0889 OFFICIAL RECORD ORDINANCE NO. 889 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-05; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SA VINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 2004-05 budget and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") has caused to be filed with the City Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30, 2006, (hereinafter referred to as the "Budget"); and WHEREAS, the Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, shows as defmitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the Budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the Budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary for at least thirty (30) days and available for inspection by any taxpayer; and WHEREAS, public notice of public hearings on the proposed annual budget, stating the dates, times, places and subject matter of said public hearings, was given as required by the Charter of the City of Southlake and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held on September 6, 2004 and September 20, 2004, prior approval of such dates being hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council, and all those wishing to speak on the Budget were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget and listened to the comments of the taxpayers at the public hearings held therefore and has determined that the Budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 2004-05 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30, 2006; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. . '"'~''_'~'___''' ,._"',_.>.." ._,__~ ........_. "_,..~,_,~__.,<......<,,.._b~.._~....__.____...,,._..~__,...~.....,._--...~ Section 4. That the City Manager shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved Budget, along with this ordinance, with the City Secretary and in the office of the County Clerks of Denton and Tarrant County, Texas, as required by State law. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or proVisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this l.dlt day of d<VrJ1A11 hJi) ,2005. ATTEST: J..W' () ~ r'ori Farwell City Secretary """ "" UTH "" ~o 00". ~ Wambsganss, Mayor $' !<. elJoftefJ ......'~ ~ O.e .. ,,~ 2;:"': * ."f(\: :1-: :X: --. ..>- :U:' :t7J~ ... . . ... ,,0$ ... -:;, "'OSoljo .... I ", "..:..e.... ..... ..., ....... "'" ** * "", r9',fH...."" PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this 20m day of ()g(lfvmb.tiJ kd~~ ,2005. ATTEST: "111111'",, ",,"'OUTHI ~""'; ~ "~"""""~' f 0 .... .-..'-; \ ::;:..... * ..""'~ :1-: iff': :-. .x: ;o~ . :)>= ;. "e. .~ fJ) i ~, e".f,l ,)fil'/IJ. $ '... .00.-<<10,,<4)' ~ " ...' """ ** * """ """"1'\' Adopted: q.2IJ -fYj q.;?E -(1:) Effective: PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae All Funds Summary, By Fund 1 General Fund Summary 2 Debt Service Fund Summary 3 Utility Fund Summary 4 Special Revenue-Reforestation Fund Summary 5 Special Revenue-Bicentennial Concessions Fund Summary 6 Special Revenue-Park Dedication Fund Summary 7 Special Revenue-Library Donations 8 SPDC Operating Fund Summary 9 SPDC Debt Service Fund Summary 10 Crime Control District Fund Summary 11 TIF Operating Fund Summary 12 Vehicle Replacement Fund Summary 13 Strategic Initiative Fund 14 All Funds Summary 15-16 All Funds Summary, Expenditures, By Fund/Category 17-18 All Funds Summary, Expenditures, By Fund/Division/Category 19-22 Capital Improvement Budget 23-26 _,_....._.."~,_._,~..,..,.,~_.,.___ ....,.,'_,~___,_,...~..;~.~"__'"",.;,<n.,,~~__""__~._.......~,....._.._,._~,.__._. . PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Special Special Special Re....ue Revenue Special strategic General Utility Debt Service Revenue Bicentennial Parks} Revenue TIF Ope""lng Crime Control Vehicle InltiaM Fund Fund Fund Reforestation Concessions Recrution Librarv Fund District Fund ReDlIIcement Fund SPDC Funds T....I Projected Revenues $24,114,677 $15,753,000 $5,491,882 $16,200 $37,000 $66,600 $4,600 $1,432,553 $3,475,532 $73,000 $50,000 $3,719,420 $54,234,463 Projected Expenditures $23,972,792 $16,083,241 $7,624,357 $10,000 $35,000 $505,000 $9,384 $0 $701,605 $282,500 $2,042,000 $2,651,324 $53,917,203 Net Revenues lli1.m lllli.IDl tn.m.illI u.m l6.W ~ ~ u.m.m I.uu.m lmUW ll1.Iluam l1JliUH WUill Total Other Sources (Uses) ($3,160,000) $50,000 $1,432.053 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($1,432,053) $0 $0 $3,160,000 $0 $50,000 Estimated Fund Balance! Working Capital 9130104 $9,186,774 $3,652,174 $3,663,006 $39,504 $91,533 $545.252 $10,541 $181,507 $5,460,785 $2,548,375 $0 $4,503,973 $29,883,424 Estimated Fund Balancel Working Capital 9130105 $6,168,669 $3,311,933 $2,962,694 $48,104 $93,633 $106,962 $6,161 $182,001 $8.234,112 $2,338,816 $1,169,000 55,572,069 $30,260,694 _ ~.______ . .....__..