21-050 RESOLUTION NO. 21-050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A MULTI-LEVEL PARKING GARAGE FOR NON- RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 3R, BLOCK 16, SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE, PHASE IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND LOCATED AT 601 STATE ST., SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for a multi-level parking garage for non-residential property has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "DT" Downtown District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1(34) and 45.10 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit for a multi-level parking garage for non-residential property , more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A", and as depicted on the approved Development Plan and Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and Resolution 21-050 Page 1 the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to this Specific Use Permit: City Council motion for approval on December 7, 2021; December 7, 2021; Approved (7-0) subject to Staff Report dated November 30, 2021, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 12, 2021, and granting the following: - Approve variance to Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 37.4.n to allow the metal panels on the new garage to match the panels on the existing parking structure. Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 12, 2021: Planning Comments 1. An appropriate plat or plats must be processed, approved and recorded with the County to subdivide Lot 3R as shown on the plans. 2. Please address all comments for the Development/Site Plan under Case ZA21-0087. 3. Prior to construction of the parking garage addition, an execution of a unity agreement or approval and recordation of an appropriate replat is required. 4. Above Grade Structured Parking—Parking structures shall be permitted in the Downtown district with a Specific Use Permit authorized by City Council. The following standards shall apply to above grade structured parking facilities: a. Any visible elevations of any parking structure from adjacent street R-O-Ws shall have a solid parapet wall of not less than forty-six (46) inches and shall utilize colors consistent with the surrounding principal buildings. All parking structures shall be designed in compliance with the Downtown District Design Guidelines, as amended. The 46-inch metal parapet does not appear to be similar or match the proposed office building materials. A variance is requested. b. At least 75 percent of the area occupied along street level facade of any parking structure that is immediately adjacent to a sidewalk or street right-of-way shall be developed for active office or retail uses. There are no street level facades adjacent to a street. c. If not abutting a right-of-way, above grade structured parking facilities shall be provided with adequate access from public right(s)-of-way via private drive(s) and/or access easements. d. Entries and exits to and from parking structures shall be clearly marked for both vehicles and pedestrians by materials, lighting, signage, etc., to ensure pedestrian safety on sidewalks. General Informational Comments A SPIN meeting was held October 26, 2021. No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. Resolution 21-050 Page 2 • All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from rights-of-way and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. • All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. • It appears that this