Item 7A - Zoning BookletDeveloper: CARILLON PARC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS 161 Summit Ave, Suite 200 Southlake, TX 76092 817-796-5527 CARILLONPARC Zoning Booklet Amendment to Ordinance NO. 480-564d City of Southlake, Texas October 21st, 2021 Engineering: ABBOTT CONSULTING & ENGINEERING, LLC P.O. Box 997 Canton, TX 75103 214-616-0787 Architecture: Document Preparation: rjBREN dIL-PatbwayDevelopmentid 5310 Harvest Hill Rd #136 P.O. Box 80261 Dallas, TX 75230 Keller, TX 76244 972-788-1010 682-218-6575 Updated October 20th, 2021 ZA20-0029 The table below indicates whether the standards defined by Ordinance 480-564a are 1) Applicable (revised), 2) Applicable (unchanged) 3) or Not Applicable to the new development standards being established by the proposed Zoning Booklet and Development Plan. Only "Applicable (Revised)" documents were carried forward and information on those pages revised in the new Zoning Booklet. Page ORIGINAL MASTER DECLARATIONS (480-564a ) 1 Cover Applicable (Revised) 2 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 3 Title Not applicable to Amendment 4 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 5 Quote Not applicable to Amendment 6 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 7 Table of Contents Applicable (Revised) 8 Document Purpose Applicable (Revised) 9 Related Information Not applicable to Amendment 10 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 11 Introduction Not applicable to Amendment 12 Introduction Not applicable to Amendment 13 Context Maps Not applicable to Amendment 14 2025 Plan Support Not applicable to Amendment 15 2025 Land Uses Not applicable to Amendment 16 District Plan Applicable (Revised) 17 Phasing Plan Applicable (Revised) 18 Development Plan Applicable (Revised) 19 Land Use Mixes Applicable (Revised) 20 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 21 Quote - Sense of Place Not applicable to Amendment 22 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 23 Architectural Vision Applicable (Revised) 24 Architectural Vision Applicable (Revised) 25 Architectural Vision Applicable (Revised) 26 Architectural Vision Applicable (Revised) 27 jArchitectural Vision Applicable (Revised) Page ORIGINAL MASTER DECLARATIONS (480-564a ) 28 The Gateway Not applicable to Amendment 29 Primary Entries Applicable (Revised) 30 Key Intersections Not applicable to Amendment 31 Secondary Entries Not applicable to Amendment 32 Tertiary Entries Not applicable to Amendment 33 Screen Walls Applicable (Revised) 34 Streetscape Elements Applicable (Unchanged) 35 Streetscape Elements Applicable (Revised) 36 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 37 Quote - Parks & Open Space Not applicable to Amendment 38 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 39 Parks and Open Space Applicable (Revised) 40 Plaza Parks Applicable (Revised) 41 Amenity Center Not applicable to Amendment 42 Pocket Parks Not applicable to Amendment 43 Villa Greenspaces Not applicable to Amendment 44 Enclave Garden Not applicable to Amendment 45 Tree Preserve Not applicable to Amendment 46 Lake Park Not applicable to Amendment 47 Open Space Not applicable to Amendment 48 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 49 Quote - Plaza District Not applicable to Amendment 50 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 51 Architectural Vision Applicable (Revised) 52 Architectural Form Applicable (Revised) 53 Plaza District Applicable (Revised) 54 Retail Applicable (Revised) 2 Page ORIGINAL MASTER DECLARATIONS (480-564a) 55 Retail Applicable (Revised) 56 Retail Applicable (Revised) 57 Performing Arts Not applicable to Amendment 58 Hotel Applicable (Revised) 59 Parking Applicable (Revised) 60 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 61 Quote - Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 62 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 63 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 64 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 65 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 66 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 67 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 68 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 69 Corporate District Not applicable to Amendment 70 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 71 Quote - Village District Not applicable to Amendment 72 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 73 Village District Applicable (Unchanged) 74 The Villas Applicable (Unchanged) 75 The Villas Applicable (Unchanged) 76 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 77 Quote - Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 78 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 79 Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 80 Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 81 Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 82 Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 83 Chateaux District Not applicable to Amendment 84 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 85 Quote - Circulation Not applicable to Amendment Page ORIGINAL MASTER DECLARATIONS (480-564a ) 86 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 87 Streets Applicable (Revised) 88 Parkways and Blvd Not applicable to Amendment 89 Plaza Streets Applicable (Revised) 90 Village Streets Applicable (Unchanged) 91 Neighborhood Streets Not applicable to Amendment 92 Pathways Applicable (Revised) 93 Pathway Types Not applicable to Amendment 94 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 95 Appendix Not applicable to Amendment 96 Blank Not applicable to Amendment 97 Appendix Table of Contents Not applicable to Amendment 98 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 99 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 100 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 101 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 102 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 103 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 104 Development Standards Applicable (Revised) 105 Land Use Categories Applicable (Revised) 106 Tree Conservation Analysis Applicable (Revised) 107 Tree Conservation Analysis Applicable (Revised) 108 Property Desciription Applicable (Revised) 109 Property Desciription Applicable (Revised) 110 Open Space Management Plan Applicable (Revised) 111 Open Space Management Plan Applicable (Revised) 112 Appendix F Not applicable to Amendment 113 Appendix G Not applicable to Amendment 114 Plants Not applicable to Amendment 115 Trees Not applicable to Amendment 116 City Council Motion Requirements Not applicable to Amendment 117 Blank Not applicable to Amendment Purpose and Intent Carillon Parc Development Partners (Developer) is requesting a change in the zoning for the +/-42 acre tract located at the northeast corner of State Highway (S.H.) 114 and North White Chapel Boulevard. The property is bounded by E. Kirkwood on the north and Riviera Lane on the east. The developer is planning a mixed -use development, which incorporates a mix of uses in a pedestrian -friendly, experiential environment with a unique "sense of place" focused on preserving existing tree stand around a central park area. The proposal is to amend the currently approved Ordinance (480-564d) as it relates to the Plaza District of the Carillon property, coined "Carillon Parc" by the developer. The conformance of EC "Employment Center" is within the ECZ zoning district optional land use categories (EC 1, EC2, ECR). The existing zoning is Employment Center Zoning (ECZ) district which allows for diverse, flexible and compatible land use mixes having distinct districts within the ECZ. Currently, Carillon is made up of four districts: the Plaza District or EC -Core providing opportunities for an intense mix of uses; the Village District (EC -Edge) comprised of single family residential units in an urban environment, the Chateaux District (EC -Neighborhood) outside of Kirkwood Boulevard which serves as a transition between the Village District (EC -Edge) and the adjacent residential neighborhoods, and the Corporate District, located along Highway 114, intended for office use. The developers vision for the property is in line with the Southlake 2035 plan, which recommends to "Retain the existing underlying Mixed Use designation and add the Restaurant and Retail Specialty Overlay" to this tract and "develop a unique "customer experience" and "sense of place" which is pedestrian rather than automobile focused." The 2035 Plan mentions the desire for "a chef -driven restaurant cluster... along with specialty retail and health and wellness uses... boutique or unique hotels... support office may also be appropriate uses if properly integrated into the environment" with a "focus on preserving natural tree stands and utilizing existing trees to create inviting open spaces" and incorporating a "central park or greenspace [which] may include public facilities." Furthermore, in line with the 2035 Plan, the plan is to develop the property being "sensitive to potential impacts on adjacent residential areas, particularly as related to noise, traffic, building heights, lighting and views." The purpose and intent of this document (Zoning Booklet) is two -fold: 