480-008 · ' ' ' } ;'dj[ ' ~ , ~ :'( ~,:!N/; 'h/,t:(;l~ ON A CENTAirN . } " L.'.,i:~} ~}~', ( } 'i'}JN NOOD ' ~.'..t '~ , ,,.l :7! }ACT U ,. o6, ']FACT 8N, ~ND HORZ: ' ' . ~, . h~ CONTAIN?D IN {' 71ri'. r ~'q'l T' ~: [ ?~'[ }, (' ~}) ' '~1 PURl.lC INTERt]ST, ~, ]t/h..~:.': {:! N~]r 7,1 ~' ' . }:1~1 D:]-I}N. i CNF ZONING . : ] il'ii }.~Ol 'lr !:i}iCEJ'[~ ~i~} <' F~ O~ TWO TjiC~USAND ollioi; ! ~,-~ '~ : ..... ,,': ":,' c :{ h~ ' ~' r,{ Scuthiake, Texas, a~ the City C( c'i ] c,i the Ci:'0 r } S~ u~ lekc, Tex{s, after a].l legal not!ces, r~'on2 ! {P~ht-:l ~- ~ ,c~?if:c;nS i 'c, prer(zqulsJ t es having been complies : ~ · VtN~JRE, ! , t}.~ r'ity ('onrcJL of th, 2{ex, et Southlake, Texas, at a public 1]~ ~ it ~: c,,1]~-cl h, i! ~ Cit', CouNcil did consider the io]]owinq ~,:,ctcq: [~ n~,ki:]cl a !~ !: ~r~i::atic-P as to whether these (han~es sbt'linc h,. or %r re(! c; dc}hic~c; ~:[etv of tLe motoring public ~nd the p~c~-trJ :n? t'Fir, q {]e ~sciliflios in the area imstediateiy SUrlouHdi}lq tie {t(:H, F~,ift" ~]'O}e tier havards ahd damages, noise prodNci~q ,~'cn .... : ~:}d q]~re c f thc 'o} jc'ular and stat~c)nary liqh{s anO e~fe('t (.i 't,(':] ] {c} tr r!] t:stab]is:hed oharacte~ o~ the }~f. ichbo]]~e('d, lo~'atir n, ]iqhting and ty?es c}~ sJqns and relation of siqlts t:O t}0ffic cont~t] ahd ac~iaco}i property, street size and anequacv of width f,,r i } a:f ixe rcascpab!v expected to be generated bv thc ~,1 opc~s~ c] ln~ al oun(] th{: :ire and ill {]16t in~ediate , ~ ' tilt, f ermined bv rc. ouirements of thi~; c~di, ~ '' (c ] oli-:;tr,'~ ~ l,,':'lnq facilJ~ Jes, location of WNNPNAS, {h~ ('it~ ('ou!lcJ] c~I ~11~ ('ilv el South]a}?, Texas, at a p~b!~' h~ ar~nu (',~]1~'(] })y 4h, City Counoil of tho CJt,/ of c[ ~ if(fy iFon SdlUe, {bo ~ffect of adc qua'Lo lJflht a}ld air, the WN] }JiPS, the c'i~y Cot:nell o! tit, City of Southlake, Texas, lei rix r consJd~r~:d among other things th( character of the oiN4t !c'%s and th~i~ peculia~ suitability Ior particn]ar uses and the ~-iex~ to ccnserv( th6 value et ~he buildings, encouraqe the most app~,p~iate n~o oi {h~ ]and through~n~t obis City; anO, lqNi NJ~AS, the City Counci ! o[ thc City of Southlake, Texas, fi~e ti:at the}'~ is a public ]iecessity for the zoning cnahges, the pt~ !lc demaNcs them, that the public interest clearly require~ the amendment s , that the zoning changes do not ~N~redsc)} ably invade the rights of ~hose who bought or improved pzch{rty ~.~{h refercrc( to tile classification which existod at the ~h~ i~ oriql} ~ ] investment was maoe; and, N}i!N-RAS, th( City Council of t}'e City of Southlake, Texas, Soes find Chat the cha: qes in ?oninc lessen the congestion in the r~re,,ts, helms sc, cur~ s ]~'tv f~om fi~e, panic, and other dangers, }t son:, tar ti a hca]th $~ d <he gene~ ~I we] fare, provides adequate i jo} t ard -ir, pL,-~}~t thc nver--or(~wOing ol land, avoids nhdue WHEREAS, the Citu Council el the City ol South]aka, Texas, has dc~( rminod fhat they,, ~ ~ a neoessit,' and need f~r the chanqes zoning and has also found and determined tha~ there has been a (n'} F~,{~,,~c' in' {bt:, cc.n(,]~'~ ir}Ns of th{ property surroundinq and in close ~_~,c ef ]~no requested for a change prorJmitv to tho tract o:~ .... eo ' sJnc(: tile tract or {raots of l~nd wezra originally classified and therefore fac ls ~ ha~ the r~sp(~ctive chanqes in zoning c]rcsification for 1he t ra,~t or tracts of land are .,~eoed, are called for, at d are in thz best intorest of the public at larce, the citizehs ()f the City of South]aka, T.