0879 OffiCIAL RECORD ORDINANCE NO. 879 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FIXING AND LEVYING MUNICIPAL AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER I, 2004 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2005, AND FOR EACH YEAR THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AT THE RATE OF $0.462 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUE ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AS OF JANUARY 1,2004, TO PROVIDE REVENUES FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES AND TO PROVIDE AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON ALL OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE CITY; DIRECTING THE ASSESSMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENAL TIES AND INTEREST THEREON; PROVIDING FOR PLACE OF PAYMENT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF THE TAX ROLLS PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") hereby finds that the tax for the fiscal year beginning October I, 2004, and ending September 30, 2005, hereinafter levied for current expenses of the City and the general improvements of the City and its property must be levied to provide the revenue requirements of the budget for the ensuing year; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved, by a separate ordinance adopted on the 2151 day of September, 2004, the budget for the fiscal year beginning October I, 2004, and ending September 30, 2005; and WHEREAS, all statutory and constitutional requirements concerning the levying and assessing of ad valorem taxes have been complied with. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section I. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That there is hereby levied and ordered to be assessed and collected for the fiscal year beginning October I, 2004, and ending September 30, 2005, and for each fiscal year thereafter until it be otherwise provided by and ordained on all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and not exempt from taxation by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, an ad valorem tax rate of $0.462 for the general operations of the City on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed value of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows: a. F or the purpose of defraying the current expenses of the municipal government of the City, a tax of $0.31958 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed value of all taxable property, b. For the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal on all outstanding debt of the City, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $0.14242 on each one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed value of all taxable property, within the City which shall be applied to the payment of such interest and maturities of all outstanding debt. Section 3. That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on December 31, 2004, and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent after January 31, 2005, There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to said January 31, 2005. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by State law Section 33.01 of the Property Tax Code,to-wit: a penalty of six percent(6%) of the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent plus one percent(1%) for each additional month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1st of the year in which it becomes delinquent. Provided,however,a tax delinquent by July 1st incurs a total penalty of twelve percent(12%)of the amount of the delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the tax has been delinquent. A delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at a rate of one percent(1%)for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. Taxes that remain delinquent on July 1, 2005, mcur an additional penalty of fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of taxes, penalty and interest due; such additional penalty is to defray costs of collection due to contract with the City's attorney pursuant to Section 6.30 of the Property Tax Code. Section 4. Taxes are payable at the office of Tarrant County Tax Collector. The City shall have available all rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. Section 5.That the tax rolls, as presented to the City Council,together with any supplement thereto,be,and the same are hereby approved. Section 6. That any and all ordinances,resolutions, rules, regulations,policies or provisions inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed and rescinded to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict. Section 7. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8. That the necessity of and levying municipal ad valorem taxes of the City for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas, requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage,and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 1t day of (*pm hp)) ,2004. ,,,,a,,",,,,,,,, Andy Wambsganss,Mayor 5 ATTEST: ,s•s OUTH ��'' Oa•• ••• •�'i Fes• `' •D •AAA: a -fastua it Lori Farwell �,f City Secretary ,��***'���",,,,,� PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this CISfi day of &Ilan b ,2004. An, Wambsganss,Mayor , ATTEST: ,►►►►►►nu►►,,,,,,, cOV TN�q , - ►-• 4 %MS __111....Aji_4gje4SVS /\ : = • ;, Lori Farwell • City Secretary •••••••••••••••• , �'',,, **it ��.``. , APPROVED AS TO FORM: "! o I. , ...... City Atto - Pa Adopted: 1 ai-ot-1 Effective: q-a1-1-dq M:\WD-FILES`ORDINANC\708-TAX-ORD.DOC/kb PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe All Funds Summary, By Division General Fund Summary Debt Service Fund Summary Utility Fund Summary Special Revenue-Reforestation Fund Summary Special Revenue-Bicentennial Concessions Fund Summary Special Revenue-Park Dedication Fund Summary SPDC Operating Fund Summary SPDC Debt Service Fund Summary Crime Control District Fund Summary TIF Operating Fund Summary Vehicle Replacement Fund Summary All Funds Summary All Funds Summary, Expenditures, By Fund/Category All Funds Summary, Expenditures, By Fund/Division/Category 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17-20 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Fines Charges for Services Rental Income Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Water Sales-residenlial Water Sales-commercial Waslewater Sales Sanitalion Sales Other Utility Charges TIF District Inlerest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES City Secretary Human Resources City Manager Support Services General Gov Total Finance Municipal Court Teen Court Finance Total Fire Police Public Safety Support Building Inspections Public Safety Total Streets!Drainage Public Works Admin Utility Billing Water Wastewater Sanitation Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Dev. Total Community Services Parks and Recreation Library Services ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10,27 AM 11118/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $15,319,373 $15,182,984 $15,873,750 $690,766 4.5% $15,594,004 $411,020 2,7% 10,299,692 9,041,202 10,143,441 1,102,239 12.2% 10,520,548 1,479,346 16.4% 1,763,395 1,739,288 1,757,972 18,684 1,1% 1,794,518 55,230 3.2% 1,146,453 1.018,000 1,270,000 252.000 24.8% 1,310,000 292,000 28.7% 646,410 559,440 587,440 28.000 5.0% 570,940 11,500 2,1% 124.187 124,000 124,000 0 100,0% 124,000 0 0,0% 1,116,175 798.660 1,302,410 503,750 63,1% 878,660 80,000 10,0% 735.243 427,282 644,282 217.000 50,8% 559.282 132,000 30.9% 7.913,418 7,700,000 7,900,000 200,000 2,6% 8,200,000 500,000 6.5% 2,145,562 2,100,000 2,300,000 200,000 9,5% 2,500,000 400,000 19,0% 3,237.446 3,150,000 3,250,000 100,000 3,2% 3,300,000 150,000 4.8% 901.572 895,000 895,000 0 0,0% 900,000 5,000 0.6% 250,774 239.650 213,900 (25,750) .10,7% 288,250 48,600 20,3% 1,444.300 937,095 2,489,832 1,552,737 1657% 1,026,906 89,811 9,6% 377 196 437,600 383;300 (54,300) .12.4% 361100 (76.500) -17,5% $47421196 $44 350 201 $49135327 $4785126 10.8% $47928208 $3578007 8.1% $273,697 $278,651 $275,689 ($2,962) -1.1% $292,877 $14,226 5,1% 260.810 273,724 272,699 (1,025) -0,4% 319,361 45,637 16,7% 410,444 449,611 444,718 (4,893) -1,1% 478,955 29,344 6.5% 2.872.200 2,741.105 2.812:693 71.588 26% 3,07å411 337 306 12,3% $3.817.151 $3,743.091 53.805.799 $62.708 1.7% $4;189;604 5426,513 11.4% 638,961 627,810 694,652 66,842 10,6% 71.of..of84 86,674 13,8% 338,103 380,906 395,195 14.289 38% 430,801 49,901 13.1% 50.382 62.949 63.500 551 0,9% 74,668 11,719 18.6% $1,027,446 $1,071,665 51.153.347 $81.682 7.6% 51.219.959 $148,294 13.8% 2,744,426 3,017,057 3,154,982 137,925 4,6% 3,241,912 224,855 7.5% 4,318,079 4,567,585 4,567,585 0 0,0% 4,992,922 425,337 9.3% 1,275,196 1,230,386 1,234,614 4,228 0.3% 1,329,155 98,769 8,0% 921,050 862.869 864.192 1323 0,2% 885 451 22.582 2,6% 59,258.751 59,677.897 59,821,373 $143,476 1.5% $10.449.440 5771,543 8.0% 1,118,876 1,331,615 1,408,950 77,335 5,8% 1,834,644 503,029 37,8% 711,378 802,533 806,106 3,573 0.4% 839,747 37,214 4,6% 269,001 335,4 75 410,067 74,592 22.2% 316,001 (19,474) -5,8% 6,269,762 6,378,524 6,684,847 306,323 4.8% 7,246,234 867,710 13,6% 1,372.181 1,806,509 1,756,586 (47,923) .2,7% 2,229,142 422,633 23,4% 670,322 675,000 675,000 Q 0,0% 680,000 5.000 0.7% $10,411,520 $11,329,658 511,743.556 $413,900 3.7% 513.145.768 $1.816.112 16.0% 525.500 565,799 565.899 100 0.0% 592659 26,860 4,7% $525,500 $565,799 $565;899 !1QQ. 0.0% 5592;659 $26,880 4.7% 281,475 303.943 291 784 (12.159) -4,0% E 24.182 8,0% $281,475 $303,943 5291.784 ~ -4,0% 524.182 8.0% 283,333 425,299 408,028 (17,271) -4,1% 444,393 19.094 4,5% 2,182,619 2,644,825 2,756,690 113,865 4.3% 3,006,749 361,924 13,7% 427.332 413.915 408.227 (5.688) -1.4% 446.083 32168 7,8% Community Svcs. Total EXPENDITURES. cont. TIF District Crime Control District Vehicle Replacement Debt Service Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond/Insurance Proceeds Transfers In Developers Contributions Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Net change ;n wlc components Beginning Fund Balance Prior Period Adjustmenl Residual Equity Transfer Ending Fund Balance ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2.893.284 $3.484.039 $3.574.945 $90.906 2.6% $3.897.225 413.186 11.9% 560.043 0 1,427,462 1,427,462 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 497.867 513,052 485,557 (27,495) -5.4% 613,420 100,368 19.6% 422,006 419,000 419,000 0 100,0% 325,000 (94,000) 100.0% 12,833136 12.515.038 12.783,014 267.976 21% 13.930.262 1,415,224 11,3% 542528179 543623 180 S46 071 736 52448556 5.6% S48 671462 55048 282 11.6% 54893 017 1ill.2Z1 53 063.591 52336570 1$743254\ $133.210 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,785,077 $5,468,005 $5,468,005 $0 $4,166,082 ($1,301,923) $50.000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 ($4.812,097) ($5.518005) ($5.522,685) ~ ($4.216082) $1.301.923 lli§..lli Llli..2.W!.l íH.§üj ~ m 1W!.Q2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,894,373 $25,943,580 $25,943.580 $29,002,491 $0 $0 $0 $0 iQ iQ iQ iQ 525 943 580 526 620 601 $29002491 $28 259.237 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Taxes Fines Charges for Services Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Inlerest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Cily Secretary Human Resources Clly Manager Support Services General Gov. Total Finance Municipal Court Teen Court Finance Total Fire Police Public Safety Support Building Inspections Public Safety Total Streets/Drainage Public Works Admin Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Dev. Total Community Services ¡'arks and Recreation Library Services Community Svcs. Total Total Expenditures Net Revenues Lease Proceeds Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Residual Equity Transfer Ending Fund Balance Fund balance percentage GENERAL FUND 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10:27 AM 11/16104 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actuai Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $10.874.210 $10,831,377 $11,190,000 $358,623 3,3% $10,796,639 ($34,738) -0.3% 5.255,869 4,602,301 5,180,000 577,699 12,6% 5,333,000 730,699 15,9% 1.763,395 1.739,288 1,757,972 18,684 1,1% 1,794,518 55,230 3,2% 1.146,453 1,018,000 1,270,000 252,000 24,8% 1,310,000 292,000 28,7% 646,410 559,440 587.440 28,000 5,0% 570,940 11,500 2,1% 990,017 738,660 1,210,560 471,900 63.9% 798,660 60,000 8.1% 571,571 352,282 456,282 104,000 29,5% 426,282 74,000 21,0% 149196 180000 150 000 (30000) -16.7% 150 000 (30.000) -16.7% $21,397,121 $20,021,348 $21,802,254 $1,780,906 8.9% $21,180,039 $1,158,691 5.8% $273,697 $278,651 $275,689 ($2,962) -1,1% $292,877 $14,226 5.1% 260,810 273,724 $272,699 (1,025) -0.4% 319,361 45,637 16.7% 410,444 449,611 444,718 (4.893) -1,1% 478,955 29,344 6.5% 2 872 200 2.741,105 2.812.693 71.588 2,6% 3.078.411 337.306 12.3% $3.817.151 $3.743.091 $3.805;799 $62.708 1.7% $4.169,604 $426.513 11.4% 638,961 627,810 694.652 66,842 10,6% 714,484 86,674 13.8% 338,103 380,906 395.195 14,289 3.8% 430,807 49,901 13.1% 50.382 62.949 63.500 551 0.9% 74.668 11.719 18.6% $1.027,446 $1.071,665 $1.153.341 $81.682 7.6% $1.219,959 $148,294 13.8% 2,744,426 3,017,057 3,154,982 137,925 4.6% 3,241,912 224,855 7.5% 4,318,079 4,567,585 4,567,585 0 0,0% 4,992,922 425,337 9.3% 1,275,196 1,230,386 1,234,614 4,228 0.3% 1,32!;1,1~ 98,769 8,0% 921 050 862869 864 192 1323 0.2% 885.451 22582 2.6% $9,258.751 $9.677 .897 $9.821.373 $143,476 1.5% $10.449.440 $771.543 8.0% 1,118,876 1,331,615 1,408,950 77,335 5,8% 1,834,644 503,029 37.8% 711378 802533 806 .106 3573 0.4% 839.747 37.214 4,6% $1,830,254 $2.134,148 $2.215,056 $80.908 3.8% $2.674,391 $540.243 25.3% 525500 565799 565,899 100 0,0% 592;659 26.860 4.7% $525.500 $565.799 ~ lli.Q. 0.0% $592.659 $26.860 4.7% 281475 303943 291 784 (12159) -4,0% 328.125 24.182 8,0% $281.475 $303.943 $291;784 ~ -4.0% $3.2tM25 $24.182 8.0% 283,333 425,299 408,028 (17,271) -4,1% 444,393 19.094 4.5% 1,904,024 2,429,825 