property lies within the 65 LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Overlay Zones. • The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. • In addition to the City of Southlake impact fees, please be aware that through the wholesale water customer contract with the City of Fort Worth, all new water connections are required to pay the City of Fort Worth impact fee. The City of Fort Worth impact fee assessment is based on the final plat recordation date and building permit issuance. The applicant is encouraged to review the City of Fort Worth's assessment and collection of Impact Fees Guide to determine the fee amount. • Denotes Informational Comment: SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2021. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ‘�`puTlHLA1d+�< By: kF J h Hu n or •_TTEST: _-.• X7. ak\ 2 Am ` elle rt Mc''........ • "' City Secretary '/ii,i**t``0\ Resolution 21-050 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" Being property described as Lot 3R, Block 16, Southlake Town Square, Phase IV, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded as Instrument No. D217030248, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 601 State St., Southlake, Texas. Resolution 21-050 Page 4 EXHIBIT "B" Project Summary parking garage extension as...ell as plvAea service access for both trash and con paeble with ire bums loading cnclons.The second entry to the she is from the exlsle g opetung from igthUCnrg butanes State Street en the eastern border of the see.This entry feeds through the existing • Building onentabon along the steel seeks to enhance the garage and dnsequeritly gains access to the new garage expansion. pedesbtan environment The foaming document is nterded to serve as the stnmhal rot the Sne Plan for Lot 3R 1.Block 16 located in the Gtv of Sadlake.Texas Additionalh this document seeks to serve as an application fora Special Use Permit for the Site Design expansion of the existing paang garage structure located In Lot t R of the same Special Use Permit B Site development includes landscaping and lhandscape surfaces whin gte undeveloped area of the site.There Is an employee carryall between the parking The See Plan application is fora 5 Stay Class'A Once Budding to De located garage and the office building The primary aulpnwbuk egress and egress son along the natlt-west edge a SotMWke's Town Square.al the intersection of tennis 1nCharged Weeded off the highway 114 frontage toad)mootrs n9 internal The DT Downteen D51nc1 Zoning allows for parking structures to be approved by State and Division Streets The protect Is Cm0stent welt the Town Square wadi within SOuiNake Town Square applying for a Special Use Pemtlt To accommodate the Increase In parking Concept Flan.The Citys 2035 Condor Plan and all applicable devedgrlent dernandS on the site by Office 2 enployees and ostlers.the pealed proposes to zoning ordinances.except for two requirements related to see design and for e ParkingGarage Addition xPa^d^ee�ibgpaaNggamge5n nre<nenm5ervngom<e t The whim we are seeking vanartces 9 expansion would happen along the sown of the existng Sella.,and%Quid The project proposes to expand the casting parking structure to Ste south and Increase Its capacity by 243 spaces.the architectural style of the addtbat would provide an additional 243 pardntg spaces to accommodate the new once buildings match the style of the extsI g parking stndure in every aspect 1.2 Project Description parking demands The addition would be 5 levels and s intended to hatch the The proposed protect consists on a