--o..,.o,..n,w_..;-.- ""' ~,_;."""'~,"~'~"H__."._._,__....___.__'~'~_' .'"-...,,'..-----~" REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Taxes Fines Charges for Services Penmrts!Fees Miscellaneous Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES City Secretary Human Resources City Manager Support Services General Gov. Total Finance Municipal Court Teen Court Finance Total Fire Police Public Safety Support Building Inspections Public Safety Total Streets/Drainage Public Works Admin Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Dev. Total Community Services Parks and Recreation Library Services Community Svcs. Total Total Expenditures Net Revenues Lease Proceeds Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Residual Equity Transfer Ending Fund Balance Fund balance percentage GENERAL FUND 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 0.:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease $11,501,824 $10,796,639 $11,200,000 $403,361 3.7% $12,131,944 $1,335,305 12.4% 5,493,648 5,646,162 6,188,000 541,838 9.6% 6,707,650 1,061,488 18.8% 2,053,530 1,794,518 2,068,348 273,830 15.3% 2,093,641 299,123 16.7% 1,344,828 1,310,000 860,000 (450,000) -34.4% 710,000 (600,000) -45.8% 629,751 570,940 587,000 16,060 2.8% 616,300 45,360 7.9% 1 ,536,344 798,660 1,829,660 1,031,000 129.1% 1,274,660 476,000 59.6% 454,673 426,282 505,482 79,200 18.6% 405,482 (20,800) -4.9% 200.854 150 000 175.000 25 000 16.7% 175.000 25 000 16.7% $23,215,452 $21,493,201 $23,413,490 $1,920,289 8.9% $24,114,677 $2,621,476 12.2% $253,421 $292,877 $288,795 ($4,082) -1.4% $324,334 $31 ,457 10.7% 254,547 319,361 $310,567 (8,794) -2.8% 363,365 44,004 13.8% 442,741 478,955 477,605 (1,350) -0.3% 594,050 115,095 24.0% 2.713506 3.078.411 3 068 958 (9453) -0.3% 3.227.807 149.396 4.9% $3,664,215 $4,169,604 $4,145,925 ($23,6791 -0.6% $4.509.556 $339,952 8.2% 681,024 714,484 776,198 61,714 8.6% 864,607 150,123 21.0% 401,239 430,807 430,934 127 0.0% 477,319 46,512 10.8% 58.239 74.668 74668 Q 0.0% 75.268 600 0.8% $1.140.502 $1.219,959 $1.281.800 $61.841 5.1% $1.417.194 $197,235 16.2% 2,899.697 3,241,912 3,528,979 287.067 8.9% 3,405,240 163,328 5.0% 4,459,849 4,992,922 4,598,996 (393,926) -7.9% 5.189,349 196,427 3.9% 1,241,714 1,329,155 1,412,772 83,617 6.3% 1,481,083 151,928 11.4% 850 351 885 451 902.100 16649 1.9% 863.750 (21.701) -2.5% $9.451.611 $10.449.440 $10.442.847 lH.lliJ. -0.1% $10.939.422 $489.982 4.7% 1,627,259 1,834,644 1,722,095 (112,549) -6.1% 1,665,072 (169,572) -9.2% 776 146 839747 859.274 19527 2.3% 883 240 43 493 5.2% $2.403.405 $2,674.391 $2.581.369 ($93.022) -3.5% $2.548.312 ($126,0791 -4.7% 494 834 592 659 581.269 (11390) -1.9% 658.383 63 724 10.8% $494,834 $592,659 $581.269 ~ -1.9% $656.383 $63.724 10.8% 285.151 328 125 325.890 (2.235) -0.7% 336.399 8.274 2.5% $285,151 $328,125 $325,890 ($2,2351 -0.7% $336,399 $8.274 2.5% 409,752 444,393 429,523 (14,870) -3.3% 465,100 20,707 4.7% 2,380,530 2,663,749 2,693,153 29,404 1.1% 2,665,134 1,385 0.1% 405410 446 083 443180 (2903) -0.7% 435292 (10791) -2.4% $3.195.692 $3.554,225 $3.585.856 $11,631 0.3% $3,585.526 $11,301 0.3% $20,635,410 $22,988,403 $22,924,956 ($63,447) -0.3% $23.972,792 $984.389 4.3% $2 580 042 1$1 495202) ~ $1 983 736 lli1.W $1 637 087 $213,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 ($798 199) ($807 .226) ($807 .226) Q ($3160.000) /$585 199) r$807 226\ /$807 2261 l2 /53 160 0001 $7,510,623 $9,505,466 $9,505,466 $9,186,774 $0 $0 $0 59 505 466 57 203 038 59186 774 56168659 44.35% 30.27% 38.71% 25.73% REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Miscellaneous Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Principal Interest Admin. Expenses Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In Transfer Out Total other Sources/fUses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance DEBT SERVICE FUND 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28/05 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2005-06 (Decrease) % I ncrease/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $4,702,605 $4,797,365 $5.255,000 $457,635 9.5% $5,401,882 $604,517 12.6% $38,744 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% 83 434 30,000 80,000 50,000 166.7% 90.000 60,000 200.0% $4,824,783 $4.827,365 $5,335,000 $507,635 10.5% $5,491,882 $664,517 13.8% $4,375,022 $2,833,748 $2,833,748 $0 0.0% $2.703,644 ($130,104) -4.6% $3,233,560 $3,790,493 $4.269,468 478,975 12.6% $4.913,713 1,123,220 29.6% $8 588 $7 000 $7,000 Q 0.0% $7.000 Q 0.0% $7.617,170 $6,631.241 $7,110,216 $478,975 7.2% $7,624,357 $993,116 15.0% 152,792.3871 1$1.803.8761 151.775216\ w..wl 152.132.475\ 15328 5991 2,955,665 1,569,150 1,569,150 1,432.053 Q Q Q Q 52 955 665 51 569150 51.669.150 51 432.053 $3,705,794 $3,869,072 $3.869,072 $3.663.006 53 869 072 53 634 346 53.663.006 52 962 584 ,_ ,;.,~_..