2,612,390 182,565 7.5% 2,663,749 233,924 9.6% 427,332 413915 408 '227 (5.688) -1.4% 446.083 32.168 7,8% $2,614,689 $3,269.039 $3.428.645 $159.606 4.9% $3.554.225 $285,186 8.7% $19,355,266 $20,765,582 $21,281.903 $516,321 2.5% $22,98!,403 $2,222,821 10.7% $2041 855 ($744 2341 ~ $1 264585 ¡51 808 364} 1$1 064 130\ $133,210 $0 $0 $0 $0 ° ° 0 ° 0 ($798.199) ($807 226) ($807.226) Q ($887.913) 1$664 9891 ($807 226) (5807:2211) ¡g, 1S887,913} $7,510,623 $8,887,489 $8,887,489 $8,600,614 $0 $P $0 $8887489 $7336029 58 800".14 IS 904,337 44.10% 34,01% 38.94% 24,73% REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Miscellaneous Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Principal Interes1 Admin Expenses Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In Transfer Out Total olher Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance DEBT SERVICE FUND 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopled -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $4.445.163 $4.351.607 $4,683,750 $332,143 7.6% $4,797,365 $445.758 10.2% $12 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% 62,574 30.000 60.000 30,000 100.0% 30,000 Q 0.0% $4,507,749 $4,381,607 $4,743,750 $362,143 8.3% $4,827,365 $445,758 10.2% $3,478,970 $3,613,578 $3,613,578 $0 0.0% $2,833,748 ($779,830) -21,6% $2,260,962 $1,920,393 $1,920,393 0 0.0% $3,790,493 1,870,100 97.4% $2.742 $15.000 $7.000 (8,000) -53.3% $'7.000 (8.000) -53.3% $5,742,674 $5,548,971 $5,540,971 ($8,000) -0,1% $6,631,241 $1,082,270 19.5% 1$1 234 925\ 1$1 167364\ 1$797.221\ lli!!..:W 1$1.803876) 1$636 512\ 2,302,988 2,950,985 2,950,985 1,569,150 Q Q Q Q $2302988 $2.950.985 $2,950.985 $1.569150 $2,556,691 $3,624,754 $3,624,754 $$;718,518 $3624.754 $5408375 $5778 518 $5 543 792 REVENUES Miscellaneous Interest Income Water Sales-residential Water Sales-commercial Sewer Sales Sanitation Sales Other utility charges Total Revenues EXPENSES Debt Service UtIlity Billing Water Wastewaler Sanitation Total Expenses Net Revenues fransfers In Developers Contributions Transfers Out Total Other Sources (Uses) Net Change In WIC Components Beginning working capital Ending fund balance No of days working capital UTILITY FUND 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $46,398 $0 $33,000 $33,000 0,0% $33,000 $33,000 0,0% 57,718 110,000 58,000 (52,000) -47,3% 65,000 (45.000) -40,9% 7,913,418 7,700,000 7,900,000 200.000 2,6% 8,200,000 500,000 6,5% 2,145,562 2,100,000 2,300,000 200.000 9,5% 2,500,000 400,000 19,0% 3,237,446 3,150,000 3,250,000 100,000 3.2% 3,300,000 150,000 4,8% 901,572 895,000 895,000 0 0.0% 900,000 5,000 0,6% 250,774 239,650 213.900 (25,750) -10.7% 288,250 48.600 20.3% $14,552,888 $14,194,650 $14,649,900 $455,250 3.2% $15,286,250 $1,091,600 7.7% 5,380,836 5,254,273 5,531,249 276,976 5,3% 5,589,002 334.729 6.4% 269,001 335,475 410,067 74,592 22.2% 316,001 (19.474) -5,8% 6,269,762 6,378,524 6,684,847 306,323 4.8% 7,246,234 867.710 13.6% 1,372,181 1,806,509 1,758,586 (47,923) -2.7% 2,229,142 422,633 23.4% 670.322 675.000 675,000 Q 0.0% 680.000 5.000 0.7% $13,962,102 $14,449,781 $15,059,749 $609,968 4.2% $16,060,379 $1,610,598 11.1% lli.Q..lli ($2551311 (54098491 ($154 7181 1$7741291 ($518 9981 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 Q Q Q Q ~ iQ mJ!WI mJ!WI i2 111. III >,IA $3,239,409 $3.880,195 $3,880,195 $3,520.34ß. $3880 195 $3625064 $3.520.346 $2.796.217 101 92 85 64 REVENUES Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Reforestation Capilal Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer to other funds Total Olher SourcesJ(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Reforestation 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase/ $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $19,517 $0 $31,850 $31,850 100,0% $20,000 $20,000 100.0% ° ° 0 ° 0,0% 0 0 0,0% 1.273 Q 1.200 1.200 100.0% 2,000 2.000 100,0% $20,790 $0 $33,050 $33,050 0.0% $22,000 $22,000 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0,0% $0 o 0.0% 5,635 ° 33,800 33,800 1000% 25,000 25,000 100.0% Q Q Q Q 0,0% Q Q 0,0% $5,635 $0 $33,800 $33,800 0.0% $25,000 $25,000 100,0% ~ ~ Wal LW!!.l ~ W.222l iQ iQ iQ iQ ~ ~ III III $56,114 $71,269 $71,269 $70,519 lli..WI ~ ~ m.m REVENUES Permils!Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Park Improvements land Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond proceeds 1 ransfer to other funds Total Other Sources!