1986-027RESOLUTION 86-27 WHEREAS, it is essential for the proper operation of the City of Southlake, that Councilpersons be appointed as Liaison Officers, to activities or Departments, and, WHEREAS, such appointments will be made by the Mayor by authority of Chapter 8 Section 9a of the Personnel Rules and Regulations; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The following Liaison Officer appointments are made for a term on one (1) year. COUNCILPERSON PLACE 1: Johnny Westerholm .................. Police Department and Conet. COUNCILPERSON PLACE 2: Davis Bradley ...................... Fire Department, Airport Relations $ Chairperson, Airport Noise Awareness Com- mittee. COUNCILPERSON PLACE 3: Charles Curry ..................... Planning & Zoning Master Plan. COUNCILPERSON PLACE 4: Rick Stacy ......................... Highway Department: 114, 1709 & 1938. COUNCILPERSON PLACE 5: David McMahan ..................... Public Works Depart- ment. Including: Water, Sewerage, Parks and Streets. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15th day o ATT ST: Z1Z City Secretary ril, 19 L a! J r. M i