0081 ORDINANCE N0. 81 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING THE INHABITANTS AND TERRITORIES ADJACEIK T TO THE TOtiNi OF SOUTIiLAK_E, TEXAS, U D PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA S_1=_OULD BE A PART OF T=IE TOltf ] OF SOUTH- LAKE, TEXAS, AND T--,'UT THE INHABITANTS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTLAI` E, TEXAS, AND BOUND BY THE ACTS AND O-'DI_°TANC ES KNACTED IN PURSUANT TO TITLE 28, CHAPTERS 1 to 10, INCLUSIVE, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AND AMENDING AND CORRECTING OFFICIAL BOUND- -A-RI ES OF TEE TOW_,ly OF S OUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. !T,IEREAS, pursuant to Article 974 of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, G. W. Hogue and oters, inhabitants of the area herein described and who are rualifi.ed to vote for members of the State Legislature, have heretofore filed with the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlal~_e, Texas, their petit=ion reduest'_ng annexation of the said area to the Town of Souttalake, Texas, such area being described as follows: A tract of land situated in the J. L. Chivers, A. =i_i. Chivers and the d. J. Hall Surveys, Tarrant County, Texas, and more fully des- cribed by metes and bounds as follows: 17 ;IitiG at the 1' orthwe -t corner of t1 e A. Chivers Survey, BEGIlJi' Tarrant County, Texas; TI1ENCE, South alon`; the West boundary line of the L. H. Chivers Survey to a point where same intersects the South right of way line of State Hig>Thway 114, said point also being the Northwest corner of a tract of land annexed to the Town of Southlave, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 43, adopted Dec. 29, 1956; THENCE, in a, Southwesterly direction along said South right of wad= line of State Iii hway 114 to a point where same intersects the North right of way line of County 'load No. 3034; THENCE, West along the Worth right of way line of County Road No. 3043 to the Wert line of the A. H. Chivers Survey, said point b9ing also the Southwest corner of the A. R. Chivers Survey; T1EWCE, South a.lon; the West boundary line of the W. W. -hall Survey to a point where same intersects the old Southla?ce Cit Limit Line; THLENCE, along the Old City Limit Line to a point E,jhere same intersects a tract of land annexed to the Town of Southlahe, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 9, adopted Dec. 3, 1956; T-IENCE, North along the boundary line of said tract to a point for corner; THENCE, East to a point where same intersects the original City Limit Line in said W. W. I-1all Survey; THENCE, North alone=; said City L;rni.t Line to the North right of way line of State Ii"hway 114; THENCE, Southeast alon the North right of way line of State Highway 114 to the West line of County Road No. 3021; THENCE, North along tae West line of County 3,oad No. 3021 to tae North line of the i. Chivers Survey; T_I'NCE, continuing Nort_i along the East boundary line of the J. L. Chivers Survey to its Northeast corner; THENCE, West along the North boundary line of the J. L. Chivers Survey to its Northwest corner; THENCE, South along the '.Vest boundary line of the j. L. Chivers Survey to the place of beginning. !,a4EREAS, said petition was accompanied by an affidavit executed by G. ti. Hogue and others, inhabitants of the areas described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature and that by signing said affidavit certified that said petition contains the signatures of more than fifty percent of the qualified voters residing in such area