(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Bicentennial Concessions 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10:27 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% 36,142 0 35,000 35,000 0.0% 35,000 35,000 0,0% 2.028 Q 2.000 2,000 0.0% 2.000 2,000 0.0% $38,170 $0 $37,000 $37,000 0.0% $37,000 $37,000 0.0% $4,524 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $5,000 5,000 0.0% 13,460 0 0 0 0.0% 10,000 10,000 0.0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% Q Q 0.0% $17,984 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $15,000 $15,000 0,0% lli.lli i2 ~ lli..Q.QQ ~ ill.MQ $0 $0 $0 $0 iQ iQ iQ iQ i2 i2 H H $1,516 $21,702 $21,702 $58,702 Ul.ill iZ1.ill ~ .æ.m REVENUES Permits/Fees Miscellaneous Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation Park Improvements Land Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond proceeds fransfer to other funds Total Other Sources/IUses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Park Dedication 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10:27 AM 11118/04 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopled -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $106,641 $60,000 $60,000 $0 0,0% $60,000 $0 0.0% o o ° o 0,0% 0 o 0.0% 9.129 6,600 6.600 Q 0.0% 6,600 Q 0.0% $115,770 $66,600 $66,600 $0 0.0% $66,600 $0 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 0,0% $0 o 0.0% 19,762 215.000 112,500 (102,500) 0,0% 253,000 38,000 0,0% Q Q Q Q 0.0% Q Q 0,0% $19,762 $215,000 $112,500 ($102,500) 0.0% $253,000 $38,000 0.0% lli.J!2! t$148400\ ~ ~ ($186.400\ ~ $0 $0 $0 $0 iQ iQ iQ iQ 111 111 12 12 $434,321 $530,329 $!$30,329 $484,429 ~ ~ ~ uu.m REVENUES Sales Tax Rental Income Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capita; Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers Out Proceeds from C.O, Sale Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10:27 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2,557,369 $2,272,746 $2,550,000 $277,254 12.2% $2,626,500 $353,754 15.6% 124,187 124,000 124,000 0 100.0% 124,000 0 100.0% 28,313 40.000 40.000 Q 0.0% 40.000 Q 0.0% $2,709,869 $2.436,746 $2,714,000 $277,254 11.4% $2,790,500 $353,754 14.5% $207,929 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% $27,285 $0 $0 0 0.0% $50,000 50,000 0.0% iQ iQ iQ Q 0.0% iQ Q 0.0% $235,214 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $50,000 $50,000 0.0% $2.474.655 $2.436746 $2.714.000 ~ $2.740.500 ~ (1,710,910) (1,759,794) (1,759,794) $0 0,759,019) Q Q Q Q ($1 710.910) {$1.759.7941 ($1.759.7941 ($1;759.0191 $3,277,635 $4,041,380 $4,041,380 $4,9!,)S,586 $4.041.380 $4.718332 $4.995 586 $5;977.067 REVENUES Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Principal Interest Admin Expenses Total Expenditures Net Revenues Bond Proceeds Transfers In Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11118/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Aclual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $1 .454 $4.000 $2.000 il2..QQQ2 -50.0% $2.000 ($2.000) -50.0% $1,454 $4,000 $2,000 ($2,000) -50.0% $2,000 ($2,000) -50.0% $505.000 $530.000 $530,000 $0 0.0% $51)5,000 $25,000 4.7% 1,203,910 1,179,794 1,179,794 0 0.0% 1,154,019 (25,775) -2.2% 116 2.000 1,000 (1.000) -50,0% 1.000 (1.000) -50.0% $1,709,626 $1,711,794 $1,710,794 ($1,000) -0,1% $1,710,019 ($1,775) -0.1% ($1 708 172\ ($1 707 794\ ¡51 708794\ ~ ¡51 708.019\ w..z.rn $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.683.890 $1,709,794 $1.709.794 Q $1.709.019 51 683 890 $1 709 794 51 709 794 51.709019 $185.170 $160,888 $160.888 $161,888 lli2..W ~ 1W..W ImdU REVENUES Sales Tax Grant Income Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfer out-Crime Control CIP Transfers Out -General Fund Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 1027 AM 11/18104 $ Increase! $ Increase! 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase! 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $2,486,454 $2,166,155 $2,413,441 $247.286 11.4% $2,561,048 $394,893 18,2% $0 $45,000 $90,000 $45,000 100.0% $35,000 ($10,000) .22,2% $42,563 $60,000 $50,000 ($10000) 0.0% $50.000 ($10000) -16,7% $2.529,017 $2,271,155 $2,553,441 $282,286 12.4% $2,646,048 $374,893 16.5% $296,931 $336.191 $308,696 ($27,495) .8.2% $319,409 ($16,782) .5,0% $171.352 $136,211 $136,211 0 0,0% $138,011 1,800 1,3% $29.584 $40650 $40.650 Q 0,0% $156 000 115,350 283.8% $497,867 $513,052 $485,557 ($27,495) -5.4% $613,420 $100,368 19.6% $2031 150 $1 758 103 $2067884 llQi.ill $2 032 628 ~ $0 $0 $0 $0 (1 526.370) (1.574,248) (1,578.928) (419.150) 151 526 370\ ($1 5742481 /$1 578 928\ ~ $2,490,550 $2,995,330 $2,W5,330 $3,464,286 52995330 $3179185 $3 484.286 $5097784 REVENUES Ad Valorem Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Operations Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In-General Fund Transfers Out -Debt Service Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Prior period adjustmenl Ending Fund Balance TIF OPERATING FUND 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10:27 AM 11/18104 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) % Increase/ 2004-05 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Adopted Adopted -Decrease $1,444.300 $937,095 $2,489.832 $1,552,737 165,7% $1,026,906 $89,811 9,6% $6,525 $3,500 $3,500 1Q 0.0% $3,500 1Q 0,0% $1,450,825 $940,595 $2,493,332 $1,552,737 165.1% $1.030,406 $89,811 9.5% $560,043 1Q $1.427.462 1,427,462 0.0% 1Q Q 0,0% $560,043 $0 $1,421,462 $1,421,462 0.0% $0 $0 0.0% m2.m ~ $1.065870 11.