1996-019RESOLUTION NO. 96-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING A CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FOR USE BY THE CITY FOR THE DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM, PHASE III OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES PERMITTED BY LAW WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is in the process of constructing a wastewater system, known as Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System, Phase III (the "Project") which will serve existing and future developments in the city; and WHEREAS, in order to complete construction of the Project, it is necessary for the city to acquire easements from property owners who own land across which the Project will be located; and WHEREAS, the city and the owner of one of said properties, Rhonda C. Decker - Chandler, have been unable to reach an agreement on the acquisition of this easement; and WHEREAS, the city council now deems it necessary to authorize the city attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings in order to acquire the necessary easement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The city attorney is hereby authorized to bring a condemnation lawsuit for the purpose of acquiring a 10' wide permanent utility easement and 60' wide temporary construction easement being more particularly described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. SECTION 2. The city council finds that such acquisition in this condemnation action is necessary in order to serve the public health, safety and welfare. f:\files\slake\res\condemna.rdc Page 1 PASSED, APPROVED and EFFECTIVE this day of V , 1996. gsnnunrnyn SouTH q, v X ST - co Yy" cretary Mayo ty of Seidl raak6 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Lj!6 City Attorney f:\files\slake\res\condemna.rdc Page 2 FRfJ1 Fd:r We 1. . P"a'C NO. : 214 M-8 6463 Mar. 229 19% 11:21AM P2 Permanent Utility Easement FN D-2672 W. Pea survey, A-1015 EH&A Job No. 16158-01 0.059 Acres Revised January 30.19N EXHIBIT "N' DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASE 1111SECTION It PARCEL NO. 13 13EING A TEN -FOOT WIDE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT SrMATED IN THE REMAINDER OF ATRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO RHONDA C. OMNER4HANDLER RECORDED IN VOLUME ii38, PAGE 580, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COLffff, TOM DRDC11 AND BEING SITUATED IN THE W. PEA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 104S, TOWN Of TROPHY CLUB. DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; 13EGMM at to ratmed corner of said remainder trail of land. same being the in Sion of Ste east 11ne of PmdW Line Road (a variable width right-dAvay) with he south lins of Slab Highway 114 (a variable width rkft-oPvayX THENCE 8 7i' 031540 E, with the ralh Una or said: mmb%W bad of land and the soLdh line of St9WHkftmW 114, a distance of 268.17 feet to the norIttead corner of saki ramaindw U14 saw i being a raftmed oorrw of a 232.921 aae tact of [mid described In dead to MTP -IBM Phase R and III Joint 'Venture end recorded In Volume 8995. Pop 1268, DRDCT, THENCE S 001 W 16- E, along the wLd Una of sold remainder bad and a wast Una of said 232.921 acre tract, a distance of 10.60 feet to an angle point; THENCE N 71, OT W W, ImAng said common line and crossing said remainder track a distance of 258.76 feet to a point In the west line of said remainder (met and the west One of Precinct Una Road; THENCE N 02.34' 49" E, along the west line of said remainder tn%ct and the *ad fine of Precinct Una Road, a distance of 10.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.059 act a of land or 2,684 square feet, more or leas. Page i of 2 MWE FRQ1 : RCL"- PWJdE NO. : 214 358 6463 Mar. 29 19 +6 11:22W P3 Permarm t Utft Easement FN D-2672 W. Pea Survey. A-1015 EH&A Job No. 16156-01 0.059 Acres Revised January 30, 1 SW SURVEY- QRS fjERTIEMM TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN TITLE TO THE PREMISES SURVEYED, l DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AND FROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY UPON THE GROUND AND THAT SWE M TRUE AND CORRECT. Company Name: Escew. Huston & Ansooatas. kw_ 8y: Suveytws Nam.