ZA22-0043-SUP PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZA22-0042 • Specific Use Permit for West Coast Exotics Texas, LLC on property described as Lot 2R1R1, Block 5, Cornerstone Business Park Addition, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 405 S. Nolen Drive, Suite 200, Southlake, Texas. SPIN Neighborhood #8. • Current Zoning: ”S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District. • The purpose of this item is to gain City Council approval for indoor sales and services for exotic, high-end, classic, and unique new and used automobiles. Dear Property Owner, Your property has been identified as being within 300 feet as the above referenced property that is being considered for a Specific Use Permit. Because your property meets one or both of these criterion, state and local laws grant you special privileges when the City considers such requests. They are as follows : 1) You are entitled to receive written notice from the City of Southlake about the proposed Specific Use Permit and its associated public hearing held by the Planning and Zoning Commission if your property is within 300 feet of the subject property. Written notice is sent to the listed property owner(s) shown on the last approved City of Southlake tax roll; 2) If your property is within 200 feet of the proposed Specific Use Permit, and if you are opposed to the requested action, you are entitled to file a formal Protest Petition with the City which can ultimately affect the voting procedure of the City Council when they consider the proposed action. If the owners of 20 percent of the area of the lots or land within 200 feet of the subject property file a Protest Petition with the City, then an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the City Council is required to approve the Specific Use Permit. All protests must be written, signed, and acknowledged by the property owner as required by Section 46.3 of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, in order for the protest to be valid. If you wish to register your opposition or support to this case, you may complete th e Notification Response Form and either mail to the Planning & Development Services Department (address listed at the top of notice), email a copy to the project case planner (email listed at the bottom of the notice) or fax a copy to the department (fax number listed at the top of the notice). You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. Please contact the Planning and Development Services Department if you have any qu estions: Project Contact: Patty Moos, Email: pmoos@ci.southlake.tx.us | Dept. Phone: (817) 748-8621 Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, October 6, 2022 6:30 PM Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1400 Main St.; Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax: (817)748-8077 www.cityofsouthlake.com Notification Response Form ZA22-0043: Specific Use Permit for West Coast Exotics Texas, LLC at 405 S. Nolen Drive, Suite 200 Meeting Date: October 6, 2022, 6:30 PM Fill out: Owner: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ City, State, Zip Code: __________________ PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby in favor of opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) the proposed Specific Use Permit referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______ Additional Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______ Printed Name(s): _____________________________________________ Must be property owner(s). Otherwise contact the Planning Department. One form per property. Phone Number (optional): ______________________________________ Direct questions and mail responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 748-8621 Fax: (817) 748-8077 CROOKEDLNWHI SPERINGWOODSMARKETLOOPSILICON DRCI RS NOLEN DRSNOLENDRESOUTHLAKEBLVD COMMERCE STE X C H A N GE BLVD GATEWAYDRS VILLAGE CENTER DR 2401701720 710700 505 5255452855 2865 28752805 580289528752865 2800281028502802 9 2 5 2 9 1 5 275325525545585235024005355503752615 2425 2525 2707 2855 28302834283828402845 2860 5655757052825 2980 5305405203 0 1 030043000 2970 2800 2820 25352435 2445 2545 2485 2727 2801 2821 2905 2810 244928202822281228025402835 5775672757 2777 2787 2750 2700 2704 405 415 417 515 2860 2870 2890 2870 2650 2640 5405305325365385425465485522625 2717 2645 29562920290029302940291029502924 2815 2819 3 0 0 0 512516508500 416 410 24503 0 0 415531535539541549559551200210 240 220230 425 445 435 545555565350 370 360 380 305 315 325 880850 860 Vicinity Map ® 0 180 36090Feet West Coast Exotics Texas ZA 22-0043Specific Use Permit