>,d~, and helps promote the (:el~cral health, saf~{,' and welfare of th~~ cemmuniiv. NON, TIIERklFORE, Bi' vT ORDAI,~FD BY ThE CITY LObNCI], OF ThR CITY OF ,(iOIFI'lJLAKt~, .... ~ (' ' Sect ion ] . That O1 dinance No. 480, the Zo~ inq Ordinance of the Cil v of Southllak~:, Texas, .... ' ' ~ the ]9th dav ef September, ] 98'~ , a s ol igJ na] ] V adoj ,f ed a~ld amerxN'd, i s hereby amended and ' o ' Subsee~Jol;, Pa}ac]r;~phs Senteuc('5 Definition, PhraF~(ls, la.~.r: }~, inq appr<)ximately a %.23 i~cr(; tract of land out c)i th< 'YhomaF. H. }!cod Snrvc'v, ANsi] sct No. '7{){;, Tract 8N, and mo]~ iu] Iv ~nd completely ch'sc] Jbcd in ~}:h~),i{ "A" from A(~} cult ur,-~] Zeroing District t:$~s tc Residential Estate Lo}, t~n I)J st} J ct uses in ae(:ordance with thc exhibit attad~ed h~ zero, and Jncorporat~d herein, ahd with the s'} ( ~ ; ] ic reouJ~.r{(n{ s co~ rained in th( Ordinance. Sec{ J ~} i . %'h( (lit', Hanaqer is h~reby directed to correct the o:~icie] : eT ]n~ dtst]ic'± map.q ef the City el South]ake, Te;:as, te Secfion 3. That iii all other respects the use of the tract or %rac s of z{ nd }'¢reiT ah'eve describ(d shall be su}~ject te al! the Rppl]cab]e regulations contained tn said Zoning Ordinanc( and all o~h~ ap~;] icabl ~: a~d p~-~r t ingot ordJ Dances for the City of Sont~ take, q~xas. Se~ J or: 4. ~hat the zoning recul ations and. districts as h( z~n estak ] i shed ha',e been made in accordance with the c ~ -thc ~','e ~ 1.~ ~ ~( ~ the pu~pos~ o~ promo~ iTC th~ hoe]th, sa2ety, · -~ L, i s ~nd t}~' geheral wei~are of the ccmnunity. The'~ have been O~:si,~::cd, v.{th rea]cc: to both p:-osent conditions and the ccnclticns reasonably anticipated tn ~xist in the ioreseeable fu{ur~ , to lesser: congestion in tho streets, to provide adequate lin} ~ srld ~ii, 1o }}"~sent ower-crowdino of !and, eo ~void undue ',.~c~ :~tlatlen o! p~ptiati<w:; to ~acJl,t~{.~' the adeqnate provis~ons ?~ev have h{ en fade wiCh reasonable sui tability for the particular uses at d w{th a vinw et conserving the value of buildings and ~qicouraqJ nc the mos: appropriate use of land throughout the Se,-tie: 5. 'Phis ordinance shall 13( cumulative of alt other ordi,-anc~s ~,f the City of South!ake, Texas, affecting zoning and net rq:,~ al any of the provisienR of Raid ordinances exce})e Jn instances wher~ pi ovisions of those ordinances are in direct c~nflict with the prcvi~4ons of this ordinance. Se-tieD 6. shat the terms and provJ sleds oi thi s ordinance ~!