1) This document provides a foundation for the vision of the Carillon Parc project; and 2) describes detailed information required for the rezoning of the property. Images, plans and exhibits within this document are conceptual in nature and may change when the site plan is submitted. However, the overall character of the vision will be similar in 11 Relationships to Other Documents This document is one of several documents providing design guidance and restrictions for Carillon Parc. This document is intended to amend to the original Carillon Zoning Document (Ordinance 480- 564a), as well as the currently approved ordinance (480-564d), by providing a vision for the Carillon Parc project and to specify items in the City of Southlake Zoning Code Section 49 which are listed as flexible or undefined. Unless otherwise stated in this Zoning Booklet, or shown on the accompanied Development Plan, the following documents take precedence in the order listed: 1) Ordinance 480-564a; 2) City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance Section 49 In addition, all development within the Carillon project shall comply with the City of Southlake's Masonry Construction Ordinance No. 557. Design Guidelines created by the Developer shall be the primary document for use by the Developer, Builders, Merchant Builders, and Homeowners for undertaking any construction, improvement, alteration or remodel. This Zoning Booklet along with the City of Southlake's applicable regulations, codes and standards establish a standard of quality to ensure compatibility with the Vision of the project and surrounding developments. For the purposes of this Zoning Booklet, the following provisions apply: the use of `shall not', `must', `will', `prohibited', or `not allowed' means compliance is mandatory and not voluntary or permissive. Where terms, phases, or provisions, are subject to more than one reasonable interpretation, the more stringent interpretation shall apply. It is the obligation of the applicant to request updated copies of this document. Approved deviations do not set precedent except where provided herein for future applications. /2L'1� � �(�id>LLliZlsi Required information related to zoning can be found in the following locations: Amendments - pg. 2-3 Purpose and Intent - pg. 4 Table of Contents - pg. 5 Southlake 2035 Plan Support - pg. 6 District Plan - pg. 7 2035 Land Uses - pg. 8 2030 Land Uses - pg. 9 Land Mix Uses - pg. 10 Pathways - pg. ll Development Plan - pg. 12 Phasing Plan - pg. 13 Streets - pg.14 Street Sections - pg. 15 Entries - pg.16 Open Space and Park Dedication - pg. 17 Kiosks and Wedding Chapel - pg. 18 Screen Walls - pg. 19 Architectural Vision - pg. 20 Architectural Vision - The Terrace - pg. 21 Architectural Vision - Boutique Retail and Residential Lofts - pg. 22 5 Architectural Vision - Specialty Retail - pg. 23 Architectural Vision - Library - pg. 24 Architectural Vision - Central Parc - pg. 25 Carillon Towers - pg. 26 Architectural Vision - pg. 27 Architectural Vision - pg. 28 Architectural Vision - pg. 39 Architectural Vision - pg. 30 Streetscape Elements - pg. 31 Appendix A - Development Standards - pg. 32-34 Appendix B - Land Use Categories - pg. 35 Appendix C - Tree Conservation - pg. 36 Appendix D - Metes and Bounds Description - pg. 37 Appendix D - Metes and Bounds Exhibit - pg. 38 Carillon Parc is in general alignment with the twelve goals of the City of Southlakes 2035 Plan. The 2035 Plan further outlines recommendations for the subject site as summarized in the table to the right. . sfdre y� .l� >1qF Eb rphfa9e SOUTHLAKE 2035 GOALS GOAL 1: Quality Development Promote quality development that is consistent with the Urban Design Plan and existing development patterns, well -maintained, attractive, pedestrian -friendly, safe, contributes to an overall sense of place and meet the needs of a vibrant and diverse community. GOAL 2: Balance Maintain a balanced approach to growth and development in order to preserve the City's assets (schools, public safety, and competitive edge in the region) and fiscal health. GOAL 3: Mobility Develop an innovative mobility system that provides for the safe, convenient, efficient movement of people and goods, reduces traffic congestion, promotes energy and transportation efficiency and promotes expanded opportunities for citizens to meet some routine needs by walking or bicycling. GOAL 4: Parks, Recreation and Open Space Support a comprehensive integrated parks, recreation and open space system for all ages that creates value and preserves natural assets of the City. GOAL 5: Public Safety Establish and maintain protective measures and policies that reduce danger, risk or injury to property and individuals who live, work or visit the City. GOAL 6: Economic Development Create a diversified, vibrant and sustainable economy through the attraction and support of business enterprises and tourism meeting the vision and standards desired by City leaders. GOAL 7: Sustainability Encourage the conservation, protection, enhancement and proper management of the natural and built environment. GOAL 8: Community Facilities Plan and provide quality community facilities and services that effectively meet the service needs of Southlake's residents and businesses. GOAL 9: Partnerships Fully utilize and coordinate with the City's many partners to address issues facing the area, provide services and facilities, promote volunteerism, support events and programs and encourage economic growth. GOAL 10: Infrastructure Through sound management and strategic investment, develop, maintain, improve and operate public infrastructure that promotes health, safety and an enhanced quality of life for all members of the community. GOAL 11: Tourism Enhance the quality of life for residents and the sustainability of City businesses through the use and promotion of the tourism, convention and 2 hotel industry as a tool for the local economy in the City. GOAL 12: Community Engagement Promote and prioritize initiatives that involve and empower home owners associations, residents and businesses to collaborate with the City of Southlake in achieving community objectives. Carillon Pare 2035 Plan LU2 Goals Alignment 1. Mixed -Use designation with Restaurant and Retail Specialty Overlay O 2. Unique "customer experience" and "sense of place" that is pedestrian O rather than automobile focused. 3. Desired uses are chef -driven restaurant cluster, incubator, and possibly a culinary school component, along with specialty retail and health and wellness uses consistent with target industries as identified in the Economic O Development Master Plan. 4. Boutique or unique hotels, health and medical services and support office may also be appropriate uses if properly integrated into the environment. O 5. Design process for the non-residential portion of Carillon should focus on preserving natural tree stands and utilizing existing trees to create O inviting open spaces. 6. Restaurant cluster with common use outdoor eating and gathering space O utilizing natural and manmade features. 7. A central park or greenspace may include public facilities not already discussed which offer a variety of cultural experiences. O 8. As development is proposed traffic impacts on White Chapel Blvd. north of SH 114 should be assessed and the widening of White Chapel Blvd. to 4 O lanes between Kirkwood and SH 114 should occur when warranted. 9. Provide a combination of structured and surface parking. Surface parking should be dispersed into lots of minimal size which are adequately screened O from adjacent rights of way and residential areas. 10. Assess development related to potential impacts on adjacent residential areas, particularly as related to noise, traffic, building heights, lighting and O views. i I f i" I— I 1 f' I ' I I i �r i I r r� F -tip r -- ? - �_ ■ In alignment with the City of Southlake' Comprehensive plan, Carillon Parc integrates with the surrounding community through the development of the unique Plaza District. This new district will compliment the existing Village District and Chdteaux District to the east and will make pathway connections to these previously developed •, _ — districts. Carillon Parc is a mixed -use environment centered I . 