new Class A Office Building to be located south- existing garage aesthetically and structurally in at respects t'wll made an Requested Variances nest a the existing Granite SWmake Dt500 I and proposes the a additional ex/slat as well as one passenger elevates for the convenience a the xponsron a the users There will be a coveted walkway connecting the south lace of the paring existing pre-cat panting structure to accem modale Ire tree.office building's parkin demandsStnicbue to the north enter of the new office povetg protection from the dements , Nalong floret-west oven at the pmpos d development s located the ho -west edge of A total of 12 a0Nbdlal surface panurtg spaces.vettedutely ad)acent to the Western As noted.roe addition b the exlstlrg parking structure Wows an increase SouNlake Town Square and that it Is also pan of Ole City's 2035 Condor Plan.the face of the existing parking structure.to accommodate Mute uses on Lot 3R2 oil be capacity of 243 Spates as well as 34 on-sheet spies The total requred m design has Incorporated at 0l applicable zoning standards and mil be applying for a conscted as part of Oils protect sae Is 864 spaces. wanance to two see requlrelnenls Anion mud not be achieved due to see area Based on a Shared Parking Analyse report him 2015.there is a Surpkis a constants approz.484 snared parking spaces whin the'Dr Downtown Dlslnct We are Office Building providing a dual of 816 spaces and request that the balance of 48 spaces be Project Metrics The new Office Building a to be a Class A speculative office of approximately provideds 5 Did keg provided within aye Downtown District • Sne Acreage.ie.2.6178 acres 151.000 GSF a we.have 5 levels and therefore classified as a Mott-nse building by • Parking Structure Expansion.243 spaces(5 levels) the Crh d SouNnke Building Code A centralized man Obbs will be located at the • surface Parking:34 spaces grand flax which will be accessole?ran boot ate north enure coming from the e panting garage as wet as from the south entry which wood serve as the man - Off-St r • owe Building:.1-151,000 GSF(5 keels) pedestrian entry Per sector 37 of Ore Cey's Comprehensive Zoning Ordnance.an Croce protect between 150.000 SF and 249.999 SF is required to have 2 Off-Street Loading 1.3 Design Approach The nee once facade design intends to match Ste architectural style of Office I Spaces Two tegula spaces ate receded to be ICI x 25 alien was based on the merging of traditional I n ce construction and integrated Site Orientation and Access colored precast concrete with cootenporary elements Meth ruche simple Doe to see constrains.only 1 loadtrg space 10'x 501 o berg proposed for Ole The Ore is designed to allow nor the proper circulation.storage and services related massing.ImnSlaatency and Openness protect Pet Granites market expenhence.the quamey currently prwKlea weld to the operational aspects of the garage and office building with one expected service and dekv0ks la a project el Nis scale and there/ore should not pose.Nv issues or plobkms to potential tenants There are two key access points nee the sire.The test s ash emylegre55 Pant The proposed building meets ere intent of the Downown District Guidelines This off-street loading variance request was previously granted ton Phase I and directly off()finnan Street to the south of the see The entmvav gains access to the • The proposed design seeks to add a new point of interest and is requested again for this phase IPhae 2) 3.3 Driveway Variance- We are seekng a variance request tor the stackng depth Warn the State Street fight