who have voted in favor of having the said area and the inhabitants thereof annexed to and become a part of the Town of South- lake, Texas; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Bo:,,rd of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adjacent to tae present City Limits of the Town of Southlake, Texas; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF SOUT ILAi,,-E, TEXAS: 1. THE hereinafter described territory lying and adjacent to the Town of Southlake, Texas, is hereby annexed and brought within the "or- porate Limits and made an integral mart of the Town of Southlake, Texas, said territory being situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being described b-; metes and bou n_'_s as follows: BEGINNINGat the Northwest corner of the A. H. Chivers Survey, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE, South alon the West boundary line of the A. H. Ci_ivers Survey to a point where same intersects the South right of way line of State Highway 114, said point also being the Northwest corner of a tract of land annexed to the Town of Southla e, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance 'do. 43, adopted Dec. 29, 1956; THENCE, in a Southeasterly direction along said South right of way line of State Highway 114 to a p:)int where same intersects the North right of way line of Couzity Road No. 3034; THENCE, West along the North right of way line of County Road No. 3043 to the test line of the t"_. H. Chivers Survey, said point being also the Southwest corner of the A. I-1. Chivers Survey; THENCE, South along the West boundary line of the W. W. Hall Survey to a point where same intersects t_ie old Southlake City Limit Line; THENCE, along the old City Limit Line to a. point -.,.,here same intersects a tract of land annexed to the Town of Southla'e, Texas, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 9, adopted Dec. 3, 1956; t-+ 2 F-, N £ d Abu-Zai0aS NMO Z isazsir xoAV „...e,pesnI 5 :aaAoHaav 'Lc6T 'a 'X `Aagn.zclad jo APP CZ szw- aazdOaV •TeA0adde puu e2ussud s4t ae4ju pue mo..ij e.it oejje emooeq TTutis eouuuzpao SIHZ •umoZ p-rus jo 4.xud su A.xo4T.x.za4 pegz.xo +-+sep peueT4uemeaose epnTouz o4 su os pepuemu puu pe4oe.x.xoo eq O . °sexes 4exu1UAnos jo utos eq. jo saz.xupunoq pue dum TETo-JJo aIZ Sc: •sexeI jo so4n4e4S TTATO pesTAei '8ATsUT0uT OT O . T s.xea.detTO `$Z aT.TJ 04 4uuns.xnd uT pe4dope puu passed puu o .e em. A4zm.xoJuoo uT epem seoueuzpao puu s4oe eq4 Tie Aq punoq puu suezzq.to Jam() jo se eTTATad puu s4g2T.x 0144 TTu 04 PeT1T.ue eq TTetIS 'suxej, `e)ETt[gnos jo uMoJ am_ o4 pexeuuu uze.xaq A.zo4Taae4 eqq. jo s4uu4TgequT 0114 svgs •Z •2utuuTDeq Jo eouTd eq4 off. Ae Ins saeArgo •'I 'r 81.14 jo euzT A.xepunoq 4SeR et14 Duo Te tilnos 4a0Na I :.ieu.zoo 4somg4aoN s4T 4.o AeA.xns sgeAzil3 •-I •r e114 Jo euzT Aaepunoq ti4.zoN e-g4 2uoTu Asa `aONaHZ Lieu.xoo 4suam.x0N s TT off. ens s,LeATt10 'Z •'r 0t14 Jo euzT A.xupunog a.sea DuoTu 1.14J0N 21.4nuz.u00 `a0N3HZ :AeA.xnS saeAztj0 •H 'V 0114 Jo euzT t14,ION 0t4j O . TZOC 'oN peog A4uno0 Jo euzT Isefr etl4 2u0Tu 114.ION `aoNaHs, TZOe -0N peog A4uno0 jo euzT 4sem 0114 o4 1711 lemg0TH e4u4S 3o euTT Au! jo 4t10-c.x 1.14.zoN Duoie 4seetl4nos 'amain !t/TT Aurm.0TH 04u1g Jo euzT Aum jo 4q Tu IP-10N 0114 04 eut-j I.Tmz•1 A4TO PTu s Ouore 114.10N `aDNaHZ :AeA.xnS TTeH 'Al 'A Plus uT euT'r 4TmTq A4TO TeuT2Tao etl4 s4oes.xe4uz emus a.zetlM 4uzod u 04 4sua `�0NaITL :.xeuioo .xo3 4utod u O . 4oy,x4 pees jo euzT A,xepunoq egg. 2uoTe tuaoN `aON�Iiz ~-J CA it BL -Ala, -3 ALA I ~ P s h ~ P x 's u I I t R 3 EXHIBIT "A"