2023-01-09 ACE MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS ALLIANCE FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES: JANUARY 9, 2023 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Room 3C & D, Southlake, Texas COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Kristine Kemp, Renee Thomas, Danny Batsalkin, Scott Cox, Mark Flores, Tracy Harrow, Muhammad Igbal, Mike Kaucher, Douglas Lies, DeAnn Swinton, Elisa O'Callaghan, Sanjay Veerabathina. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant to the City Manager Major Youngblood, Customer Services Operations Manager Melody Andersen, and Assistant to the Director of Planning & Development Services Madeline Prater. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: N/A REGULAR AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. The Alliance for Community Engagement Chair Kristine Kemp called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. 2. CONSIDER 2A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 13, 2022, SPECIAL ALLIANCE FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING Chair Kristine Kemp presented Item 2A, and there were no questions from the board. APPROVED A motion was made to approve Minutes from the December 13, 2022, special Alliance for Community Engagement meeting. Motion: Kemp Second: Thomas Ayes: Batsalkin, Flores, Harrow, Igbal, Kemp, Kaucher, Thomas, Lies, Swinton, O'Callaghan, Veerabathina Abstain: Cox Absent: None Approved: 11-0-1 Meeting Minutes: Alliance for Community Engagement Meeting — January 9, 2023 Page 1 of 2 2B. EXCUSE THE ABSENCE OF SANJAY VEERABATHINA FROM THE DECEMBER 13, 2022, SPECIAL ALLIANCE FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING Chair Kristine Kemp presented Item 213, and there were no questions from the board. APPROVED A motion was made to excuse the absence of Sanjay Veerabathina from the December 13, 2022, special Alliance for Community Engagement meeting. Motion: Kemp Second: Kaucher Ayes: Batsalkin, Flores, Harrow, Igbal, Kemp, Kaucher, Thomas, Lies, Swinton, O'Callaghan, Veerabathina Abstain: Cox Absent: None Approved: 11-0-1 3. DISCUSS 3A. REVIEW CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COMMUNICATION TOOLS Deputy Director of Communications Pilar Schank presented Item 3A and answered questions from the board. 3B. REVIEW PROPOSED ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SPIN PROGRAM Assistant to the City Manager Major Youngblood presented Item 313 and answered questions from the board. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Kristine Kemp opened the public forum at 6:47pm. There being no one wishing to speak, Chair Kristine Kemp closed the public forum at 6:47pm. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned by Chair Kristine Kemp at 6:47pm. MINUTE,S,APPR VOVO � BY ACE ON THIS, THE 13T" DAY OF FEBRUARY 2023 Kristinmp, Chair ATTE!ID c� ,x MubAorrl4d I b�ecret Meeting Minutes: Alliance for Community Engagement Meeting — January 9, 2023 Page 2 of 2