Item 14 - Narrative and Variance Request Letter 7557 Rambler Road ■ Suite 1400 ■ Dallas, TX 75231-2388 ■ 972.235.3031 ■ pkce.com DATE: July 19, 2021 SUBJECT: SC SOUTHLAKE OWNER, LLC - KIRKWOOD OAKS, BUILDING B VESTIBULE ADDITION The Sabre Corporate Campus consists of 2 existing office buildings, parking structure, and surface parking lot. SC Southlake Owner, LLC is seeking to make a small improvement to the campus by adding a vestibule and pedestrian drop off area to the existing 200,000 sf building, designated as building “B”. This vestibule will work to improve campus accessibility for pedestrians by providing an additional building entrance and new drop off area, while still maintaining the connection to the existing surface parking lot. This building addition will consist of a 4,500 square foot vestibule, approximately 33’ in height, and will span 2 stories. There will also be a pedestrian bridge that connects to the existing elevated covered walkway that spans from the existing parking garage to existing building “A”. This overhead connection will improve circulation across the campus. In addition, there will be small modifications at the entry to include a pedestrian drop off area, as well as 2 new drive approaches for additional access; one internal connection located on the west side of the surface parking lot onto Sabre Drive, and one external connection located to the east onto W. Kirkwood Boulevard. Variance Requests Due to the request for a new driveway and location of the external drive cut on the east side of the parking lot onto W. Kirkwood Boulevard, the following variances will be necessary: - Internal storage variance: as per the previous site plan when the surface parking lot was constructed, we would like to request a stacking distance of 34’ to match the existing condition for the 2 driveways at the parking lot. The stacking distance for the two existing drive cuts onto W. Kirkwood Boulevard will remain unchanged. - Driveway Spacing variance: the new drive approach would fall approximately ±123’ from the existing driveway to the south, and approximately ±246.7’ from the driveway to the north. - Distance from driveway to curb inlet: the addition of the driveway would extend next to an existing curb inlet and fall within the required 10’ of distance. SC Southlake Owner, LLC believes this building addition will be a welcomed improvement for pedestrians and will improve overall campus functionality. GAC/slr