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Curvilinear streets shall be allowed„ (1) Curve Requirements (other than intersection): Major Streets may have a minimum radii at the center line of 1,920 feet; Minor Streets may have a minimum radii at the centerline of 955 feet; Local Residential Streets may have a minimum radii at the center line of 500 feet, unless in special circumstances the Town Council approves a Local Residential street with a smaller minimum radii, in which case the developer shall pay an additional cost of installing the water and sewer lines caused by the smaller radii. (2) Street Intersection: More than two streets intersecting at one point shall be avoided except where it is im- practical to secure a proper street system otherwise. Where several streets converge at one point, set--back lines, special rounding or cutoff, of corners and/or a traffic circle may be required to insure safety and facility of traffic movement„ No major street shall intersect any other major street at an angle of less than sixty degrees. No minor street shall intersect a major street at less than sixty degrees, or another minor street at less than thirty degrees. No local Residential Street shall intersect any other street at less than eight degrees. Major street intersections shall have property line corner radii with a minimum tangent distance of thirty feet. Minor and Residential Streets shall have as the property line corner, the point of intersection of intersecting streets. Curb radii at intersections shall be fifteen feet measured from the face of the curb. (3) Dead End Streets and Courts: Courts or places may be permitted where the form or contour of the land makes it difficult to plat with connecting streets, but except in unusual cases, no dead end streets will be approved unless such dead end streets are provided to connect with future streets in adjacent land. Such courts or places shall provide proper access to all lots and shall generally not exceed four hundred feet in length, and a turn around shall be provided at the closed end, with an outside radius of at lease sixty feet to the face of the curb and a minimum radius of seventy feet to the property line. .-.2 H (4) Relation to Adjoining Streets and Land; The system of streets designated for the subdivision, except in unusual cases, must connect with streets already dedicated in adjacent subdivision; and where not adjacent connections are platted, must in general be the reasonable projection of streets in the nearest subdivided tracts, and must be continued to the boundaries of the tract subdivided, so that other subdivisions may connect therewith. Reserve strips of land controlling access to or egress from other property or to or from any street or alley or having the effect of restricting or damaging the adjoining property for subdivision purposes or which will not be taxable or accessable for special improvements shall not be permitted in any subdivision unless such reserve strips are conveyed to the Town in fee simple. (5) Street Grades: Major Streets may have a maximum grade of five percent unless the natural topography is such as to require steeper grades, in which case a seven and one~.half percent grade may be used for a maximum con- tinuous distance of 200 feet. Minor streets may have a maximum grade of seven and one"half percent, Local Residential Streets may have a maximum grade of ten percent. All streets must have a minimum grade of at least 5/10 of one percent, Centerline grade changes with an algebraic difference of more than two percent shall be connected with vertical curves of sufficient length to provide a minimum of 600 feet sight distance on Major Streets; 400 feet sight distance on Minor Streets and Local Residential Streets. No vertical curve shall be less than 200 feet in length. Wherever a cross slope is necessary or desirable from one curb to the opposite curb, such cross slopes shall not be less than three inches in thirty feet nor more than twelve inches in thirty feet. (6) Block Lengths and Widths: In general, intersecting streets, determining block lengths, shall be provided at such in- tervals as to serve cross traffic adequately and to meet existing streets or customary subdivision practices in the neighborhood. Where no existing plats control, the blocks shall be not more than 1000 feet in length nor less than 600 feet in length except in unusual cases, In an unusual case where a block is allowed to be more than 1000 feet long, a connecting sidewalk 4- feet wide and located on a 4 foot dedicated easement may be required across the middle portion of such block for pedestrian use„ Block widths shall not exceed 500 feet nor be less than 300 feet, except in unusual cases. -3- (7) Street Widths: Major Streets shall have a minimum dedicated width of 75 feet with a minimum pavement width of 40 feet. Minor Streets shall have a minimum dedicated width of 60 feet, with a minimum paving width of 36 feet, Local Residential Streets shall have a minimum dedicated width of 60 feet with a minimum pavement width of 36 feet from back of curb to back of curb, except that in the case of curvilinear streets such width shall be increased to a width of 39 feet from back of curb to back of curb, if required by City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works in order to provide easy and safe travel on such streets, Where the curve is not too sharp it shall be the policy not to require the additional width in such curvilinear streets. (8) Sidewalks: Generally parallel residential sidewalks will not be required, but where provided they shall be not less than 4 feet in width; parallel to and not more than 2 feet above or below the adjacent curb grade; and shall be located one foot inside the dedicated street line and be situated wholly within the dedicated street. Sidewalks abutting business property shall have a minimum width of 10 feet. Parkways shall be excavated or filled to a grade parallel with and be not moretha.n two feet above and shall not be lower than the center line street grade at the right of way line. Landing walks of a width not less than 18 inches may be installed abutting the rear of the curb. (9) All construction work, such as street grading, street paving, storm sewers, curb and/or gutter work, sanitary sewers or water mains performed by the owner, developer, or contractor, sizall be subject to inspection during construction by the proper authorities of the Town and shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifications approved by the Town Council and which are