of way This IS a vanance to Drheway Ordnance No 634 which requires 150'of sfackng depth,to stow a Stacking depth of approximately 16'given the sae constrards This d veway vanance request was previously granted for Phase I and i5 requested again fa this phase(Phase 2) We received Cory comments stating that the 46-metal parapet provided at each floor level does not appear to be similar or match the proposed office building matenals The DT Downtown Dtsonct requires a sold parapet wart adjacent to the ROW We are requesting a vanance allowing the design shown with stager vertical elements and finer honeontal dements to enhance the design of the garage Addl50nall this will provide visual contnuM between Ste garage expansion and existing garage This rmtenals valance request was previously granted for Phase 1 and s requested agar fce this phase(Phase 2) Resolution 21-050 Page 5 DEVELOPMENT AND SITE PLAN Ahvir �..z. - _ 4. T _ = ti } . 114.. allirti i:V....... .MEW STATE S -, �•_ . v ?y i Nra.rrr.r „ '—Vt\ b �:: ' _mri - : ,• ' '''Z;,.'y...... ...._,, , 4 •ift : . _., ,,w .... • d ir------ ---, -i .E.: iiIiiiiiii , .. ,1/41 111•1019701•61.•••1•I IMIGKIRSI•ONVI MX ssv ♦ y 7 Li •- Aha6oeo Kock e;o; Dy'. �► rrrr I� •••••,— p-' _ -- - •-= -0/ d 1 -, -. DEVELOPMENT AND SITE PLAN -: p•- GRANITE souTerAmi MAP ss - ti OMNR WADING I OM11M OYY1Mp / '^ �" M _-- I WHAMMW w.KY....IRAT t~.Q.l / :.o!$.m M a,.ar urw¢nrw.w cowry. u ,cow ., Resolution 21-050 Page 6 SITE DATE SUMMARY SITE PLAN SUMMARY DATA TABLE GENERAL SITE DATA LOT 1R,BLOCK 16 LOT 2,BLOCK 16 LOT 3R1,BLOCK 16 LOT 3R2,BLOCK 16 TOTAL EXISTING ZONING DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN - PROPOSED ZONING DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN DT-DOWNTOWN - LAND USE DESIGNATION TOWN CENTER TOWN CENTER TOWN CENTER TOWN CENTER - GROSS/NET ACREAGE(SOFT,ACRES) 104,989 SOFT 12,161 SOFT 78,010 SOFT 36,133 SOFT 231,293 SOFT 2.41 ACRES 0.28 ACRES 1.79 ACRES 0.83 ACRES 5.31 ACRES NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 1 1 1 4 PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE 26% N/A 39% N/A 25% AREA OF OPEN SPACE(SOFT,ACRES) 8,791 SOFT N/A 7,588 SOFT 28,236 SOFT 44,615 SOFT 0.20 ACRES 0.17 ACRES 0.65 ACRES 1.02 ACRES PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE 8% N/A 10% 78% 19% AREA OF IMPERVIOUS COVER(SOFT,ACRES) 96,198 SOFT 12,161 SOFT 70,422 SOFT 7,897 SOFT 186,678 SOFT 2.21 ACRES 0.28 ACRES 1.62 ACRES 0.18 ACRES 4.29 ACRES PERCENTAGE OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 92% 100% 90% 22% 81% 'UP TO 7,000 SOFT+PATIO 'UP TO 10,000 SOFT(TO BE TOTAL BUILDING AREA(BLDG.FOOTPRINT) 26,800 SOFT (TO BE DETERMINED AT TIME 30,200 SOFT DETERMINED AT TIME OF 57,000SOFT OF DEVELOPMENT) DEVELOPMENT) GROSS FLOOR AREA 160,000 SOFT N/A 142,700 SOFT N/A 302,700 SOFT NET FLOOR AREA 154,000 SOFT N/A 136,660 SOFT N/A 290,660 SOFT NUMBER OF STOIRES S N/A 5 N/A - BUILDING HEIGHT 94'-0" N/A 82'-6" N/A - PROPOSED FLOOR AREA BY USE OFFICE N/A OFFICE N/A - PARKING GARAGE FOOT PRINT 33,000 SOFT 16,794 SOFT - PARKING GARAGE FLOOR AREA 146,000 SOFT N/A 83,970 SOFT N/A PARKING GARAGE LEVELS 5 5 - PARKING GARAGE HEIGHT 43'-0" 43'-0" - 'REQUIRED PARKING TO BE 'REQUIRED PARKING TO BE DETERMINED BY USE AND DETERMINED BY USE AND PARKING REQUIRED 467 TOTAL BUILDING SQUARE 397 TOTAL BUILDING SQUARE 864 FOOTAGE AT THE TIME OF FOOTAGE AT THE TIME OF DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT. PARKING PROVIDED PROPOSEDSTANDARD(PARKINGSTRUCTURE) 471 • 236 • 707 PROPOSED HC(PARKING STRUCTURE) 7 - 7 - 14 PROPOSED STANDARD(SURFACE) 2 - - 30 32 PROPOSED(HCSURFACE) 2 - - - 2 PROPOSED STANDARD(STREETPARKING) 10 7 34 9 60 PROPOSED(HC STREET PARKING) 1 - - - 1 TOTAL PARKING 493 7 277 39 816 LOADING SPACES REQUIRED 2 1 2 1 6 LOADING SPACES PROVIDED 1 1 1 - 3 START CONSTRUCTION,MONTH/YEAR PREVIOUSLY TBD APRIL,2022 TBD CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY TBD MAY,2023 TBD END CONSTRUCTION,MONTH/YEAR CONSTRUCTED Resolution 21-050 Page 7 PARKING SUMMARY I NG SPACES IN LOT 3R2 TO BE 1' +I i NSTRUC7EO ATA FUTURE DATE 12 ii LOT 3R2 L i s - -- - - - --.._..