-...~ ".._..,~..T";"_~""~~__'~'.__"--"'.;~--"""'_''''''''_''''''__''''_'' ,-,','..'-' ",...'~"..._.,,_.,.~- REVENUES Miscellaneous Interest Income Water Sales-residential Water Sales-commercial Sewer Sales Sanitation Sales Other utility charges Total Revenues EXPENSES Debt Service Utility Billing Water Wastewater Sanitation Total Expenses Net Revenues Transfers In Developers Contributions Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Net Change In W/C Components Beginning working capital Ending fund balance No. of days working capital UTILITY FUND 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increasel $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increasel Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $72,683 $75,000 $157,500 $82,500 0.0% $75,000 $0 0.0% 64,924 65,000 65,000 0 0.0% 65,000 0 0.0% 7,316,381 8,200,000 8,200,000 0 0.0% 8,300,000 100,000 1.2% 1,931,677 2,500,000 2,200,000 (300,000) -12.0% 2,600,000 100,000 4.0% 3,114,932 3,300,000 3,400,000 100,000 3.0% 3,500,000 200,000 6.1% 915,136 900,000 920,000 20,000 2.2% 940,000 40,000 4.4% 190,930 288,250 148 050 (140200) -48.6% 273,000 (15,250) -5.3% $13,606,663 $15,328,250 $1&,090,&60 ($237,700) -1,6% $15,753,000 $424,750 2.8% 4,864,545 5,589,002 5,904,090 315,088 5.6% 5,958,268 369,266 6.6% 463,251 316,001 413,581 97,580 30.9% 285,640 (30,361) -9.6% 5,607,332 7,246,234 7,239,687 (6,547) -0.1% 7,689,367 443,133 6.1% 1,116,594 2,229,142 1,394,060 (835,082) -37.5% 1 ,444,966 (784,176) -35.2% 691,308 680 000 690,000 10,000 1.5% 705,000 25,000 3.7% $12,743,030 $16,060,379 $15,&41,418 ($418,9&1) -2.&% $16,083,241 $22,862 0.1% 1W..W 1$732 129\ 1$660 868\ l.1lI.1.ill 1$330 2411 ~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Q Q Q Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l! 12 H H $3,239,409 $4,153,042 $4,153,042 $3,652,174 $4.153.042 $3470913 $3 652 174 $3.371.933 119 79 85 77 ._-~ ,"-"._'~-" .--... ,,"~.. ~"_._- ,.-...._._"~,.__._~" ,..,-_.. , """"_'_'~-,,,,-".,_-,,~,,,,~---,,---,----~~--~---,,,,."'-"-.,..~_..',,".--.' REVENUES Permits!Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Reforestation Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer to other funds Total Other Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Reforestation 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04;53 PM 09/28105 $ I ncrease/ $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $35,200 $20,000 $12,000 ($6,000) 100.0% $15,000 ($5,000) 100.0% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 1,222 2000 1,200 (600) 100.0% 1,200 (600) 100.0% $36,422 $22,000 $13,200 ($8,800) 0.0% $16,200 ($6,800) 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0 0.0% 41,232 25,000 25,000 0 100.0% 10,000 (15,000) 100.0% 9. 9. 9. 9. 0.0% 9. 9. 0.0% $41,232 $26,000 $25,000 $0 0.0% $10,000 ($15,000) 100.0% l.U.llil w.w.l W3..JD.Ql i1W.Q1 ~ 1i.iWl. i9. i9. i9. .i9. l2 iQ .iQ iQ $56,114 $51,304 $51,304 $39,504 ~ .w..w, ~ w..w REVENUES Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Park Improvements Land Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond proceeds Transfer to other funds Total Other Sources/IUses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Bicentennial Concessions 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increase/ $ I ncreasel 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% 35,404 35,000 35,000 0 0.0% 35,000 0 0.0% 3122 2,000 2.000 Q 0.0% 2.000 Q 0.0% $38,526 $37,000 $37,000 $0 0.0% $37,000 $0 0.0% $694 $5,000 $5,000 $0 0.0% $5,000 0 0.0% 0 10,000 0 (10,000) 0.0% 30,000 20,000 0.0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% Q Q 0.0% $694 $15,000 $5,000 ($10,000) 0.0% $35,000 $20,000 0.0% m.w ~ ~ ~ n.ggg, ~ $0 $0 $0 $0 iQ iQ iQ iQ 1a 1a n ,1Q $21.701 $59,533 $59,533 $91,533 w.m w..w w..w .w..w REVENUES PermitslFees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Park Improvements Land Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond proceeds Transfer to other funds Total Other SourcesJ(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Park Dedication 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09128/05 $ Increasel $ Increasel 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % I ncreasel 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increasel Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $67,887 $60,000 $82,000 $22,000 36.7% $60,000 $0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 9,759 6,600 6,600 Q 0.0% 6,600 Q 0.0% $77,646 $66,600 $88,600 $22,000 33.0% $66,600 $0 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0 0.0% 93,323 253,000 58,000 (195,000) 0.0% 505,000 252,000 0.0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% Q Q 0.0% $93,323 $253,000 $58,000 ($195,000) 0.0% $505,000 $252,000 0.0% lW.ml 15186400\ ~ ~ 1$438 400\ 15252 000\ $0 $0 $0 $0 iQ iQ iQ iQ .s.g, ill. ill. ill. $530,329 $514,652 $514,652 $545,252 1W.W WA.m 1W.m 11.Di.W REVENUES Donations Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Special Projects Library supplies Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer to other funds Total Other SourcesJ(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Library Donations 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increase! $ Increasel 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increasel 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $6,704 $0 $20,000 $20,000 #DIV/O! $4,500 $4,500 #DIV/O! ZQ Q 100 100 #DIV/O! tOO 100 #DIV/O! $6,774 $0 $20,100 $20,100 #DIV/OI $4,600 $4,600 #DIV/OI $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0 0.0% 6.467 0 14,438 14,438 0.0% 9,384 9,384 0.0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% Q Q 0.0% $6,467 $0 $14,438 $14,438 0.0% $9,384 $9,384 0.0% WI 1Q u..w u..w !U.:Wl !U.:Wl iQ iQ iQ iQ 1Q 1ll. 12 12 $4,572 $4,879 $4,879 $10,541 l!..W. i!.W W.H1 H.m ,'__",,__~'4~_'_WK_..,,_, _"_,__,__"~.~,~"_"_~,,,.,~__,_,_,,,~____'~H_'."~"'"_'C.-.-.,......-.,-,.'; REVENUES Sales Tax Rental Income Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers Out Proceeds from C.O. Sale Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09128/05 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2,661,692 $2,626,500 $2,986,500 $360,000 13.7% $3,475,420 $848,920 32.3% 142,824 124,000 142,000 18,000 100.0% 142,000 18,000 100.0% 99 534 40 000 88 100 48100 120.3% 100 000 60 000 150.0% $2,904,050 $2,790,500 $3,216,600 $426,100 15.3% $3,717,420 $926,920 33.2% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 $0 0 0.0% $50,000 50,000 0.0% iQ iQ iQ Q 0.0% ~ 1MJ!QQ 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $204,000 $204,000 0.0% $2 904 050 $2 790 500 $3.216 600 ~ $3.513.420 .sm.i2.Q (1,759,895) (1,759,019) (3,321,710) ($1,562,691) (2,446,324) Q Q Q Q 1$1.759.895\ 1$1.759.019\ 1$3.321.710\ 1$2.446.324\ $3,277,635 $4,421,790 $4,421,790 $4,316,680 $4.421.790 $5.453.271 $4.316.680 $5.383.776 REVENUES Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Principal Interest Admin. Expenses Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond Proceeds Transfers In Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09128/05 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $4 348 $2 000 H..1QQ $2,100 105.0% $2 000 iQ 0.0% $4,348 $2,000 $4,100 $2,100 105.0% $2,000 $0 0.0% $530,000 $555,000 $1,910,000 $1,355,000 244.1% $835,000 $280,000 50.5% 1,179,794 1,154,019 1,411,710 257,691 22.3% 1,611,324 457,305 39.6% 1,325 1000 5000 4000 400.0% 1000 .Q 0.0% $1,711,119 $1,710,019 $3,326,710 $1,616,691 94.5% $2,447,324 $737,305 43.1% /51 706.771\ /51,708.0191 /53 322610\ 51.620.691 /52.445.324\ lliZ.lli $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,709,794 $1,709794 $3,321,710 1,611,916 $2,446,324 51 709 794 51 709794 53321.710 $2 446.324 $185,170 $188,193 $188,193 $187,293 119...1n Wi..ill. illZ..ill. nu.m REVENUES Sales Tax Grant Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer Qut-Crime Control CIP Transfers Out -General Fund Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09128/05 $ Increasel $ I ncreasel 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increasel 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increasel Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2,633,129 $2,561,048 $2,931,048 $370,000 14.4% $3,405,532 $844,484 33.0% $99,677 $35,000 $15,000 ($20,000) -57.1% $0 ($35,000) -100.0% $69.571 $50 000 $70 000 $20.000 0.0% $70 000 $20.000 40.0% $2,802,377 $2,646,048 $3,016,048 $370,000 14.0% $3,475,532 $829,484 31.3% $293.695 $319,409 $268,398 ($51.011) -16.0% $308,794 ($10,615) -3.3% $162,248 $138,011 $140,641 2,630 1.9% $152,811 14,800 10.7% $10 330 $156.000 $74800 (81200) 0.0% $240.000 84.000 53.8% $466,273 $613,420 $483,839 ($129,581) -21.1% $701,605 $88,185 14.4% 52336104 52 032 628 S2 532 209 W2..W. S2 773 927 .w.1..m $0 $0 $100,000 $0 ( 1 578 928) (419.150) (4191501 Q (S1 578 9281 ~ (S3191501 ~ $2,490,550 $3,247,726 $3,247,726 $5,460,785 S3 247 726 S4 861 204 55 460 785 58234 712 REVENUES Ad Valorem Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Operations Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In-General Fund Transfers Out -Debt Service Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Prior period adjustment Ending Fund Balance TIF OPERATING FUND 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09128105 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2,489,853 $1,026,906 $2,760,804 $1,733,898 168.8% $1,432,053 $405,147 39.5% ~ $3,500 $3.500 ~ 0.0% ~ ($3.000) 0.0% $2,490,117 $1,030,406 $2,764,304 $1,733,898 168.3% $1,432,553 $405,147 39.3% $1 .427 462 ~ $1.572.491 1.572.491 0.0% ~ Q 0.0% $1,427,462 $0 $1,572,491 $1,572,491 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% S1 062.655 S1 030 406 S1.191.813 lli1.m S1.432.553 ~ 0 0 0 $0 (1.376.737) (1.150.000) (1.150.000) Q (1.432.053) ($282,053) IS1.376.737) rS1.150.000l IS1.150.000l 12 IS 1.432.0531 $453,776 $139,694 $139,694 $181,507 Q Q Q Q Wi.iU m.1.D.Q lli.1.iQZ 11.D.2m _~ .".."'