älli $1 030406 lli..W 325,000 o o ($325,000) (776,618) (1.376.737) (1.376.737) Q (1.150.000) $226.737 ($116618\ ($1 051 7311 ($1 376 137\ i2 ($1.150 000\ $339,613 $453,777 $453,777 $142,910 Q Q Q Q ~ ~ ~ J2U.1§ REVENUES Miscellaneous Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Capital Total Expenditures Net Revenues Transfers In-General Fund Transfers Out -Debt Service Total Other Sources (Uses) Beginning Fund Balance Prior period adjustment Ending Fund Balance VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 2004-05 Adopted Budget and 2003-04 Revised Budget 10'27 AM 11/18/04 $ Increase! $ Increase! I 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 (Decrease) Increas 2004-05 (Decrease) ~/o Increase! Actual Adopted Amended Adopted Decreas Adopted Adopted -Decrease $81,120 $30,000 $30,000 $0 100.0% $30,000 $0 100.0% $16.423 $3,500 $10.000 $6,500 0.0% $10,000 $6.500 0.0% $97,543 $33,500 $40,000 $6,500 $40,000 $0 $422,006 $419,000 $419,000 Q 0.0% $325,000 (94.000) 0.0% $422,006 $419,000 $419,000 $0 0.0% $325,000 ($94,000) 0,0% /$324.463) ($385.500) /$379.000) ~ /$285 000) $100.500 $798,199 807,226 807,226 887,913 $80,687 Q Q Q Q Q $0 $798.199 $807.226 $807.226 12 $887.913 $802,731 $1,276.467 $1,276,467 $1,704,693 Q Q Q Q $1.276.467 $1.698.193 $1;704.693 $2.307.606 PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Special Special Special Revenue Revenue General Utility Debt Service Revenue Bicentennial Parksl TlF Operating Crime Control Vehicle Fund Fund Fund Reforestation Concessions Recreation Fund District Fund ReDlacement SPDC Funds Total Projected Revenues $21,180.039 $15,286.250 $4.827.365 $22,000 $37.000 $66,600 $1,030,406 $2.646,048 540,000 $2,792,500 $47.928,208 Projected Expenditures $22,988,403 $16060,379 $6,631.241 525,000 $15.000 $253,000 $0 $613,420 $325,000 $1,760,019 $48.671,462 Nel Revenues 151 8083641 157741291 151 8038761 153 0001 522000 (illMQID 5t 030406 52032628 ~ ~ 157432541 Total OtilerSources (Uses) ($887.913) $50,000 $1,569,150 $0 50 $0 (51.150,000) ($419.150) $887,913 ($50,000) 50 Estimated Fund Balance! Workln9 Capital 9/30104 $8,600,614 $3520,346 $5.778,518 $70,519 $58,702 $484.429 $142,910 $3,484.286 51.704,693 55.157,474 $29,002,491 Estimated Fund Balancel Working Capital 9130105 55,904,337 52,796,217 55,543,792 567,5t9 580,702 5298,029 523,3t6 55,097,764 $2,307,606 56,139,955 528,259,237 PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY FUND 2002-03 Actual 2003-04 Adopted Budqet 2003-04 Amended Budqet 2004-05 Adopted Budqet $ Increase/ (Decrease) Adopted % Increase/ -Decrease Adopted EXPENDITURE CATEGORY Personnel 14,591,740 16,086,762 16,194,359 17,665,831 1,579,069 9,8% Operations 14,248,331 13,528,225 15,657,485 15,804,182 2,275,957 16.8% Capital Outlay 874,734 1,708,155 1,436,878 1,271 ,187 (436,968) -25.6% Debt Service 12,833,136 12,515,038 12,783,014 13,930,262 1 ,415.224 11.3% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 42,547,941 43,838,180 46,071,736 48,671,462 4,833,282 11.0% PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/CATEGORY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2002-03 Adopted Amended Adopted (Decrease) -Decrease FUND Actual Budqet Budqet Budqet Adopted Adopted General Fund Personnel 12,718,480 14,345,954 14,483,263 15,752,267 1,406,313 9.8% Operations 6,253,166 5,838,158 6,181,892 6,886,699 1 ,048,541 18.0% Capital Outlay 383,620 581,470 616,748 349,437 (232,033) -39.9% Total 19,355,266 20,765,582 21,281,903 22,988,403 2,222,821 10.7% Utility Fund Personnel 1,368,400 1,404,617 1,402,400 1,594,155 189,538 13.5% Operations 7,212,866 7,553,856 7,878,120 8,689,472 1,135,616 15.0% Capital Outlay 0 237,035 247,980 187,750 (49,285) -20.8% Debt Service 5,380,836 5,254,273 5,531 ,249 5,589,002 334,729 6.4% Total 13,962,102 14,449,781 15,059,749 16,060,379 1,610,598 11.1 % Debt Service Fund Debt Service 5,742,674 5,548,971 5,540,971 6,631,241 1,082,270 19.5% Total 5,742,674 5,548,971 5,540,971 6,631,241 1,082,270 19.5% Special Revenue- Reforestation Fund Operations 5,635 0 33,800 25,000 25,000 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 