1 around a +/- 12 acre Central Parc, including uses such as: - Retail, Residential, and Entertainment • Hospitality Office i Single -Family Residential (Detached) • Residential Lofts • Public Library L } The future City of Southlake Public Library will be a focal point of the Plaza District, serving as a destination for S' both the residents of Carillon and the City of Southlake. '. To the southeast, the Development Plan imagines connectivity to the Corporate District (EC -Core) with a future . cross access driveway and pedestrian connection with trails i I Limits of the amended Plaza District EC - Edge (Village District Villa 'A' Use) Boundary 2, O�� cC�O /L2� UNDERLINING LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS OPTIONAL LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS The 2035 Plan identifies an underlying land use of Mixed Use with an optional land use designation of Restaurant and Specialty Retail Overlay. The Carillon Parc Development Plan for the Plaza District is in alignment with the 2035 Plan land uses. J dY%en I E'DOVE �3 Legend 114 Corridor LU_TYPE 1 Oo-Year Plow Plain - Cope of Engineers Property - PubliG ParklOpen Space - P011cisem1-Public. Lm mnsity Rewonlial Median 000sily RaWerlllal Ofte Commercw _ Retail Commercial - Mixed Use - TawnCenter Regional Retail - InGustreal W • ¢o� J goo v)2035 1U r LAND 114 Corridor -Medical and Wellness Overlay and -Restaurant Specialty Retail Overlay Campus Office Overlay -Mufti -Tenant Office Overlay -High -Rise Office Overlay MixedMedical and Office OPTIONAL LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS Legend Optional Land Use Categories RC EC-1 EC-2 - EC-R UNDERLINING LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS un2030 0 Legend Future Land Use Categories 100-Year Flood Plain - Corps of Engineers Property Public Park/Open Space Public/Semi-Public Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office Commercial - Retail Commercial - Mixed Use - Town Center Regional Retail - Industrial Small Area Plan Sites Site Specific Plan Areas The 2025 Plan and 2030 Plan both included underlying land use recommendation of Mixed -Use with an optional land use of Employment Center The current Carillon zoning (Ord. 480-564a, as amended by 480-564d) is crafted to be in line with EC-1 and EC-2 land uses ofECZ, utilizing the highest intensity mix of uses closest to SH 114 and a transitioning to more moderate intensity mix of uses further from SH 114, respectively. Like the current Carillon zoning in place, the proposed Development Plan and Zoning Booklet for the Plaza District seeks to be aligned with the ECZ district intent by focusing more intense uses in the southwest to less intense uses in the northeast part of the District. The `Villa A' detached single- family product from the current Carillon zoning (480-564a) proposed at the northeast corner of the site and the central park of the new Plaza District serves to transition the more intense uses of the Plaza District along 114 to the existing Carillon neighborhood east of Riviera Lane. Fjo 11,02, The master plan envisions a diverse mix of uses. The goal is to place more intense uses along SH 114 and N. White Chapel and transitions generally to less intense uses as one travels towards the existing single-family homes to the north and east. See the Land Use Category Table in the Appendix for a list of permitted uses in the Plaza District. The buildings and uses are subject to change based on market influences. E. Kirkwood Blvd. _77; I- F__7 T T--� r/IX ,. ,I Ll J U 10 I -- I— - LEGEND ID COLOR USE ®� Single Family Detached Home (Villa A from 480-564a) ® Mixed -Use 1 - Retail, Restaurant, Office © Mixed -Use 2- Retail, Restaurant, Residential (Lofts), Office OD Mixed -Use 2 - Retail, Restaurant OE Mixed -Use 3 - Retail, Restaurant, Office, (Optional Use Hotel) Maximum 1 Hotel Building OF Chapel Zone OKiosk Zone O Library O , Civic • Outline Around Building Denotes • Structured Parkin Garage •• • • • • g e g Carillon Parc (Plaza District) Conceptual Land Use Mix Land Use % Acreage Flexibility (Net*) Allowed Single Family Detached 36% f 5% Mixed Use 27% ± 20% Civic 8% + 5% Open Space (includes Park Dedication) 29% + 15% 100% One of the primary development goals with Carillon Parc is pedestrian circulation, connectivity, and ease of movement between the variety of uses. The development plan has a variety of pathway systems within the project, each designed to connect visitors and residents between the varying elevation changes, the proposed open spaces, the outdoor gathering areas, retail spaces, restaurant terraces, hotels, and parking spaces. This framework complies with the City of Southlake 2030 Pathways Plan by providing a min. 8' concrete pathway along Highway 114 frontage with some enhancements at driveway crossings. There are three (3) internal pedestrian pathway systems as shown in the illustration to the right, each designed with a specific intent. The Primary Pathway is the central walkway framework that connects both the eastern residential neighborhood to Carillon Parc, as well as the primary north/ south axis. The paving surface will be primarily upgraded concrete pavers and/or enhanced concrete. The Secondary Pathway system provides for direct pedestrian connections between office, retail, hotel, and entertainment uses throughout the site. These pathways are designed to increase circulation and ease of travel between the primary structures in the development and will be primarily concrete pavers and/or enhanced concrete with min. widths of 6'min. Perimeter circulation trails will provide pedestrian connectivity around the south, west, and north edges of the development, and will all be concrete and a min. of 8' in width. Athough not illustrated in the graphic to the right, the fourth system is the Parc circulation network. This trail system will provide pedestrian connectivity within the existing trees stands and natural areas of the Central Parc. These paths are more organic in nature and designed to provide clear circulation routes throughout the preserved natural elements. The pathways will be concrete and will be 6'min. width. City Pathways Masterplan LEGEND Existing Trailheads 100m7 Priority Segments mmm Park Connection Recommendations Existing Sidewalks (< 8') Existing Multi -Use (> 8') Existing Equestrian/Hike Future Sidewalks (< 8') Future Multi -Use (> 8') Future Equestrian/Hike LakeGrapevine NOTE: All secondary and parc circulation pathways will be a min. of 6' wide and all primary pathways and perimeter circulation will be min. of 5' and subject to change based on final design and approval of Site Plan application. 11 � Primary Pathways (8' min.) Secondary Pathways (6' min.) � Perimeter Circulation (5'-8') DEVELOPMENT PLAN ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN E. Kirkwood Blvd. r m 12 ,,4Fr012%1e The Development Plan is submitted as a 24 "x36" exhibit and plans shown on this sheet are for reference only. The landscape and hardscape shown in the Illustrative Plan is conceptual in nature and not intended to communicate final site design. Interior landscape plantings will generally follow the standards listed in Landscape Ordinance No. 544-B. y4z'le'�' yx�,� Elements of Phase I development for Carillon Pare are planned to begin as soon as possible, subsequent to Carillon Parc receiving approval for the requested zoning and entitlements as listed in this amendment. Phase I will include the site infrastructure, roadways, and utilities to serve the site. Phase IA will be constructed in parallel or after the construction of Phase L Phase IA is anticipated to include the Parc, Carillon Bell towers (one Primary and two Secondary), Library, the residential loft units, restaurants, single-family residential (Villa A), garages and other required parking will be constructed; However Phase IA may be broken up into smaller sub phases based upon market conditions, etc. The Certificate of Occupancy for any building associated with Phase IA or future phases will be contingent on completion and acceptance by the City of Southlake of the Phase I improvements and the Parc (limits shown on Page I $). Future phases will include the retail/mixed use buildings shown. The improvements to the open space, streetscapes, and site amenities will be constructed simultaneously with the other development activity related to a particular phase. Both the primary and secondary Carillon Towers will be built within Phase I as well. Landscape improvements adjacent to future phase buildings will be installed with the future phase. Public rights -of -way as well as the parks noted above will be dedicated to the City of Southlake upon completion of the improvements. (See Public Park Dedication information on page 17). The above is a non -binding phasing plan of proposed improvements and shall be refined at the site plan submittal. Phase limits shown here are preliminary and subject to change based on market conditions. Final phasing to be determined at the time of Final Plat. E. Kirkwood Blvd. D 4 w 1 IA -60 31J dry ;a)i k. 74Fr ,, o��age 13 PHASE I • Site Infrastructure - Roadways - Utilities PHASE IA • The Parc - Fountian • Phase IA Buildings (1A) • Carillon Bell Towers • - Primary Tower - Secondary Tower _ FUTURE PHASE C"rillnn Pnrr City of Southlake 2030 Mobility Plan Legend - Freeway (300'-500' ROW) - A6D - 130' to 140' Arterial A6D - 124' Arterial - A5U - 84' Arterial - A4D - 1 00'Arterial --- ----. A4D - 94' Arterial ......•••• A4D - 88' Arterial - A2U - 88' Arterial ........ A3U - 70' Arterial - C2U - 84' Collector ........ C2U - 70' Collector •••••••••• C2U - 60' Collector ........ Common Access Easement 14 ■ North White Chapel Boulevard is an important connection identified in the 2030 Plan, which is proposed to be built out to an A4D (88' Arterial) per the 2030 Mobility Plan. The 2035 Plan reinforces the importance of assessing traffic impacts and widening North White Chapel. North White Chapel will be improved with Phase I. Proposed access points are illustrated on this page. Internal to the Plaza District, there are five public street types which will be generally consistent with Street Sections A-E as illustrated. Other streets within the Plaza District will be private. All five street types contribute to the character of the development. Roadway paving materials for streets and parking areas will be of a constant type throughout the development and shall be concrete or asphalt with enhancement options by use ofstamping the paving or use of pavers. The alley serving the single-family will be maintained by the HOA. Fire Lanes Fire lanes shall be delineated through varying colored materials to differentiate the designated fire lanes and shall not allow any obstructions within those areas. The exact materials, colors and design shall be approved by the Fire Marshal prior to construction. 