~~,, ,,^_..,"~,.__"._._u__..~.~~,,.__"_.U_~_.'~~_N_____"_"__.._...."_,_...._. ,..,'.-..---,- REVENUES Miscellaneous Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In-General Fund Transfers Out -Debt Service Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Prior period adjustment Ending Fund Balance VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increasel $ Increasel I 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) I ncreas 2005-06 (Decrease) o Increasel Actual Adopted Amended Adopted Decreas Adopted Adopted -Decrease $50,400 $30,000 $103,305 $73,305 100.0% $48,000 $18,000 100.0% $29.889 $10.000 $30,000 $20,000 0.0% $25.000 $15,000 0.0% $80,289 $40,000 $133,305 $93,305 $73,000 $18,000 $449.292 $325,000 $390,000 65.000 0.0% $282.500 (42,500) 0.0% $449,292 $325,000 $390,000 $65,000 0.0% $282,500 ($42,500) 0.0% 15369.0031 15285.0001 15256.6951 ~ 15209.5001 .lli..aQ $807,226 887,913 887,913 0 ($887,913) Q Q Q Q Q $0 5807.226 5887.913 5887.913 iQ ~ $1,478,934 $1,917,157 $1,917,157 $2,548,375 Q Q Q Q 51.917.157 52.520.070 52.548.375 52.338.875 REVENUES Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Infrastructure Maintenance Community Enhancement Capital Acquisition Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer from other funds Transfer to other funds Total Other Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GENERAL FUND Strategic Initiative Fund 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28/05 $ Increase/ $ I ncreasel 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % I ncreasel Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease Q Q Q Q 0.0% 50.000 50.000 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $50,000 $60,000 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $800.000 800,000 100.0% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 500,000 500.000 100.0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% 742.000 742.000 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $2,042,000 $2,042,000 100.0% 12 i2 n 12 IS1 992.0001 IS1.992.000} $0 $0 $0 $3,160,000 ~ ~ iQ iQ n n n S3160000 $0 $0 $0 $0 III III n S1.168.000 "'"-~, ',' "'_".,..,-,~~..,-----,-,-- ~-.-.'-" .~,.""-."-_"~""-,--",~""_~---~""""",,,,,,,,.,,'--~'"'--"-' REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Fines Charges for Services Rental Income Permrts!Fees Miscellaneous Water Sales-residential Water Sales-commercial Wastewater Sales Sanitation Sales Other Utility Charges TIF District I nterest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Crty Secretary Human Resources City Manager Support Services General Gov Total Finance Municipal Court Teen Court Finance Total Fire Police Public Safety Support Building Inspections Public Safety Total Streets!Drainage Public Works Admin Utility Billing Water Wastewater Sanitation Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Dev. Total Communrty Services Parks and Recreation Library Services ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 0<1:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $16,204,429 $15,594,004 $16,455,000 $860,996 5.50/0 $17,533,825 $1,939,822 12.4% 10,788,469 10,833,710 12,105,548 1,271,838 11.7% 13,588,602 2,754,892 25.4% 2,053,530 1,794,518 2,068,348 273,830 15.3% 2,093,641 299,123 16.7% 1,344,828 1,310,000 860,000 (450,000) -34.4% 710,000 (600,000) -45.8% 629,751 570,940 587,000 16,060 2.8% 616,300 45,360 7.9% 142,824 124,000 142,000 18,000 100.0% 142,000 18,000 14.5% 1 .639,431 878,660 1,923,660 1,045,000 118.9% 1,349,660 471,000 53.6% 758,285 601,282 836,287 235,005 39.1% 567,982 (33,300) -5.5% 7,316,381 8,200,000 8,200,000 0 0.0% 8,300,000 100,000 1.2% 1,931,677 2,500,000 2,200,000 (300,000) -12.0% 2,600,000 100,000 4.0% 3,114,932 3,300,000 3,400,000 100,000 3.0% 3,500,000 200,000 6.1% 915,136 900,000 920,000 20,000 2.2% 940,000 40,000 4.4% 190,930 288,250 148,050 (140,200) -48.6% 273,000 (15,250) -5.3% 2,489,853 1,026,906 2,760,804 1,733,898 168.8% 1,432,053 405,147 39.5% 566.991 361.100 525.600 164 500 45.6% 587,400 226.300 62.7% $50.087.447 $48 283 370 $53.132.297 $4.848 927 10.0% $54.234.463 $5.951.093 12.3% $253,421 $292,877 $288,795 ($4,082) -1.4% $324,334 $31 ,457 10.7% 254,547 319,361 310,567 (8,794) -2.8% 363,365 44,004 13.8% 442,741 478,955 477,605 (1,350) -0.3% 594,050 115,095 24.0% 2,713,506 3,078.411 3.068,958 (9453) -0.3% 3,227,807 149,396 4.9% $3,664,215 $4,169.604 $4.145.925 1$23.679) -0.6% $4.509.556 $339.952 8.2% 681,024 714,484 776,198 61,714 8.6% 864,607 150,123 21.0% 401,239 430,807 