� LOT1R �. s TPF i Fl KKK�� �� i _ J j i (- i PARKING SUMMARY \ LOT 2 i LOT 3Ri L'i i � PARKING PROVIDED LOT 1R LOT 2 LOT SRT LOT 3R2 1. �,04- - STRUCTURED STD. 971 - STRUCTURED NC 7 - .".. � _ .� �11 r SURFACE STD. 2 . 30 [ �. — �\ _o- SURFACE MC 2 j /..— DMS\ON STRET ON STREET STD 10 7 7 ON STREET MC 1 \ ' TOTAL__. 493 7 79 V. "MOW Row b+Dw cawiuueo will DimbprtiontDIOR 3R2 Granrte SITE PLAN -PARKING SUMMARY Resolution 21-050 Page 8 ELEVATIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION I EXISTING_STRUCTURE TO REMAIN —� ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ GARAGE ROOF 2 G-15 G-14G-1cG-12 G-11 I G-10 G-41 �G-81 !G-71G-61G-51 'G-41 IG-31 IG-21 iG-1. .-. I ter-- ,--i-- �T `T �' Y -1_, Y 1-- 156'-11" GARAGE ROOF 1 '� 152'-2« rz I_ -11 _ II- I GARAGE PARAPET AL -I —7 144'-11" — - -� GA LEVEL 5 op _ RAGE I9r O R � 141 -2 IIIIIMINNIN . GARAGE LEVEL 4 21�I11twlll1�l - - - - - - 130'-8" igininim1,g� GARAGE LEVEL 3 op ��1►111►110,IIIN11 120'-2" IIII Ull•llM _ ___ GARAGE LEVEL 2 op III 109'-8" II��EI . I i II 1; GARA_GE LEVEL 1 I" 98'-2" PC-I PC-2 MP-I OPEN PC-I OPEN PC-2 MP-I OOVERALL ELEVATION -EAST PARKING-MATERIALITY 1/32"= 1-0" GARAGE ROOF 2 3-B 3 3- _-_ -G-F' 3 I 3- -. G-., / 156'-11" El /GARAGE ROOF 1 AI I% 152'-2" // _ _ - _ iGARAGE PARAPET AI 144'-11' - i r GARAGE 141- 5 /� 2.32 I crm 'awe o .r v vex Ngi s V GARAGE LEVEL 4 130'-8" cm L i e - t `A(���� I NNW II •� GARAGE LEVEL 3 Ala MI I . 33 I ��p man GARAGE i 9E �r I f: �I l P. A I , GARAGE LEVEL 1 98'-2" PC-I PC-2 IA-1 OPEN PO-I OPEN PC-2 '.IP-I ®OVERALL ELEVATION-SOUTH PARKING-MATERIALITY 1/32"=1'-0" MATERIALS LEGEND CANOPIES/SUN SHADING DEVICES ® C-1 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE CANOPY O MT-1 METAL PANEL CANOPY SYSTEM EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS O MP-1 METAL PANEL 0 ACM-1 INSULATED ALUMINUM COMPOSITE METAL PANEL - C-1 ARCHITECTURALLY EXPOSEDCONCRETE — PC-1 INSULATED PRE-CAST CONCRETE WITH INLAID BRICK O PC-2 INSULATED PRE-CAST CONCRETE WITH INTEGRAL COLOR ow CW ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM O ST ALUMINUM STORE FRONT O WW ALUMINUM WINDOW WALL O GL-1 ALUMINUM VISION GLASS IN GL-2 INSULATED SPANDREL GLASS B GL-3 ALUMINUM FRITTED GLASS 'ELEVATIONS AS INDICATED MEET THE REQUIRED MASONRY ORDINANCE. Resolution 21-050 Page 9 ELEVATION EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN NEW CONSTRUCTION - 1G-11 (G-2) IG-31 IG-4) IG-51G-61G-7) IG-81 1G-91 G-10 G-11 G-12 G-13 G-14 G-15 GARAGE ROOF 2 156'-11" GARAGE ROOF 1 _ _ -- GARAGE PARAPET -I� T T-I - 144 -t 1„ I - _ GARAGE LEVEL 5 AL F-- 141'-2" I! ■'� I I MEM • •��34. „_II GARAGE LEVEL 4 g i r� n i c z.. I pm 130'-8„ GARAGE LEVEL 3 111111111 MN III I ...