1958-008RESOLUTION NC'. 8 BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS. FORMALLY APPLYING FOR 25 YEAR LICENSE FOR RRCREATXONAL DEVELOPMENT OF AREA AT GraDevine RESERVOIR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TO17N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUT11LAKE, TEXAS: THAT the Mayor and Town Secretary of the Town of Southlake; be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and submit the attached application for a 25 year license for recreational development, on behalf of the Town of Southlake', to the District Engineer, U. S. Corp of Engineers. "ort North District, and do such other and further acts, and execute such additional instruments €ss may be nooessary and propor to carry in force and affect tha terms and provisions of such application and to enable the Town to accept any license granted ars a result of 9sid application and fulfill any roquirements made by the proper .44 authorities with reference thereto. PASSED and ADOPTED this $ day of March A. D. 1958: APPROVED: MAYOR .AT'r P:ST: TOWN SEC . 'ARY •