *boll be rebore ~titled cv ewers sells, thereof or ef emelt e00101040 - thereof on eop be lllid for by fork with. lbw reibora abakilions) *i! forth Born ether Stats friar may be pertimeat met ii -* 100 lbs greveds of this dOeSsion appealed from sod mien M .lt• 11,00 tits tostimi• it Wail r to filo Sow* ' !a asIasaarr'y ton lb* proper Wtssostltas of gli mittere Ofialblie IS * i or appoint a referee be babe reek erSammeo on it mie4treet i revert t.a. soar to !fir +toast n Ib hat timet li of t . t. sar . Oesel ete*s at laws wbisb anal% wart bete s pore of irlrrlr meets *be d.l+ rstwstloa or lbs sees, Abell !M o rlr reverse l aftteo s woolly 0' 1~ttt 0 or f' _ is T� r �. op ter V406010. ;_ p. s 400e w 410,44,41 444 J. *: 4:'4411 onomposspe 40** 410 4414*ejorio ViOf 444 *1 poem, *4 : . - 4birtrili 40 004000040P0410 406010,4 88001,1,0* 01,48,4* +h4'4m*40 44 4,44* 1'84* f pipe . ,. jogi iieeneeg alt# a. a4 pirosia 04,0404 libvinsoloi H - •Y#* alanpato sikrtionsal ati liliT4*,*0 M.. 4 44 00t zT144 44 M 40*-644;44* 4r;4014.44 444 .4441404VP IS nu . ims Aitilloops 10.0040, 40414~eq el 4060*1444 fir44 4441)4117; 41,4Y 4M+ Zr osetalivioas rnilirj.410.01411011 irc* I* *II*, AM idol, 441= Ilai iiik0s4gutins* aq moo 111114,41:4N4 4414o* cartii_l)0 pee pimumiT ' * m'4* i*, ihroTTN4 * 10 POPIWWW00 40 44 IK a0040111111,41 4 411, 0040044 040 .144 004110 04* 0m4 .o 4,00** 4'01. 4 Ill t***0.1011riinlys4 003000 t#0;10 4 we 4 *144 $0 ******4 4 1wam musimem, onus AtIt t* !r IP MO 0 l0 4M 01,411114011, a4 41414444444100 '**Will steams" AWO savors& immeelemeppierrelovelorn enimois (y) '2,4_t,_: , .. supooprigortmarapir ter' c' . . 4 I..r�r r�.{ v: 4 f moi* F: -.': F 1 "'JP "VP "11011111111riniiii, r /04/011' : . 101101441 eta 4.01011011i . , y '•.^.••••1116•14110U+*fir G'`' ; „ _ r'' mewigitiviff fr,. ' : . I. ' :: . - .ter .. -•. •. . + • $) Tho provision* of this ordinrwse tialL not i S. now vision or addittns, thin plot one beibilift leelpilettoss et wh t•M hos ho ratofOrt boos or moved by tis 00"* t q4.i la tllo drat r s.rdo of TSV Gooney. lemon. zuskro Pay posimmi, elm sirserveratios siilstLhl sur er pr.,i.1MM of this tr4trMas, obeli be damn./ malty ntik'litco, ir+ssaw.r, end moot wrLsi l ter *b r..t, Omit bo timed t410-00 Mt were tint ono domired Dollar* i*.is.so J i sada day sal* Vtoisfioe cootinens shell oonatioate s aonerato offenoc, mat to sego any iriiliag se streets rs Is .rooted, iimpOustioda rMieoc$r stsi, •tter'sde rash's, tsrr,orted or anisfehisidi.„4, M� Iriiii#1 , strroorrs or load is rhosd in s41 wrr4r1 low or of the terns of this srdtwrwss, Viso T. sg 0110010004 In odditis is rt+ti l*y sort •regi de #fit• oof olocogriato motion or 'e4004$ to sport to DMA entOofhl Nessus, oalletriselkise. reolvrstr soar►, eitio444 t r. M v'.rst.e. osiR*.*5o se use, to roo'teeit, ~root Or 0041, rot !lats4I.r, or V. orerset the .snores• of r te• OMenseore or tondo to orovont the Mosel o•*, ~oust. WaohstOo La •r sh wt wri Land: sad Oho i.li i ttss of sorof Oho torso of Isis orileouspo so s 010 011010~4, dittAa wM the Togs it ewM1toks fpm imosaino Viii maul Ifo lit 1 #iE Or for to troi Vis• in sees Sinai be r . . if k oddities to Ow permlidow prosoribodfor els" 160114,104 . tl f�i j I . • ^ h w b MinalUMASAI glialignALUMUMNIa • it apt seelios. IM 16. *e brivi*l.w. •taerIs, ! M prevision it ibis .errs:t! 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