40'-V ROW Conceptual Section A -A Conceptual Section C-C 20'-0" ROW ��- Conceptual Section E-E 15 6'•0" �� 15'-0- 24'-T 50'-0' ROW Conceptual Section B-B Conceptual Section D-D VAR, �� 61A" 1,20-0' 12'-0' L 70'-0" ROW 11 Character images are shown for reference only. Possible enhancements to primary public entrances for Carillon Parc includes paving and crosswalks upgrades, ornamental plantings, and accent lighting. -E. Kirkwood Blvd. —_-- — F z�c yam\ ro�fa9e T LEGEND • Primary Public Entry Residential Drive Entry • Emergency Entrance Only 16 Corporate District Cross Access (Future) i There are two primary entries into the Plaza District, one located on N. White Chapel Boulevard and one located on the 114 Frontage Road. These entrances lead to the parking directly so vehicular traffic on site is kept to a minimum in favor ofpedestrian activity. The entrances will provide opportunities for enhanced paving, ornamental trees, and retail signage and way finding. Materials will be of similar size, shape, color and texture of the Carillon development buildings and reflect the architectural vision of the development. There are two emergency entrance into the Plaza District, located on Riveria Drive. This is intended to provide additional fire lane access, and access to proposed uses to the north. There are two residential entrances, one located on Riveria to the east, and one located on East Kirkwood Blvd to the north. Reference the Development Plan for additional information on property adjacency, roadway access, turning lanes, and median breaks that will demonstrate site vehicular circulation. cl?�„ Y/M-KrE Open space and trail connections are important to creating connectivity in Carillon Parc. These connections are anticipated to be utilized by both Carillon residents and the public. The site plan anticipates preserving many of the existing canopy trees within the Central Parc space and these trees serve as the basis for design and create spaces for gathering, shade, and preservation of existing canopy. In addition to the proposed public park dedication decribed below, there are two primary areas ofproposed open space designed with saving trees as the primary goal: The State Hwy 114 tree preserve south of the proposed office/hotel and the State Hwy 114 tree preserve at the southeast corner of the site at the primary project corner. The site open space plan also contemplates additional site planting, screening, buffering and trail connectivity along the site perimeter to provide additional pedestrian connections and circulation. The Central Parc space offers +/- 12.0 acres of open space that will be dedicated to the City of Southlake for public use. This is approximately 8.5 acres more public green space than the original Ordinance 564a provided (+/- 3.5 acres). This park dedication will provide opportunities for entertainment, fountains, public art, and outdoor dining that will contribute to a lively pedestrian experience. The large central fountain is a primary focal point for the central plaza, along with the development's primary Carillon Bell tower. Large stands of existing trees will be incorporated into the design, along with terraced walls, pathways, and outdoor seating. Detailed park designs will be developed for site plan submittal and will be similar in nature to the parks shown in the Landscape Concept Plan. The Public Park boundary will be modified based on final design of the park and adjacent buildings Central Parc Character Image PARK DEDICATION wooda,d ,s - -- - 3 P _ PARK DEDICATION The area shown highlighted in red represents approximately 12-acres and will include fountains, an approximate 35 foot bell tower and an elevated pedestrian park to provide park access to the city Library and parking garage. This area, along with its amenities, shall be dedicated to the city as a public park. Developer agrees to pay the maintenance costs of the fountain and the city agrees to pay 100% maintenance cost of the park. The pocket park west of the restaurants area shall provide pedestrian friendly access from the parking areas to the restaurant cluster to the main park. 17 Central Parc Character Image _�_--r I T i i 11 E z Central Parc Character Image r P s. Kiosk Character Image Family Ij ifs r �L—L-J to _ _ KIOSK AREA (Developer Control) _ CHAPEL AREA (Not in Park) _ FOOD TRUCK AREA (Developer Control) IN Developer shall reserve the right to locate u to p g P twelve (12) total kiosks, up to six (6) kiosks within the north Park area illustrated in the graphic on this page (Area #1), and up to six (6) kiosks in the dedicated Central Pare (Area #2) east of the Primary Bell Tower. Food Trucks shall be permitted within area illustrated in the graphic on this page (Between #2 Area's). The kiosk architecture shall have the general appearance of the kiosks shown within the "kiosk image family" included as part of the approval documents (shown this page) and shall not exceed a height of 14 feet. The total square feet of any single kiosk shall not exceed 200 SF and the total of all kiosks shall not exceed 1500 SF total. All kiosks and food trucks shall be privately operated subject to a separate agreement with the City of Southlake. If an agreement cannot be reached, the areas identified on this page can be developed as separate lots under private agreements and can be credited towards the open space percentage. The hours of business for the kiosks and food trucks located in the public park will coincide with the hours of operations and access to the public park. The kiosks uses will be limited to food and non-alcoholic beverages, informational services, and unique non -national retailers with a focus on artisan products and goods. The site for the wedding chapel will be generally located to the area depicted immediately adjacent to and north of the office buildings (optional hotel), and will be specifically located based on engineering to minimize impacts on existing trees. The site shall not exceed 10,000 SF of land. The wedding chapel shall be considered different than the commercial uses and will be required to obtain separate site plan and elevation approvals. Screen walls are visible features in Carillon and are designed to develop the community's sense ofplace and to screen uses from one another when appropriate. Screen walls will be located along the East Kirkwood Blvd., N. White Chapel Road and Riviera Lane. Design of the screen wall will be determined at the time of site plan submittal. The concept for the screen wall incorporates masonry materials reflective of the architectural vision of the project. It is anticipated the wall will likely be stone and approximately 8' in height. There are no proposed fences considered for the Plaza District. 'p w 0�4 1 1 - E. Kirkwood Blvd. - -- Fs� aye � �y - 8' High Screen Wall 19 Character Image Character Image Character Image Carillon Parc Rendering 20 Rooted in European architectural traditions with a graceful nod to the elegance of contemporary retail centers such as Rodeo Drive, Country Club Plaza and Highland Park Village, the architecture of Carillon Parc depicts an ageless, timeless beauty. The following conceptual renderings of the project reflect the general character and quality of the development. On this page is an elevated view from above the intersection of Hwy 114 and North White Chapel Boulevard looking northeast over Carillon Parc. Restaurant Terrace Character Image 21 Specialty restaurant opportunities will abound but the main attraction will feature a cluster of unique chef driven restaurant concepts perched on a terrace with outdoor dining overlooking the Village Fountain and Central Parc. The restaurants are designed to be experienced individually and together as a destination. The architecture will be uniquely designed, in concert with the food and hospitality to always deliver a memorable experience. The restaurants will provide four (4) different chef driven concepts. They could be in 4, 3 or 2 different building configurations and all built side -by -side, with shared walls. The buildings will be designed to look like individual structures similar to the renderings to the left. The overall look and feel of the buildings will evolve in the design process to align with the vision of the chefs and Client team. Unique and individual, retailers, restaurants and studios harkening back to the Italian marketplace centered on a traditional Piazza with places to shop, dine, linger and relax. In authentic old European towns the space above the market was a place to live with views of the activities and interaction taking place in the Piazza. Ground level is where the activity takes place. Storefronts with ample glass for views inside, overhanging canopies for shade and protection, outdoor