^. �� ( 120'-2„ Y ��� llit _ GARAGE LEVEL 2 AL -'' I. • I GARAGE LEVEL 81 9 PC-I PC-2 MP-I OPEN PC-I PC-2 MP-I OPEN 0 OVERALL ELEVATION -WEST PARKING- MATERIALITY 1/32"= 1'-0" MATERIALS LEGEND CANOPIES/SUN SHADING DEVICES ® C-1 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE CANOPY O MT-1 METAL PANEL CANOPY SYSTEM EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS O MP-1 METAL PANEL ® ACM-1 INSULATED ALUMINUM COMPOSITE METAL PANEL - C-1 ARCHITECTURALLY EXPOSEDCONCRETE - PC-1 INSULATED PRE-CAST CONCRETE WITH INLAID BRICK 0 PC-2 INSULATED PRE-CAST CONCRETE WITH INTEGRAL COLOR ▪ CW ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM O ST ALUMINUM STORE FRONT O WW ALUMINUM WINDOW WALL • GL-1 ALUMINUM VISION GLASS E GL-2 INSULATED SPANDREL GLASS • GL-3 ALUMINUM FRITTED GLASS "ELEVATIONS AS INDICATED MEET THE REQUIRED MASONRY ORDINANCE. Resolution 21-050 Page 10 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 E.5TATE-11GMWAT 114 1 ----------------�. '1 ' i 1 L2.01 w ` \\ I \ I )\ \ \ r _ I v _.......�.._.. .\ o\\ \ \\- - - i I i 1. \ • EL2.02 , L2.03 \ -\ F-Ii i /v _ - -- \� ` \ � ` ' J - J. L2.05 \ L2.04 _moo „im L _ ow g _ i I at me '� , ` .:._.."....' M.MM SOUTH AKE MNNI: --r¢ �_ / arrelwlaM.IaN.MImwIM / loT]]IK1,.I►oe1c,I 1 �� lit '1E,u. E.E:I IOMTLLA19 TOWN TWIN! . \ / - MKAROFMf51.,11EY.ABSTRACT MI a, . - - 37E'.� I cm aFsouna.gt FA&eAMT COUNTY.IEYW, REQUIRED LANDSCAPE SUMMARY (TOWN CENTER PD) SQUARE FEET PERCENTAGE INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA PLANTING REQUIREMENTS STANDARD REQUIRED PROVIDED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA>/=50%OF BULDING FOOTPRINT(27,337 S.F.) 13369 70,625 SF (1)CANOPY TREE PER 500 SF OF REQ'D AREA(13,369/500 SF=27) 27 27 (1)ACCENT TREE PER 250 SF OF REQ'D AREA(13,369/250 SF=54) 54 61 (1)3-GAL SHRUB PER 40 SF OF REQ'D AREA(13,369/40 SF=335) 335 906 GROUNDCOVER- 15%OF REQ'D AREA(13,369 X.15=2005) 2005 5146 SF SEASONAL COLOR-2%OF REQ'D(13,369 X.02=268) 268 489 SF LOCATION REQUIREMENT:75%OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MUST BE IN FRONT AND/OR 20,503 SF 26,828 SF ALONG SIDE BETWEEN BUFFER AND BULDING(27,337 X 75=20,503 SF) 'NOTE-BUFFERYARD REQUIREMENTS N/A PER THE PD. Resolution 21-050 Page 11 LANDSCAPE PLANS , - i , . i i . , 1-----,7--- 1 , I ,' .„ . . . ........, , , * , : I i V 1 ..... . .4.). . . -4 4 •. \ \ -I-- % - .... , ,..... . , . 4 " .„,. ,, -, \ `. -- . - • .,2 I .1,,. \\'‘ /' . •S, \ .i., ‘ / ' • 'e.• ,.. / "), o• •, •..,,,,,%., .„\ el. .I., ,'...., \ • N • • . • • • . \ \ \ ...a , • \ , \ \ • • 5DE DTIECT L2.06 FOR PLANTING SONDULE L \ FL...*TF ' \ • c SN\,_ \ \ !ii:. . . \ \ \ At, ..- , . • IP -• \ . . • . Ili Pacheco Koch . 2 • . . . , . LANDSCAPE PLAN ' \% 10111111,1n10•MINIMME•M•••••••• ' GRANITE SOL...LANE PNASE 2 \ -, , . SOIMIL•NE TOWN,SOLIAAE - F.---."L--, AMAMI GM sonar Assrmer tea I. LAND-SCAPE FIAN :Pli-..--= I Corr of•OCTILIONA MONT mown.TUNAS , ... .....MM1940.'• ••• AP. NA. NAP AN • A. P. = a. L2.02 PLANT 5GDEDULE \ . \ \ PI. 101114010.0 IIBIIIII10111111Nts•NosessemaNNE01111011111011111 MIIIIIIM•OMME•ME•M•MMOMMINIAIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII011 .......... IN --..• • , [SIDLING PARSING SAPAGE \ • ' \‘ '' • ' :a."....Tr...-.F.'' \ ‘ • ./ • 4' 6'.'.V.1*- \ , . N • • \ \ • \\ \ • ........\ • - • -- - . . w • \ ' \• s w ,7...--4--.-- . is.4:,.. \ _ . , ...,-.- \ • ' --•----. 1-N se r,... wpAilm-Isf.... , , . , % ,...‹ '4 PROPC • ............. =."..I.T.:2:. 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I 203C---..-r. i ern,oF sownlAK•uniumr cower.row •- ".9333.1 ' .......... Resolution 21-050 Page 12 LANDSCAPE PLANS PWNC ACPWOULE q. I PROPOSEDI a y r� .. .^•AROSE ...: j = . r, oan,a0 - ' -4 .tZ T / motaes...-===-,..-- I -u. T '^....�,.w: .,.., -.. ;::.. __ J jPachoco Koch ■.■■uu•■■■■•u■■■•■■■M•••■••••••M■ ■ •■•u■•••■ ■t•■ ■■■ LANDSCAPE PLAN ■ aifnUlK 9E[ GRANITE 60UTHLAKE PHASE 2 ■ 1 •.•_.