5,635 0 33,800 25,000 25,000 0.0% Special Revenue- Bicentennial Concessions Operations 17,984 0 0 15,000 15,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 19,762 215,000 Q Q (215,000) 0.0% Total 37,746 215,000 0 15,000 (200,000) 0.0% Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 19,762 215,000 112,500 253,000 38,000 0.0% Total 19,762 215,000 112,500 253,000 38,000 0.0% TIF Fund Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations 560,043 Q 1,427,462 Q Q 0.0% Total 560,043 0 1,427,462 0 0 0.0% Crime Control District Fund Personnel 296,931 336,191 308,696 319,409 (16,782) -5.0% Operations 171,352 136,211 136,211 138,011 1,800 1.3% Capital Outlay 29,584 40,650 40,650 156,000 115,350 0.0% Total 497,867 513,052 485,557 613,420 100,368 19.6% SPDC Fund Personnel 207,929 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations 27,285 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0% Debt Service 1,709,626 1,711,794 1,710,794 1,710,019 (1,775) -0.1% Total 1,944,840 1,711,794 1,710,794 1,760,019 48,225 2.8% Vechile Replacement Capital Outlay 422,006 419,000 419,000 325,000 (94,000) 0.0% Total 422,006 419,000 419,000 325,000 (94,000) GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 42,547,941 43,838,180 46,071,736 48,671,462 4,833,282 11.0% PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2002-03 Adopted Amended Adopted (Decrease) -Decrease GENERAL FUND Actual Budqet Budqet Budqet Adopted Adopted City Secretary/Mayor/Council Personnel 190,637 162,300 162,337 174,170 11,870 7.3% Operations 83,060 116,351 113,352 118,707 2,356 2.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 100.0% Total 273,697 278,651 275,689 292,877 14,226 5.1% Human Resources Personnel 210,109 210,390 212,405 234,096 23,706 11.3% Operations 50,701 63,334 60,294 73,265 9,931 15.7% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 12,000 12,000 0.0% Total 260,810 273,724 272,699 319,361 45,637 16.7% City Manaqer's Office Personnel 388,909 418,406 418,489 450,522 32,116 7.7% Operations 21,535 31 ,205 26,229 28,433 (2,772) -8,9% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 100,0% Total 410,444 449,611 444,718 478,955 29,344 6,5% Support Services Personnel 489,954 537,822 544,604 574,744 36,922 6.9% Operations 2,364,134 1,978,113 2,202,889 2,377,339 399,226 20,2% Capital Outlay 18,112 225,170 65,200 126,328 (98,842) -43.9% Total 2,872,200 2,741,105 2,812,693 3,078,411 337,306 12.3% Finance Personnel 420,433 423,000 443,209 475,297 52,297 12.4% Operations 218,528 204,810 251,443 239,187 34,377 16.8% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 638,961 627,810 694,652 714,484 86,674 13.8% Municipal Court Personnel 233,403 251,651 263,710 285,832 34,181 13,6% Operations 104,700 129,255 131,485 144,975 15,720 12,2% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 338,103 380,906 395,195 430,807 49,901 13,1% Teen Court Personnel 35,391 45,549 46,100 54,268 8,719 19.1% Operations 14,991 17,400 17,400 20,400 3,000 17.2% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 50,382 62,949 63,500 74,668 11,719 18.6% Fire Services Personnel 2,278,639 2,579,285 2,690,769 2,766,124 186,839 7.2% Operations 332,577 377,672 384,213 467,288 89,616 23,7% Capital Outlay 133,210 60,100 80,000 8,500 (51,600) 100,0% Total 2,744,426 3,017,057 3,154,982 3,241,912 224,855 7.5% Police Services Personnel 3,803,368 4,073,203 4,073,203 4,486,064 412,861 10.1% Operations 472,123 494,382 494,382 506,858 12,476 2.5% Capital Outlay 42,588 Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 4,318,079 4,567,585 4,567,585 4,992,922 425,337 9.3% PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2002-03 Adopted Amended Adopted (Decrease) -Decrease GENERAL FUND Actual Budqet Budqet Budqet Adopted Adopted Public Safety Support Personnel 970,845 1,022,623 1,023,851 1,112,434 89,811 8.8% Operations 304,351 207,763 210,763 215,021 7,258 3.5% Capital Outlay Q Q Q 1,700 1,700 100.0% Total 1,275,196 1,230,386 1,234,614 1,329,155 98,769 8.0% Buildinq Inspection Personnel 886,607 796,707 798,030 821,274 24,567 3.1% Operations 34,443 66,162 66,162 64,177 (1,985) -3,0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 921,050 862,869 864,192 885,451 22,582 2.6% Streets/Drainaqe Personnel 489,452 606,679 598,950 808,834 202,155 33.3% Operations 596,176 548,886 636,000 965,001 416,115 75.8% Capital Outlay 33.248 176,050 174,000 60,809 (115.241) -65.5% Total 1,118,876 1,331,615 1,408,950 1,834,644 503,029 37.8% Public Works Administration Personnel 592,183 693,238 695,809 714,659 21,421 3.1% Operations 119,195 108,745 109,747 125,088 16,343 15.0% Capital Outlay Q 550 550 Q (550) 0.0% Total 711,378 