Item 15 - PresentationGMI Phase II Site Plan ZA21-0018 ZA21-0018 Applicant: Claymoore Engineering Owner:GMI Headquarters Request:Approval of a Site Plan for GMI Phase II to construct 3 flex commercial buildings totaling approximately 59,000 square feet on approximately 5.74 acres. Location:2450 Crooked Lane Phase II Aerial Phase II Aerial View North Aerial View South Approved Site /Concept Plan (ZA20-0040) Proposed Site Plan (ZA21-0018) Approved Tree Preservation (ZA20-0040) Trees on site : Elm, Oak, Cedar, Hackberry, Live Oak, Pecan, Locust, Mesquite, Mulberry, Bois D’Arc, Locust, Hercules Club, Ash, and Chinaberry 25.5%of existing tree canopy will be preserved. Coverage is approximately 42.7%and is predominantly located along the eastern and southern boundary of the site. Proposed Tree Preservation (ZA21-0018) Trees on site : Elm, Oak, Cedar, Hackberry, Live Oak, Pecan, Locust, Mesquite, Mulberry, Bois D’Arc, Locust, Hercules Club, Ash, and Chinaberry 25.6%of existing tree canopy will be preserved.Coverage is approximately 42.7%and is predominantly located along the eastern and southern boundary of the site.The is a slight increase in tree preservation from 25.5% to 25.6 % from the approval in ZA20-0040 S-P-2 Site Plan S-P-2 Concept Plan ZA20-0040 Approved Landscape Plan Proposed Landscape Plan (ZA21-0018) Approved Elevations for Phase I (ZA20-0040) Proposed Building “A” Elevations (ZA21-0018) Proposed Building “B” Elevations (ZA21-0018) Proposed Building “C” Elevations (ZA21-0018) Approved Pedestrian Access Plan (ZA20-0040) 6 ft. sidewalk along Crooked Lane View north on S. Nolen Dr. View north on S. Nolen Dr.Crooked Ln. View south on S. Nolen Dr. 5 ft. sidewalk along S. Nolen Drive View south on S. Nolen Dr. Site Photographs View north to Crooked Lane and S. Nolen Drive intersection. View northeast along Crooked Lane View west along Crooked Lane View south to Crooked Lane and S. Nolen Drive intersection. Site Photographs View southeast to property from Nolen Office Park. View east to property from Kimball Heights development View east from Pinnacle Point (west of property). View southeast from Pinnacle Point (west of property). Surrounding Property Owner Responses For: Opposed: Undecided: Questions?