-Jft F. Mder#siifN##i tt# N JOHN F. WIILOM M tf•if\itf##f4MffifM RegisMerad Professional Land Surveyor, Texas Nm 4285 We of Survey: „1993 Page 2 of 2 S D -S FRQ1 : R].IAC P"E M0. : 214 M43 6463 Mar_ 29 1996 11:23AT1 P4 Temporary ConstnLictbn Easement FN D-2673 W. Pea Survey, A-1015 EHBA Job No.16IW41 4.359 Acm Revised January 30, 1998' EXHIBIT ON DENTON CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DENTON CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM PHASE UI/SECTION 11 PARCEL. NO. 13 BEING A SIXTY -FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SITUATED IN THE REMAINDER OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED W DEED TO RHONDA C. DECKER- CHAN13LER RECORDED IN VOLUME 1139, PAGE 580, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS (DRDCT), AND BEING SITUATED IN THE W. PEA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1045, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING for refenarm at the northwest comer of said rertrebtder tract of land, same bring the t 1 , 0 .:: , of the east line of Precind lir* Road (a variable wM right-af-way) with the south Noe of State Highway 114 (a vadaMe widtf t right-f-wayk THENCE S 024 3-V 46" W. along the wast tine of said rem*Wer tact and the east Ilrw of Precltxi Line Road, a distance of 10.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 71.03' S4" E, crossing said remainder trad of land, a distance of 258.76 feet to a point In the east tine of said remainder tract, same being a west line of a 232.921 acre trod of land described M dead to MTP49M Phase II and Ill Joint Venture and recorded In Volume NOS, Page 1268, DRDCT; THENCE 8 OW W I SE, along the east line of said remabtder trail and a west line of said 232.921 acre frac, a distance of 63.63 feet to an angle point THENCE N 71.03' SC W, leavira said common line and crossing said remainder boot, a dstanoe of 26233 feet to a point in the west line of sold remainder tract and the west line of Pracirrct Lina Road; THENCE N 02.34' 4W E, along the west Ilne of said remainder tract and the east line of Precinct Line Road, a distance of 62.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.359 acres of land or 15,634 square feet, more or less. Page 1 of 2 5 D-6 FROM : Rou C Temporary Cmdrucoon Easwnwlt W. Pea Survey, A-1015 0.369 Acres P"E NO. : 214 358 6463 Mar. 29 19% 11:49-'V P2 7Z FN D-2973 EH&A Job No. 161$6-0i RavimW Jammy 30,19% TO ALL PARTIES INTERESTED IN TM -E TO THE PREMISES SURVEYED. 100 HEREBY THAT THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AND PROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY UPON THE GROUND AND THAT SAME IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Company' Nww.ffjM K *-Qn & Associates. Ina. fly, Waives Harm. F. Moor Registered Professional LmW Surveyor, Tons Na 4285. Daft of Survey. October. 1993 Page 2 of 2 5 D-7 FROMROWac P"QW 111. :214 358 6463Mar. 29 19% 11:56W P3 W. PEA A-1045 1, LDCXl*t DWON 0"TV DENTON CREEK REGIONAL EASP,4W ACOMMWA' (LOW At 2554 SM FT. -r 0.359 AC. 13834 50. rt WASTEWATERSYSTEMW , 4M9 TY ACFlEAdr&JftA*MM PARCEL mum mu PPESSLK MUM PLAT OF' EXHIEUT "A" & *9" PHASE W/SECnW 111 PARCEL NO. 13 CITY Or SOUINLAKE 97 WRY" CAMOL AVENUE S*LnNLARC TEXAS 716W2I N i 4 PON 4A's P" ON" it * wl-Tv;oi 0*01 -h- tr am "Wavw 6 1010pIDA C. accifra-a"ANDLER VOL. 1135, PG, 560 REMAINDER PARCEL) 10-6w 1170-111M PHASf a AND M JOINT VENTURE VOL. 8925. PQ 1268 CALLED 232.921 AC.) O.R.D.C.T. lgN2at iris. 1100 mommoes Ariv*. SwoaWo %hn F. Wilder R.P.L.S. 42135Dafts. rosat 75240 (s'1. 387—a77l PREPARED BY oc CHMED BY JFW SCALE: I DATE JANUAFM 10" 0 3a' 6W t2O* E.H. & A. JOB/TRACT 1615e—of 5 D-8 S r S z I \ S s 2 i = i_ ^ONEA LJ - ,-- --- x s 1i Y ' F •'c 3: REI S b. PRICE V _ J JOSE H R W. . w \ E W MIW ---' J r' qy I ,; HIHI iHfHIHIHMHtBtAta J. w n 1 Y...",• 111 orr w I s DAVID DOUTHIT Y L S i - - - - - - - - - r IMitTtl } H'i DENTOH -- - J. HENRY - " W. MILLS i TARRANT - - - - - - - JULY 1 1995 — w MEDLIN-`, DAVID,DO{ITOfI i 9 s90 logo Isoo 25oo p1l% KfIARK OI ION N. yn..r—yam- --- -- ' KL W p NO i i ` + - .' '' '' - 1 •-, 'F ... t.7. CMAI'111C x-Alr. !" nr O NII' Ap01(t0 i .}. ' `, ..}.. ,•,. . U. MARTINlur.,-1•.- ' • "' , LeceNo SOUTHLAKE CITY LIMIT C.M. THROOf iL OTHER CITY LIMITS i ' }- '` f — PTA ` _`,_,J T — :1 • - 111 1.. JL.. ..-:\ SURVEY LINE CORPS OF ENGINEERS BOUNDARY I' • ` ++ ,r \ ' •'rte 0. WATERCOURSE M A MARTIN_ _.,TORO •` rbT/l/"cOE...-• JA 0. L. HIV RS I .... pip • ,,.. I ... `' ... .. :...... U-1 LnJItItD / I, _ AYi Appjl I _ u 0 0 p oL0 i 1AYE9...... LOSPC I ,.. • 7W.M. MARTIN I _ TREEDY._._.._ J. WEBT " .rI` I I':"' Ks DART ll o1,Y1 ! II RO oto . „ r CA i- I ADSALOM H. CHIVER9 1"1YI -,i.... IG!xa•Ky AtE n ` o. c"u,d• 6ER N RKIN tL CHIVEROr sr, L-1alt. C- \r - m1m _ • - i _ "' D• - - a . r. OHN CHIL6R638 -Y lebEu ' I CJ{ kmr .I I u. K.o. . N+ t....--- V 0. ,.. q} u o. m..m. 1 GR ,: GRE zLLwIYTAIT AO/Rlo.! K%R/ ILL ' br `' NNLR U Y "1,• - ER .' i CR'T ' m; m "THOMAS M 1101 ARS• • ... 8 / R AOORR7N rAR m T1 Ut ROV . i ;R'• •. r fir. •^fir K" .• W ..F_i. ;._ I w , A}'NifN t, cl. 1 R I A • ATpi J. WALKED A I` 1F ` t C ^ •• Fp p i.' H.L AO tIdW.W. AMALL fN!• I •qR „ I .r III i ! i" I , 1 .lil+.lwI'', I II"'•r I .t_ %.I+.R '/ I lF { .•• pff