1993-0423FFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION No. 93-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING AN AGREEMENT TO SHARE AND/OR JOINTLY UTILIZE FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, PARKS AND MAINTENANCE, AND TO ENTER INTO OTHER SPECIAL JOINT USE PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake ("City") and the Carroll Independent School District ("CISD") are mutually in the joint utilization, development, and - maintenance of educational, recreational, and athletic facilities of and for the people of the City of Southlake; and the City and CISD desire to undertake the mutual effort to provide the maximum feasible public use of their respective facilities or assets in the accomplishment of this goal; and WHEREAS, the community and the community planners can benefit not only from the sharing of facilities but also from mutual cooperation in the planning, development, and implementation of these plans and vision; and WHEREAS, a successful joint utilization program must be based on an open and ongoing exchange of information and ideas, both parties agree to integrate a common system, site, facility, and program planning and implementation to achieve this result; and WHEREAS, both parties must generally benefit overall from each joint utilization; and WHEREAS, both parties will attempt to cooperate to provide the least possible expenditure of public funds in order to maximize the benefit for their taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises set forth above, the City and the CISD do hereby undertake the following: 1. The joint utilization or sharing of existing facilities, equipment, and park land for events, activities, or programsl. 2. The formation of a committee(s) to explore the possibility of implementing joint utilization agreements I for, among other things, purchasing common supplies, maintenance of vehicles, support, and maintenance services for buildings, development, utilization, maintenance, and scheduling of recreational facilities. 3. The possible funding of future research endeavors and sharing all input with each other so that the planners can utilize identical information in attempting to make the best and most efficient use of the existing and planned systems and programs. 4. The maintenance of a committee(s) to explore short- and long-range strategic plans for emphasizing the proper planning, development, purchasing, and utilization of current and future systems, programs, amenities, and structures. IT IS FURTHER AGREED all actual decisions shall be approved by the City Council and the Board of Trustees or their respective designees upon proper authorization and approval. The City and the CISD agree to enter into an agreement or series of agreements providing a system for scheduling the use of facilities and/or equipment so that each party is treated fairly and equitably. The agreement or series of agreements will detail, among other things, specific rules of usage, maintenance, liability personal and property), reimbursement of costs or expenses [and other matters listed]. The party which originally constructed and maintained a respective property shall have priority of usage thereof, with the other party having second priority and other groups or agencies having third priority. Nothing in this agreement shall change or affect the duties, responsibilities, liabilities, or immunities provided under the Texas Tort Claims Act, Section 101.001, et sea., of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. this 4 day of . 1993 CITY OF SOUTHTAKE, EXAS r By: ¢ Msydr / ty Secretary CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FBy : c E"" -j President, Board of Trustees ATTEST• ec etary, Board Directors City of Southlake, Texas Cly MANAGER MEMORANDUM S/3/q3 r May 13, 1993 To: Curtis Hawk, City Manager From: Chris Terry, Asst. to the City Manager Subject: Resolution No. 93-42, An agreement in support of Joint Utilization between the City of Southlake and Carroll I.S.D.; Setting out guidelines for the committee. The City Council was presented with a draft resolution establishing a Joint Utilization Committee at the 5/4/93 City Council meeting. The Joint Utilization Committee will be charged with the responsibility of exploring opportunities and methodologies to enter into joint use projects between the City of Southlake and the C.I.S.D Board of Trustees. The purpose of such an agreement is to pursue sharing of facilities, maintenance, equipment, research, and other cost saving measures to the benefit of both the two entities. The Commitee has already held two organizational meetings on 3/25/93 and 4/13/93 to begin work on projects of an immediate nature. The Committee feels that once this agreement is formally in place, project specific agreements which detail the procedures of special joint use projects may be entered into. Current members of the Joint Utilization Committee include: Co -Chairs: Buddy Luce and Rick Wilhelm Members: Stephen Apple Janet Murphy Bethann Scratchard Ex -Officio C.I.S.D staff Members: City of Southlake staff Attached is Resolution No. 93-42 establishing a Joint Utilization Agreement between the C.I.S.D. and the City of Southlake.