� OFFICE ataaaw0 a OARAOE E 0,1114•011 ( LOT 2K,TUN16 r I lE-I•' E i 6OUT)K.AKE TOMH SQUARE 1 1 RI[RARo I S SURVEY fr COR u J',.'.".,i.WE PIAII _-..._..... ..... _..._ '- c,rOTKA6co.',rFAA 5OV E 1_ .la I I L2.03 \ ._ UNE SEE,LLTLA.... PLANT SCHEDULE ■■•■ ■■■••■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■••i■••••■■■■••■■••■■■■■■M■I 4 '- 1 +.%. ,Yc ...._��. �1 L a d yI 4 a o- _ I \\' - ,.. .. 1 Noi D. 1 N Iv • zYiiaYYsteiz e • a•W \ li. 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C ! € $ +})0 4 •-Qtp i Ii ;e;1(§ �, 1 : ii,.. 1 E � •1+!- f fil 1dsi p i - i 11i S El Y 0 E 1 bum inm..s wr. PLANT SCHEDULE PLANT SCHEDULE TREES QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME 51ZE/COND. REMARKS PC 3 PISTACIA CHINEN5I5 B t B 3'CAL,SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING CHINESE PISTACHE Q5 2 QUERCU5 SHUMARDII B t B 3"CAL,SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING SHUMARD RED OAK QV 12 QUERCU5 VIRGINIANA'HIGHRISE' B t B 3"CAL.SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING HIGHRISE UVE OAK UC2 I ULMUS CRASSIPOLIA B t B 3"CAL,SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING CEDAR ELM UP 13 ULMUS PARVIPOUA'EMER I'PP 7551 B 4 B 3'CAL,SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING ATHENA LACEBARK ELM ORNAMENTAL TREES QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE/COND. REMARKS CT 9 CERCIS CANADENSIS'TD(EN515 30 GAL MULTI-LEADER,FULL.MATCHING EASTERN REDBUD LLD 6 ILEX DECIDUA 30 GAL MULTI-LEADER,PULL,MATCHING POSSUMHAW HOLLY 15 41 ILEX X ATTENUATA'SAVANNAH 30 GAL SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER,MATCHING SAVANNAH HOLLY LN 5 LAGERSTROEMIA X-NATCHEZ' 30 GAL MULTI-TRUNK,FULL,MATCHING CRAPE MYRTLE VC2 3 VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS 30 GAL SINGLE,STRAIGHT LEADER.MATCHING CHASTE TREE SHRUBS QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING REMARKS AR2 74 ABEUA X GRANDIPLORA'RADIANCE 3 GAL 36°o.c. PULL,MATCHING RADIANCE GLOSSY ABEUA AE2 31 ASPIDISTRA ELATIOR 3 GAL 24"o.c. FULL,MATCHING CAST IRON PLANT BW 115 BUXUS MICROPHYLLA JAPONICA WINTER GEM 3 GAL 36"o.c. FULL,MATCHING WINTER GEM JAPANESE BOXWOOD CF 48 CYRTOMIUM PALCATUM 3 GAL 24`o.c. FULL,MATCHING HOLLY FERN HO2 50 HYDRANGEA QUERCIPOUA 3 GAL 36°o.c. PULL,MATCHING OAKLEAP HYDRANGEA M52 297 MISCANTHUS SINENSIS ADAGIO 3 GAL 36'o.c. FULL,MATCHING ADAGIO EULALIA GRASS MSG 83 MISCANTHUS SINENSIS GRACILLIMUS 3 GAL 48°o.c. PULL,MATCHING MAIDEN GRASS PW I I PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA WHEELERS DWARF 3 GAL 24'o.c. PULL,MATCHING WHEELER S DWARF PITTOSPORUM RF I I I RHODODENDRON X'FRAGRANT STAR 3 GAL 36"o.c. FULL,MATCHING FRAGRANT STAR AZALEA ANNUALS/PERENNIALS QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING REMARKS AB2 11 10 AGAPANTHUS X'BRIWANT BLUE'TM I GAL I S'c.c. BRILLIANT BWE AFRICAN LILY HP2 129 HOSTA PLANTAGINEA 3 GAL 24°c.c. PULL,MATCHING FRAGRANT HOSTA GROUND COVERS QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING REMARKS CAD 2.535 CAREX DIVULSA I GAL 18'o.c. PULL,MATCHING BERKELJEY SEDGE EF 156 EUONYMUS FORTUNE! COLORATUS I GAL 18'o.c. FULL,MATCHING PURPLE WINTERCREEPER LM 457 LIRIOPE MUSCARI BIG BLUE I GAL I S°o.c. PULL,MATCHING BIG BLUE URIOPE 55 50G SEASONAL COLOR 4`POT 12"o.c. FULL,MATCHING SEASONAL COLOR VB 634 VINCA MINOR'BOWLES BLUE' 4°POT 12"c.c. PULL,MATCHING BOWLES BWE PERIWINKLE 5OD QTY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING REMARKS CD 17,5 14 sr CYNODON DACTYLON 5OD SOUD,ROLLED TIGHT,SAND PILLCD JOINTS, BERMUDA GRASS 100%WEED.PEST AND DISEASE FREE Resolution 21-050 Page 15