430,934 127 0.0% 477.319 46,512 10.8% 58,239 74668 74,668 Q 0.0% 75,268 600 0.8% $1.140.502 $1.219.959 $1.281.800 $61.841 5.1% $1.417.194 $197.235 16.2% 2,899,697 3,241,912 3.528,979 287,067 8.9% 3,405,240 163,328 5.0% 4,459,849 4,992,922 4,598,996 (393,926) -7.9% 5,189,349 196,427 3.9% 1,241,714 1,329,155 1,412,772 83,617 6.3% 1,481,083 151,928 11.4% 850 351 885,451 902100 16,649 1.9% 863.750 (21 701) -2.5% $9.451.611 $10.449.440 $10.442.847 1$6.593\ -0.1% $10.939.422 $489.982 4.7% 1,627,259 1,834,644 1,722,095 (112,549) -6.1% 1,665,072 (169,572) -9.2% 776,146 839,747 859,274 19,527 2.3% 883,240 43,493 5.2% 463,251 316,001 413,581 97,580 30.9% 285,640 (30,361) -9.6% 5.607.332 7,246,234 7,239,687 (6,547) -0.1% 7,689,367 443,133 6.1% 1,116,594 2,229,142 1,394,060 (835,082) -37.5% 1,444,966 (784,176) -35.2% 691,308 680,000 690,000 10,000 1.5% 705,000 25,000 3.7% $10.281.890 $13.145,768 $12.318.697 ($827.0711 -6.3% $12.673.285 ($412.483\ -3.6% 494,834 592,659 581,269 (11,390) -1.9% 656 383 63,724 10.8% $494.834 $592.659 $581.269 ~ -1.9% $656.383 $63.724 10.8% 285151 328,125 325,890 (2,235) -0.7% 336,399 8,274 2.5% $285,151 $328,125 $325.890 1$2.2351 -0.7% $336.399 $8.274 2.5% 409,752 444,393 429,523 (14,870) -3.3% 465,100 20,707 4.7% 2,515,779 2,956,749 2,781,153 (175,596) -5.9% 3,419,134 462,385 15.6% 411,877 446 083 457,618 11,535 2.6% 444,676 (1407) -0.3% Community Svcs. Total EXPENDITURES. cant. TI F District Crime Control District Vehicle Replacement Strategic Initiative Debt Service Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond!lnsurance Proceeds Transfers In Developers Contributions Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Net change in w/c components Beginning Fund Balance Prior Period Adjustment Residual Equity Transfer Ending Fund Balance ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 2005-06 Proposed Budget and 2004-05 Revised Budget 04:53 PM 09/28105 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! 2005-06 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $3.337,408 $3,847.225 $3.668.294 1$178.9311 -4.7% $4.328.910 481.685 12.5% 1 ,427,462 0 1.572,491 1,572,491 100.0% 0 0 0.0% 466.273 613,420 463,639 (129,561) -21.1% 701,605 68,185 14.4% 449.292 325,000 390,000 65,000 20.0% 282,500 (42,500) 100.0% $0 $0 $0 0 0.0% $2,042,000 2,042,000 100 14,192.834 13.930.262 16.341.016 2,410.754 17.3% 16.029.949 2.099.687 15.1% 545191.472 548.621.462 551.552.068 52 930 606 6.0% 553917203 53 253 741 6.7% 54 895 975 15338 0921 51.580.229 $1 918321 WUi2 $213,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,472.685 $4,166.857 $5,778,773 $1,611,916 $7,038,377 $2.871.520 $50,000 $50.000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 $0 ($5.513.759) ($4.135.395) ($5,598 086) ($1.462.691 ) ($7.038.377) ($2.902.982) iW..W iB.J&Z mun llii.lli ~ ~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,954,607 $28,072,508 $28,072,508 $29,883,424 $0 $0 $0 $0 lQ lQ lQ !Q 528 072 508 527 815 878 529.883.424 530 250.684 PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease FUND Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Adooted Adopted Strateaic Investment Fund Capital Outlay Q Q Q 2,042.000 2.042.000 100.0% Total 0 0 0 2,042,000 2,042,000 Vechile Reolacement Capital Outlay 449.292 325,000 390.000 282.500 (42,500) 0.0% Total 449,292 325,000 390,000 282,500 (42,500) GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 45,185,005 48,621,462 51,537,630 51,865,819 3,244,357 6.7% EXPENDITURE CATEGORY Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Debt Service 15,634,538 14,088,433 1,275,667 14,192.834 17,679,131 15,740,882 1,271,187 13.930.262 17,459,016 16,219,090 1,532,946 16.341.016 18,187,349 15,860,788 3,839,117 16.029.949 508,218 119,906 2,567,930 2.099.687 2.9% 0.8% 202.0% 15.1% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 45,191,472 48,621,462 51,552,068 53,917,203 5,295,741 10.9% PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease FUND Actual Budoet Budoet Budoet Adopted Adopted General Fund Personnel 13,977,777 15,765,567 15,637,443 16,352,728 587,161 3.7% Operations 6,126,397 6,873,399 6,464,867 7,274,797 401,398 5.8% Capital Outlay 531.236 349.437 822.646 345.267 (4.170) -1.2% Total 20,635,410 22,988,403 22,924,956 23,972,792 984,389 4.3% Utilitv Fund Personnel 1,363,066 1,594,155 1,553,175 1,525,827 (68,328) -4.3% Operations 6,323,933 8,689,472 7,996,653 8,328,796 (360,676) -4.2% Capital Outlay 191,486 187,750 187,500 270,350 82,600 44.0% Debt Service 4.864.545 5.589.002 5.904.090 5.958.268 369.266 6.6% Total 12,743,030 16,060,379 15,641,418 16,083,241 22,862 0.1% Debt Service Fund Debt Service 7,617.170 6,631,241 7.110,216 7.624,357 993.116 15.0% Total 7,617,170 6,631,241 7,110,216 7,624,357 993,116 15.0% Special Revenue- Reforestation Fund Operations 41,232 25,000 25,000 