802,533 806,106 839,747 37,214 4.6% Planninq Personnel 426,705 512,509 512,609 539,989 27,480 5.4% Operations 98,795 53,290 53,290 52,670 (620) -1.2% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 100.0% Total 525,500 565,799 565,899 592,659 26,860 4.7% Economic Development Personnel 195,355 208,973 195,198 235,330 26,357 12.6% Operations 86,120 94,970 96,586 92,795 (2,175) -2.3% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0.0% Total 281,475 303,943 291,784 328,125 24,182 8.0% Community Services Personnel 136,955 276,759 277 ,803 291,283 14,524 5,2% Operations 146,378 148,540 130,225 153,110 4,570 3.1% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0,0% Total 283,333 425,299 408,028 444,393 19,094 4.5% Parks and Recreation Personnel 718,847 1 ,237,834 1,237,488 1,405,374 167,540 13.5% Operations 1,095,304 1,133,491 1,139,004 1,183,275 49,784 4.4% Capital Outlay 89,873 58,500 235,898 75.100 16,600 100.0% Total 1,904,024 2,429,825 2,612,390 2,663,749 233,924 9.6% Library Services Personnel 250,688 289,026 288,699 321,973 32,947 11.4% Operations 110,055 63,789 58,428 59,110 (4,679) -7,3% Capital Outlay 66,589 61.100 61.100 65,000 3,900 6.4% Total 427,332 413,915 408,227 446,083 32,168 7,8% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 19,355,266 20,765,582 21,281,903 22,988,403 2,222,821 10.7% PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND/DIVISION/CATEGORY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 $ Increase/ % Increase! 2002-03 Adopted Amended Adopted (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budqet Budqet Budqet Adopted Adopted UTILITY FUND Utility Billinq Personnel 212,346 225,060 251,007 222,266 (2,794) -1,2% Operations 56,655 83,130 131,210 89,735 6,605 7,9% Capital Outlay Q 27,285 27,850 4,000 (23,285) 100,0% Total 269,001 335,475 410,067 316,001 (19,474) -5.8% Water Utilities Personnel 925,118 839,777 840,273 1,001,119 161,342 19.2% Operations 5,344,644 5,408,997 5,705,844 6,083,165 674,168 12,5% Capital Outlay Q 129,750 138,730 161,950 32,200 24,8% Total 6,269,762 6,378,524 6,684,847 7,246,234 867,710 13,6% Wastewater Utilities Personnel 230,936 339,780 311,120 370,770 30,990 9.1% Operations 1,141,245 1,386,729 1,366,066 1,836,572 449,843 32.4% Capital Outlay Q 80,000 81,400 21,800 (58,200) -72.8% Total 1,372,181 1,806,509 1,758,586 2,229,142 422,633 23.4% Sanitation Operations 670,322 675,000 675,000 680,000 5,000 0.7% Total 670,322 675,000 675,000 680,000 5,000 0.7% Non-Departmentalized Debt Service 5,380,836 5,254,273 5,531,249 5,589,002 334,729 6.4% Total 5,380,836 5,254,273 5,531,249 5,589,002 334,729 6.4% TOTAL UTILITY FUND 13,962,102 14,449,781 15,059,749 16,060,379 1,610,598 11.1% DEBT SERVICE FUND Principal 3,478,970 3,613,578 3,613,578 2,833,748 (779,830) -21,6% Interest 2,260,962 1,920,393 1,920,393 3,790,493 1,870,100 97.4% Administrative Expenses 2,742 15,000 7,000 7,000 (8,000) -53,3% Total 5,742,674 5,548,971 5,540,971 6,631,241 1,082,270 19,5% SPECIAL REVENUE REFORESTATION FUND Operations 5,635 0 33,800 25,000 25,000 0.0% Capital Outlay Q Q Q Q Q 0,0% Total 5,635 0 33,800 25,000 25,000 0,0% SPECIAL REVENUE BICENTENNIAL CONCESSIONS Operations 17,984 0 0 15,000 15,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 19,762 215,000 Q Q (215,000) 0.0% Total 37,746 215,000 0 15,000 (200,000) 0,0% PROPOSED BUDGET 2004-05 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUNDIDIVISION/CATEGORY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 $ Increase/ % Increase/ 2002-03 Adopted Amended Adopted (Decrease) -Decrease Actual Budqet Budqet Budqet Adopted Adopted SPECIAL REVENUE PARKS & RECREATION FUND Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 19,762 215,000 112,500 253,000 38,000 0.0% Total 19,762 215,000 112,500 253,000 38,000 0.0% TIF FUND Operations 560,043 Q 1,427.462 Q 0 0.0% Total 560,043 0 1,427,462 0 0 0.0% CRIME CONTROL DISTRICT FUND Personnel 296,931 336,191 308,696 319,409 (16,782) -5.0% Operations 171,352 136,211 136,211 138,011 1,800 1.3% Capital Outlay 29,584 40,650 40,650 156,000 115,350 0.0% Total 497,867 513,052 485,557 613,420 100,368 19.6% SPDC FUND Personnel 207,929 0 0 0 0 0.0% Operations & Maintenance 27,285 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% Debt Service 1,709,626 1,711,794 1,710,794 1,710,019 (1,775) -0.1% Total 1,944,840 1,711,794 1,710,794 1,760,019 48,225 2.8% Vechile Replacement Capital Outlay 422,006 419,000 419.000 325.000 (94,000) 0,0% Total 422,006 419,000 419,000 325,000 (94,000) GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 42,547,941 43,838,180 46,071,736 48,671,462 4,833,282 11.0% ~ I íir~î. 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