}ai i b{ d~-(m~'d te L,e severable and that if the validity ef the ::( ming aff(cting any portion of thc tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declar{d to be invalid, the same shall tier alJect the va!Jdity of the zoning of the balance ei said tract et ~ ra('ts o ]and describ( d herein. S~<'tion 7. Any p<,rson vlo]atinq any of the provisions of this crd:na:,<'~ ~ha]] bn dc'£'lr,i'd Guilty of a misdemeanor and upon -3 not to e×cee~ Two I ~( t thaL {h,- ].rosa.Pt ;'oninq ordinance and ('iiv are' inadequale to properly safeguard the .: ~] }', peace and qeneral welfare of the ['[tN, CNOatch dn omezgency for the immediate City of the public business, property, health, ~.!ldre of the public which requires that th{s ~ c ~:r.e e2fective from and after the date of ifs it is accordingly so ordained. 7]'PROVi<D on tile 1st ~(.aoir q the .,]~R~\~D on the 2nd reading da~, of the ,~- day of C~,x of Southlake -4- ! 2[ 2c2 ~ AC I 4.69 AC Group, Inc. (David Habib Darrell Youmg & L. C~qone SF-1 Rcm St ac:y T~ 8F 1 AG R. Stac)i AG Seebec~ T~ ~G AG J.9. Rarxsey AG 3. I)av idso~ AG ~ 5 ACa~ AC HIGHLAND STFIEEF a 9 ~L i.50 AL~ Fort Worth Star-Telegram • 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 IE STATE OF TEXAS county of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared ROSALIE RIVERA Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT JAN 07 6444406 CL . 358 1X107L 107 . 35 37 . 45 january 7 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS ORDINANCE NO.480-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 480, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH- ___ _ LAKE, TEXAS, GRANT- 1- ING A ZONING CHANGE li ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATE- LY A 5.23 ACRE TRACT ,� OF LAND OUT OF THE V THOMASM.HOOD SUR- TRAtT88H,RAND MORLACT ' E D SUBSCRIBED FULLY AND COM- BEFORE ME , T -I—S THE 10 DAY OF J,�[v[J 1990. PLETELY DESCRIBED i IN EXHIBIT"A" FROM N- NOTARY PUBLIC ING DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL USESZ TO ING DISTRICT TO RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONING DISTR ICT USES ---- IN ACCORDANCE WITH TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS TACHEDTHE HI HERETO BIT AT- 7�q r WITH THE SPECIFIC ' tn�r Sl E A. RUSSEtI -----•---- REQUIREMENTS CON- �- COMMISSION EXPIRES 01 AFFIDAVITS TAINED IN THIS ORDI- NANCE CORRECTING4241117 OCTOBER 27, 1993 THE OFFICIAL ZONING 1 Z .._.-..-".._ _ MAP PRESERVING • ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDI- NANCE;PROVIDING A C SEVERABILITY CLAUSE,- DETERMIN• ING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS 'ERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT I, AND GENERAL WEL- FARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PRO- NOTINO EXCEED THE a REMIT TO : 400 W • SEVENTH , FW , TX 76102 FSUM OF TWO THOU • - ANDDOLLARSorWoriRATE OFFENSE AND A WA- elegrani HFMIT -Mt, g(,,}TG�(�Az{1y3lu F�1aTX1A{(J{�?}I'XTFiGAA 76197 RATE OFFENSE SHALL 7C 1C 11�1C/C Jl 1171 1�ll Jl 1171 ll 7h IC7C 1C71 BE DEEMED COMMIT- TED UPON EACH DAY DURING ON OCCURS ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6444406 ANDPROVIDINGANEF- NUMBER CIT57 DUE 37 . 45 FECTIVE DATE. Section 7.Any person vlolat- PAGE gF 1 ing any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shal I be fined in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a viola- tion occurs or continues. Section 8. The fact that the present zoning ordinance and regulations of the City a re inad- equate to properly safeguard CITY the health, safety, morals • ORIGIN A Peace and general welfare of• PLEASE PAY 6 6 7 the inhabitants of the City,cre- ► 37 . 