10,000 (15,000) 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 41,232 25,000 25,000 10,000 (15,000) 0.0% Special Revenue- Bicentennial Concessions Operations 694 15,000 5,000 35,000 20,000 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 694 15,000 5,000 35,000 20,000 0.0% Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 93,323 253.000 58.000 505,000 252.000 0.0% Total 93,323 253,000 58,000 505,000 252,000 0.0% Special Revenue- Librarv Donation Fund Operations 6,467 0 14,438 9,384 9,384 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 6,467 0 14,438 9,384 9,384 0.0% TIF Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations 1.427.462 Q 1.572.491 Q Q 0.0% Total 1,427,462 0 1,572,491 0 0 0.0% Crime Control District Fund Personnel 293,695 319,409 268,398 308,794 (10,615) -3.3% Operations 162,248 138,011 140,641 152,811 14,800 10.7% Capital Outlay 10.330 156.000 74.800 240.000 84.000 0.0% Total 466,273 613,420 483,839 701,605 88,185 14.4% SPDC Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 154,000 154,000 Debt Service 1.711,119 1.710.019 3.326.710 2.447.324 737.305 43.1% Total 1,711,119 1,710,019 3,326,710 2,651,324 941,305 55.0% PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Adooted Adopted SPECIAL REVENUE PARKS & RECREATION FUND Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 93.323 253.000 58.000 505.000 252.000 0.0% Total 93,323 253,000 58,000 505,000 252,000 0.0% SPECIAL REVENUE LIBRARY DONATION FUND Operations 6,467 0 14,438 9,384 9,384 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 6,467 0 14,438 9,384 9,384 0.0% TIF FUND Operations 1.427.462 Q 1 .572.491 Q 0 0.0% Total 1,427,462 0 1,572,491 0 0 0.0% CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND Personnel 293,695 319,409 268,398 308,794 (10,615) -3.3% Operations 162,248 138,011 140,641 152,811 14,800 10.7% Capital Outlay 10.330 156.000 74.800 240.000 84.000 0.0% Total 466,273 613,420 483,839 701,605 88,185 14.4% SPDC FUND Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations & Maintenance 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 154,000 154,000 0.0% Debt Service 1.711.119 1.710.019 3.326.710 2.447.324 737.305 43.1% Total 1,711,119 1,710,019 3,326,710 2,651,324 941,305 55.0% Strateaic Investment Fund Capital Outlay Q Q Q 2.042.000 2,042,000 100.0% Total 0 0 0 2,042,000 2,042,000 Vechile Reolacement Capital Outlay 449.292 325.000 390.000 282.500 (42.500) 0.0% Total 449,292 325,000 390,000 282,500 (42,500) GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 45,191,472 48,621,462 51,552,068 53,917,203 5,295,741 10.9% ~''''~'-----'-''''----'' ...- -'.. ",_",,,~-~,,,~_.~,_,>>'-". ~."''''' ,._-,,- .' ....~-"._,,_..~-_.~"----_....__._.._.."-....,,-,~. -"..'-- ,,~._- PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease GENERAL FUND Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Adooted Adooted City Secretarv/Mayor/Council Personnel 154,354 174,170 174,170 200,677 26,507 15.2% Operations 99,067 118,707 114,625 123,657 4,950 4.2% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 100.0% Total 253,421 292,877 288,795 324,334 31,457 10.7% Human Resources Personnel 210,047 247,396 246,412 249,295 1,899 0.8% Operations 44,500 59,965 64,155 114,070 54,105 90.2% Capital Outlay Q 12. 000 Q Q (12.000) 0.0% Total 254,547 319,361 310,567 363,365 44,004 13.8% City Manaaer's Office Personnel 417,847 450,522 450,571 494,470 43,948 9.8% Operations 24,894 28,433 27,034 99,580 71,147 250.2% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 100.0% Total 442,741 478,955 477,605 594,050 115,095 24.0% Suooort Services Personnel 536,147 574,744 576,916 585,399 10,655 1.9% Operations 2,119,249 2,377,339 2,365,714 2,469,177 91,838 3.9% Capital Outlay 58.110 126.328 126,328 173.231 46.903 37.1% Total 2,713,506 3,078,411 3,068,958 3,227,807 149,396 4.9% Finance Personnel 431 ,823 475,297 494,011 576,703 101,406 21.3% Operations 249,201 239,187 282,187 283,904 44,717 18.7% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 4.000 4.000 0.0% Total 681,024 714,484 776,198 864,607 150,123 21.0% Municioal Court Personnel 285,024 285,832 285,832 311,674 25,842 9.0% Operations 116,215 144,975 145,102 145,645 670 0.5% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 20,000 20.000 0.0% Total 401,239 430,807 430,934 477,319 46,512 10.8% Teen Court Personnel 44,450 54,268 54,268 54,868 600 1.1% Operations 13,789 20,400 20,400 20,400 0 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 58,239 74,668 74,668 75,268 600 0.8% Fire Services Personnel 2,429,381 2,766,124 2,685,503 2,906,575 140,451 5.1% Operations 390,316 467,288 384,976 498,665 31,377 6.7% Capital Outlay 80.000 8.500 458.500 Q (8.500) 100.0% Total 2,899,697 3,241,912 3,528,979 3,405,240 163,328 5.0% Police Services Personnel 4,050,369 4,486,064 4,242,376 4,621,529 135,465 3.0% Operations 409,480 506,858 341,320 502,834 (4,024) -0.8% Capital Outlay Q Q 15.300 64.986 64.986 0.0% Total 4,459,849 4,992,922 4,598,996 5,189,349 196,427 3.9% PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CA TEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increasel % Increasel 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease GENERAL FUND Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Adopted Adopted Public Safety Support Personnel 1,019,608 1,112,434 1,199,686 1,245,643 133,209 12.0% Operations 222,106 215,021 211,386 232,490 17,469 8.1% Capital Outlay Q 1.700 1.700 2.950 1.250 100.0% Total 1,241,714 1,329,155 1,412,772 1,481,083 151,928 11.4% Buildina Inspection Personnel 817,429 821,274 866,975 772,024 (49,250) -6.0% Operations 32,922 64,177 35,125 85,626 21,449 33.4% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 6.100 6.100 0.0% Total 850,351 885,451 902,100 863,750 (21,701) -2.5% Streets/Drainaae Personnel 531,810 808,834 808,834 756,089 (52,745) -6.5% Operations 823,772 965,001 853,261 908,983 (56,018) -5.8% Capital Outlay 271.677 60.809 60.000 Q (60.809) -100.0% Total 1,627,259 1,834,644 1,722,095 1,665,072 (169,572) -9.2% Public Works Administration Personnel 643,985 714,659 714,659 703,313 (11,346) -1.6% Operations 132,161 125,088 141,397 179,927 54,839 43.8% Capital Outlay Q Q 3.218 Q Q 0.0% Total 776,146 839,747 859,274 883,240 43,493 5.2% Planning Personnel 446,752 539,989 536,789 567,933 27,944 5.2% Operations 48,082 52,670 44,480 83,950 31 ,280 59.4% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 4.500 4.500 100.0% Total 494,834 592,659 581,269 656,383 63,724 10.8% Economic Development Personnel 199,633 235,330 235,107 235,146 (184) -0.1% Operations 85,518 92,795 90,783 96,753 3,958 4.3% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 4.500 4.500 0.0% Total 285,151 328,125 325,890 336,399 8,274 2.5% Community Services Personnel 276,208 291,283 294,783 307,995 16,712 5.7% Operations 133,544 153,110 134,740 157,105 3,995 2.6% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 409,752 444,393 429,523 465,100 20,707 4.7% Parks and Recreation Personnel 1,196,427 1,405,374 1,448,578 1,427,013 21,639 1.5% Operations 1,121,536 1,183,275 1,151,975 1,238,121 54,846 4.6% Capital Outlay 62.567 75.100 92.600 Q (75.10m 100.0% Total 2,380,530 2,663,749 2,693,153 2,665,134 1,385 0.1% Librarv Services Personnel 286,483 321,973 321,973 336,382 14,409 4.5% Operations 60,045 59,110 56,207 33,910 (25,200) -42.6% Capital Outlay 58.882 65.000 65.000 65.000 Q 0.0% Total 405,410 446,083 443,180 435,292 (10,791 ) -2.4% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 20,635,410 22,988,403 22,924,956 23,972,792 984,389 4.3% ~__""" ~ 'd . ..~~_."._._.. "'0"-''' ~---->,,,",-,",,,,,-,,,,,,,-,,,,,~,,,,,----,,,,-'-'-';---'-"~~--'~"'~-~'-' .,,--.-.- PROPOSED BUDGET 2005-06 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2003-04 Adopted Amended Proposed (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Adooted Adopted UTILITY FUND Utility Billing Personnel 195,076 222,266 222,286 193,605 (28,661) -12.9% Operations 244,380 89,735 187,295 88,035 (1,700) -1.9% Capital Outlay 23.795 4.000 4.000 4.000 Q 100.0% Total 463,251 316,001 413,581 285,640 (30,361) -9.6% Water Utilities Personnel 851,337 1,001,119 968,119 967,581 (33,538) -3.4% Operations 4,588,304 6,083,165 6,109,868 6,458,036 374,871 6.2% Capital Outlay 167.691 161.950 161.700 263.750 101.800 62.9% Total 5,607,332 7,246,234 7,239,687 7,689,367 443,133 6.1% Wastewater Utilities Personnel 316,653 370,770 362,770 364,641 (6,129) -1.7% Operations 799,941 1,836,572 1,009,490 1,077,725 (758,847) -41.3% Capital Outlay Q 21.800 21.800 2.600 (19.200) -88.1 % Total 1,116,594 2,229,142 1,394,060 1 ,444,966 (784,176) -35.2% Sanitation Operations 691.308 680.000 690.000 705.000 25.000 3.7% Total 691,308 680,000 690,000 705,000 25,000 3.7% Non-Deoartmentalized Debt Service 4.864.545 5.589.002 5.904.090 5.958.268 369.266 6.6% Total 4,864,545 5,589,002 5,904,090 5,958,268 369,266 6.6% TOTAL UTILITY FUND 12,743,030 16,060,379 15,641,418 16,083,241 22,862 0.1% DEBT SERVICE FUND Principal 4,375,022 2,833,748 2,833,748 2,703,644 (130,104) -4.6% Interest 3,233,560 3,790,493 4,269,468 4,913,713 1,123,220 29.6% Administrative Expenses 8.588 7.000 7.000 7.000 Q 0.0% Total 7,617,170 6,631,241 7,110,216 7,624,357 993,116 15.0% SPECIAL REVENUE REFORESTATION FUND Operations 41 ,232 25,000 25,000 10,000 (15,000) 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 41 ,232 25,000 25,000 10,000 (15,000) 0.0% SPECIAL REVENUE BICENTENNIAL CONCESSIONS Operations 694 15,000 5,000 35,000 20,000 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 694 15,000 5,000 35,000 20,000 0.0% ., c o e- .5 J!l c: " o E , c( , ~ '.!! 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