on file in the office of the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works, (10) Curb and Gutter: Standard types of curbs and gutters shall be required to be constructed on all streets and avenues,; and lay down curbs shall be required to be constructed at all alley intersections, (11) Street Base: All streets shall have a six inch compacted base constructed of materials approved by the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works. Said base shall be con- structed on a substantial sub-grade approved by the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works, -4.. (12) Street surfacing or pavement shall be mandatory, The Town shall require the surfacing to consist of two coat penetration, or concrete or brick, one inch rock asphalt or any other type of approved hot or cold prey-.mixed material as determined by the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works, and approved by the Town Council. All street construction work shall be performed by a bonded contractor who has filed faithful performance bond with the Town of Southlake, as required in the ordinance covering specifications for street construction. (13) Storm Sewers: Storm sewers shall be constructed in such locations and of such size and dimensions, design and of materials as specified by the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Town Council. (14) Unless a supply of fresh water approved for domestic purposes, in sufficient quantity to furnish water service to the occupants of a proposed subdivision, is available at the time of final approval of plat thereof„ it shall be incumbent upon the owner or developer to furnish and install, or caused to be furnished and installed, in said subdivision, in accordance with specifications promulgated by the Fire Insurance Division of the Insurance Department of the State of Texas, a complete Water System of suff- icient capacity to serve the occupants of each and every lot contained in said subdivision, and to maintain and operate the same perpetually, (B) Miscellaneous Requirements: (1) Parks, playgrounds, Public and School Sites: All sub. divisions exceeding five acres in gross area, shall include a dedication of approximate five percent of said gross area to the public for use as parks, playgrounds, public or school sites, provided the Planning and Zoning Board and the Town Council deem such dedication advisable. The said five percent to be in addition to the property dedicated for streets, alleys, other public ways, or utility easements. Said five percent may include a re- quired dedication of fifty feet on each side of all well defined creeks for park purposes. (2) Guarantee for Construction or Maintenance of Streets: Approval of the plat shall not impose any duty upon the Town concerning the maintenance of improvements of any such ~5~ dedicated parts until the proper authorities of the Town shall have made sctua.l acceptance of the same by entry, use or improvement„ (3) Replatting: Any replatting of any existing subdivision or any part thereof shall meet the requirements provided for herein for a new subdivision. Advice and Cooperation: Advice and Cooperation in the preparation of plats will be freely given by the Town Planning and Zoning Board and the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works. (5) No subdivision or addition showing reserve strips of land controlling the access to public ways or adjoining proper- ties will be approved: (6) Where plats are presented for approval which adjoin un«- platted property, the owner and/or developer of the proposed subdivision shall provide his pro rate :part of boundary streets. (7) The final approval of a final plat of a subdivision shall be invalid unless such approved plat of such subdivision is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas, within 30 days after the date of its final approval by the Town Council„ (8) No building permit nor any water, sewers plumbing or electrical permit shall be issued by the Town to the owner or any other person with respect to any property in any subdivision covered by this ordinance until: (a) Such time as the developer and/or owner has com-plied with the requirements of this ordinance and the final plat regarding improvements with respect to the block facing the street on which the property is situated, including the installation of streets with proper base and paving, curb and gutter,, drainage structures and storm sewers, all according to the specifications of the Town of Southlake; or (b) Until an escrow deposit sufficient to pay for the cost of such improvements as determined by the City Engineer and/or Director of Public Works computed on a private commercial rate basis has been made with the Town Secretary accom- panied by an agreement signed by the developer and/or owner authorizing the Town to make such improvements at prevailing private contractor rates and pay for the same out of the escrow deposit, should the developer and/or owner fail or refuse to install the required improvements within the time stated in such written agreement, but -6- in no case shall the Town be obligated to make such improvements itself, Such deposit may be used by the owner and/or developer as progress payments as the work progresses in making such improvements by making certified requisitions to the Town Secretary supported by evidence of work done; or (c) Until the developer and/or owner files a corporate surety bond with the Town Secretary in a sum equal to the cost of such improvements for the designated area guaranteeing the installation thereof within the time stated in the bond,and for maintenance for two years thereafter, except that a water system as .hereina.bove provided shall be operated as aforestated. SECTION II. PENALTY ANY person violating this ordinance or any portion thereof shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $ 10„00 nor more than $ 200.00, and each day that such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense and pun. isha.ble accordingly. SECTION III. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES REPEALED ALL ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. SEVERABILITY IF any section or part of any section or paragraph of this ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections or part of a section or paragraph of this ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication as by law provided. H ~ H ADOPTED this ~.5r day of July, A. D. 1957. MAYOR A` TEST ; TOWN SECRETARY N 8 ty . is 88xeI Aso uB.L1 =_ to �! . 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