displays, distinctive artistic signage, places to rest, lighting to set the mood, all important details that together define the "Place ". Above is where you perch, to call home, to observe, to be separate but apart. The facade above the storefronts help to frame the space and create intimacy but not shout "look at me ". Architectural rhythm and repetition in features, materials and forms become the backdrop to the stage which is the life happening below. In addition to the traditional layout for retail architecture, the developer envisions providing experiential below grade opportunities for its visitor, similiar to those found in European towns and cities. Boutique Retail Character Image 22 Boutique Retail Character Image Specialty Retail Character Image 23 Y/ec'el�z �-� - 7 Upscale shoppes, emporiums, galleries and services line a main Boulevard designed to accommodate automobile movement and parking but with a main focus on the pedestrian. The specialty retail will be luxury focused but designed for the needs of the regional neighborhoods. The Boulevard will be a richly designed experience, with a tree lined urban landscape and an illuminated pedestrian way which connects all other destinations within the development. The buildings will be consistently designed within the development, pedestrian scale but individual, incorporating modest variations in height, width and projection to give the feeling of organic development over time. The library is the heart and soul of many traditional European villages. Even though times change and the library is not always the main source for information it is still an icon in many communities and provides a place for residents to gather Located adjacent to The Parc, guests can enjoy the solitude on the inside or the peacefulness of The Parc on the outside. Libraries often, in built form, reflect the community's aspirations. While the building should appear as an integral part of the development fabric it can also have a playful, artistic edge that stimulates our need to imagine and explore, at any age. Library Character Image Library Character Image 24 d Library Rendering Library Character Image i a Parc Aerial Rendering Parc Character Image Parc Rendering 25 The Parc is designed to preserve a small forest of mature native trees. Walking paths weave through the forest then lead to the built environment around the water fountain and Carillon Tower. The Tower can be seen from almost anywhere in the development and is the identifying marker and focal point for the entire development. The Parc is designed to be the primary outdoor gathering space for the entire development. Since there is not a natural way to experience water in The Parc, one of the man-made creations will be the Carillon Tower and water fountain. The Parc will also include a Chapel, which can be used for weddings and other ceremonial events. Both the Carillon Tower and the Chapel will epitomize the design character and feeling of Carillon Parc as a heartwarming and memorable village and destination. U - x 3 O C < 4 C� U O r i _ Park Dedication (Ref to page 17 for park dedication and city maintenance agreements for this space) In many European villages topography is a controlling factor Villages in mountainous areas did not have the luxury of a simple street grid. The village green was a central gathering place and within the green was often located a tower. In addition to being a marker identifying the location of the green, the tower served other purposes such as a lookout to see at a distance over the countryside and a bell tower to alert residents or call them for a town meeting or event. It also became an icon, suggesting the importance of the community to the surrounding region. Within Carillon Parc, the towers remind residents and guests that they are in a Village, unique unto itself, to the city and to the region. All three (3) towers will be included in Phase ]a of the development. IM _r t 4 ail b. Primary Carillon Tower (Public Park) Rendering 01 t- L AV 140, 1 \ Secondary Carillon Tower (North Piazza) Rendering 26 An The architecture in Carillon Parc references traditional European styles rich in architectural details. Attention to these details is key to producing a place with uncompromising craftsmanship and ageless design. The use of materials such as brick masonry, stone and stucco is vital to Carillon Parc. A variety of buildingfinish materials, textures and colors combine to create a rich palette and memorable architecture. On the next few pages, reference images are provided as examples of each feature. Architectural elements similar to the following may be incorporated into the architectural design: 1. Decorative Ironwork 2. Dormers 3. Pediments 4. Shutters S. Decorative Windows 6. Cornice 7. Decorative Light Fixtures 8. Arches 9. Period Style Signage 10. Awnings 11. Unique Branded Entrances 12. Enhanced Walkways 27 •'� + .,+; �_� _� � --- -,� �.' - Won CAFE Al ! •' ILL v S�. II �� - R 1+ r t a . . . . . . Ail 1 4 rti r� r ff"4i Wl r r. DORMER s "'� Light fixtures, awnings, signage are all simple details which in combination reinforce the authenticity and character and "sense of place. " 1. Decorative Ironwork 2. Dormers 3. Pediments 4. Shutters S. Decorative Windows 6. Cornice 7. Decorative Light Fixtures 8. Arches 9. Period Style Signage 10. Awnings 11. Unique Branded Entrances 12. Enhanced Walkways 29 Authentic feeling places are often places which develop over time and have the fingerprints of many authors. Memorable places display the handiwork of many authors and weave them all together into a special experience. 1. Decorative Ironwork 2. Dormers 3. Pediments 4. Shutters 5. Decorative Windows 6. Cornice 7. Decorative Light Fixtures 8. Arches 9. Period Style Signage 10. Awnings 11. Unique Branded Entrances 12. Enhanced Walkways 12 30 Character Images Bench concepts Trash receptacle conepts Tree grate concepts Bike rack concepts Tree grate diagram Curb 31 Street furniture shall be of like kind and materials throughout Carillon Pare and shall be located so as to provide safe pedestrian environments that engage public spaces. Trash receptacles play a crucial role in the streetscape. They shall be of like kind and material throughout Carillon Parc and shall be located as to provide convenient access to pedestrians. Bicycle racks shall adhere to the architectural theme of Carillon Parc and shall be of like type and material throughout the community. Tree grates will be limited as they are not recommended for sustainable urban tree growth. If they are required by the City of Southlake, trees grates will be a min. of 5x5. Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard I Requirements 1.0 - Street Design Standards (This standard only applies to new public streets located within the Plaza District) Street design standards proposed shall be based upon creating a safe and inviting walking environment through an interconnected network of roads with sidewalks, street trees, street furniture, and amenities. To meet fire safety standards, the applicant shall demonstrate that a clear conveyance width of 24 feet will be available on all streets (with the exception of alleyways that are not designated as fire lanes). The right-of-way widths for streets in the EC shall depend on the streettypology and streetscape standards proposed and approved in the ordinance creating the district. The minimum right-of-way (R-O-W) width shall be per the Development Plan for the District. Design Speed less than or equal to 25 mph Street Typologies Allowed Shall generally comply with sections A, B, C, and D in the Streets Section of the Zoning Booklet a nd Development Plan. Deviations can be approved administratively at staff level. Travel Lane Widths Flexible, minimum of 10 feet On -Street Parking Parallel, head -in, and angled parking are allowed Parking Space Dimension 8' x 19' minimum for head -in and angled parking; 8' x 22' for parallel spaces Turning Radii To be approved by city engineer and fire marshall at the time of Site Plan submittal Alleys 20' minimum right-of-way width 12' of pavement 2.0 - Streetscape Standards Sidewalks / Trails / Walkways 6' minimum When there is a conflict between this standard and the City's Pathways Plan, the foregoing standard shall prevail. Planter Planting Strip Type I Tree wells or continuous planters, minimum of 5' x 5' Street Trees Required lYes, flexible Applicant shall submit a proposed Street Tree Planting Plan as part of the Landscape Concept Plan, which will be reviewed by the City's Landscape Administrator at the time of Site Plan application. The requirements of the landscape concept plan are outlined in section 49.8 of the Southlake Zoning Ordinance. 3.0 - Open Space Standards Open Space Required 15%minimum of the overall gross Plaza District acreage. Hardscape plazas, fountain areas, and other enhanced handscape areas qualify as open space. Overall open space allocations in the district shall be a minimum of 15% of the gross area of the entire site included in the development plan. Higher open space allocations are eligible for bonuses outlined in Section 49.7.g. The location and design of appropriate open spaces shall be based on Section 49.7 (h) of this ordinance. Park dedication shall count towards the required open space for the District and any future redevelopment. 4.0 - Block and Lot Standards Single -Family Detached Residential Up to 75 lots may he developed within the Plaza District. Development standards for the Village District, Villa A product, shall apply per Ordinance No. 480-564a. Village District Villa A product for single family lots 1-12, along Riviera Lane, are required to have knee walls and a street side gate. Lots 13-75 are not required to have knee walls and gates. All Other uses Block Type Varies -See Development Plan Block Dimensions Varies -See Development Plan 446n�- ._ v Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard Requirements Minimum Lot Coverage Varies - See Development Plan Maximum Impervious Cover Varies - See Development Plan 5.0 - Building Standards Building heights are measured in accordance 22 feet minimum (including parapet) with the definition of "height of building" in the 65 feet maximum adopted City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance, as amended. Building height exceptions Exception: Up to 90 feet maximum height shall be allowed for buildings meeting the following requirements: (a) entirely or partially within 1100 feet of the northern boundary of S.H. 114; and (b) no closer to E. Kirkwood Boulevard than 300 feet. Exception: 100 feet maximum for hotel use Exception: Architectural embellishments not intended for human occupancy that are integral to the architectural style of the building, including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, and roof forms who's area in plan is no greater than 25% of the first story plan area may exceed the height limits of this section by up to the lesser of 50% over the permitted building height or 100% over the actual building height, and shall be exempt from the maximum elevation limitation of this section. Garages Structured parking is permitted above and below grade and shall adhere to the building setback requirements set forth in this document. Any below grade parking shall be in conjunction with above grade structured parking, plaza's or buildings. Buildings or structures utilized to screen parking garages shall not be less than 22' in height. Applicant intends to monitor changes in parking needs and to convert structured parking for other uses upon approval by the City Council. Front as per Ordinance No. 480-564a Side as per Ordinance No. 480-564a Rear las per Ordinance No. 480-564a Setbacks - All other uses (Measured from edge of Right -of -Way) N. White Chapel Boulevard 10' minimum E. Kirkwood Boulevard 20' minimum State Hwy 114 50' minimum (except the Carillon Towers have a 20' minimum setback) All other streets (public or private) 0' minimum Retaining walls are allowed within a building setback. Where right of way is dedicated for a deceleration/right-turn lane for either Kirkwood Boulevard or White Chapel Boulevard, the required building setback may be reduced by 50%. A variance to the setback can be approved by City Council at Site Plan application. 32 Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard I Requirements A minimum twenty (20) foot landscape buffer is required outside of the right of way of S.H. 114. This landscape buffer may not be used for off street parking or drive lanes associated with off street parking, but driveways may cross through the landscape buffer. 6.0 - Site Design Standards Parking standards in the Plaza District are intended to be flexible due to the mixed -use nature of the development, shared parking opportunities, and availability of on -street parking. Off -Street Parking Requirements Required Spaces: Up to a 22% reduction of the required off-street parking is allowed in the Plaza District or as shown on the approved Site Plan application. Off-street parking required shall be calculated per City of Southlake Zoning Ordinance Section 35. On -Street Parking: Parking within the public ROW may be counted towards the required off-street parking. On -Street Parking Requirements May be head -in, angled, or parallel on public streets within the District. Parking Space Dimension 8' x 18' minimum for head -in and angled parking; 8' x 22' for parallel spaces Off -Street Loading Section 36 of the Southlake Zoning Ordinance applies Screening: Landscaping: - Landscape buffer between off-street surface Not required for internal public rights of way, internal private streets, or parking and sidewalks, trails, and streets trails/sidewalks. 20' minimum landscape buffer along SH 114 10' minimum landscape buffer along N. White Chapel Boulevard Retaining walls, sidewalks, and trails may be located within landscape buffers Where right-of-way is dedicated for a deceleration/right-turn lane for either Kirkwood Boulevard or White Chapel Boulevard, the required landscape buffer may be reduced by 50% - Surface parking lot minimum interior Minimum 15 square feet of interior landscape area per surface parking space. landscaping Parking lot landscape islands count toward the required interior landscape area. Landscape islands shall be located between parking space groups and shall be a minimum of Win width on the ends of parking rows and 9' in width internal to the parking lot. The parking island must contain at least 1 large tree and groundcover or evergreen shrubs. Parking lot landscape islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two (2) understory/accent trees for the required canopy tree. Parking space groups shall be no more than 20 spaces long without a landscape island. A variance may be granted administratively at the Site Plan application. The conceptual renderings and other information provided with the Development Plan and the Zoning Booklet shall be adequate to waive the requirements of a Landscape Concept Plan. Detailed landscape architecture plans shall be required at the Site Plan application for all non-residential development. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the City of Southlake's Landscape Ordinance (no. 544-B) shall take precedence. [Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard Requirements Lighting: Building entrances Front porches and entrances shall have a minimum of one down light on the entrance and one bracket light beside the front entrance. Parking areas and streets Shall meet the standards of Southlake City Ordinance 693-C for non-residential districts and streets. As a part of the site plan application, the applicant shall propose lighting standards that include street light standards and other amenities as part of the streetscape treatment plan. Signs A Master Sign Plan will be submitted per phase at Site Plan application. Flexible signage in this district may be proposed by the developer in the form of a Conditional Sign Permit application to the City Council as per the City's sign ordinance as amended. Signage in this district shall integrate the streetscape and architectural design of the district through a palette of signs that enhance the pedestrian environment and create a unique identity. 7.0 - Architectural Controls For all non-residential buildings, Ordinance 480-564a shall apply with the following deviations. Special architectural control standards apply for the Residential Lofts and the Chapel as outlined in sections 7.1 and 7.2 below. Roof Include Flat roof with extended parapet to screen roof top equipment Building Articulation Building must incorporate jogs, offsets, or other architectural features to reduce the visual length of long walls. Buildings two stories in height or more and/or greater than 200 feet in length must incorporate plane changes at least every 200 feet that provide strong shadows and visual interest. Single story buildings with surfaces over 45 feet in length must be relieved with a change of wall plane that provides strong shadows and visual interest. 33 Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard Requirements Roof Slate, synthetic slate, factory -finished standing seam, architectural metal panels, or similar quality architectural materials will be required on visible roofs and limited to dark or slate gray or other earth tone colors. Prohibited Materials Unfinished or un-textured concrete masonry, wood or wood siding (except for architectural trim or accent elements), plastic or vinyl siding, highly reflective glass, metal siding without architectural finish, unfired clay, brick or other masonry product, and EIFS (exceptfor architectural trim elements). Awnings Awnings shall have a minimum height clearance of (8) feet and a depth between (3) feet and (5) feet from the building. Awni ng color must be a pproved by the DRC (Development Review Committee). Applicable materials include canvas, galvanized tin; powder coated aluminum and vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminum, iron or steel. 7.1 Residential Lofts Plumber and Size The combined number of Residential Homes and Residential Loft Units shall not exceed 99. The maximum number of Residential Loft units shall be determined by the remainder of (99 minus the number of residential homes). Residential Loft unit size (2,300 square feet minimum per unit). Floor area limited to the buildings identified on the Development Plan and this Zoning Booklet. Off -Street Parking Each residential unit shall be allocated two parking spaces within a garage or the adjacent surface parking lot. Roof Mansard, Hipped or Gabled. Roof slopes must be consistent with the architectural style of the development and must he approved by the DRC. Windows Operable casement windows recessed a minimum of (4) inches. Bay windows are allowed to project up to (4) feet beyond the face of the building. Balconies Recessed balconies are preferred but projecting balconies are allowed to project up to (4) feet beyond the face of the building. Decorative railings consistent with the architectural style of the building are required. Gutters and Down Spouts Shall be aluminum (painted to accent the building fagade), copper, or galvanized or painted steel. Prohibited Items Window or wall type air conditioners. No radio or television aerial wires, Satellite antennas or dish antennas are allowed on the outside of any building. Development Standards Table - Plaza District Standard Requirements 7.2 Chapel Roof Mansard, Hipped or Gabled. Slate, synthetic slate, factory -finished standing seam, architectural metal panels, or similar quality architectural materials will be required on visible roofs and limited to dark or slate gray or other earth tone colors. Materials Brick, brick veneer, stone, cast stone, manufactured stone, glass fiber reinforced concrete, glass fiber reinforced gypsum, stucco, painted and textured concrete panels architectural finished pre -cast panels and split face concrete masonry units. No EIFS allowed except for detailed architectural trim, cornice, banding pediment, etc. Wood may be allowed if used as and expressed as a structural element or used as a decorative architectural element. Windows Fixed or Operable casement windows recessed a minimum of (4) inches. Can be full height or set on a pony wall with arches, pediments or other architecturally distinctive trim elements. Windows shall be aluminum (baked enamel or anodized), wood or vinyl clad. Reflective window coverings are not allowed. Awnings/Canopies Awnings shall have a minimum height clearance of (8) feet and a depth between (3) feet and (5) feet from the building. Awning color must be approved by the DRC (Development Review Committee). Applicable materials include factory finished standing seam, galvanized tin, powder coated aluminum, slate, and synthetic slate (dark or slate gray or other earth tone colors). Gutters and Down Spouts Shall be aluminum (painted to accent the building fagade), copper, or galvanized or painted steel. SCHEDULE OF USES Uses within the Plaza District ("Carillon Parc") shall be in accordance with the following schedule of uses. P= Permitted (Development Standards in Zoning Booklet and Development Plan apply) P*= Permitted only where identified on the Development Plan (Development Standards in Zoning Booklet and Development Plan apply) SUP = Permitted with a Specific Use Permit (Standards in Section 45 shall apply) A = Permitted as an accessory use (Standards in Section 34 shall apply) Process Note: All uses in the following schedule of uses shall be approved by City Council through a Site Plan Application except as noted in the schedule of uses below. Land Use Category Use Status Commercial Uses - Retail Sales or Service ■ Antique shops P ■ Art galleries, dealers, sales and supplies P ■ Artists' workshops and studios P ■ Beer, wine, and alcohol sales o No alcoholic beverage use shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of a church, public school or public hospital. Such measurement shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 109.33 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-VVV. P ■ Accessory Buildings (As amended by Ordinance No. 480- VVV. SUP ■ Bicycle sales and service P ■ Books, magazines, music, stationery, novelty, variety, etc. P ■ Camera and photographic supplies P ■ Clothing, jewelry, luggage, shoes, etc. P ■ Convenience store, no gasoline sales P ■ Cosmetic and beauty supplies P ■ Electronics, appliances, computer, and software — sales, and service P ■ Electrical and gas repair and installation services SUP ■ Farmer's market SUP ■ Florist P ■ Fruit and vegetable store P ■ Furniture or home furnishings P ■ Grocery store, supermarket, or bakery P ■ Hardware and home centers, etc. Limit of 10,000 SF P ■ Optician and optical store P ■ Outdoor vendor sales SUP ■ Pet and pet supply store P ■ Pharmacy or drug stores P ■ Specialty food store P ■ Sporting oods, toy and hobby, musical instruments P ■ Tailors and custom apparel makers P ■ Tobacco or tobacconist establishment P ■ Vehicle Sales and Demonstrations SUP Land Use Category Use Status Commercial Liges —finance, insurance, and Real Estate ■ Bank, credit union, or savings institution (no drive -through facility} P • Credit and finance establishment P ■ Fund, trust, or other financial establishment P • Investment banking, securities, and brokerage P • Insurance related establishment P • Real Estate and Property Management Services P Commercial Uses - Business, professional, and rechnlcal uses Accounting, tax, bookkeeping, and payroll services P Collection agency P Advertising, media, and photography services P • Animal and pet services, including grooming and training P Architectural, engineering, and related services P Offices and administrative services P Business support services, including photocopying, duplicating, blueprinting, or other copying services P • Consulting services (management, environmental, etc.) P • Employment agency P • Facilities support services P • Graphic, industrial, and interior design P • Legal services P • Personal services P • Postal, courier and messenger services P • Research and develoment services (scientific, technological, etc) P • Travel arrangement and reservation services P Commercial Uses —Food Service Uses • Bar, or drinking establishment SUP ■ Brew. Pub, Craft Brewery P • Cafeteria, delicatessens, or I i mite d se ry ice restaurant (no drive -through P ■ Full -service restaurant (no drive -through facility) with or without outdoor seating P Snack or non-alcoholic bar P Arts, Entertainment, and FNcreadon Uses • Bowling, billiards, pool —indoor only P ■ Games arcade establishment P ■ Fitness, recreational sports, gym, or athletic club P ■ Indoor skating rink P ■ Miniature golf establishment — indoor only P • Museums and other special purpose recreational institutions P ■ Dutdoor entertainment centers (including ball parks, miniature golf, golf driving ranges, batting cages, carnivals, and similar uses} SUP ■ Parks, plazas, and playgrounds P ■ Private Club P' ■ Theater, cinema, dance, or music establishment P 35 Land Use Category Use Slams Pdur-ational, Public Administration, Flealth mare and other lnsdfurional Uses • Ambulatory and outpatient care services, including doctors, dentists chiropractors, optometrists. etc. P ■ Business associations and professional membership organizations P ■ Child day care and preschools P ■ Civic, Social, and Fraternal Organizations SUP ■ Cornmefcial Schools, including Trade Schools P ■ Funeral Homes, Mortuaries, and Services SUP ■ Hospitals SUP ■ Information services, including libraries and archives P ■ � ud i cial fun ctio ns - Courts P ■ Nursing and other Rehabilitative Services F ■ Public Administration - legislative and executive functions F ■ Public Safety faeili ties F ■ Religions Institutions P Residendal Uses ■ Full -service hotels F ■ Home Occupations in designated single-family residential structu res A ■ LivetWork units SL.P ■ Residential Lofts P_ ■ Single-family residential detached dwelling unit} F" Orher Uses ■ MGdel homes for sales and promotion SUP ■ Parking, surface P ■ Parking, structured F ■ Sales from Idoska 2 P� ■ Informational Kiiosks 2 F' ■ Wedding Chapel P* ■ Outdoor temporafy removable displays and sales for fairs. festivals, and other special events held in outdoor spaces SUP Model homes are limited to a time period until all the homes are sold in the neighborhood. s Subject to the development standards, locations shoutn. number stated, and in general accordance with illustrative images shown in the Development Plan and Zoning Booklet. No site plan application is required. a Structured Parking may be changed to another use in accordance with this schedule of uses. A parking study, a development plan, a site gran application, and a SUP is required for change of use. 4 Number of lots sbown on the development PI an in accordance with Ordi n an ce 480-564a Villa W Development Standards. Site Plan Application is not required. 5The total number of Single Family Detached Homes and Residenlial Lofts cannot exceed t}9. Residential Loft unit size (2,300 square feet minimum per unit). 6 Commercial School use as defined by the Southlake Zoning Ordinance Section 4, including Culinary School YC /15 ��, 6" / W) � �� �1�7- e6v��� � 17-Q/W. ,— The existing 42-acres of the proposed development plan consists of three primary components: the open agricultural space to the north, the existing tree preserve, and the previously constructed Carillon entrance sign at the southwest corner of the project. As mentioned in previous pages, one of the primary development goals of the project is tree preservation. The aerial and development plan indicate where a majority of the site canopy trees are planned to be preserved, mainly in the Central Parc as well as portions of the site perimeter and key locations within the roadway island. Tree Conservation Analysis Notes Identification of all grades over 5% See plans. Existing streams, drainage creeks, None. Alternative to Tree Survey. To be provided. Critical Root Zones of group of trees. To be provided. Boundaries of any tree preservation See plans. Identification of areas of environmental None. Identification of areas of minimal None. Areas of encroachement into the None. Steam/Creek buffers. None. Carillon Parc Development Parnters Applicant. Additional information for Administrative Official. None. Preserved Canopy Analysis (TOTAL SITE SF: 42.5 Acres) A. EXISTING CANOPY: 16.3 ACRES (38.4% OF SITE) Minimum % of Existing Tree Cover required to be preserved per Table 2.0 of City Landscape Ordinance: 60% of A (Per Table 2.0) = 9.78 ACRES B. PROPOSED CANOPY TO BE PRESERVED: 5.4 ACRES (33% of A) LEGEND Existing Trees Stands Slopes over 5% • Based on a 2017 Aerial Information shown is based on a Lidar • Tree size and type to be determined Survey and not based on the ground at site plan or final plat submittal. topography survey. Environmental Resource Protection Zone • Based on the Southlake 2030 Sustainability Master Plan • Area indicates "Tree Canopy / Open Space to be protected where appropriate. " 9M E. KIRKWOOD BLVD. II , ♦ � Ems goo F STgT♦044* v "e 4 FROST♦ son J A 41�r sue: l 1� ♦ r LEGEND Trees to be Removed Trees to Remain Proposed Development Area *The mapped 100-year WSEL does not currently exist on the subject site. *There are no existing water features on the subject site. I BEING a tract of land situated in the Larkin H Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 300, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being all of a tract of land described in Spe- cial Warranty Deed to Carillon Parc Development Partners, LP, recorded in Instru- ment No. D219259003, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being all of a tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Carillon Parc Development Partners, LP, recorded in Instrument No. D219259004 of said Official Public Records, and being all of tracts 1-3 described in Special Warranty Deed to Carillon Parc Devel- opment Partners, LP, recorded in Instrument No. D219259002 of said Official Public Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of East Kirkland Boule- vard (a variable width right-of-way) with the east right-of-way line of White Chapel Boulevard (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE with said south right-of-way line of East Kirkland Boulevard, the following courses and distances: North 89°41'19" East, a distance of 64.76 feet to a point for corner; North 44°26'49" East, a distance of 28.31 feet to a point for corner; North 89°24'03" East, a distance of 338.61 feet to a point at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 5°41'05", a radius of 1048.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 86°33'30" East, 103.94 feet; In a northeasterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 103.98 feet to a point for corner; North 83°42'58" East, a distance of 471.23 feet to a point for corner at the north end of a right-of-way corner clip located at the intersection of said south right-of-way line of East Kirkland Boulevard with the west right-of-way line of Riviera Drive (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE with said right-of-way corner clip, South 51°17'02" East, a distance of 28.28 feet to a point for corner at the south end of said right-of-way corner clip; THENCE with said west right-of-way line of Riviera Drive, the following courses and distances: South 6°17'02" East, a distance of 675.59 feet to a point for corner; North 83°42'58" East, a distance of 24.24 feet to a point at the beginning Official Public Records; of a non -tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 28°33'53", a radi THENCE departing said south right-of-way line of Carillon Court and with the west us of 256.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 23°03'47" East, line of said Carillon Parc Corporate District Southlake LLC Tract, South 23°56'39" 126.31 feet; West, a distance of 451.39 feet to a point for corner in the north right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114 (a variable width right-of-way); n a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 127.63 feet to a point at the beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a central angle of 23°50'20", a radius of 244.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 25°25'33" East, 100.79 feet; In a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 101.52 feet to a point for corner; South 13°30'22" East, a distance of 490.14 feet to a point at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 17°43'04", a radius of 81.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 4°38'50" East, 25.10 feet; In a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 25.20 feet to a point for corner at the east end of a right-of-way corner clip located at the intersection of said west right-of-way line of Riviera Drive with the north right-of-way line of Carillon Court (a 63-foot wide right-of- way); THENCE with said right-of-way corner clip, South 54°16'04" West, a distance of 13.76 feet to a point at the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2°10'06", a radius of 531.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 80°49'07" West, 20.11 feet and being at the west end of said right-of-way corner clip; THENCE with said north right-of-way line, the following courses and distances: North 66°03'21" West, a distance of 397.27 feet to a point for corner; North 66°03'21" West, a distance of 793.09 feet to a point for corner at the south end of a right-of-way corner clip located at the intersection of said north right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114 with said east right-of-way line of White Chapel Boulevard; THENCE with said right-of-way corner clip, North 33°11'58" West, a distance of 67.59 feet to a point for corner at the north end of said corner clip; THENCE with said east right-of-way line, the following courses and distances: North 0°34'16" West, a distance of 95.22 feet to a point for corner; South 89°27'53" West, a distance of 13.90 feet to a point for corner; North 0°43'04" West, a distance of 456.67 feet to a point for corner; South 89°29'22" West, a distance of 46.55 feet to a point for corner; North 0°18'41" West, a distance of 725.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 42.51 acres of land. THENCE with said north right-of-way line of Carillon Court, in a northwesterly direc- tion, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 20.11 feet to a point for corner at This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21, does not reflect the results of the north end of terminus of said Carillon Court; THENCE with said terminus, South 8°05'49" West, a distance of 63.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 11°55'20", a radius of 468.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 75°56'30" East, 97.31 feet and being at the south end of said terminus; THENCE with the south right-of-way line of said Carillon Court, in a southeasterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 97.49 feet to a point for corner at the northwest corner of a tract of land described in deed to Carillon Parc Corporate District Southlake LLC, recorded in Instrument No. D219022638 of said 37 an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the cre- ation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. ILXi3 11 Lu O O= [o J Lu =- o_ o = w C m W F- 2 > �a E. KIRKLAND BOULEVARD (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY N89°24'03"E 338.61 LR=541'05" 28.28' N44°26'49"E R=1048.00' 28.31' L L=103.98' N89°41'19"E 64.76' CARILLON PARC Ta DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LP INST. NO. D219259003 O.P.R.T.C.T. CARILLON PARC DEVELOPMENT TRACT PARTNERS, LP — CARILLON PARC INST. NO. D219259004 DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LP O.P.R.T.C.T. INST. NO. D219259002 O.P.R.T.C.T. NOTES Dz 46.55' 24.24' A=28°33'53"---' R=256.00' L=127.63' CB=S23°03'47"E C=126.31' A=23°50'20", R=244.00' L=101.52' CB=S25°25'33"E 42.51 ACRES C=100.79' TRACT 1 A=17°43'04" CARILLON PARC DEVELOPMENT R=81.50' r-589"27'53"W PARTNERS, LP L=25.20' 13.90' CB=S4°38'50"E INST. NO. D219259002 C=25.10' O.P.R.T.C.T. /-NO°34'16"W ./ 95.22' A= 0' R=531.531.5� N33°11'58"W L=20.11' 67.59' CB=N80°49'07"W C=20.11' TRACT 2 S8°05'49"W CARILLON PARC 63.00' DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LP A=11°55'20" INST. NO. D219259002 R=468.50' O.P.R.T.C.T. L=97.49' N6B 032j CB=S75°56'30"E (q qe �w0 Gyq B C=97.31' yR7G7 o774 "'Vg)' This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. LEGEND P.O.B. = POINT OF BEGINNING O.P.R.T.C.T. = OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 11:46 AM 0. • CARILLON PHASE 1A D212214781 P.R.T.C.T. NORTH 0 125 250 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CARILLON PHASE 2A-1 D213015134 P.R.T.C.T. CARILLON 913.76' ASE 2A-2 13015133 .R.T.C.T. 6'04"W ' CARILLON PARC CORPORATE DISTRICT SOUTHLAKELLC INST. NO. D219022638 O.P.R.T.C.T. ZONING EXHIBIT LARKIN H CHIVERS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 300 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Y