Item 4C - Toshiba Renewal 20224C CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MEMORANDUM October 5, 2021 To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Sharen Jackson, Chief Financial Officer Subject: Item 4C: Approve Toshiba copier service expenses in an amount not to exceed $180,000. Action Requested: Approve utilizing Toshiba for copier services, including leasing multi -functional devices, supplies and maintenance in an amount not to exceed $180,000. Background Information: Toshiba currently manages large-scale, multi -functional devices throughout the City, as well as provides maintenance services for all equipment. Monthly expenses include lease and maintenance for all copiers and printers city-wide. Approving this expense allows the City to ensure that critical printing and scanning services are reliable, as well as the advantage of utilizing the latest technology for performance enabling production of quality products. Financial Considerations: This item was approved within the fiscal year 2022 General Fund budget. Strategic Link: This agenda item is linked to the Southlake Strategy Map through the following objectives: • B6 Optimize the use of technology • B4 Provide high quality services through sustainable business practices Citizen Input/ Board Review: No requirement exists to review the purchase with citizens or boards. Legal Review: No requirement exists to review the purchase with the City Attorney. Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 2 of 2 Alternatives: The alternative to approving the copier services would be canceling the leases and maintenance plans that are currently being managed by Toshiba. This will impact operations and customer service. Supporting Documents: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approving item as proposed.