ZBA23-0008CITY OFSOUTHLAKE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1400 Main St.; Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 748-8621 w Fax: (817) 748-8077 www.cityofsouthlake.com Dear Property Owner: PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZBA23-0008 Board of Adjustment Thursday, March 30, 2023 6:30 PM Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas A request for a Special Exception Use has been filed with the Board of Adjustment of the City of Southlake. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a request for a Special Exception Use, per Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 44.12(1) for a domestic employee or family quarters on a property described as Lot 5, Block 1, Carroll Meadows Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 1000 Carroll Meadows Court, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF-1K — Single Family Residential District. The purpose of this request is to seek approval of a Special Exception Use, more particularly a Domestic Employee or Family Quarters, often referred to as an "accessory dwelling". If you wish to register your views on the matter, you may complete and send the enclosed Notification Response Form to the Planning & Development Services Department. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. Please note that this letter and its attachments constitute written notice about the proposed Variance. Please contact the Planning and Development Services Department if you have any questions: Project Contact: Reagan Rothenberger, E-mail: rothenberger(a)ci.south lake. tx.us, Phone: (817) 748-8602. Dept. Phone: (817) 748-8621 Notification Response Form ZBA23-0008 SEU for 1000 Carroll Meadows Court Meeting Date: March 30, 2023 at 6:30 PM Fill out: Owner: Address: City, State, Zip Code: PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby in favor of opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) the proposed Variance referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: Additional Signature: Date: Date: Printed Name(s): Must be property owner(s) whose name(s) are printed at top. Otherwise contact the Planning Department. One form per property. Phone Number (optional): 0 III! I"'I 111,19FTMOmr, 1TV Legend Adidress Points w E City Parcds Right Of Way City Limit a , S Case Parceli(s) 200 Foot Buff-M 0 87.5 175 350 Feet L j 300 Foot Buff ........... . . . . . . ....... ZONING BOARD OAF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE APPLICATION 1400 Maini Streel, Suile 310 S0LAh]mke,,TX 76092 Phone: (817) 748 8069 Emaik ZBA, CASE NO.. Location of Applicaflon: (address/legal description), m e, 71Ge , , ", 7 FEE $305,0O Appiicant (if different than ownery Address: Telephone: Emaill*l, "Emal shouW orfly be prol0ded if jou consent to your emafl becoming part of pubIrc record SE U Permil RelqUested: (ClrOe # of Request per Section ".12) 41) Dornesk Ernpioyee or Farnfly. 6L"jarters, 42) Accessory B01ding > Size Pemitted 43�) Una -Home DaVaire in-Flomp, Swimming Lessons #5) Non-Con,rmlerciaI Antennas and Satellite Dishes > Height Permitted 46;) SOback Reduction for Resit en Accessiory Builftgl or SlnJCtUr(,,.,, #7) Acclassory BuMinp Located Forward of the PErrricipal 'uMing on the Lot Reason for, ApplicKati ow, . . ...... .... pp . ..... . . 4t . ............. p p . . . . .... ...... f,fr- I -A E, I"IRAT 0 OF GRANTED REQUEST, ZONNG BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RULES OF PROCEDURE, Section 71 Any special excepfion or variance granted or authorized by the Board shaH authorize the issuance of a t)06ng pernit and/or a Certificate of Occupancy, as the case may be, for a period of one year from the date of the favorable action, of the Board unless said Board shall have in its action approved a different period of finie and has so shown such specific period of time in the minutes of its action, If the building perrarj it and/or Certificate of Occupancy shall not have been applied for within said one year, period or suctr extended period as the Board may have specifically granted, then the special exception or vairiance, shall be deernied to have been waived and all rights thereunder terminated. Ali appiications for,a request which have been denied shall be deemed to be denied with prejudice unless stated otherwise in the Board's written decision. YOUR RIGHTS TO APPEAL THE BOARD'S DECISION. LOCAL GOVERNMENTCOD E, Section 211.011 Any of the following persons may present to a court of record a verified petition stating that the decision of the board of adjustment is illegal in whole or in part and specifying the grounds of the illegality: (1) a person aggrieved by a decision of the board; (2) a taxpayer; or (3) an officer, department, board, or bureau of the municipality. The petition must be presented within ten days after the date the decision is filed in the board's office Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMEN'rs Notw'ized signatt.jr-e of all owrier's is rn;,'ifidatory. Use aGjd)tiot?zW &heefs if rwe,-,'essary. Prope;t)', Ownership A cknotidedgement.- As cwwd of qre prorxly dcsicriN:rd in this apphuition, f wxtcasra rid thiA my propr.,,rl Y F, Leing conskfeued for a Spw:U Excepfiun Use Pamni�. , , Date E igu Ow 1� C of Ow V-,r e - C'monei"s Nome (Typed oPOnted)­ML�.2f-Af", czy" Sff I— aHY appeared Notai,y� Acknowledgement: Before rnp, Pit., urvdersugned authorfly,, on this day pprsnn' . . ...... . T 11'ar'L know'111 to rne to be the, per,,;on whose riame is subscnbed to ffie above and forogoiniq inSIMMOM, and knowledge to me Ilat hc�IIKI— vlxoc'uted the Sairile kff the, PUrpoies and considera lion expressed and iri the capacity theren sLiled, G2 '— �ven uinde� niny h2nd and seW of office on this the 15--day of 0 7 "?A TIFFANYCOOPER "u'' In J For Texas my Notary ID # 134137307 My coinmu.,.-,sk)n explwres the day of A PI V OLY" 0 Expires Jawary 10, 2027 2 Agent Authorization (if applicable) Agont AuffhaHzafion: 1, owner of the aforementioned property do hereby ccrtify ffial I have given nly pern)rSson 'to_ . ....... reque'st, 13'k,.pm.flure ol Owner- .. ......... Ovvrie's Name jyperf or Printed act as my agent for thus spocial (.,,xceptori use pern')O Notivy Acknowledgement: Beftxe me, the undusigned authority, on this day pcirsonaHy appeared ....... kxiowri to me to tie the p(.',,,rson whose narne ms subscribod to the above and foregaing inStfUmnnt, and knowtedqo to me, 0-wit hershe exem,Jed the samo for the PlUiposes and consHeralilon expressed and in the capa6ly therein slated. QV(`,11 Under rny hand and qeal ref nffbon flijs the . . .. . . ............ -day o�f . . ........ Ncqary t,'W)hc In and For"Texas ... . ... . ....... —­­­ ........... - - , 20 Kub E5 2, Y tn< fx 11 '09 '08- 01 0 W y < Ld -J:E D 0 (3 m 0 W-.1 W5 co -Ji co 0- � . .. .... .. ..... .... 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