45 ates an emergency for the Im-pTHIS AMOUNT S O U T ty ofie theepublicon businesof the s, TX 76092 0 property, health, safety and A general welfare of the public E G R A N D which requires that this ordi- nance shall become effective from and after the date of Its fl- nal passage,and itisaccording- PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED ly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED PASSED AND APPRUvtu onthe2ndreadingthe2nddayof January,1990. PASSED AND APPROVED THISTHE 2ndDAYOF JANU- AR Y,1990. Mayor Gary Fickes ATTEST:Sandra L.LeGrand, City Secretary Approved as to form:E.Allen Taylor,City Attorney Fort Worth Star-Telegram • 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 E STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared RfJSALIE RIVERA Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star—Telegram , published by the Star—Telegram Inc • at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT INCH/LINE E DEC 22 6439148 CL • 358 1X76 L 76 • 35 26 . 60 december 22 NOTICE OF "..... PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby given to all In- terested persons that the City Texas�Iwill of hbeholdinga Public Hearing on January 2 199p during the regular City C�ouncll Meeting,667 North Ca r rol I Ave, ,... Southlake,Texas. uro thehearIn Is to sIder theosecond reatlin9 on inhe following Ordinances. OR b ORDINANCE N0.48dpg 41.1),,i/t, y AMENDINGDINAN ORDI- NANCE NO 480 RHE ZONING ORDINANCE _ IGNED OF THEOFGRANT- S U B S C R I B f IL TO BEFORE ME , THIS THE 26 DAY OF I* * •ER 1989. NG A•ZOTEXAS NING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT NOTARY PUBLIC ����-__-�� .".__. OR TRACTS OF LAND ......a �,r✓2O-C -� WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATE- LYA5.23 ACRE TRACT TAY•kh TARRANT COJNTY, TEXAS- OF LAND OUT OF THE '�' .;,$ SUE A, RUSSELL VE°BS RACO HOOD - ( �' '' COMMISSION EXPIRES , TRACT AND k >\ t»s� 01 AFFIDAVITS • 00 FULLY BHAND COM ���' CCTOQER 27, 1993 NLEXHIBITETELY DES FIBED thf.,"". AGRICULTURAL ZON- ING DISTRICT USES TO ZONINGDISTRICTUSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXHIBIT AT- WITH THE SPECIFIOC THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT '- REQUIREMENTS CON- TAINED IN THIS ORDI- NANCE, CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OFTHEZONINGORDI-ort 4, REMIT TO : 400 U . SEVENTH, FW, TX 76102 NANCE;PROVIDING A 7 SEVERABILITY REMIT TO: " P.O. BOX 970734 • FORT WORTH TEXAS 76197 ING THAT THE CLAUSE; DETERMIN- r.Telegrain XXXXXXXXXXX. . XXXXXXXXXXX INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WEL- ACCOUNT AMOUNT ZONING CHANGES AND NUMBER DUE 64391 AMENDMENTS CIT57 26 • 60 HEREIN MADE; PRO- VIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE PAGE OF SUM OF TWO THOU- 1 SAND DOLLARS ($200000) AND A SEPA- RATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMIT- TED UPON EACH DAY DURINGORONWHICHA VIOLATION OCCURS, AND PROVIDINGAN EF- FECTIVE DATE. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINA PLEASE PAY 667 N CARROLL THIS AMOUNT III° 26 • 60 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED